University of Leeds

45529505905500UK Liver Pathology Group Committee meeting. Thursday 7th November 2019 8am.Present: Stefan Hubscher, Ali Winstanley, Graeme Murray, Rob Goldin, Rosa Miquel, Tim Kendall, Alyn Cratchley, Adrian Bateman, Paul Kelly, Judy Wyatt, Apologies: Dina Tiniakos, Nathan Asher, Rachel Brown (delayed by traffic). Agenda:Minutes of previous meeting – accepted.Education and training - AWAW had circulated a summary of the telephone meeting on 5th November (attached). Liver biopsy in the assessment of medical liver disease – all prepared for 5th March. The information and link for registration is in the BASL newsletter, and will be promoted among the hepatology trainees. Action: JW to contact Ian Rowe and Simon Rushbrook. Histopathology workshop on liver pathology – this will follow on the 6th March, as last year with the option to hire iPads for slide viewing on the day. Annual liver pathology update meeting - Plans for 2020 meeting – this will be in Manchester, date to be arranged. Lucy Foster will be the local organiser for the liver day, Nic Mapstone for the GI day.Links with the BSG: SH outlined discussions that had taken place involving JW, SH and members of the BSG Pathology Section committee. The BSG is seeking to increase membership of its Pathology section as the national body representing GI Pathology. There is a proposal that to encourage this the winter GI pathology meeting will be offered at a much reduced registration fee to BSG members, based on questionnaire evidence that this would encourage more to join. It is not anticipated that the registration fee for non-members would change. This will be further discussed at a BSG Pathology Section committee meeting on 11th November. Other meetings: Glasgow 2020 – the joint meeting of the ESP (32nd Congress) and IAP (23rd Congress) Aug 29th – Sept 2nd. Two liver session programmes proposed by SH and Christine Sempoux - one on primary epithelial neoplasms and the other on the evolving role of liver biopsy in 2020 - have been accepted by the Scientific Committee. The next step will be to invite speakers. The overall programme will be available soon. It was noted that the meeting was Sunday – Weds, over the August Bank Holiday in England (not a Bank Holiday in Scotland). There is an invitation to specialist EQA schemes to hold review meetings as satellites during Glasgow 2020 – see below. Royal Free Hospital 6th December 2019, liver lesions – being organised by AQ - there is information on the UKLPG website.Transplant meeting BLTG 8-9th September 2020 in Plymouth – see below. Paediatric meeting - organised by Maesha Deheragoda – every two years, planned for 2020, also planning to have educational slide set on line. Other teaching resources summarised in the subcommittee minutes. Quality Subcommittee – RB Liver EQA scheme - There had been 94 responses for LT and 84 for LQ, collated by RB, PK, AB and JW, being presented today. There will be live voting on a MCQ version of the cases using Mentimeter to support the educational value of the EQA sessions for non-EQA members. These MCQ versions will then be put on line as an educational resource. We will need cases for next year’s circulations. Proposal for next year to include an EQA meeting in Glasgow Pathology 2020. A message from Ray McMahon was circulated with the agenda, inviting specialist EQA schemes to hold one of their review meetings as a satellite during the Glasgow meeting – the venue and audio-visual support would be provided by the ESP/IAP. The purpose was two-fold – to encourage attendance at the meeting from EQA members, and to provide overseas delegates with an opportunity to experience EQA review meetings – copy of e mail from R McMahon attached below. The view of the committee was that the discussion of both annual circulations was an important part of the winter meeting, and there was a risk of the EQA meeting being non-quorate if it were held during the Glasgow meeting, where the audience could be dominated by non-members. The committee concluded that the EQA should remain within the winter meeting, (as it has been since 2010). It was proposed that an example EQA meeting could be arranged to illustrate how the scheme provides CPD by constructing an on line set of cases drawn from previous circulations, inviting responses from meeting delegates. The subcommittee will consider this further. Action: quality subcommittee to discuss. RCPath documents - Liver Dataset - this was deferred pending the WHO blue book, published in July 2019, and will be completed after the Tissue Pathways has been submitted, aiming for during 2020. JW speaking about both documents during the liver update meeting today. Tissue Pathways for medical liver biopsies. This is being produced in parallel with multidisciplinary BSG Liver Biopsy guidelines, led by James Neuberger and co-badged with the Royal Colleges of Radiologists and Pathologists. Both are nearing the final draft stage and anticipated to complete in 2020. Research – TKDT was away at the AASLD meeting. TK reported that there had not been progress with the project on animal models of hepatocellular neoplasms since the last meeting due to other commitments. Trainee representatives NA is standing down from the committee, so we need to find replacements for all three