Socratic Seminar--The Crucible.docx

Socratic Seminar Questions--The CrucibleName:____________________________________Directions: Come prepared to engage in a Socratic seminar on the topics below. You will need to give specific responses to at least three of the discussion prompts to earn full credit. I will take notes on your discussion in class and award points for the following: Comments that incorporate direct and specific textual references to the text.Your ability to move the discussion along without prompting from the teacher.Your ability to think beyond the obvious and apply the prompts in a meaningful and insightful way to specific scenes from the text. Note: The more you contribute to the discussion, the better chance you have of earning full credit.1. In what way does The Crucible reveal a primitive judicial system in pre-constitutional colonial times? What aspects of the modern American judicial system seem to be a reaction to the rule of law in 17th century Salem?2. The Crucible is loaded with irony. Choose at least one example of irony in the play and elaborate on the type of irony demonstrated (verbal, situational, or dramatic) and the context in which this ironic statement or event occurs.3. One of Arthur Miller’s trademarks as an American playwright is his use of stage directions that call for specific emotional responses and cues from an actor. Pick a scene from The Crucible and discuss how the omission or altering of Miller’s stage directions could have resulted in a very different interpretation of that scene. 4. As we saw in Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, Puritans incorporated biblical allusions and imagery into their everyday language. How is this also evident in The Crucible? Discuss examples that reveal not only the Puritan culture but the underpinnings of Puritan theology as well.5. Evaluate The Crucible as a tragedy according to the definitions we’ve discussed in class. Choose a character and argue why this character may be the most tragic figure in the play.6. How does the play’s title suggest all of the story’s internal and external conflicts. Discuss the different meanings of the word “crucible” and their applications to the play.7. Choose one passage of dialogue from The Crucible and discuss how this passage contributes to a theme of the play. Consider some of the short monologues in Acts II-IV where certain characters give insight into their motivations or thought processes.8. Although The Crucible has been read primarily as an allegory of the Red Scare hearings of the 1950s, how might The Crucible also speak to audiences in our time? In fact, this play is currently experiencing a Broadway revival, earning multiple Tony nominations and critical acclaim. What makes this play relevant over sixty years after its publication? Name:__________________________________________________Date:______________________________________Socratic Seminar:? Participant Rubric ? A Level Participant 10094Participant offers enough solid analysis, without prompting, to move the conversation forwardParticipant offers insightful and specific comments (at least three) to further the discussion. ??????? Participant, through his or her comments, demonstrates a deep knowledge of the text and the question ? ??????? Participant has come to the seminar prepared??????? Participant, through his or her comments, shows that s/he is actively listening to other participants ? ??????? S/he offers clarification and/or follow-up that extends the conversation???????? Participant’s remarks often refer back to specific parts of the text. ? B Level Participant 8983??????? Participant offers solid analysis without prompting ??????? Through his or her comments, participant demonstrates a good knowledge of the text and the question ??????? Participant has come to the seminar prepared ??????? Participant shows that s/he is actively listening to others.? S/he offers clarification and/or follow-up ? C Level Participant 7973???????? Participant offers some analysis, but needs prompting from the seminar leader ??????? Through his or her comments, participant demonstrates a general knowledge of the text and question ??????? Participant is less prepared ??????? Participant is actively listening to others, but does not offer clarification and/or follow-up to others’ comments ??????? Participant relies more upon his or her opinion, and less on the text to drive his or her comments ? D or F Level Participant 65, 50, or 0???????? Participant offers little commentary??????? Participant comes to the seminar ill-prepared with little understanding of the text and question ??????? Participant does not listen to others, offers no commentary to further the discussion????? ................

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