SURNAME:____________________________________ NAME

SURNAME:____________________________________ NAME: ______________________________

ENROLMENT NUMBER:____________________

DATE: ________________________________________

|FIELD OF STUDY: |SA | |Other: |

| |( | |__________________________________________ |






a) La presente prova d’esame si articola in due sezioni:

Section 1 sul Modulo di General English, sulle strutture grammaticali, lessicali, sintattiche e funzionali della lingua (Grammar e Use of English)

Modalità: Multiple Choice on Grammar and Use of English, Translation, Composition

Section 2 sul Modulo di Specific English:

Modalità: Reading Comprehension, Gap Filling, Multiple Choice

b) LE RISPOSTE per le domande a scelta multipla vanno riportate sull’ANSWER SHEET o foglio delle risposte, ossia l’ultimo foglio del presente fascicolo. Tutte le pagine di questo fascicolo vanno riconsegnate alla fine dell’esame.

c) NOME E COGNOME DEL/LA CANDIDATO/A, NUMERO DI MATRICOLA, SIGLA DEL CORSO DI STUDI E DATA vanno riportati su ogni pagina in cui sono richiesti.

d) Rispondere a tutte le domande: sia la risposta errata che la risposta non data valgono 0 (zero) punti. Per rispondere sull’answer sheet (ultimo foglio di questo fascicolo) si riempie il pallino nella casella relativa alla lettera (A, B, C, D) della risposta che si ritiene corretta. La pagina “Rough copy” può essere utilizzata per la “brutta copia”. Un test d’esame consegnato senza la composition (writing) e/o senza la translation è da considerasi incompleto, quindi FAIL.


f) Durante lo svolgimento della prova NON è CONSENTITO l’utilizzo di dizionari, libri di testo o appunti di alcun genere. Per le risposte è obbligatorio l’utilizzo di una penna blu o nera (non è consentito l’uso della matita).



|GENERAL ENGLISH | |(Voto minimo 18/30)* |


|SPECIFIC ENGLISH | |(Voto minimo 18/30)* |


|* (è necessario ottenere almeno 18/30 in ognuna delle due sezioni) |voto di General English e voto di Specific|

| |English |


a) MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the right answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1 point for each correct answer.


|1) I______ the exam if I________ harder. |

|A |would have passed / studying |

|B |can have pass / study |

|C |’ll passed / studied |

|D |could have passed / had studied |


|2) My car __________________ at the moment so I can’t lend you it. |

|A |has repaired |

|B |is being repaired |

|C |is repairing |

|D |was repaired |


|3) The report __________________________________ by a group of experts. |

|A |was wrote |

|B |is writing |

|C |is been written |

|D |has been written |


|4) If I _______________ you, I __________________ to Germany at Christmas. It’s too cold. |

|A |was / won’t go |

|B |were / wouldn’t go |

|C |had been you / didn’t go |

|D |am / will go |


|5)A: I __________ to see the new film Spectre last week. |

|B: __________________ it yet? |

|A |went / Have you seen |

|B |go / Did you see |

|C |gone / Do you see |

|D |going / Will you see |


|6) He ________________ the town well because he ___________________ it three times before. |

|A |know / was visiting |

|B |knew / had visited |

|C |was knowing / had visited |

|D |had known / visits |

|7)I’m so tired. I ___________the house all morning but I _________for today. |

|A |am cleaning / finished |

|B |was cleaning / had finished |

|C |cleaned / finish |

|D |have been cleaning / have finished |

|8) If you ______________________ on time, you __________________________ the lesson. |

|A |will be / won’t miss |

|B |had been / wouldn’t have missed |

|C |were / would have missing |

|D |could have been / would have missed |

|9) Unless we__________ ______________early we_________________ there on time. |

|A |will leave / get |

|B |leave / won’t get |

|C |are leaving / wouldn’t have got |

|D |leaves / will get |


|10) You __________ give up smoking. It’s bad for your health. |

|A |should |

|B |must to |

|C |ought |

|D |manage |


|11) We ________________lunch in the garden when it ______________to rain. |

|A |were having / started |

|B |had / were starting |

|C |have / had started |

|D |are having / start |


|12) The civil servant ___________________soon because he ______________ very hard at the moment. |