trainee members. From discussion – we aim to have a geographical spread, the members are part of the full committee and join in the subcommittees according to their interest. For expressions of interest, trainees will be invited to send a one page summary of their experience to the secretary, and in the event of more than three being received, the UKLPG committee will chose the most suitable; others would be invited to join a subcommittee. JW will include this in the letter to members accompanying the minutes. Action: JWACr reported that the Twitter account (@UKLiverPath) was in use, and attracting new followers (Started at 18 followers during our committee meeting, which increased to 37 followers by the end of Friday meeting). Use will be predominantly to advertise meetings/conferences, EQA deadlines and links to educational material on the UKLPG website. Should be of interest to trainees and consultants. Please contact ACr if there is anything you wish to be 'tweeted'Transplant - TKBritish Liver Transplant Group. BLTG meeting in Glasgow, 17-18 September 2019. The Pathology breakout session had been attended by about 10 pathologists and also a similar number of clinicians for the second part. The first part of the meeting was an update, using slides provided by Desley Neil, on the donor biopsy steatosis assessments for which there had been 59 international participants. This study was also presented at the Banff meeting, which took place in Pittsburgh from 23-27 September. It was hoped that this study could lead to clearer definitions and criteria and thus to improved reproducibility. Quantitation using the digital images is also being explored. The second part of the meeting included presentations of enlightening cases from 6 of the transplant centres, broadly on the theme of recurrent disease. These presentations will be uploaded to the Transplant page of the UKLPG website. Next year’s meeting BLTG Meeting, Plymouth, September 8-9th, preceding the BASL meeting. This will include reports from the 2019 Banff meeting, and also further discussion of the donor steatosis study. Action: JW will approach Plymouth pathologists to identify a local organiser. b. National Digital Pathology on call service – update. This is being taken forward by Derek Manas and Desley Neil with the aim of providing a national specialist on call service for donor frozen sections based on digital images; a team of around 10 pathologists for each of 9 specialties will be available to contact by NHSBT as required. The current PITHIA study assessing renal grafts using digital whole slide imaging of pre-transplant biopsies is acting as a pilot for the proposed new service. Leads for each specialty have been identified, and a meeting is planned for early in 2020. c. BLTG UK Guidelines for Liver Transplantation. TK indicated that Derek Manas as chair of BLTG is writing this guidelines document. 7. Paediatric – RBThere is a plan to establish a web-based educational resource of interesting paediatric liver cases, being led by Maesha Deheragoda, Jens Stahlschmidt and RB. The details are under discussion. Treasurer - GMGM had submitted the accounts, indicating that subscriptions were being received from 29 members. The current balance is ?1422.16 in credit. The only expenditure in the last year was for advertising the group’s annual activities in the ACP News. It was noted that this one page summary of our annual activities was also useful for other purposes. The arrangements for subscriptions are included in the members’ questionnaire (see below). Business/membership/constitution -The UKLPG questionnaire had been sent in September with a reminder in October but so far there have been only 11 responses. The questionnaire covers liver pathology service delivery, training, CPD, website, UKLPG business and liver EQA feedback. The low response is disappointing – 9/11 said it took <10 minutes to complete. JW thought it provided very useful information looking ahead to the publication of the Pathways and Dataset documents next year, and also the collection of feedback about the EQA scheme. It is also intended to encourage involvement in the activities of the UKLPG; our aim is to be inclusive and sustainable. Therefore the plan is to further encourage members to complete the survey rather than close it at this stage. Anyone interested in joining one of the subcommittees can find out more information by emailing the chairs via the website link. SH mentioned that there had previously been a representative for people not working in specialist liver centres, and suggested that we should aim to re-establish this. With regard to changing subcommittee chairs – it was agreed that we should aim to increase sub-committee membership first, current chairs would continue, and there should be a staggered transition. On discussion, it was proposed to elect subcommittee chairs by the members of that subcommittee, rather than the election by all UKLPG members, as had been done to establish the committees when the group was set up.Links with other organisations BASL – TKDr Guru Aithal will replace Dr Mathew Cramp as BASL president. BASL have established two additional special interest groups for which they have requested pathology representatives; for NAFLD and AIH. RG volunteered for NAFLD and SH