Part II -- Connecticut Department of Labor Modification #1

Part II -- Connecticut Department of Labor 6/8/15

STEP UP Program Contract



| |Modification of Original Contract |

|A. |Statutory Authority and Definitions |

| |1. |Statutory Authority |

| |2. |Definitions |

|B. |Program Summary and General Requirements |

| |1. |STEP UP Program Components |

| |2. |Integration of Regional Coordinators and CTDOL |

| | |a. |Central WDB |

| | |b. |Local Regional WDBs |

| | |c. |Role of CTDOL |

| |3. |Program Staff |

| |4. |One STEP UP Program per New Hire |

|C. |Description of Services |

| |1. |Central WDB |

| | |a. |Central WDB |

| | |b. |Central WDB Financial / Administrative Staff |

| |2. |Local WDB Regional Coordinators |

| |3. |Expenditure Parameters |

| | |a. |Staffing and Program-Related Expenses |

| | |b. |Wage Reimbursements and Training Grants |

| | |c. |Funding by STEP UP Program Component |

| | |d. |Separate Invoices for STEP UP Programs |

| |4. |Reporting and Performance |

| | |a. |Reports |

| | | |i. |Central WDB |

| | | |ii. |Local Regional WDBs |

| | |b. |Performance and Corrective Action |

| |5. |STEP UP Program Employer/Employee Agreements – General Requirements |

| |6. |STEP UP Programs |

| | |a. |Responsibilities of SMALL BUSINESS EMPLOYERS |

| | |b. |Responsibilities of SMALL MANUFACTURER EMPLOYERS |

| | |c. |Responsibilities regarding EMPLOYEES participating in either the |



| | |e. |Responsibilities regarding EMPLOYEES participating in Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment |

| | | |Program |

| |7. |Apprenticeship Referral Process |

|D. |Exhibits: |

| |1. |Subsidized Training and Employment Program Small Business Agreement rev. 2-10-15 |

| |2. |Small Manufacturer Grant Program Agreement rev. 2-10-15 |

| |3. |STEP UP Income Guidelines / 2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines |

| |4. |Eligible Communities for STEP UP |

| |5. |STEP UP Employee & “New Apprentice” Certification |

| |6. |STEP UP Program Apprenticeship Program Referral Form |

| |7. |STEP UP Employer Agreement for New Apprentice |

| |8. |Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Grant Program Agreement |

| |9. |STEP UP Employee Certification for Armed Forces |

Modification of Original Contract

The original contract executed between the Connecticut Department of Labor and various Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) as previously modified is further modified as follows:

A Statutory Authority and Definitions

1) Statutory Authority

As further described below, the eligibility and other programmatic provisions of the Subsidized Training and Employment Program (“STEP UP”) are authorized by:

a) Public Act 11-1, October Special Session,

b) Public Act 12-1, June 12 Special Session,

c) Public Act 13-63,

d) Public Act 14-38,

e) Public Act 14-98; and

codified under C.G.S. §31-3pp and §31-3uu.

2) Part II – STEP UP Program Contract Narrative (8/1/14) is hereby deleted and replaced with Part II – STEP UP Program Contract Narrative (6/8/2015).

3) Definitions

The following definitions apply to this contract:

a) American Job Center is the rebranded name mandated by the United States Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (USDOL ETA) for entities formerly known in Connecticut as CTWorks.

b) The Central WDB is The Workplace, Bridgeport, Connecticut. The Central WDB also functions as a local Regional WDB, as further described under this contract.

c) CTDOL is the Connecticut Department of Labor.

d) Program is the STEP UP Program, comprised of three (3) distinct component programs:

i) The Subsidized Training and Employment Program, for Small Businesses;

ii) The Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program; and

iii) The Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program.

f) The Regional (or Local) WDBs are:

i) Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board, Franklin, Connecticut

ii) Capital Workforce Partners, Hartford, Connecticut

iii) Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board, Waterbury, Connecticut

iv) Workforce Alliance, New Haven, Connecticut

v) The Workplace, Bridgeport, Connecticut

g) WDB is Workforce Development Board as defined in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.

B. Program Summary and General Requirements

1) STEP UP Program Components

STEP UP is a state-funded initiative of the Connecticut Department of Labor (“CTDOL”) and other regional partners including the state’s five Workforce Development Boards (WDBs), to promote job creation and worker opportunity for Connecticut’s small businesses, small manufacturers, and unemployed workers including certain unemployed member of the U.S. Armed Forces. The STEP UP initiative is comprised of three component programs:

|STEP UP Program Component |Type |

|a) |The Subsidized Training and Employment Program |Wage Reimbursement |

| |for Small Businesses | |

|b) |The Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program |Wage Reimbursement |

| | |and Training Grant |

|c) |Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program |Wage Reimbursement and Training |

| | |Grant |

2) Integration of Regional Coordinators and CTDOL

The STEP UP statewide structure shall operate as one program:

a) Central WDB

As further detailed below, one (1) of the five (5) Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) in Connecticut shall act as the Central WDB for the purpose of:

i) processing STEP UP Program wage subsidy reimbursements and training grants for the three component programs, and

ii) collecting and reporting program and expenditure data

which tasks shall be conducted by Financial / Administrative staff.