|A |will be promoted / is working |

|B |was promoting / has worked |

|C |is promoted / had worked |

|D |is going be promoted / works |


|13) We _______________ climb the mountain even though it _______ very difficult. |

|A |can / being |

|B |were able to / be |

|C |could to / has been |

|D |managed to / was |


|14)A: Are you _____________________ some new jeans next week? |

|B: Yes, I think I ___________ them from Zara. |

|A |buyed / ‘m going to get |

|B |buying / get |

|C |going to buy / ‘ll get |

|D |will buy / getting |


|15) This book _________________________ 100 years ago. |

|A |was written |

|B |is written |

|C |has been written |

|D |will be written |


|16) She ______________to the airport on time if she ________ earlier. |

|A |won’t get / doesn’t get up |

|B |wouldn’t get / wouldn’t get up |

|C |can’t get / gets up |

|D |will / getting up |


|17) The student ______________ do the exam because he ______________ very hard. |

|A |was able to / had studied |

|B |couldn’t / was studying |

|C |managed / has study |

|D |can / is able study |


|18) I _______________ now. I _________________write a report for the Minister. |

|A |can / manage |

|B |should to go / had to |

|C |may go / can |

|D |must go / have to |


|19) Are you _____________________ for Rome tomorrow? |

|A |left |

|B |going leave |

|C |leaving |

|D |will to leave |


|20) You _____________ drink and drive . |

|A |shouldn’t to |

|B |don’t have to |

|C |can’t to |

|D |mustn’t |


b) TRANSLATION. Translate the following sentences from Italian into English. 2 points for each correct sentence. 1 point for a partially correct sentence.

|21) /22 |Se avessi studiato più seriamente quando ero a scuola avrei potuto avere/ottenere un lavoro migliore. |

| | |

|23) /24) |Da quanto tempo studi Francese? Da circa tre anni e sto ancora studiando . |

| | |

| | |

|25) / 26) |Il contratto è stato firmato due settimane fa. Ma i libri non sono ancora stati consegnati/recapitati. |

| | |

| | |

c) COMPOSITION. Write a short composition (120-150 words) on ONE of the following topics.

Points: from 1 to 4. Write the composition on the following page.

|1) Describe what you are doing at the moment and you future plans concerning education, work, family and hobbies. |

|2) Write a description of your best friend. Describe how long you have known him/her, where you met, what he/she does, how often you meet and what |

|activities you enjoy doing together. |

|3)Write an e-mail to a friend and describing a book you have recently or a film you have seen. Talk about the author/director, the story and why you |

|like or disliked it. |

Rough copy

SURNAME:____________________________________ NAME: ______________________________

ENROLMENT NUMBER:____________________

DATE: ___________________________________________________________

|FIELD OF STUDY: |SA |Other: |

| |( |__________________________________________ |

Write your composition here (120-150 words).






a) READING COMPREHENSION. Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1 point for each correct answer.

|Civil Service cuts are worse than feared |

|More cuts in civil service jobs are expected after Chancellor Osborne has doubled Public Administration Whitehall cuts to £6bn. He aims to |

|reduce administration costs by 34%. |

|Thousands more civil servants will lose their jobs after the Chancellor announced that he had doubled his target for cutting the cost of |

|Whitehall from £3bn to £6bn. The Department for Work and Pensions told staff they would be making up to 15,000 job cuts. |

|These cuts will be in all Whitehall departments and the minister intends to make the cuts as soon as possible to carry out a major |

|restructuring of the Civil Service. |

|Civil servants in Whitehall have claimed that there was no "masterplan" about where to cut jobs, and that departments had to make decisions on|

