Online Supplementary Material

Online supplementary Figure 1. Adjusted* relative risk (RR) of adverse outcomes in individuals with troponin levels > 99th percentile value for a healthy population versus individuals with undetectable levels, excluding participants with previous/current cardiovascular disease


*Adjusted for age, gender and race, smoking status, BMI, presence of diabetes mellitus, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, antihypertensive medication use. Additional adjustments include:

Saunders: hs-CRP, BNP and eGFR

deFilippi: CVD mortality model- coronary heart disease, CRP, NT-proBNP

HF model- albumin and creatinine concentration coronary heart disease, heart rate, and left ventricle hypertrophy on electrocardiogram.

de Lemos: hs-CRP , GFR, NT-proBNP

Leistner: hscRP, NT-proBNP,eGFR

Sundstrom: previous myocardial infarction (MI), MI during follow up, NT-proBNP

Zethelius: lipid lowering treatment

Online Supplementary Figure 2. Adjusted* relative risk (RR) of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality for troponin detection > 99th percentile reference value vs undetected for studies using the Roche hs-CTnT assay


*Adjusted for age, gender and race, smoking status, BMI, presence of diabetes mellitus, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, antihypertensive medication use.

Online Supplementary Table 1. Adjusted relative risk (RR) of clinical outcomes when assessing cardiac troponin T or I as a continuous variable

|Author |Troponin Assay |Continuous |Adjusted for |Adjusted RR (95% Cl) |

| | |Definition | | |

| | | |All cause mortality |CVD mortality |Incident heart failure |Non-fatal CHD |All CVD events | |deFilippi, et al1 |hs-cTnT (Roche) |1-ln increment |CVRF* |- |1.54

(1.44,1.67) |1.44

(1.33,1.55) |- |- | |de Lemos, et al 2 |hs-cTnT (Roche) |1-ln increment |CVRF+ BNP |1.5

(1.1,1.9) |not provided |- |- |- | |Eggers et al9 |hs-CTnT (Roche) |1-In increment |CVRF +BNP |1.1

(1.0,1.3) |1.2

(1.0,1.5) |- |- |- | |McKie et al10 |Hs-cTnI (Singulex) |1-S.D increment |CVRF +BNP |1.15

(0.98-1.33) |- |1.42

(1.20-1.68) |- |- | |Zeller et al11 |hs-cTnI (Abbott) |Cubic root transform |CVRF |- |1.37

(1.24,1.50) |- |- |1.28

(1.18 ,1.38) | |Eggers et al12 |hs-cTnI (Abbott) |1-In increment |CVRF |- |1.66 |- |- |- | |Wang et al13 |hs-cTnI (Singulex) |1 S.D. increment |CVRF |1.16

(1.07,1.26) |- |1.28

(1.14-1.45) |- |1.18

(1.07,1.29) | |Sundstrom et al 3 |cTnI (Beckman) |per 10ng/L |CVRF + BNP |- |- |1.22

(1.11,1.34) |- |- | |  | |  |CVRF only |- |- |1.26

(1.15,1.38) |- |- | |Zethelius et al4 |cTnI (Beckman) |1 S.D. increment |CVRF |1.36

(1.24,1.50) |1.60

(1.41,1.82) |- |1.31

(1.11,1.54) † |- | |Blankenberg et al 5 |cTnI (Abbott) |1 S.D. increment |CVRF |- |- |- |- |FINRISK97 cohort:

Men 1.18

(1.09,1.28) | | | | | | | | | |FINRISK 97 cohort: Women 1.10

(0.99,1.22) | | | | | | | | | |PRIME cohort:

1.107 (1.01,1.21) | | ln= natural logarithm

S.D. = Standard Deviation

n.a. The outcome was not examined in the study

* CVRF= Cardiovascular risk factors including age, gender, race, BMI, smoking status, diabetes, hypertension, HDL and total cholesterol. Additional adjustments included:

deFilippi: CVD morality outcome- coronary heart disease

HF outcome- albumin and creatinine concentration, coronary heart disease, heart rate, and left ventricle hypertrophy on electrocardiogram.

de Lemos: hs-CRP , GFR

Sundstrom: antihypertensive treatment, previous myocardial infarction (MI) and MI during follow-up

Zethelius: antihypertensive and lipid lowering treatment

Blankenberg: antihypertensive and lipid lowering treatment

† This data comes from an earlier study by Zethelius6 on the USLAM cohort


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