
Assignments for Literature MethodsJanuary – May 2018(Five marks per day will be deducted for late submissions!!!)Panel Discussion (20 marks)Due Date: Tuesday, January 2345 minutes to one hourOne Panel (4 persons)Moderator (an invited guest)Literature teacher PrincipalStudentParent Scenario: 1. Teachers are concerned that students do not have their literature texts (particularly, the novels) and so it is difficult to cover the syllabus. In addition, the classes are large and the students complain that the books are boring and they do not see the relevance of doing literature. They refuse to do reading assignments, adding to the frustration of theteachers. The panel discussion is therefore geared at addressing the problem. Grade Scheme: Relevance of Ideas (4) Feasibility of Solutions (4) Time management (3) Use of English (6) Team work (3)Micro-Teaching (20 marks)All lesson plans must be submitted on Tuesday, February 13.Students will work individually for this assignment.TeamsDatesGradesTopicsSaraTuesday February 137PoetryKevonTuesday February 138ProseDoniqueThursday February 159DramaJusellaTuesday February 2010ProseEach person will plan a one hour lesson, but teach for 40-45 minutes and explain the nature of the evaluation activity. The evaluation should be submitted in the following class. Grade Scheme: Lesson Plan – Objectives (3) Summary of Content (3) Steps/Procedures (6) Evaluation (3) Use of English (5) Micro Teaching – Five E’s Activities (6), Time Management (3) Psycho- Social Environment (3) Use of English (5) Instructional Materials (3) Final Grade: an average of the two gradesEssay (20 marks)Due Date: Tuesday, February 27Use 450 – 500 words to do one of the following essays under test conditions:A set of grade nine students and their parents are questioning the importance of doing literature since the students find it boring. Write a speech to be delivered at a P.T.A. meeting convincing them of the value of studying literature.A set of grade eight students have not bought literature texts, saying that they cannot afford them. Write a proposal document for the principal suggesting ways of addressing this problem.The grades ten and eleven students at your school are disgruntled because the school has made it compulsory for all students to do CXC CSEC English A and B. Write a speech to convince them of the value of doing literature as well as English Language.Grade Scheme: Content (10) Use of English (6) Organization and Style (4)Resource Manual (40 marks)Due Date: April 26Individual Work A list of 10 assessment activities for grades 7 to 11 (2 per grade level) and covering poetry, prose and drama (at least 2 activities for each)A list of 15 literature texts (3 per grade level – 7 to 11 and having poetry, prose and drama per grade level. Use one paragraph per text to explain its pilation of six lesson plans (2 per genre, including both short story and novel and covering grades 7 to 11)Compilation of six enrichment activities (to be done outside of class as homework or projects to enhance what is taught in class) – two per genre and covering grades 7 – 11For each activity students should provide a name, identify the grade level, use one paragraph to explain how it would be done and use one paragraph to explain its effectiveness. Graphics and illustrations may be used to give further clarification.The manual should have an introduction, table of contents and references.Grade Scheme: Assessment Activities – 50 marks (5 for each activity)List of literature texts – 45 marks (3 for each text)Lesson Plans – 60 marks (10 for each plan – 5 for content, 3 for use of English and 2 for organization)Enrichment Activities 60 marks (10 for each activity)An average of the grades will be used and it will provide 40% of the overall grade for the course. ................

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