|where to make cuts. Many of the cuts will come through "natural selection" – people not being replaced when they retire– but more will face |

|either compulsory or voluntary redundancies. Departments are confused about the plan since the government has not announced any guidelines or |

|details yet. The policy has caused discontent among civil servants and many of the 500,000 civil servants have not been told if they are going |

|to lose their jobs and will have to wait months to find out. Permanent secretaries have been given the job of writing to employees warning them|

|that they may lose their jobs. |

|Many people in the Civil Service feel that civil servants have done nothing to cause the financial deficit. They also think that the |

|government is tackling the symptoms of the deficit but not its cause. The new policy is one of the biggest challenges faced by the British |

|government since the Second World War. Because the government has announced potentially significant reductions in the number of civil servants |

|employed across all government departments morale will suffer at all levels of the Civil Service. This in turn will make it difficult to |

|continue to ensure that services continue to be delivered to support ministers and the wider public with a high level of quality. |

|In order to show that the policy is a fair and should be applied to all counties in the EU at the last European summit David Cameron |

|demanded billions of pounds in pay and pension cuts from the EU's civil service in a show of solidarity with austerity-hit workers in the UK |

|and across Europe. |

|He introduced his demands with a paper setting out how Brussels could slash at least six billion euro - £4.8 billion - off its staff costs by |

|upping retirement ages, lowering pensions and cutting salaries. |

|He insisted the EU civil service should face the same kind of crackdown on central administration costs as in Whitehall. |

|31) The Chancellor wants to ______________________________________________. |

|A |double expenditure in the Commons |

|B |save £3b in the Department for Work and Pensions |

|C |cut spending in the Civil Service |

|32) The text says that ________________________________________. |

|A |there is a masterplan |

|B |reductions should begin as soon as possible |

|C |civil servants agree with the cuts |


|33) Who has to decide about the cuts? ____________________________________. |

|A |The departments |

|B |The government |

|C |The tax payer |


|34) Which of the following statements is correct? |

|A |There is clear policy on how the cuts will be achieved. |

|B |Details about how the cuts will be carried out have not been announced yet. |

|C |The Home Secretary is going to announce how cuts will be done. |


|35) Civil servants __________________________________________________________. |

|A |are happy about the situation |

|B |do not know whether they will lose their jobs |

|C |have decided to go into voluntary retirement |

|36) Civil servants __________________________________________________________. |

|A |think they have not caused the deficit |

|B |do not give quality service |

|C |are tackling the cause of the deficit |

|37) Which of the following statements is correct? Mr. Cameron thinks that |

|A | that the EU civil service should have the same cuts in costs as those carried out in the UK |

|B | Ministers will give more services in order to maintain quality. |

|C | it won’t be difficult to ensure the continuation of a high level of quality. |

b) GAP FILLING. Read the text and fill in the gaps. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1 point for each correct answer.

|Conservative Party Welfare and Pensions Policy |

| |

|According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to (38)____________ some important changes concerning certain|

|aspects of welfare as soon as possible. |

|The report about welfare (39)______________ sets out a radical programme of (40)___________ that will provide many opportunities for |

|millions of British people. It will be the biggest reorganisation of the welfare (41)_______________ for 60 years. |

|It states that: |

|* Every person potentially able to work will be offered possibilities aimed at helping them back into work as quickly as possible. |

|* For those unable to find work there’ll be long-term community projects to help them get back into a working environment. |

|* Those not willing to take part will face tough sanctions. |

|The welfare programme will be (42)_____________ by private and public providers, who will only be paid when someone gets and keeps a |

|(43)______________. |

|Combined with the (44)______________ to end penalty in the tax credits system for people who are married, the radical welfare plans will |

|help lift almost half a million children out of (45)______________. |

| |A | B |C |D |

|38) |gain |carry out |rejoin |earn |

|39) |political |politics |policy |politician |

|40) |reform |line |strategy |directives |

|41) |political |business |area |state |

|42) |pressed |delivered |purchased |political |

|43) |labour |work |job |professional |

|44) |committee |commitment |commission |committing |

|45) |poverty |poorness |pauper |poor |

c) MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the right answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1 point for each correct answer.