b) Local Regional WDBs

In each of the five (5) local, regional Workforce Development Boards (Regional WDBs) in Connecticut, a Regional Coordinator shall act as an ombudsman to the business community of employers and for unemployed workers and Armed Forces members who are interested in applying for participation in the STEP UP Program.

c) Role of CTDOL

CTDOL shall:

i) support Regional STEP UP activities by providing the services of:

1) CTDOL Business Services and

2) American Job Center staff

who shall identify potential employers and employees who may be interested in participating in the STEP UP Program;

ii) direct any such referrals to the Regional Coordinator in the respective WDB serving such potential employers and employees,

iii) provide marketing support to all Regional Coordinators,

iv) develop standard STEP UP Program marketing materials for use state-wide, and

v) collect the following data from the Central WDB to periodically report to joint standing committees of the Connecticut General Assembly (finance, revenue, bonding, appropriations, commerce and labor):

| |the number of small businesses participating in the Subsidized Training and Employment Program (aka |

| |Small Business) and the general categories of such businesses; |

| |the number of small businesses participating in the Small Business Program that hire “new |

| |apprentices” and the number of such “new apprentices” hired by each such Small Business; |

| |the number of small manufacturers participating in the Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program and|

| |the general categories of such manufacturers; |

| |the number of small manufacturers participating in the Small Manufacturer Program that hire “new |

| |apprentices” and the number of such “new apprentices” hired by each such Small Manufacturer; |

| |the number of businesses participating in the Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and|

| |Employment Program and the general categories of such businesses; |

| |the number of persons hired under the aggregate STEP UP Program and each component of the Program, |

| |and |

| |the most recent estimate(s) of the number of jobs created or maintained as a result of the STEP UP |

| |Program. |

3) Program staff conducting services under this contact shall include:

a) Financial/Administrative staff for the Central WDB, who shall process STEP UP Program wage subsidy and training grants for the two component programs as described below, and

b) Regional Coordinators for each of the five Regional WDBs, who shall conduct STEP UP Program activities as described in detail below.

4) One STEP UP Program per New Hire

a) Once an employer has been determined to be eligible for participation in the STEP UP Program, such employer may be authorized to receive wage reimbursement from one or more of following STEP UP component Programs, but each such employer may only utilize one STEP UP program component per each “new hire”:

1) Subsidized Training and Employment Program, or

2) Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program, or

3) Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program

a) Employees hired under the STEP UP Program may only have wages reimbursed by one STEP UP Program component per hire under the same employer.

C. Description of Services

1) Central Workforce Development Board (“Central WDB”)

a) The Central WDB shall:

i) assign staff as follows to conduct the program activities described below:

1) Financial/Administrative staff to track and coordinate all wage and grant reimbursements for the Program on a continual ongoing basis for all five (5) Regional WDBs in Connecticut,

2) Regional Coordinator, who shall conduct STEP UP Program activities as described in detail below; and

ii) collect, track, and report to the CTDOL and all WDBs -- on a weekly basis -- the following information:

| |the number of small businesses participating in the Subsidized Training and Employment Program (aka |

| |Small Business) and the general categories of such businesses; |

| |the number of small businesses participating in the Small Business Program that hire “new |

| |apprentices” and the number of such “new apprentices” hired by each such Small Business; |

| |the number of small manufacturers participating in the Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program and|

| |the general categories of such manufacturers; |

| |the number of small manufacturers participating in the Small Manufacturer Program that hire “new |

| |apprentices” and the number of such “new apprentices” hired by each such Small Manufacturer; |

| |the number of businesses participating in the Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and|

| |Employment Program and the general categories of such businesses; |

| |the number of persons hired under the aggregate STEP UP Program and each component of the Program; |

| |the most recent estimate(s) of the number of jobs created or maintained as a result of the STEP UP |

| |Program; and |

| |any other information (data, statistics, analysis, lists, numbers, etc.) collected by the Central |

| |WDB, as CTDOL may request, pertaining to the STEP UP Program. |

b) Central WDB Financial/Administrative Staff

The Central WDB’s Financial/Administrative staff shall conduct the following activities and provide the following services as central wage and training grant reimbursement agent for the STEP UP Program:

i) review all employer/employee Agreements submitted by all STEP UP Regional Coordinators;

ii) establish and implement reimbursement schedules for STEP UP Program wage subsidy reimbursements and training grants, in accordance with the terms and conditions of individual Agreements executed between participating employers and employees in all 5 Regional WDBs;

iii) verify all wage subsidy and training grant reimbursement requests from Regional Coordinators on a continual ongoing basis;

iv) issue wage subsidy and training grant reimbursements directly to participating STEP UP employers on a monthly basis, but no later than 10 business days after the Central WDB’s receipt of accurate and verified wage and hour monthly documentation;

v) use funding provided under the Central WDB’s contract for wage subsidies and training grants on a “first come, first served” basis, i.e. no WDB-specific wage subsidy and training grant allocations shall be made under this contract and monies shall be spent as reimbursements are made to employers under each respective program component (Small Business, Small Manufacturer and Unemployed Armed Forces) until such funds are exhausted;

vi) resolve reimbursement discrepancies in collaboration with the Regional Coordinators and participating STEP UP employers;

vii) prepare and submit to CTDOL:

