CSCI 467

CSCI 475 & 675

Spring 2015 Assignments

Read this handout carefully – students in prior semesters have failed to read the assignments carefully and have been penalized because they did not hand in the appropriate deliverables.

Coding Assignments

All coding assignments must be posted on the server for grading, not submitted on disc or flash drive. Getting your account on the server working correctly and FTPing to it can be tricky, so you should test FTPing to your account in the second week of class (your webspace won’t yet work in the first week), as specified on the syllabus, well before the assignment is due so that we can work out any problems. (You will not be given an extension on Assignment 1 if you don’t have the FTP process working by the due date.) Refer to the “How to FTP to Your Class Directory” handout on the class website. If you are having problems FTPing to your server space, please follow all the directions again, very carefully – a single tiny mistake in setting up your webspace will break the entire webspace. Refer to the “Troubleshooting” section at the end of the FTP handout on my website if you have problems.

Web Site Analysis (WSA) 1-4 (25 points each, 100 points total)

What to turn in: Turn in a printed copy in class and also email a copy of your file to both our TA and me as backup. WSAs do not need to be posted to your webspace – we will be grading the printed copy.

Evaluate the following websites (one website for each of the four assignments on the schedule at the end of the syllabus) using the WSA evaluation form available on the class web site. Enter a grade in the center collumn for each item row, as well as comments on the right explaining why you think the item is handled well or poorly. Delete the questions/suggestions in the comments area – they are just there as hints about what you should think about, and you do not necessarily need to answer each one of them. The following websites for your evaluations:

• WSA #1: Crate and Barrel

• WSA #2: NIU’s Undergraduate Admissions

• WSA #3: Jaguar

• WSA #4: Nat’s on Maple restaurant

Much of this evaluation is subjective, so we won’t be evaluating your opinions as long as it seems that you put some serious thought into the evaluation. The point of these assignments is to make you think about web design issues by looking at both good and bad sites. You should try to think like someone who came to the site for a purpose – was that purpose easy to accomplish? For instance, someone going to a chain restaurant site would probably want to locate a restaurant and check out the menu.

It is expected that your very first WSA may lack detail and insight, because you are new to evaluating web design and the class lectures have not yet discussed most of the issues. And, in fact, there may be things on the WSA form that you don’t yet understand, because we haven’t yet discussed the topic in class. For instance, you won’t yet know how to evaluate the CSS or JavaScript issues until later in the semester, so just leave that area blank. However, your WSAs should show increasing insight and sophistication as the semester progresses.

Website design is a lot like interior decorating. I'm sure that many of you have seen TV shows and magazine articles that focus on the style of decoration, such as traditional, contemporary, Victorian, etc. The narrators go into detail about the colors, textures, and choice of furniture, window treatments, and accessories. They talk about the way the furniture is arranged to allow a good flow through the room for entertainment or to form an intimate setting for conversation. In general, they try to explain how each item in the room, large or small, contributes to the style or mood the designer wanted to achieve. The purpose of these shows or articles is to help people learn how to decorate their own homes.

You need to approach your WSAs the same way. Who is the audience the site is trying to engage (try to be very specific here)? Exactly how does the site achieve the desired ambiance? What subtle details did the designers include to distinguish themselves from their competitors? The site must have a certain amount of content; how did they choose to organize it in each page and throughout the site? Organizing the information in a website is like writing a term paper; you need an introduction followed by a well-outlined body that develops the ideas in the introduction clearly and completely. We all know this is hard to do well.

HTML Assignment (50 points)

What to turn in: Post your webpage and any image files on your class webspace. Turn in a hand-written cover sheet (with your name and URL) and a printout of the page (you don’t need to print the underlying HTML code). Also email your HTML file to both our TA and me, from your ZID email account. Save your code for this assignment; you will use it again as the base for the CSS assignment.

You may not use an IDE like Dreamweaver or SeaMonkey to create this assignment; you must do it manually in a plain text editor. You may not use HTML code taken directly from my PowerPoints; that is, you must code it yourself. For instance, if you picked up the image map code from my PowerPoints and dropped it into your HTML assignment, you would not get credit for that part of the assignment. You may use HTML attributes (including deprecated attributes) or local CSS (embedded in the HTML, not in the head or in an external file) as you please for this assignment. If you choose to use CSS, though, be aware that you will still be responsible for knowing the equivalent HTML attributes on exams.

