
German 12019-2020Frau Kancauski Room: C-140bkancaus@Course Description:Vocabulary and every day German expressions are emphasized in order to promote conversational expression. Extensive work is done in German grammar to build a strong foundation and strengthen the student’s knowledge base. The culture, history, and geography of the German-speaking people are also studied to provide a well-rounded first year. Required Materials:Portfolio Deutsch 1 textbook and workbookBook cover for textbook Composition Notebook – Interactive Notebook (there will be periodic notebook checks and you will have to turn this in for a day)Writing utensilsUnits of StudyABC’s, spelling, and counting Introducing yourself and others Talking about schoolWhere you/your family comes fromDaily routinesHobbies and making plansTalking about birthdays/celebrationsShopping, ordering food, and discussing preferencesTalking about clothing and style Talking about vacations present and past tense Grading:Course Grades: Course grades will not be based upon a total accumulation of points. Instead, student grades will be determined based on the following weighted categories:Grading ScaleGradebook CodesGrade Weight90 – 100 = A80 – 89 = B70 – 79 = C60 – 69 = D0 – 59 = FEX – ‘excused’ – the work does not need to be made upNHI – ‘not handed in’ – the student was here, but did not turn in required work. The work may still be turned in.60% - Summative Assessments (projects, tests, vocabulary quizzes)20% - Practice(classwork, participation, homework)20% - Final Exam(multiple choice, speaking, writing)Homework:Homework will either be assigned throughout each unit. Homework assigned from the workbook will be collected on the day of the exam. Other homework assigned in class will be due on the date assigned – typically the day or over the weekend. Late work will be accepted for a percentage reduction per school policy. If you are absent or know that you are going to be absent it is your responsibility to get the missing work. Assessments:There will be a quiz every chapter and a unit test every 2 chapters. Each unit test will have 3 components; writing, speaking, and multiple choice. The multiple-choice portion will include listening, reading, and vocabulary/grammar concepts in context. Unit exams are worth 100 points total. There are 8 unit exams the entire year – 2 of those exams are the 1st and 2nd semester final exam. world language lab:At Plainfield Central, we are fortunate to have weekly access to a computer lab, with recording software specific to foreign language learning. We will use the lab to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking, by interacting with authentic resources. We will also occasionally use the lab for speaking assessments. Inappropriate use of the language lab will result in temporary or permanent loss of lab privileges. Should you lose your lab privileges, you will be offered an alternative assignment.Absence Policy:Daily attendance is one of the most important factors affecting school achievement. Not only is regular attendance a State of Illinois mandate, but it is also a value that prepares the student for the world of work and adult responsibilities. Research indicates that student attendance is highly correlated with success in school. Ensuring regular school attendance requires a cooperative effort by the parent(s) or guardian(s) and school personnel. District 202 attendance policies and procedures have the following goals: 1. Improve overall student attendance 2. Maximize student academic success through policies/procedures that encourage daily attendance 3. Encourage a cooperative effort between families and the school in order to maximize attendance 4. Uphold/enforce the Illinois School Code regarding attendance 5. Place accountability for attendance with the student and the parentsAny student absent (for any reason) will be responsible for communicating with the teacher and following through with any make up work, readings, assessments, or notes necessary.Expectations and Tips for Success:What do I expect from you?? Be respectful of your teacher and peers!? Always be prepared for class (homework completed, writing materials, books, binder, etc.)? I expect you to learn from your mistakes.? We will use as little English as possible.? Language is learned through participation in class, and therefore I expect you to participate daily.? I expect you to make up work when you are absent.? I expect you to strive towards a higher level of speaking.? I expect you to communicate with me if you have any questions or concerns.? No food, gum, candy in class. ? No cellphones or any other electronic devices.What can you expect from me? I will…? provide feedback on your performance in class as quickly as possible.? implement new teaching methods in your class.? contact your parents if I am pleased or concerned with your progress.? be fair. ? treat you with respect.? be receptive to your questions and concerns.Tips for a successful year in German FRAGEN…Ask questions! I will always help in any way I can to allow everyone to have a great year. HAUSAUFGABEN…Do your homework. Even if you are not sure of every question, it’s the effort that counts.SPRECHEN…Speak in German whenever possible. Again, you may not be right all of the time (who is?), but it’s the effort that counts. FEHLER…Make mistakes. The more you do with the language on a daily basis the easier it will be for you to learn and expand your knowledge.SPA?…Have fun. The great thing about a foreign language class is that there are many things we can do to make it fun. That is, of course, when the work is getting done. Notes for Parents and Students:German Club meets about twice a month. We do cultural celebrations, watch movies, play games, take field trips, and occasionally have multi-club parties with French and Spanish. Membership is open to any Plainfield Central student.Membership in German Honor Society (Delta Epsilon Phi) is available by invitation to students who have an ‘A’ average in their German classes and a ‘B’ average overall. Students may be invited to join DEP after their fifth semester of language study. Once inducted, they must maintain their high academic standing, and participate in a few German Honor Society events. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. bkancaus@ I look forward to an amazing year! Viel Spaβ!Deutsch I, return to Frau Kancauski (This is 2 sided)I have read the policies regarding homework and discipline and understand that I will be expected to perform according to the rules set forth. I further understand that it is my responsibility to make up all missed work due to absences within one day. In addition, I understand that the teacher has the right and obligation to teach, and that the students have the right and obligation to learn. I do not have the right to inhibit anyone from realizing this right, and will treat everyone in the class with respect.Student SignatureI, as the parent/guardian, have read the classroom policies as set forth by Frau Kancauski. I further understand that my daughter/son will be held accountable for all actions regarding academic and behavioral performance. I have read and understood the expectations of my child. I will make sure that my child has all materials by the deadline.I have signed-up to access the Parent Web Module, to view Attendance and Grades for my child. I understand that Homework can be seen via Learning Connections in the Parent Web Module.If my contact information changes, I will contact the attendance office.Parent/Guardian SignatureQuestions/Comments:Student name (please print neatly)____________________________________________Teacher/class period ________________________________________________________Language Lab Contract 2019-2020I agree to:follow all lab rules as directed by my classroom teacheruse all equipment as directed by my classroom teacher use the proper procedures for using the computers and software as directed by my classroom teacheruse only the indicated programs and software as directed by my classroom teacheralert my teacher immediately if there is any problem with the computer or headsetreimburse the Foreign Language Department for any lab damages for which I am responsible in order that they make any repairs or replacementsI agree NOT to:misuse or damage the equipment in any wayaccess programs or use software not designated by my classroom teacherunplug headphones for any reasonalter any of the system configurations, icons or appearance of the computerpossess any gum, candy, food or drink while in the language labI understand that not adhering to the aforementioned criteria will result in the following consequences:Detention and Temporary loss of lab privilegesTemporary loss of lab privileges, Referral to Dean, Parental contact and Conference with Foreign Language Department ChairPermanent loss of lab privileges, Referral to Dean, Parental contact and Conference with Foreign Language Department ChairConsequences will be assigned at the teacher’s discretion to fit the severity of the infraction. Alternate assignments will be given in the event of loss of lab privileges. Student signature ________________________________ Date_______________Parent/Guardian signature _________________________ Date_______________ ................

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