1) using copies of Agreements between participating employers and participating employees submitted by Local Regional WDBs, collect and report the following data on a weekly aggregate basis:

a. data regarding job placement, job creation, business involvement, employer participation, hiring of “new apprentices”; and

b. program service levels and performance

1) by STEP UP program component, and

2) by Local Regional WDB;

2) requests and justifications for draw-downs of STEP UP funds for wage reimbursements and training grants under this contract; and

3) documentation of reconciliation(s) (i.e. application of funding received to immediate and projected cash needs) prior to making any additional requests for funds;

viii) provide weekly updates to all STEP UP Regional Coordinators and CTDOL on wage reimbursement and training grant “pool” data;

ix) utilize Automated Clearing House (ACH) draw-down to access funds from CTDOL; and

x) maintain appropriate records to document wage reimbursements and training grants made under the STEP UP Program.

2) Local WDB Regional Coordinators

To implement and conduct the STEP UP program:

a) Each Regional WDB shall:

i) assign a Regional Coordinator to conduct STEP UP Program activities as described in detail below; and

ii) collaborate with the CTDOL to:

1) oversee all wage and grant reimbursements respective to its WDB under the STEP UP Program, and

2) conduct the program activities described below in such a manner as to implement the goals of job creation and worker opportunity through timely execution of Small Business, Small Manufacturer and Armed Forces Member employer and employee Agreements, provided under this contract as Exhibits 1, 2 and 8.

b) Each Regional WDB’s Regional Coordinator shall conduct the following activities and provide the following services within the local area served by the respective WDB:

i) collaborate with:

1) the CTDOL Labor Employment and Training Division in their role as technical advisors for the program, and

2) CTDOL staff responsible for programmatic and financial monitoring and administration;

ii) recruit workers, businesses and manufacturers as STEP UP participants;

iii) market the STEP UP Program;

iv) screen and determine eligibility of persons, businesses and manufacturers who apply for STEP UP participation, prior to actual Program participation;

v) prepare and execute Agreements between STEP UP employer and employee participants, using standard templates for each STEP UP component Program, as provided by CTDOL under this contract as follows:

| |Subsidized Training and Employment Program Small Business Agreement |Exhibit 1 |

| |Small Manufacturer Grant Program Agreement, |Exhibit 2 |

| |STEP UP Employer Agreement for New Apprentice |Exhibit 7 |

| |Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program |Exhibit 8 |

| |Agreement | |

|Such standardized Agreements: |

|are fill-able electronically, |

|may be converted into ETO-program format including exact language as under the respective Exhibits, |

|must be used by each WDB’s Regional Coordinator, and |

|must be printed out, signed and dated by all required parties, and kept in each STEP UP participant’s |

|file; |

vi) submit Agreements between STEP UP employer and employee participants to the Central WDB upon execution;

vii) submit to the Central WDB for reimbursement processing monthly wage and hour confirmation of hours worked by STEP UP employee participants, within 7 (seven) days following the close of the calendar month in which such hours are worked;

viii) confirm on a monthly basis that participating STEP UP employers received the prior month’s wage reimbursement or training grant;

ix) monitor each participating STEP UP employer’s retention of each participating employee throughout such participant’s respective 6-month wage subsidy or training grant period;

x) collect from participating employers after each subsidy ends the required information as to the retention of STEP UP participant hires in the 7th month (one month post-Agreement);

xi) in collaboration with the Central WDB and participating STEP UP employers, resolve any problems regarding wage reimbursements and training grants under the Program;

xii) prepare and submit to the Central WDB copies of Agreements between participating employers and participating employees which the Central WDB will use to collect and report data on measuring job placement, job creation, business involvement and employer participation, hiring of “new apprentices”, and other information as set forth in such report;

xiii) attend STEP UP Program Regional Coordinator meetings convened by CTDOL;

xiv) maintain detailed documentation and records for each STEP UP Program employee / employer match, including:

1) verification and documentation of employer and employee eligibility from each employee applicant, using:

a. Exhibit 5, STEP UP Employee & “New Apprentice” Certification Form; or

b. Exhibit 9, STEP UP Employee Certification for Armed Forces; AND

c. Exhibit 1, Subsidized Training and Employment Program Small Business Agreement rev. 2-10-15; or

d. Exhibit 2, Small Manufacturer Grant Program Agreement rev. 2-10-15; or

e. Exhibit 8, Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Grant Program Agreement

2) as applicable to the STEP UP Small Business Program component, verification of each prospective employee applicant’s:

a. family income;

b. town of residence; and

c. Armed Forces service history as further described below; and

3) proof of “good standing” in state and local taxes by employer applicants;

4) proof of CTDOL approval of each employer regarding “good standing” of the following verifications, prior to each hire:

a. payment of Unemployment Insurance (UI) taxes

b. status regarding Wage and Workplace Standards (WWS); and

c. status regarding Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)

5) fully executed Agreements between STEP UP employers and employee participants;

6) monthly timesheets for STEP UP employee participants; and

7) any additional information and documentation which verifies:

a. employee participant eligibility,

b. Armed Forces member participant eligibility,

c. employer participant eligibility, and

d. STEP UP Program performance; and

xv) for employers found to be ineligible for STEP UP participation, provide:

1) the basis of such determination of ineligibility;

2) referral(s) to:

a. American Job Centers,

b. CTDOL and/or

c. Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)

for linkage to additional services to support such business’ growth; and

3) if the determination of ineligibility is based on lack of good standing with CTDOL’s verifications, referral to CTDOL as a means of redress.