Create an HTML web page with at least the following features:

• Keywords & description meta tags, title

• Page formatting, including a background color and picture, a non-default text color, and non-default text and link colors.

• A horizontal rule.

• At least three levels of headers.

• Text formatting, including specifying a non-default font as well as centered, bold, italics, subscript, superscript, and strikeout.

• A five-level bulleted list and a two-level numbered list.

• At least two external links, with one as a text link and one as an image link.

• Three internal “bookmark” links – that is, links to further down on the current page.

• A relative link to an image in a different directory than the directory in which your current HTML page resides.

• An image with a non-standard-width border. The image should appear off to the right side of the page, with text wrapping around it.

• An image map with at least two links.

• A table that includes at least four rows, two cells in each row, two colspan attributes, and one rowspan attribute. Put a background color on the entire table, a different background color on one cell, and a background image on another cell in the table.

• A form that includes a text input field, drop-down list box with at least five entries and two optgroups, a checkbox group (at least four items), a radio button group (at least four items), a password-type field, a multiple-line textarea, and submit and reset buttons. The action on the form should be to email yourself.

I don’t give a hoot whether or not the page content makes any sense or looks good. The only purpose for this assignment is to force you to create HTML manually before we move on to creating it in easier (and more fun) ways.

Save your code for this assignment; you will use it again for the CSS assignment.

CSS Assignment (50 points)

What to turn in: Post your webpage and CSS files on your class webspace. Turn in a hand-written cover sheet (with your name and URL) and a printout of the page (you don’t need to print the underlying HTML code). Also email your HTML and CSS files to both our TA and me, from your ZID email account. You must use a text editor for this assignment, not Dreamweaver or any other IDE.

Create an external style sheet for the web page that you created for the HTML Assignment by removing all possible formatting from the page itself and putting that formatting in an external CSS file. That means removing almost all formatting attributes from your HTML and moving any local CSS that you might have used to the external CSS file. Hand code your CSS; you may not use Dreamweaver to create the styles automatically for you for this assignment. Additionally, Dreamweaver creates generic names as well as redundant styles, whereas a good programmer can do a much better job of both naming and organizing styles for efficiency and maintainability. (However, you are welcome to use Dreamweaver CS5 or more recent to create styles for your personal and group websites later in the semester, as long as you go to the trouble of giving the styles descriptive names and rooting out redundant and overlapping styles. Versions of Dreamweaver prior to CS5 are not conducive to helping you write well-formed CSS.)

Add in any other elements and create the CSS styles you need in order to satisfy the following requirements:

• Examples of the following table and box properties: border-color, border-width, margin, and padding.

• Dynamic positioning with at least one example each of absolute and relative positioning. Make sure the positioning is obvious to those of us doing the grading, and label it as such. For instance, put an absolute-positioned at the end of the HTML code but have the actually display at the very beginning of the page, perhaps even over the top of other elements. Common “gotcha”: to get absolute positioning to render properly, you must place the absolutely positioned within a “dummy” relatively positioned .

• Examples of a:hover, a:visited, and a:active.

• Create the equivalent of a 2 column x 4 row table using 8 s placed in a 2 x 4 grid. Place different borders and backgrounds on each but align them side-by-side so that they look like they are just six cells of the same table, even though they have different formatting. You may use absolute positioning, relative positioning, or “float” to make this work.

• Three visible CSS stylings on form elements, such as a dashed line border on a , or a different colored background on an .

• Explore four other formatting properties of your choice. Some possible suggestions (although you are welcome to explore others, too): border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow, text-transform, display:show/hide, letter-spacing, word-spacing, list-style-image, list-style-position, opacity, special CSS for print or handheld devices. Please label each of these items as “additional formatting” and tell us what formatting property you used, to make it easier for us to find the additions when grading. Also, keep in mind that we will be initially grading your page on Firefox. If you try something that won’t work in Firefox but works in Chrome, or vice versa, please note that next to the item, so that we will check it in the other browser. If it works in just one of those two browsers, we will count it as correct.

Again, I don’t care whether or not the page looks good, only that you get some practice with the most important CSS attributes. Post both the HTML and CSS files on your webspace so that we can grade your work.

You should get started on this assignment prior to the end of the scheduled CSS lectures, or you might not have enough time to finish it.

Graphics and Animation Assignment (50 points)

What to turn in: Put your images in an HTML page with a non-white background, and post both the HTML page and your web-friendly image files on your class webspace. Turn in a hand-written cover sheet (with your name and URL) and a printout of the page (you don’t need to print the underlying code). Also email your HTML and the original editable animation file to both our TA and me, from your ZID email account.