|46) Which structures emerged in the 13th century? |

|A |Secretaries who were chosen based upon geography. |

|B |A hierarchy of officers reporting back to their superiors. |

|C |The High Court, the Exchequer, the Royal Councils. |

|D |The Police, armed forces and trusts |


|47) A growing problem of the Public Administration is _________________________________. |

|A |civil servants who have specific technical training |

|B |the distinction between civil servants and ministers |

|C |the relationship between the different levels of government |

|D |communication between Permanent Secretaries and Ministers |


|48) Agencies are ________________________________________________________________. |

|A |largely independent organisations but subordinate to a department |

|B |organisations headed by a Cabinet Minister |

|C |non–departmental public bodies |

|D |monitoring bodies of the prisons |


|49) The Northcote–Trevelyan report proposed_______________________________________. |

|A |a system based on purchase and patronage |

|B |promotion without open competition |

|C |indoor and outdoor relief |

|D |recruitment on the basis of merit |


|50)The real impetus for the welfare state came with __________________________________. |

|A |The National Assistance Act of 1948 |

|B |The Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 |

|C |The Beveridge Report in 1942 |

|D |The Northcote -Trevelyan report |


|51) Mr. Major proposed _________________________________________________________. |

|A |simplifying the welfare system |

|B |a performance pay related system |

|C |giving large bonuses to civil servants |

|D |the Citizen’s Charter Programme |

|52) Mrs. Thatcher_________________________________________________________________. |

|A |reduced the size of the Civil Service |

|B |increased the size of the Civil Service |

|C |left the size of the Civil Service as it was |

|D |made use of many special advisers |

|53) Before the Northcote-Trevelyan report ________________________________________________. |

|A |recruits were placed in a hierarchical structure of classes and grades |

|B |staff were chosen through political or aristocratic patronage rather than by merit |

|C |clerks were allowed a performance -related pay scheme |

|D |there was a division between ministerial and non-ministerial departments |

|54) The 1834 Poor law Amendment Act was aimed at ____________________________________. |

| A |creating Old Age Pensions |

|B |giving indoor and outdoor relief |

|C |putting all poor people in workhouses |

|D |creating less eligibility for the poor |


|55) Permanent Secretaries are ___________________________________________________. |

| A |the administrative heads of departments |

|B |the heads of the Civil Service |

|C |the heads of the government |

|D |the policy makers |

|56) The Beveridge report proposed __________________________________________. |

|A |a system of workhouses |

|B |a system of legal restraints |

|C |a system of National Insurance |

|D |a system of universal credit |


|57) In the 1920s and 1930s women ____________________________________________. |

|A |earned huge bonuses |

|B |received equal pay to men |

|C |earned more than men |

|D |didn’t earn as much as men |

|58) What was a ‘means test’? |

| A |A determination to see if a family is eligible for state help. |

|B |An examination of a family’s housing conditions. |

|C |An investigation into the quality of schools. |

|D |A way of getting people into workhouses |

|59) Mr. Cameron would like to __________________________________________. |

|A |maintain the ‘means test’ in its original form |

|B |replace the means test with a system of universal credit |

|C |make the welfare system more difficult with extra ‘means tests’ |

|D |Substitute indoor and outdoor relief with benefits |


|60) Which of the following sentences is correct? |

|A |Mrs. Thatcher tried to empower the service user. |

|B |Mr. Major didn’t like having contact with private companies. |

|C |Mr. Cameron wanted to increase fraud in the Civil Service. |

|D |Mr. Blair agreed with the use of special advisers. |

Università degli Studi di Cagliari




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|DATE:_______________________ |

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TOTAL SCORE: _________ /30


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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