3) Expenditure Parameters

a) Staffing and Program-Related Expenses

i) Staffing

1) Each Regional WDB shall provide Regional Coordinator services, and the Central WDB shall additionally provide Financial/ Administrative services, to conduct such activities as described above.

2) Funding provided under this contract may be used toward salary and fringe costs of such STEP UP staff.

3) WDBs without an actual dollar allocation for administrative cost shall still provide all applicable services cited under this contract.

4) Additional funds will be added if they become available under future funding allocations from the Connecticut General Assembly and/or the State Bond Commission.

ii) Program-Related Expenses

Up to 10% of the funding allocation toward STEP UP staff costs provided under this contract may be used by the respective Regional WDB to support program-related expenses such as mileage or supplies.

iii) Budget

Each Regional WDB shall provide a Budget of such costs to be charged under this contract, according to the allocation provided, in Part III of this Contract.

b) Wage Reimbursements and Training Grants

The Central WDB shall issue STEP UP Program wage reimbursements and training grants to participating employers in accordance with:

i) fully executed and WDB-approved Agreements between STEP UP employer and employee participants, as documented by verified timesheets submitted by such employers; and

ii) using funding as allocated by CTDOL in the Budget of the STEP UP contract between CTDOL and the Central WDB.

c) Funding by STEP UP Program component for Wage and Training Subsidies

i) The following amounts shall be reserved by the Central WDB for STEP UP Program wage reimbursements and training grants, state-wide:

|Small Business (aggregate period 8/1/14 through 6/30/16) |$4,176,000 |

|Small Manufacturer (aggregate period 8/1/14 through 6/30/16) |$4,176,000 |

|Unemployed Armed Forces (period 6/16/15 through 6/30/16 |$1,749,274 |

|Total |$10,101,274 |

ii) Subject to the provision of additional funding by the Connecticut General Assembly and/or the State Bond Commission, CTDOL may increase the reserved funding pools accordingly.

d) Separate Invoices for STEP UP Programs.

Invoices submitted under this contract for the Small Business, Small Manufacturer and Unemployed Armed Forces STEP UP Programs shall be kept separate from each other.

4. Reporting and Performance

a) Reports:

i) Central WDB Financial/Administrative staff shall prepare and submit a weekly Central WDB Standard Consolidated Report to CTDOL and Regional Coordinators, including data on:

1) participating employers,

2) participating employees,

3) participating “new apprentices”,

4) reimbursement amounts issued,

5) termination dates of participating employees,

6) employment status in the 7th month after hire, as required to be reported by participating employers to Regional Coordinators,

7) wage subsidy and training grant pool status, by:

a. distinct STEP UP Program component (Small Business, Small Manufacturer, Unemployed Armed Forces), and

b. WDB Region;

8) and other information as requested by CTDOL.

ii) Local WDB Regional Coordinators shall:

1) submit fully executed and WDB-approved Agreements between STEP UP employer and employee participants, as documented by verified timesheets submitted by such employers, to the Central WDB;

2) contact participating employers at the end of each such Agreement to determine the employment status of each such participating STEP UP hire after the subsidy ends -- as required under each STEP UP Agreement -- and report each such status to the Central WDB; and

3) prepare any additional reports required or requested by CTDOL.

b) Performance and Corrective Action:

i) CTDOL shall:

1) monitor, review and measure actual STEP UP Program performance of each local WDB pursuant to each such WDB’s program activities under this contract; and

2) as needed:

a. provide analysis and findings to any local WDB which the CTDOL determines to be under-performing, and

b. request corrective action measures be implemented by such under-performing WDB(s) to resolve the causes of any such finding.

ii) Regional WDBs shall prepare and submit to the CTDOL a corrective action plan addressing their respective under-performance if any such finding is made by CTDOL for their respective local WDB, pursuant to this subsection.

5. STEP UP Program Employer/Employee Agreements – General Requirements

a) Each WDB’s Regional Coordinator shall use only the STEP UP Employer/Employee Agreements provided by the CTDOL under this contract, as follows. Such standardized Agreements are fill-able electronically, may be converted into ETO-program format including exact language as under the respective Exhibits, must be used by each WDB’s Regional Coordinators and shall be printed out and kept in the participant’s file at the Local WDB.

|Exhibit # |Title of Employer/Employee Agreement |

|Exhibit 1 |Subsidized Training and Employment Program Small Business Agreement |

|Exhibit 2 |Small Manufacturer Grant Agreement |

|Exhibit 7 |Employer Agreement for New Apprentice |

|Exhibit 8 |Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Grant Program Agreement |

|Exhibit 9 |STEP UP Employee Certification for Armed Forces |

b) The WDB’s respective STEP UP Regional Coordinator shall monitor and confirm that each employer participating in the STEP UP Program has a corresponding STEP UP Employer/Employee Agreement for each new hire prior to program participation, as follows:

i) Each such Agreement must be:

1) signed by the employer or employer’s authorized representative, and

2) signed and approved by the WDB’s STEP UP Regional Coordinator.

ii) The individual signing the Agreement on behalf of the employer must have legal authority to bind the employer into the Agreement.

iii) Prior to executing any STEP UP Program Employer/Employee Agreement, the WDB STEP UP Regional Coordinator must first complete verification and certification of all required eligibility criteria for both the employer and employee, as set forth in the:

1) applicable standard STEP UP Program Agreement and

2) STEP UP Employee & “New Apprentice” Certification Form or STEP UP Employee Certification for Armed Forces (Exhibits 5 and 9).

c) General Eligibility Requirements

i) Each employer and employee must meet all respective eligibility requirements for their participation in the applicable STEP UP Program, as set forth under this contract.

ii) The eligibility requirements of all STEP UP Programs are subject to legislative change and if changed by the legislature, CTDOL shall notify the WDBs in writing of any such changes.

6. The STEP UP Programs:

This Section 6 is organized as follows:


| |Small Business Employers: |Subsidized Training and Employment Program |

| | |for Small Businesses |


| | |Training Grant Program |

| |EMPLOYEES in either the: |Subsidized Training and Employment Program |

| | |for Small Businesses |

| | | |

| | |or |

| | |Small Manufacturer |

| | |Training Grant Program |

|d.) |ARMED FORCES MEMBER EMPLOYERS: |Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and |

| | |Employment Program |

|e.) |EMPLOYEES in the: |Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and |

| | |Employment Program |

a) Responsibilities of SMALL BUSINESS EMPLOYERS:

i) The STEP UP Regional Coordinator shall:

1) determine eligibility of small business employers by applying the criteria cited below, and

2) if eligibility requirements are determined to have been met, may approve such small business employers for participation in the STEP UP Program.

ii) Prospective small business employers must meet the following eligibility requirements prior to participation:

|1) |Employer must be an eligible small business as defined in C.G.S. §31-3pp, which states that an |

| |“(e)ligible small business” means a business that: |

| |as verified by self-attestation of the employer: |

| |a. |employed not more than one hundred (100) full-time employees on at least fifty percent|

| | |(50%) of its working days during the preceding twelve (12) months; |

| |b. |has operations in Connecticut; |

| |c. |has been registered to conduct business for not less than twelve (12) months; and |

| |d. |is in “good standing” with the payment of all state and local taxes. |

|2) |“Eligible small business” may include retailers as defined in Conn. Gen. Stat. § 42-371 (1), as|

| |follows: |

| |"Retailer" means any person who sells goods used primarily for personal, family or household |

| |purposes to a person who is not in the business of reselling such goods. |

|3) |Employer’s status of “good standing” of the following shall be verified by CTDOL: |

| |a. |compliance with unemployment insurance tax requirements, and |

| |b. |no outstanding Wage and Workplace Standards violations and |

| |c. |no outstanding OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) violations. |

|4) |CTDOL may, at its discretion, verify any such employer’s compliance with one or more of the |

| |following: |

| |a. |DRS (State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services) requirements |

| |b. |Workers Compensation insurance coverage |

| |c. |Payment of state and local taxes and |

| |d. |Registration to conduct business for not less than twelve (12) months |

iii) Grants to eligible small businesses under the Subsidized Training and Employment (aka SMALL BUSINESS) Program shall adhere to the following parameters:

|# of days of employment under the STEP |% of wage reimbursement of |Maximum Wage Rate Allowed per |

|UP Program |the new employee’s hourly |STEP UP Employee |

| |wage, exclusive of any | |

| |benefits: | |

|calendar days |100% |$20 per hour |

|1 through 30, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |75% |$20 per hour |

|31 through 90, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |50% |$20 per hour |

|91 through 150, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |25% |$20 per hour |

|151 through 180, inclusive | | |

|Reimbursements made for “new apprentices” cannot exceed $10 per hour |

|Total maximum allowable per new hire: |$12,000 |

iv) Grants shall be cancelled as of the date the new employee leaves employment with the eligible small business.


i) The STEP UP Regional Coordinator shall:

1) determine eligibility of small manufacturer employers by applying the criteria cited below, and

2) if eligibility requirements are determined to have been met, may approve such small manufacturer employers for participation in the STEP UP Program.