Fireworks is available in our PML lab. You can use it or another equivalent graphics package such as Photoshop or Gimp (a free software package) to create the images and animation:

• Four completely different buttons (different shapes, different colors, etc.), all of which contain text that identifies the purpose of the buttons. For each button, create both a static image as well as a rollover image. Somewhere in all this, be sure to use at least four different effects (shadow, glow, bevel, blur, etc.), three different patterned backgrounds, and at least two color gradients. All of the buttons should be on a transparent background with the appropriate anti-aliasing matte to match the non-white background color of the web page. Use Dreamweaver to embed the buttons so that the rollovers actually work.

• Three images that show examples of text to which you have applied different fonts and different effects like drop shadow, glow, emboss, bevel, etc.

• An original logo (incorporating either graphics or text or both) that you have created for a company, real or fictional, of your choice.

• An image in which you use varying degrees of transparency ( i.e., 30%, 50%, or varying degrees of transparency on a gradient fill), export it as a web-friendly PNG (i.e., not a native Fireworks PNG), and embed it on the page using alpha transparency. Clearly label this image so that we know which one is the PNG on your page.

• Save each of the images above as GIFs with index transparency except for the one web-friendly PNG with alpha transparency that was mentioned above.

• One animated image (20 points of the 50 point assignment):

o Could be an animated GIF (.gif format, created in any image editor such as Gimp or Fireworks, both available in our labs) or an Adobe Flash image (.swf format, created with Adobe Flash’s editor, available in our labs). Choose the Flash format only if you already have Flash experience, since it is exceedingly difficult software to use and it may be dying because Adobe and Apple don’t play nicely together. Thus, most of you will probably want to create an animated GIF instead.

o Must include at least four distinct objects that move and at least 6 different keyframes (i.e., steps on an animated path), and examples of both color and motion tweening (“tweening” means a smooth, automatically-generated transition between one keyframe and another).

Embed all of the images on a single HTML web page with (again) a background color that is not white (any other obvious color is fine), making sure that your images were exported with the appropriate matte to match the background color. FTP your HTML and images out to your class webspace. The rollover images should actually work – you can use Dreamweaver’s “Insert…Interactive Image…” for this. Don’t panic if you think you have no artistic talent. I view this as an exercise in learning the built-in capabilities of the graphics packages more than as a way of evaluating your artistic talent. And, in fact, your assignment won’t be graded on its artistic merits. However, if you loosen up while doing this exercise, you might just find that you can do credible art even if you don’t view yourself as an artist and can’t draw at all.

JavaScript Assignment (50 points)

What to turn in: Post your webpage and JavaScript files on your class webspace. Turn in a hand-written cover sheet (with your name and URL) and a printout of the page (you don’t need to print the underlying code). Also email your HTML and JavaScript files to both our TA and me, from your ZID email account.

You must write all the code for the following yourself, unless noted otherwise below. However, any code given to you in class or on the class PowerPoints may be used unchanged. Include the following JavaScript in an external JavaScript file that is used by an HTML document:

• Hand-code (as opposed to using Dreamweaver behaviors) a mouseover, a mouseout, a mousedown, a mouseup, and an onclick to change some visible elements on the page. At least one of these should be a remote change; that is, it changes something other than the element triggering the change. For instance, a mouseover of a text link might change an image located elsewhere on the page.

• Display the system date and time.

• Get three input numbers from an HTML form. On submit, call a function to validate them to make sure that they are within the range of 200-300. If not, display an error message and set focus to the first field in error. If the entered numbers are valid, pop up a prompt box to get a fourth number and validate it to make sure it’s in the range of 1-10. Add this new number to the original total (from the original three input boxes). Store the result in either a cookie or in localStorage, and then use JavaScript to open a second page to display the number that you saved on the prior page. You should be able to find working “cookie” code at or localStorage instructions at . Code for both should also be available in a library such as JQuery, and you have my permission to use the copied code for this particular requirement.

• Use a JavaScript script of some sort to do something that was not demonstrated in class. You don’t necessarily have to write the code yourself, although it would be a fine thing if you did. If you want, you can find JavaScript out on the web, use one of the Dreamweaver widgets or spry functions, or use JQuery to do something cool, as long as you figure out how to incorporate it into your page. Hint: Don’t try to debug someone else’s JavaScript code if it doesn’t work – it’s far easier to delete the code and find good code elsewhere.

