Strategy - Western Michigan University

|Strategy: Hand Gestures |

|Appropriate Grade Level: K-6 |

|Procedures/Steps: |

|The following hand motions help students to predict, question, clarify, and summarize whole reading: |

|Predict- move hand around a pretend crystal ball. While moving hands around the crystal ball have students predict what is next by |

|looking at the picture clues and from clues in the text that was just read |

|Question- have students pretend they are using a microphone by making a fist and holding it up to their mouth as they ask questions|

|about the text |

|Clarify- have students make glasses by forming circles with their hands putting them up to their eyes. Glasses help students |

|visualize and clarify words and ideas they read. Another way students can clarify reading is to make a pause button by bending both|

|their arms at the elbow and raising them parallel to each other. Students can motion their left and right hands as rewind (reread) |

|and fast forward (keep reading) buttons. Pausing to clarify can help students think about what just happened or figure out |

|difficult words. |

|Summarize- students can pretend to twirl a lasso over their head to rope in the main ideas of the text and then summarize them. |

|Another gesture is to take a pretend picture of the main ideas and make camera noises as students take a snapshot of the summary |

|Comments and/or tips: Provide students with visual reminders by having pictures of the gestures next to the words. Post up in the |

|classroom so it’s easy for students to see |

|Source: |

|Rope them in with hand gestures. (2010, December). The Reading Teacher, 64(4), 282- |

|284. |


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