Multi Cultural Resource Directory for Central MA
Multi Cultural Resource Directory for Central MA
|Latino Resources |Target Populations |Description |Language |
| | | | |
|Centro Las Americas |Latino and neighboring community in|Community-based, non-profit organization providing|English, Spanish, and Portuguese |
|11 Sycamore Street |Worcester |community services, emergency food and clothing | |
|Worcester, MA 01608 | |(food bank), referrals, advocacy, translations, | |
|T: 508-798-1900 | |notary public, immigration services, meal site for| |
|Email: info@ | |Latino elders (Club 60), economic development | |
|Web: | |programs, art classes, Spanish and English | |
| | |classes, drop out prevention program and a mentor | |
| | |and a job coordinator program. Has a Family | |
| | |Center, which includes case management and a | |
| | |family skills building program. Provides outreach | |
| | |to customers with developmental disabilities | |
|Latino Services | |The Latino Partial Hospitalization Programs at | |
|Arbour Counseling Services |Meets mental health needs of |Arbour Hospital and Arbour Counseling Services - |English and Spanish |
|255 Park Avenue Suite 803 |community with specific services |Lawrence offer intensive, short-term treatment for| |
|Worcester, MA 01609 |for Latino groups |Latino adults with psychiatric or dual diagnosis | |
|(508) 799-0688 | |disorders. Psychotherapy and psychoeducation | |
| | |groups are all conducted in Spanish, and the | |
| | |program is staffed by bilingual and bicultural | |
| | |clinicians who can address cultural and societal | |
| | |issues within the context of treatment. | |
|Asian Resources |Target Populations |Description |Language |
| | |The Southeast Asian Health Program is a community |English, Vietnamese, and Cambodian |
|Family Health Center of Worcester, |Members of the Southeast Asian |based, health promotion, disease prevention | |
|Inc.’s Southeast Asian Health Program |community in Worcester, |program. The program’s health educators conduct | |
|26 Queen Street |Massachusetts and surrounding towns|outreach and provide health education services at | |
|Worcester, MA 01610 | |homes, Worcester housing projects, ESL classes, | |
|T: 508-860-7930 | |schools, and other places. Smoking cessation | |
|Web: seap.htm | |counseling, Hepatitis B screening, diabetes | |
| | |screening, mammography pap testing, and in home | |
| | |radon testing are available through this program. | |
| | | | |
|GBLT Resources |Target Populations |Description |Language |
| | |Safe Homes is a program for gay, lesbian, |English |
|Safe Homes |Severing teens and young adults |bisexual, transgender, and questioning young | |
| |with GBLT needs |people between the ages of 14 and 23. Led by youth| |
|Laura Farnsworth, Program Manager | |and professional staff, as well as volunteer adult| |
|Safe Homes /The Bridge | |advisors, we offer support and resources in a safe| |
|4 Mann Street, Worcester, MA 01602 | |and nurturing environment. | |
|phone 508.366.4305 . fax 508.836.5560 | |. | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |English / Spanish |
|Health Awareness Services |Latino Men, over 18yo |Offers support groups for latino men who have sex | |
|405 Grove Street | |with men. This includes meetings and social | |
|Worcester, MA 01605-1270 | |activities. Meets Mondays 7pm at Health Awareness | |
|(508) 756-7123 • (508) 756-8922 Fax | |Services. Please call ahead. | |
|Deaf/ Hearing Impaired Resources |Target population |Description |Language |
|Center for Living and Working, Inc: Deaf and Hard of | | |American Sign Language / |
|Hearing Services |Deaf and Hard of Hearing |Provides deaf and hard of hearing independent |English |
|484 Main Street | |living services including independent living | |
|Denholm Building, Suite 340 | |skills training, advocacy, peer counseling, crisis| |
|Worcester, MA 01608 | |intervention, community education, public | |
|T: 508-755-1003 | |education, information, and referral | |
|Email: centerlw@ | | | |
|Web: | | | |
|Worcester Evening Free Medical Service Program |Uninsured / Underinsured |The clinic at Wesley United Methodist Church | |
|(WEFMSP) – | |offers free eye exams and hearing evaluations, and| |
| | |free or low-cost eyeglasses and hearing aids. | |
|Wesley United Methodist Church | |Comprehensive eye exams are offered on the 2nd and| |
|114 Main St. (near Courthouse) | |4th Mondays of each month from 6 PM to 8 PM. This | |
|Worcester, MA 01608 | |is a walk-in clinic, first-come, first-served. You| |
|Telephone: 508-799-4191 | |do not need an appointment. Ear exams are offered | |
| | |on the 4th Monday of each month. Hours are 6 PM to| |
| | |8 PM, first-come, first-served. | |
|Immigrant/Refugee Resources |Target Population |Description |Languages |
|Catholic Charities of Worcester |People from Southeast Asian, European, |A multi-service agency serving refugees and | |
|10 Hammond Street |and Middle Eastern countries |immigrants. Services include: resettling refugees |English, |