Make sure that it’s obvious on the page where your different behaviors reside. For instance, say “click here” for the onclick behavior, etc. Otherwise, we might take points off because we didn’t notice your code. Post the HTML page and the external JavaScript file on the webserver so that we can test that everything works.

You should get started on this assignment prior to the end of the scheduled JavaScript lectures, or you might not have enough time to finish it. You might find it easiest to start by working with the JavaScript in the head of your HTML file and then moving it to an external file only after you have completed debugging all of it.

Some JavaScript behaviors may not work on your local computer unless you’ve specifically set it up as a web server, so if something doesn’t work, don’t panic until you’ve FTPed out to the server and checked the behaviors there. Alternately, you could install IIS (Internet Information Services) on your personal computer. Here are the long instructions for Windows 7 and here are the quick instructions:

1. Click the Start button, click Control Panel, click Programs, and then click Turn Windows features on or off. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

2. In the list of Windows features, click the plus sign (+) next to Internet Information Services, click the plus sign (+) next to World Wide Web Services, click the plus sign (+) next to Application Development Features, select the dynamic content features you want to install, and then click OK.

Personal Web Site (300 points maximum for undergraduates, 350 points maximum for graduate students, both out of a possible total of 400 points on the grading spreadsheet.

What to turn in: See “Deliverables” at the end of this handout.

Create a web site of your choice. It must be a site the university would consider to be non-offensive – for instance, a politically-oriented site, Republican or Democratic, would be fine, but a Klu Klux Klan site would probably not be. Neither would a porn site or one with profanity. The site could be for your own use (although then it is often difficult to come up with enough content to get a good grade), for a friend, for a campus organization, for a professor, for a business (real or fictional), or whatever. (Do not create a page for a fictional hospital or adoption agency, for reasons that I will explain in class.) The site must contain a homepage and at least four lower-level pages. There must be reasonable content–that is, a page with nothing but a few graphics or a few links to other sites will not count as a full page to satisfy the five-page minimum. For the same reason, a site with a home page plus four identically formatted pages, but with somewhat different content (for example, each of the four lower-level pages has one picture and a product description), would not satisfy the five-page minimum.

Most of the content should be your own, not “borrowed” (otherwise known as plagiarism) from other sites. Think of this as writing a term paper; although you can research other papers to get material, the final product must be your own unique creation. See the Cheating section of the course syllabus for further guidelines on what would be considered cheating. I have a zero tolerance rule for plagiarism, and if you don’t understand the rules, you could end up with a zero on the assignment, a drop of one full letter grade on the final grade for the course, and an academic misconduct charge filed with the university.

See the section later in this handout called “Personal and Group Web Site Deliverables” for specifications for each deliverable. The site will be graded on all of the items I list on the Personal Web Site Evaluation Form on my web site. Note that although the site grading spreadsheet adds up to 400 points, a 300-point score is the maximum number of points undergraduates can earn (300 out of 300 possible is a perfect score), and 350 points is the maximum that graduate students can earn for the assignment (350 out of 350 is a perfect score). This allows you to earn an A by either having outstanding artistic content or by having outstanding technical merit; you need not have both to get an “A.”

You can't just throw some stuff onto a few pages and get a good grade on your site. You can’t just create a site that pleases your own artistic sense – it must please the “general public” instead. This is a design class, and you have to learn how to do design like you would learn any other subject. You don't have to be an artistic genius to do competent design. You do have to study other designer's work, learn the basic design principles, and put in some effort. If you have any doubts about whether you are observing design rules, read back over all of the design PowerPoints before turning in your site. And, in fact, this very step could improve your grade immensely, because most of the points we take off are from violations of design rules that are given in the PowerPoints.

Version 1 is required of everyone and must be a reasonably complete version of the site to receive a grade. You can improve your final grade by incorporating any grading suggestions and/or further technical content and turning in a version 2 by the date specified in the schedule, with no penalty. If you are satisfied with your grade on version 1, you need not hand in a version 2.

You may use your one free extension for any deadline except for the final version, Version 2. Each missed deadline after your one extension has been used will lower your final grade by 20 points.

Group Web Site (300 points)

You will be assigned to a group of four to eight students. Each group will create a web site that is yet to be determined. The web site should include a home page and at least five (preferably more) lower level pages. See the section later in this handout, “Personal and Group Web Site Deliverables,” for specifications of each deliverable.