ii) Prospective small manufacturer employers must meet the following eligibility requirements prior to participation:

|1) |Employer must be an eligible small manufacturer as defined in C.G.S. §31-3pp, which states that|

| |an “(e)ligible small manufacturer” means a business that: |

| |as verified by self-attestation of the employer: |

| |a. |employed not more than one hundred (100) employees on at least fifty percent (50%) of |

| | |its working days during the preceding twelve (12) months, |

| |b. |has operations in Connecticut; |

| |c. |has been registered to conduct business for not less than twelve (12) months; |

| |d. |is in good standing with the payment of all state and local taxes and |

| |e. |is an eligible small business described in the North American Industry Classification |

| | |System (NAICS) Sectors 31 to 33 inclusive. |

|2) |Employer’s status of “good standing” of the following shall be verified by CTDOL: |

| |a. |compliance with unemployment insurance tax requirements, |

| |b. |no outstanding Wage and Workplace Standards violations and |

| |c. |no outstanding OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) violations. |

|3) |CTDOL may, at its discretion, verify any such employer’s compliance with one or more of the |

| |following: |

| |a. |DRS (State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services) requirements |

| |b. |Workers Compensation insurance coverage |

| |c. |Payment of state and local taxes |

| |d. |Registration to conduct business for not less than twelve (12) months |

|4) |Eligible small manufacturer employers: |

| |a. |shall use STEP UP grant funds to train and compensate persons newly hired under the |

| | |STEP UP program; |

| |b. |shall: |

| | |i. |provide training to persons newly hired under the STEP UP program, |

| | |ii. |conduct such training on the manufacturer’s premises, and |

| | |iii. |not be required to have an existing formal training program; and |

| |c. |with its application for STEP UP Program participation, shall prepare and submit a |

| | |written, detailed description of the training to be provided to the employees newly |

| | |hired under this STEP UP Program component. Such training plan shall be kept in the |

| | |participant’s file at the Local Regional WDB. |

iii) The CTDOL Labor Commissioner or his/her designee shall:

1) review,

2) and if acceptable, approve

such manufacturer’s written description of the proposed training as part of the application for participation in the STEP UP Program.

iv) Grants to eligible small manufacturers under the Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program shall adhere to the following parameters:

1) No such grant shall exceed the salary of any newly hired person under the STEP UP Program.

2) Training grants may be used to subsidize wages.

3) Training Grant amounts shall be limited as follows:

a. For a new hire that is a “new apprentice”:

|# of days of employment under the STEP UP Program |% of wage reimbursement of the new |Maximum Wage Rate Allowed per STEP UP Employee|

| |employee’s hourly wage, exclusive of any | |

| |benefits: | |

|calendar days |100% |$20 per hour |

|1 through 30, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |75% |$20 per hour |

|31 through 90, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |50% |$20 per hour |

|91 through 150, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |25% |$20 per hour |

|151 through 180, inclusive | | |

|Reimbursements made for “new apprentices” cannot exceed $10 per hour |

|Total maximum allowable per new hire: |$12,000 |

b. For a new hire that is not a “new apprentice”:

|Month of newly hired person’s employment under the STEP UP Program: |Maximum Grant Amounts |

| |per newly hired person: |

|1st full calendar month |up to $2,500 |

|2nd full calendar month |up to $2,400 |

|3rd full calendar month |up to $2,200 |

|4th full calendar month |up to $2,000 |

|5th full calendar month |up to $1,800 |

|6th full calendar month |up to $1,600 |

|Total maximum allowable |$12,500 |

|per new hire: | |

4) Grants shall be cancelled as of the date the new employee leaves employment with the eligible small manufacturer.

c) Responsibilities regarding EMPLOYEES participating in either the

|Subsidized Training and Employment Small Business Program |

|or |

|Small Manufacturer Grant Program |

i) The STEP UP Regional Coordinator shall:

1) determine eligibility of employee applicants for the Small Business or Small Manufacturer STEP UP Program and

2) if Program-specific eligibility requirements are met, may approve employees for participation in either such STEP UP Program but only place each such approved employee in one STEP UP Program.

ii) Eligibility requirements for prospective small business or small manufacturer employees are:

|1) |Employee must meet the criteria of “new employee” as defined in C.G.S. §31-3pp, which states |

| |that “new employee” means a person who: |

| |as verified by self-attestation of the employee: |

| |was unemployed prior to employment with an eligible business, regardless of whether such person|

| |collected unemployment compensation benefits as a result of such unemployment. |

|2) |“New employee” does not include a person: |

| |a. |who was employed in this state by a related person with respect to the eligible small |

| | |business during the prior twelve (12) months. Related person being defined in C.G.S. |

| | |§31-3pp, as (emphasis added): |

| | |i. |a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or trust |

| | | |controlled by the eligible small business, |

| | |ii. |an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, |

| | | |association or trust that is in control of the eligible small business, |

| | |iii. |a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or trust |

| | | |controlled by an individual, corporation, limited liability company, |

| | | |partnership, association or trust that is in control of the eligible small |

| | | |business, |

| | |or |

| | |iv. |a member of the same controlled group as the eligible small business. |

| |or |

| |b. |who was employed on a temporary or seasonal basis by a retailer, defined in Conn. Gen.|

| | |Stat. § 42-371 (1) as: |

| | |"Retailer" means any person who sells goods used primarily for personal, family or |

| | |household purposes to a person who is not in the business of reselling such goods. |

|3. |The employee shall not be a participant of more than one STEP UP Program at a time. An eligible|

| |employee may participate in: |

| |a. |Small Business Subsidized Training and Employment Program |

| |or |

| |b. |Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program |

| |or |

| |c. |Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program (“Armed |

| | |Forces”, as defined above) |


i) The STEP UP Regional Coordinator shall:

1) determine eligibility of employers by applying the criteria cited below; and

2) if eligibility requirements are determined to have been met, may approve such employers for participation in the STEP UP Program.

ii) Prospective employers must meet the following eligibility requirements prior to participation.

|1) |Employer must be an eligible business as defined in C.G.S. §31-3pp, which states that an |

| |“(e)ligible business” means a business that: |

| |as verified by self-attestation of the employer: |

| |a. |has operations in Connecticut; |

| |b. |has been registered to conduct business for not less than twelve (12) months; and |

| |c. |is in “good standing” with the payment of all state and local taxes. |

|2) |Employer’s status of “good standing” of the following shall be verified by CTDOL: |

| |a. |compliance with unemployment insurance tax requirements; and |

| |b. |no outstanding Wage and Workplace Standards violations. |

|3) |CTDOL may, at its discretion, verify any such employer’s compliance with one or more of the |

| |following: |

| |a. |No outstanding OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) violations. |

| |b. |DRS (State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services) requirements; |

| |c. |Workers Compensation insurance coverage; |

| |d. |Payment of state and local taxes; and |

| |e. |Registration to conduct business for not less than twelve (12) months. |

|4) |Eligible employers: |

| |a. |shall use STEP UP grant funds to provide on-the-job training and compensation to armed|

| | |forces members who are newly hired under this STEP UP program component; |

| |b. |shall: |

| | |i. |provide on-the-job training and compensation to employees newly hired under |

| | | |this STEP UP program component; |

| | |ii. |conduct such training on the employer’s premises; and |

| | |iii. |not be required to have an existing formal training program; and |

| |c. |with its application for STEP UP Program participation, shall prepare and submit a |

| | |written, detailed description of the on-the-job training to be provided to the |

| | |employees newly hired under this STEP UP Program component. Such training plan shall |

| | |be kept in the participant’s file at the Regional WDB. |

|5) |With respect to any such newly hired employee: |

| |a. |a business receiving a grant under this Program shall not receive for the same newly |

| | |hired employee: |

| | | i. |a second grant under this Armed Forces program component; |

| | |or |

| | |ii. |a grant for either the Small Business or Small Manufacturer STEP UP Program |

| | | |components; |

| |b. |each such employer may only utilize one STEP UP program component per each “new hire”.|

iii) The CTDOL Labor Commissioner or his/her designee shall:

1) review; and

2) if acceptable, approve

such employer’s description of the proposed on-the-job training as part of the application for participation in the STEP UP Program.

iv) Grants to eligible employers under the Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program shall adhere to the following parameters.

1) No such grant shall exceed the salary of any newly hired person under the STEP UP Program.

2) Training grants may be used to subsidize wages.

3) On-the-Job training and compensation grant amounts shall be limited as follows:

|# of days of employment under the STEP |% of wage reimbursement of |Maximum Wage Rate Allowed per |

|UP Program |the new employee’s hourly |STEP UP Employee |

| |wage, exclusive of any | |

| |benefits: | |

|calendar days |100% |$20 per hour |

|1 through 30, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |75% |$20 per hour |

|31 through 90, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |50% |$20 per hour |

|91 through 150, inclusive | | |

|calendar days |25% |$20 per hour |

|151 through 180, inclusive | | |

v) Grants shall be cancelled as of the date the new employee leaves employment with the eligible employer.

e) Responsibilities regarding EMPLOYEES participating in the

|Unemployed Armed Forces Member |

|Subsidized Training and Employment Program |

i) The STEP UP Regional Coordinator shall:

1) determine eligibility of employee applicants for the Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program; and

2) if program-specific eligibility requirements are met, may approve employees for participation in the Armed Forces Member STEP UP Program.

i) Eligibility requirements for such prospective Armed Forces Member employees are:

|1) |Employee must meet the criteria of “new employee” as defined in C.G.S. §31-3pp, which states |

| |that “new employee” means a person who: |

| |as verified by the CTDOL Office for Veterans' Workforce Development: |

| |a. |was unemployed prior to employment with an eligible business, regardless of whether such|

| | |person collected unemployment compensation benefits as a result of such unemployment; |

| |and |

| |b. |was honorably discharged after not less than 90 days of service unless separated from |

| | |service earlier because of a documented service-connected disability rated by the U.S. |

| | |Department of Veterans Affairs. |

|2) |“New employee” does not include a person who was employed in this state by a related person with|

| |respect to the eligible business during the prior twelve (12) months. Related person being |

| |defined in C.G.S. §31-3pp, as (emphasis added): |

| |a. |a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or trust controlled |

| | |by an eligible business, |

| |b. |an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or trust|

| | |that is in control of an eligible business, |

| |c. |a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or trust controlled |

| | |by an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership association or |

| | |trust that is in control of an eligible business, |

| |or |

| |d. |a member of the same controlled group as an eligible business. |

|3. |The employee shall not be a participant of more than one STEP UP Program at a time. An eligible |

| |employee may participate in: |

| |a. |Small Business Subsidized Training and Employment Program for Small Businesses; |

| |or |

| |b. |Small Manufacturer Training Grant Program; |

| |or |

| |c. |Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program. |

7. Apprenticeship Referral Process:

Public Act 14-38 § 3(e) enacted an additional opportunity for Small Businesses and Small Manufacturers found eligible to participate in the STEP UP Program under this contract. The legislation allows eligible Small Businesses or eligible Small Manufacturers to apply to CTDOL Office of Apprenticeship Training (CTDOL OAT) for a STEP UP grant to subsidize on-the-job training for eligible “new apprentice” applicants.