for AIH, noting that SH and DT are already involved in activities related to the UK-AIH research groupAction: TK to inform BASL of SIG pathology representatives. BSG has asked HCC-UK to provide new HCC guidelines – SH.SH said that he and DT had drafted the pathology section of the HCC guidelines, which were nearly complete, but that other sections were still in progress. HCC-UK Committee pathology representative –SHThis Committee had met during the BASL meeting in September. The 2020 meeting of HCC-UK will be in London on 12-13th March, focussing on “questioning current clinical practice”; it is not anticipated to include a significant pathology component. NHSBT Liver Advisory Group proposal for standardised radiological reporting of HCC. – SH. The remit of this group has changed. It will now become a fixed term working group (FTWG) to provide recommendations regarding minimal listing criteria for transplant for HCC, under the overall umbrella of HCC –UK. It is not anticipated that this FTWG will require significant input from pathology.IAP/ESP joint meeting, Glasgow 29th August – September 2nd 2020. - see above.AOB: - noneMeeting dates for 2020: suggested dates for Tuesdays 3-4.30pm, March 10 or 24th; July 7 or 14th JW&SGH 15.11.19Email from Ray McMahon, 15.10.19:“Dear EQA Scheme OrganiserAs I hope you already know, we in the BDIAP with our colleagues in the European Society of Pathology are putting together a very large international congress in Glasgow at the end of August/beginning of September in 2020. We are very keen to involve the UK EQA schemes in this meeting, as you are world leaders in the ways in which you ensure the governance of our discipline and more importantly, do so in a very ‘humane’ way. We would like to invite you to run a scheme meeting in parallel with the Glasgow 2020 meeting, to be held at the Scottish Events Campus between Saturday 29 August to Wednesday 2 September 2020. Insofar as possible we will try to link EQA Scheme meetings to the days on which the specialty areas are having sessions without clashes. These will be in parallel with the main meeting and participants in EQA schemes do not necessarily have to register at the main meeting; we intend to run the EQA at the Crowne Plaza hotel next door to the SECC. However we would hope that the content of the meeting would attract your members to attend the main meeting (EQA participation only will not allow access to main programme: 4 days solid CME/CPD for only €450 on early bird). Please get in touch to let us know if you would like to link your annual EQA scheme to the Glasgow meeting in 2020.I understand that different schemes have variable funding arrangements, some self-sustaining and others requiring more support. The BDIAP will underwrite the Crowne Plaza expenses but schemes with intrinsic funds should contribute to the costs in discussion with the BDIAP team.?Best wishes.Ray on behalf of Glasgow 2020 Scientific Committee and BDIAP?UK Liver Pathology Group Teaching subcommittee meeting agenda 5th November 2019 3.00-4.00pm.Department of cellular pathology, UCLH, LondonPresent: Dr Ali Winstanley, Alyn Cratchley, Judy Wyatt, Tim Kendall, Graeme Murray, Rosa MiquelApologies:1. Minutes of previous meeting March 2019 – 2. Current CPD related training opportunities;a. Transplant meeting as part of the BLTG, 17th and 18th September 2019, Glasgow – went well; case presentations from 6 transplant centres. Joined by hepatologists for case discussions. The presentations will be put on the Leeds website. Next year’s meeting is in Plymouth.b. Liver update meeting – Cambridge on the 7th Novemberc. Royal free hospital – Liver lesions, 6th December 2019 at the Royal Freed. 29th August to 2nd Sept 2020 IAP and ESP joint Congress (in Glasgow) – Stefan as co-organiser. Two half day programmes for liver pathology. As an addition they have proposed that one of the Liver EQA schemes discussions could be run as a satellite meeting.e. Liver biopsy in the assessment of medical liver disease and liver biopsy interpretation workshopmeetings on 5th and 6th March 2020 – organisation in progress.f. ?? Another paediatric course at end of November or beginning of December 2020g. Any other meetings3. Feedback from most recent meetings – Maesha Deheragoda is planning on doing an educational slide set for paediatrics using a digital platform – not yet established.4. Increasing the availability of available teaching resources; a. Liver EQA scanned slides – aiming to put this year’s circulation on the ‘MCQ version’ – see example LS interactive MCQ from last year b. FRCPath Part 1 part of the website – the interactiveFRCPath part one slides an dMCQs have been uploaded c. FRCPath Part 2 part of the website – in progress d. Show stoppers – we now have two show stoppers 5. Any teaching related activities from other subcommittees. 6. AOB – Nathan Asher has stepped down as trainee representative – how do we go about replacing him?We now have no trainee representatives for either the teaching or research subcommittees.Tim, Graeme, and Ali to ask for expressions of interest with the regional deaneries and a request for expression of interest will be made at the meeting this Thursday.7. Date of next meeting TBC AW 05/11/19 ................

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