|Worcester, MA 01610 | |and immigrants, cultural orientation, MRRP case |Vietnamese, and French |
|T: 508-798-0191 | |management, assistance for processing of INS change| |
|Web: | |status documents, assistance through a variety of | |
| | |human services to refugees and immigrants, history | |
| | |for legalized immigrants, and referrals. | |
|Lutheran Social Services of New England |New immigrants/ refugees |Provides a number of social programs including | |
|Refugee and Immigrant Services | |programs focused on supporting recent immigrants | |
|30 Harvard Street | |such as resettlement and support services to help | |
|Worcester, MA 01609 Phone: 508-754-1121 | |refugees and other immigrants become | |
|Fax: 508-754-1393 | |self-sufficient and productive citizens of the | |
| | |United States. | |
| | | | |
|Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center (RIAC)|New immigrants/ refugees |Helps Somali women and children and other | |
|340 Main Street, Suite #965 | |immigrants by providing resettlement and support | |
|Worcester, MA 01608 Map of this | |services. | |
|location | | | |
|Phone: 508-756-7557 | | | |
|Fax: 508-756-7708 | | | |
| | | | |
|General Resources |Target Population |Description |Languages |
|Henry Lee Willis Community Center | | |English and Spanish |
|119 Forest Street |People of color and those who are|The Willis Center is a multicultural social service| |
|Worcester, MA 01609 |disadvantaged |agency that provides social and human services in | |
|T: 508-799-0702 | |an accessible and culturally sensitive manner. | |
|Web: | |Provides programs in substance recovery, | |
| | |specialized foster care, adolescent residential | |
| | |care, emergency assistance, homeless shelters, | |
| | |community-based DMR services, and cultural arts and| |
| | |education. The Willis Center created a community | |
| | |where people of color and the disadvantaged can | |
| | |gain equal access to human and social services that| |
| | |improve the quality of their lives. | |
| | | | |
|Friendly House, Inc. |Serving the residents and |Provides an after school program, art and |English, Spanish, Albanian, |
|36 Wall Street |families of Worcester |recreation programs, summer camping programs, |and German |
|Worcester, MA 01604 | |senior services, basic needs services, a continuum | |
|T: 508-755-4362 | |of shelter services, community organizing efforts, | |
|Email: friendlyhouse@ | |and a host of information and referral service | |
|Web: | | | |
|Children’s Friend, Inc. |The general population of |Child and family counseling center providing |English and Spanish |
|20 Cedar Street |Worcester County |therapy (individual, family, group), | |
|Worcester, MA 01609 | |psychopharmacology, psychological testing. Programs| |
|T: 508-753-5425 | |include: School Aged Mother’s Program, Adoption and| |
|Email: info@ | |Family Services, and the Carriage House—Center for | |
|Web: | |Grieving Children. | |
|Community Healthlink, Inc.’s Youth and Family |Children, adolescents, and |Provides diagnostic evaluation and treatment |English and Spanish |
|Services |families of Central Massachusetts|including family therapy, individual psychotherapy,| |
|275 Belmont Street | |sibling therapy, parenting, crisis intervention, | |
|Worcester, MA 01604 | |and psychopharmacology; family support services | |
|T: 508-791-3261 | |including advocacy, interpreting, transportation, | |
|Email: info@ | |mother support groups, father support groups, youth| |
|Web: | |groups, and short in-home respite; Outreach | |
| | |including community outreach and crisis/after | |
| | |crisis out reach services; community mental health | |
| | |education. | |
|Webster Community Partnership for Children |3 &4 yo minority / underserved |# Increase the affordability and accessibility of | |
|Danielle Morrow |children |programs for 3 and 4 year old children of diverse | |
| | |cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds | |
|Coordinator | |through the use of a sliding fee scale. | |
|670 Main St. | |# Enhance collaboration among families, community | |
|No. Oxford, MA 01537 | |programs, business and other organizations | |
|Phone: (508) 987-0829 x19 | |concerned with children and families to develop a | |
|Fax: (508) 987-7092 | |system of early care and education, reduce | |
|yf_wcpc.html | |duplication of services and promote equitable | |
| | |services. | |
| | |# Provide comprehensive early childhood programs | |
| | |and services for 3 and 4 year old children of | |
| | |working families. | |
| | |# Provide early childhood programs and services | |
| | |that are high quality. | |
| | |# Conduct community outreach to ensure that | |
| | |children of families who may be difficult to reach | |
| | |by traditional methods, are offered opportunities | |
| | |to participate in a program that meets their needs.| |
|Translation/Language Services |Target Population |Description |Languages |
|Central Mass. Area Health Education Center | | |. |
|35 Harvard Street, Suite 300 |Those individuals who may need |Provides interpreter and translation services to |Provides interpreters for the|