a) Each such “new apprentice” applicant must certify on the STEP UP Employee and “New Apprentice” Certification (Exhibit 5) that he or she:

|i) |is a current student at a: |

| |1) |public or private high school, |

| |2) |preparatory school, or |

| |3) |institution of higher education (e.g. community college or 4-year college); and |

|ii) |has not been employed in Connecticut by the same employer as will be the sponsor employer, during the |

| |prior 12 months; and |

|iii) |is not seeking employment under the apprenticeship on a temporary or seasonal basis by a retailer (as |

| |“retailer” is defined under C.G.S. §42-371). |

“New apprentice” applicants must also meet criteria and requirements established by CTDOL OAT.

|“New apprentice” does not include a person: |

|a. |who was employed in this state by a related person with respect to the eligible small business|

| |during the prior twelve (12) months. Related person being defined in C.G.S. §31-3pp, as |

| |(emphasis added): |

| |i. |a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or trust controlled|

| | |by the eligible small business, |

| |ii. |an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or |

| | |trust that is in control of the eligible small business, |

| |iii. |a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or trust controlled|

| | |by an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association or |

| | |trust that is in control of the eligible small business, |

| |or |

| |iv. |a member of the same controlled group as the eligible small business. |

|or |

|b. |who was employed on a temporary or seasonal basis by a retailer, defined in Conn. Gen. Stat. §|

| |42-371 (1) as: |

| |"Retailer" means any person who sells goods used primarily for personal, family or household |

| |purposes to a person who is not in the business of reselling such goods. |

e) Small Businesses and Small Manufacturers seeking registered apprenticeship sponsor status must apply through CTDOL OAT.

f) Wage subsidies and training grants processed under this section shall be paid under the STEP UP program component (Small Business or Small Manufacturer) but also tracked by the Central WDB as an New Apprentice / Apprenticeship statistical subset.

g) Instructions for Apprenticeship Application Process:

|i) |For any Small Business or Small Manufacturer interested in STEP UP Apprenticeship, Regional Coordinators |

| |shall vet such employers including submitting requests for Employer Checks to CTDOL WIA Administration |

| |Unit, using the process and protocols described under this contract. |

| |NOTE: This task must be completed first, prior to the next step. |

|ii) |Regional Coordinators then complete Exhibit 6 -- STEP UP Program Apprenticeship Program Referral Form and |

| |submit the form by electronic or facsimile transmission to CTDOL OAT for OAT’s follow-up with interested |

| |employer/s. |

|iii) |CTDOL OAT shall contact such interested employer/s to determine, as applicable: |

| |their eligibility as a registered apprenticeship sponsor, and/or |

| |verification of current status as a registered apprenticeship sponsor. |

| |This task will involve approximately 2 to 4 weeks for CTDOL OAT to complete. |

|iv) |Once CTDOL OAT determines such employer: |

| |is or is not eligible to become a registered apprenticeship sponsor, or |

| |is currently in good standing as a registered apprenticeship sponsor, |

| |CTDOL OAT shall fill in the portion of Exhibit 6 -- STEP UP Program Apprenticeship Referral Form as to |

| |such determination and submit the form by electronic or by facsimile transmission back to the Regional |

| |Coordinator who is identified on the form. |

|v) | Regional Coordinators shall use any affirmative response from CTDOL OAT to enter into the |

| |appropriate STEP UP Agreement with such employer and check off the appropriate boxes regarding the STEP UP |

| |Apprenticeship program on the applicable Agreement form: |

| | |Exhibit 1 -- Subsidized Training and Employment Program Small Business Agreement |

| | |Exhibit 2 -- Small Manufacturer Grant Agreement |

| | Regional Coordinators shall use any adverse response from CTDOL OAT to notify such employer that |

| |they cannot hire any “new apprentice” but can still hire persons who are not “new apprentices” under the |

| |respective STEP UP component program. |

|vi) |Regional Coordinators shall keep all: |

| |employer-specific documentation concerning STEP UP Apprenticeship submissions, |

| |vetting to and from CTDOL, and |

| |vetting to and from CTDOL OAT |

| |in each respective employer’s file. |

D. Exhibits

The following exhibits are attached to this contract and are integral provisions of this contract as if fully set forth in the body of the contract:

|Exhibit # |Exhibit Title |

|1 |Subsidized Training and Employment Program Small Business Agreement |

|2 |Small Manufacturer Agreement |

|3 |STEP UP Income Guidelines / 2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines |

|4 |Eligible Communities for STEP UP |

|5 |STEP UP Employee & “New Apprentice” Certification |

|6 |STEP UP Program Apprenticeship Referral Form |

|7 |STEP UP Employer Agreement for New Apprentice |

|8 |Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment Grant Program Agreement |

|9 |STEP UP Employee Certification for Armed Forces |


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