Very few in-class project meetings are listed on the class schedule, although there may be impromptu group meetings at the end of some classes if we finish a scheduled topic earlier than expected (a good incentive to make sure you attend class regularly). Because there is no reading assigned in this class, and most of the individual assignments are fairly easy, I don’t feel bad about forcing you to do most of your group project work outside of class.

Participation in this group project means that you have agreed to let the company/owner (if applicable) use the web site and/or parts of the web site you have created, free of charge, royalties, or copyright. You are also agreeing to let every member of the group use the site for his/her personal use.

The group will present the site to the class near the end of the semester. The presentation is informal; that is, you won’t be graded on the presentation itself, only on the finished product, the web site itself. The site is due at the beginning of class; that is, no changes whatsoever may be made to the site after the official start time of the class on that day.

Each missed deadline will lower the final group grade by 20 points. If the final version of the web site is not uploaded to the server by the due date (and instead, some or all of the site is displayed in class using a laptop), the final grade will be lowered by 50 points. You may not use personal extensions on the group project.

The groups in the class will be in competition with one another for their grades: undergraduate groups against other undergraduate groups, and graduate groups against other graduate groups, with graduate groups held to a higher grading standard than the undergraduate groups. That is, the finished web sites will be ranked in order from best to worst, with each succeeding lower ranking decreasing a group's grade. Hence, it is entirely possible that a very good finished project could receive a lower grade simply because the other projects were better. This grading method serves two purposes: a) it discourages cheating among the various groups, and b) it most accurately reflects the atmosphere and realities of the real-life business world. The final results of the ranking will be discussed at the end of the semester.

For the most part, each member of a group will be given the same final grade for the project. However, if a group member does not do substantial work on the project, that group member should expect to receive a lower grade. As a result, if one or more people in your group are not pulling their weight in the project (which includes not showing up for in-class meetings), I will consider lowering the group project grade of those people if I receive at least two written complaints from the other members of the group. Of course, a complaint signed by all other members of the group would weigh more heavily than just two complaints. A complaint should document why you feel this person's grade should be lowered and should recommend a percentage for the grade cut (which I may or may not choose to follow).

We’ve had serious problems such as the following with group participation:

• A group member will check in occasionally, asking one or more other group members if they need anything, but not actually volunteering to do any real work. This is not adequate participation—you must show up for meetings and insist on being assigned tasks.

• A group member will be assigned a task but not follow through, either doing the work inadequately or not finishing the work on time. As a result, the other group members stop assigning the slacker any work at all. Then the slacker is surprised to get a lower grade at the end of the project, saying, “But they didn’t assign me any tasks.” It is each team member’s responsibility to complete assigned tasks well and on time. Trust me, if you do your part, your group will assign you plenty of work.

• Showing up for all team meetings but failing to volunteer for any real work does not constitute adequate participation.

• Failing to show up for class on the days of scheduled meetings, or even on the days when I finish lecture early and give you time to meet, does not constitute adequate participation.

• If the group chooses to use a technology that all members don’t have access to (for instance, server-side technology that only a few students in the group know), that means that some members may not be able to participate in the coding as much as other members. Under such circumstances, it is the responsibility of both the group as a whole and the individual members who don’t know the technology to come up with a plan so that everyone has adequate work to do. If you can’t come up with a plan that’s agreeable to everyone, you should not use the technology.

• The group as a whole has a responsibility to attempt to contact and motivate members that are not fully participating. Document your attempts to contact these members—keep your emails in case you need to write up the member at the end of the semester.

• Individual members have a responsibility to volunteer for tasks. If your group is not contacting you or assigning you tasks, it’s your responsibility to insist that they do.

• The group as well as each member should document all tasks assigned to individual group members as well as tasks that were completed by each group member. When you turn in your group project, include a list of tasks completed by each member of the group.

I expect a professional attitude from everyone in the class. If you act unprofessionally (for instance, sending an unprofessional and profane email to another member of a group, regardless of how badly that group member performed), that will impact the grade that you receive personally. You can motivate and even criticize another group member without attacking that group member. In short, don’t say or write anything you would not want me to read, because trust me, the group member(s) who receive the attack will share it with me.