|Worcester, MA 01209 |translation and interpreter |break the communication barrier between providers |following languages: |
|T: 508-756-6676 |services |and patients |Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, |
|Web: | | |Chinese, Greek, Hmong, |
| | | |Italian, Karen,Khmer, |
| | | |Polish, Portuguese |
| | | |(European), Portuguese |
| | | |(Brazilian), Russian, |
| | | |Spanish, Twi, and |
| | | |Vietnamese. Provides services|
| | | |in additional languages upon |
| | | |request. |
|Free clinics & Community Health Centers |Target Population |Description |Languages |
|Great Brook Valley Health Center, Inc. | | | |
|19 Tacoma Street |All linguistic and cultural |Community health center providing the following: |Albanian, Arabic, Asante-Twi,|
|Worcester, MA 01605 |groups. Anyone in need of |primary medical care; urgent care; mental health |Bambara, Chinese, Davaweno, |
|T: 508-852-1805 |services |services; dental; social services; laboratory |English, Farsi, French, Ga, |
|Web: | |services; pharmacy services; optometry; nutrition; |German, Hindi, Hmong, |
| | |mammography; ultrasound, family planning; HIV, STD,|Italian, Korean, Lithuanian, |
| | |Hepatitis counseling and testing; specialty care |Polish, Portuguese, Somali, |
| | |including urology, pulmonology, dermatology, |Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, |
| | |obstetrics/gynecology, infectious disease, |Twi, Urdu, Visayan, |
| | |cardiology, ophthalmology, podiatry, suboxone |Vietnamese |
| | |treatment; childbirth classes; breastfeeding | |
| | |support; chronic disease program; stress management| |
| | |program; school based health centers; healthy | |
| | |families home visiting program for pregnant and | |
| | |parenting teens; youth programs (HIV, substance | |
| | |abuse, and pregnancy prevention | |
|Akwaaba Free Medical Clinic |West African |The Akwaaba Free Medical Clinic at The | |
|International Central Gospel Church | |International Central Gospel Church in Worcester |Ghanaian and English |
|52 Harlem Street | |offers free medical care to all. The clinic is a | |
|Worcester, MA 01610 | |project of the Akwaaba Health Initiative, and is | |
| | |staffed by volunteer doctors, nurses, and medical | |
| | |students from the UMass Medical School. One of the | |
| | |main goals of the clinic is to improve access to | |
| | |health care for Worcester's African immigrants and | |
| | |residents of the Vernon Hill neighborhood. Clinics | |
| | |are from 6-8pm. You do not need an appointment | |
|Health Awareness Services of Central Mass., Inc. |At risk youths & adults. |Health Awareness Services is a non-profit health | |
|405 Grove Street |Uninsured/ |care organization with family planning clinics and |Spanish / English |
|Worcester, MA 01605 |Underinsured people within |HIV counseling and testing sites in Worcester and | |
| |Worcester |other central Massachusetts locations. HIV/AIDS | |
|Family Planning: | |services, and all services for youth age 17 or | |
|508-753-0800 or | |younger are free. Charges for other services are | |
|1-800-637-5466 | |based on a sliding fee scale. | |
|HIV Testing: | | | |
|508-753-0800 or | | | |
|1-800-637-5466 | | | |
|HIV Case Management: 1-888-442-7448 | | | |
|St. Anne's Church |Uninsured/ Underinsured adults & |This program provides medical services free of | |
|130 Boston Turnpike (Rte. 9) |children in Shrewsbury area |charge for children and adults with no insurance or| |
|Shrewsbury, MA 01545 | |very little insurance. It serves Shrewsbury and | |
|Telephone | |surrounding towns, including Worcester. Clinic | |
|(508) 757-5154 | |hours are Tuesdays from 6 PM to 8 PM. You do not | |
|Fax: (508) 797-9520 | |need an appointment. | |
|Email: starec@ | | | |
|Worcester Evening Free Medical Service Program |Uninsured/ |The clinic at Epworth United Methodist Church | |
|(WEFMSP) – General Medical Care |Underinsured Adults and Children |offers free general medical care. Hours are | |
| | |Mondays, 6 PM to 8 PM. This is a walk-in clinic. | |
|Epworth United Methodist Church | |You do not need an appointment. The clinic is | |
|64 Salisbury St. | |closed on major holidays. | |
|Worcester, MA 01609 | | | |
|Telephone: | | | |
|508-752-2376 | | | |
|Worcester Evening Free Medical Service Program |Uninsured/ |The clinic at Wesley United Methodist Church offers| |
|(WEFMSP) – |Underinsured patients in need of|free eye exams and hearing evaluations, and free or| |
| |eye or ear exams |low-cost eyeglasses and hearing aids. Comprehensive| |
|Wesley United Methodist Church | |eye exams are offered on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of| |
|114 Main St. (near Courthouse) | |each month from 6 PM to 8 PM. This is a walk-in | |
|Worcester, MA 01608 | |clinic, first-come, first-served. You do not need | |
|Telephone: 508-799-4191 | |an appointment. Ear exams are offered on the 4th | |
| | |Monday of each month. Hours are 6 PM to 8 PM, | |
| | |first-come, first-served. | |
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