Personal and Group Web Site Grading

Much of the grading for the aesthetic aspects of the personal and group web sites is subjective; what one person finds attractive might very well be unappealing to the next viewer. We will try to keep this in mind as we grade. Nonetheless, for maximum aesthetic points, you must have a site that looks professional and appealing to most viewers in the United States. Ask yourself the following before turning in your URL:

• Will the site fulfill its purpose and appeal to its target audience?

• Does the site convey the message I want it to convey?

• Have I chosen an attractive color scheme of 2-3 colors (rarely will more colors look coordinated) and used them consistently throughout my site?

• Have I chosen a layout and used it consistently or with only justifiable modifications on every page?

• Is my content grammatically correct? Is the spelling correct? (Dreamweaver can spell check, if you request it.)

• Do I have a navigation method that allows the user to form a mental map of the site and get to different pages in my site quickly and easily?

• Does my site look professional? Even if your site is for just your own use, it must look professional if it is to receive a good grade.

Personal and Group Web Site Deliverables (In other words, what to turn in)

When handing in any deliverable in this list, include all prior graded deliverables. LET ME REPEAT THAT: INCLUDE ALL PRIOR DELIVERABLES OR YOU WILL BE DOCKED POINTS, AT MY DISCRETION.

Step 1: Site Plan

• Purpose of site.

• Identification of audience. It is extremely important that you define the audience as narrowly and completely as possible. Be thorough and specific! For instance, saying “Anyone who wants to buy a bicycle” would be an inadequate audience identification for a bicycle shop. Are the bicycles primarily for kids? For recreational bikers? For long distance riders? For racers? Are they geared for people with little money to spend, or for people with lots of money to spend? Are the customers primarily local (in which case the local demographics are important)? Or are the customers driving to the shop from far away or buying from the shop’s website?

• Description of the mood of the site. What general types of colors and graphics do you intent to use to portray that mood?

• A hierarchical plan of the site, in text outline format.

• A content summary for each page, including a sentence or two describing each graphic element.

• Turn in a paper copy of your site plan, including name(s) of the submitter(s), plus email a copy of the document to our TA and to me.

Step 2: 1-Page Prototype

• One implemented page (not necessarily the homepage), out on your webspace, that illustrates the visual design of the site: colors, backgrounds, layout, text attributes, logos, etc.

• Turn in a printed copy of the one webpage you’re submitting. Be sure to write your name and URL on the printed copy. In this case, that means you should turn in the graded site plan from Step 1, plus an update to the site plan if we requested changes or if you made changes to the site that render the original site plan outdated.

• Also turn in all prior graded deliverables.

• Member names, if for the group project.

Step 3: 2-Page Prototype (Group project only—not required for personal websites)

• Two implemented pages (one must be the homepage) on your class webspace that illustrate the visual design of the site: colors, backgrounds, layout, text attributes, logos, etc. Print a copy of both pages, and write your names and URL on each page.

• Names of submitters.

• All prior graded deliverables. In this case, that means you should turn in the graded deliverables from Steps 1 and 2, plus any updates if we requested changes or if you made changes to the site that render the earlier site plans outdated and the printed copy of the 1-Page Prototype on which we wrote comments.

Step 4: Completed Site (for the final version for the group site, both the first and the final versions of the personal site)

• Everything implemented on the server, ready for final grade. This is the only version that will actually receive a grade.

• A print out (preferably color, if you can swing it) of just the home page. Include the URL and your name(s).

• Name(s) of submitters.

• All prior graded deliverables. In this case, that means you should turn in the site plans from prior steps plus any site plan updates and all grading comments/sheets.

• For group projects:

o I also need all site files on CD-ROM.

o A list of group members and all tasks completed by each of member. Be specific.

o The group project is due at beginning of class in which you present your project. Fifty points will be docked from the group’s overall grade if any portion of the project is displayed on a laptop instead of out on the assigned webspace.

• For the Personal Web Site:

o The Personal Web Site grading sheet from my website.

o For Version 1, turn in all prior deliverables. Include a printed copy of your home page (black and white is fine, although I would prefer color on this one), but don’t staple that printed copy it to anything else you’re handing in.

o For Version 2 (final version), turn in all prior deliverables, especially the Personal Web Site Grading Sheet that we used to grade your Version 1. Also include another printed copy of your home page (color preferred, name written on it). Don’t staple this printed copy of your home page printout to anything else you turn in. If you have changed your URL from Version 1, make sure the new URL is now written in an obvious place on your original Web Site Grading Sheet, since we will be using that original grading sheet as the baseline for grading your Version 2.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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