CH - Steve


1. How and why did the Cold War end? Did anyone "win" this conflict? Who? Why?

2. Was Mikhail Gorbachev responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union?

3. Compare & contrast the experiences of Russia and its E. European neighbors since the end of the Soviet Union in ‘91.

4. What are the basic problems and antagonisms between Serbia and the other countries that once made up Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Slovenia)? What forces in the post-Cold War world enabled this dangerous and bloody conflict to escalate so terribly?

5. What major economic challenges have plagued the West from the 1980s through the early 21st century?

6. "The Iraq war was the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time." Support or refute the quotation.

7. With the world increasingly inter-connected via transportation and communication networks, does the name "Western Civilization" still make sense?

8. Is capitalism the dominant force on the planet today? Why or why not?

9. What role has popular culture played in the Western world since World War II?

10. What forces have conspired to cause the return of racism, war crimes, and genocide in the Balkans? How did the reformations or reformulations of society, politics, and culture in the region after World War II provide the groundwork for current upheavals in this area?

11. Is the world facing a "clash of civilizations" in the near future? Why and/or why not?

12. "Globalization is going to be the salvation of civilization." Support and refute this statement.

13. What has been gained and what has been lost as a result of the digital revolution?

|1.Mikhail Gorbachev |2. perestroika and glasnost |3. U.S.S.R. |4. Boris Yeltsin |

|5. Nicolae Ceausescu |6. Chechnya |7. Vladimir Putin |8. Václav Havel |

|9. Lech Walesa and Solidarity |10. Czech Republic and Slovakia |11. fall of the Berlin Wall |12. Slobodan Milosevic and "ethnic |

| | | |cleansing" |

|13. Yugoslavia |14. Bosnia |15. Kosovo |16. the IRA |

|17. Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel |18. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown |19. Jacques Chirac and Nicolas |20. the European Community/EC |

| | |Sarkozy | |

|21. Maastricht Treaty |22. the European Union/EU |23. the euro |24. Bill Clinton |

|25. George W. Bush |26. Office of Homeland Security |27. Hurricane Katrina |28. Brian Mulroney, Jean Chrétien, and Stephen |

| | | |Harper |

|29. Ronald Reagan and the |30. the Gulf War/Persian Gulf War |31. George H. W. Bush & the "New |32. Baader-Meinhof gang/Red Army Faction & the|

|Cold War | |World Order" |Red Brigades |

|33. al-Qaeda |34. Sept.11, 2001& the World |35. Saddam Hussein & weapons of mass |36. the Taliban & war in |

| |Trade Center |destruction |Afghanistan |

|37. Osama bin Laden |38. Iraq war |39. Shi'ites, Sunnis & Kurds |40. "guest workers" |

|41. Jorg Haider's Freedom Party |42. Christian fundamentalism |43. Islamic fundamentalism |44. Pope John Paul II |

|45. Anselm Kiefer's Departure from |46. NGOs |47. Microsoft & Bill Gates |48. e-mail, cell phones & the iPod |

|Egypt | | | |

|49. Lord of the Rings & the Harry |50. multiculturalism |51. globalization |52. World Bank & multinational/ transnational |

|Potter films | | |corporations |

|53. global warming/greenhouse effect | | | |

1. Describe the ruling policies of Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union.

2. What did Mikhail Gorbachev intend to do under perestroika?

3. Who was the Russian president after Boris Yeltsin?

4. What problems plagued Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union?

5. Describe Vladimir Putin's presidency.

6. What area witnessed the first independence movement among the Soviet republics during Gorbachev's rule?

7. Who succeeded Vladimir Putin as president of Russia?

8. Describe the Solidarity movement in Poland.

9. What country held the 1ST free parliamentary elections to occur in Eastern Europe for 40 years in 1988?

10. What former dissident writer and philosopher of Czechoslovakia in 1990 replaced the Communist government?

11. What country saw the end of the brutal dictatorial Communist government of Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989?

12. What E. European repub. came about in ‘93 with the breakup of a previously existing state fueled by ethnic rivalries?

13. What party won nearly 50 % of the vote in East Germany's 1990 election?

14. Who was the politician who kept the fractious state of Yugoslavia together for decades after World War II?

15. What was the reason for Yugoslavia dividing into warring factions?

16. What was a consequence of the war in Bosnia?

17. What group most brutally employed the tactic of "ethnic cleansing,"?

18. Who was the Yugoslav Pres. ousted in 2000 and was subsequently put on trial for war crimes against humanity?

19. Under whose leadership was the reunification of Germany accomplished?

20. Which conserve. Brit. P.M resigned after an inconclusive election & was succeeded by Lib. Democ. David Cameron?

21. Who was the individual who succeeded Tony Blair as Britain's prime minister in 2007?

22. Who was the British prime minister who gave support to the U.S. in the war on terror and in the Iraq War?

23. What caused massive rioting in the suburbs of Paris in 2005?

24. What was the unemployment rate in Parisian suburbs, the home of many Muslims, as of 2009?

25. What was the Maastricht Treaty?

26. What was the common currency initially adopted by eleven member states of the European Union?

27. What was one of the challenges facing the Economic Union in the early 21st century?

28. Who ultimately decided where Florida's Electoral College votes would go in the 2000 U.S. presidential election?

29. What were factors in George H.W. Bush's defeat in his reelection attempt in 1992?

30. Describe Bill Clinton presidency.

31. What were factors contributing to George W. Bush's declining popularity by his 2nd term?

32. What has been a continuing problem roiling Canadian politics for the past several decades?

33. What was one of the underlying causes of the end of the Cold War?

34. What conflict gave the 1st opportunity for the new relationship between the U.S & the Soviets in the post-Cold War era?

35. Give an example of nationalist terrorism group.

36. What politician called terrorism "the enemy of our generation"?

37. What does "al-Qaeda" mean?

38. Where did the United States initially wage war in the immediate aftermath of 9/11?

39. Describe the war in Iraq that began in 2003?

40. How have European states responded to the influx of foreign workers and refugees since the 1980s?

41. What has been a dramatic social development affecting the status of women in W. Europe since the ‘60s?

42. Decribe the women's movement.

43. Describe Protestant fundamentalism.

44. What did Pope John Paul II advocate or practice? What might he be remembered for?

45. What artist was a Neo-Expressionist?

46. In what year was Apple's iPod introduced?

47. Give an example of multiculturalism in literature.

48. What might be a serious criticism of the digital revolution?

49. What was the result of the collapse of the U.S. housing market in 2007-2008?

50. What is a transnational corporation?

1. As general secretary of the Communist Party, Mikhail Gorbachev abolished Article 6 of the Soviet Constitution, which had guaranteed the "leading role" to the Communist Party. p. 688

2. The first president of the Soviet Union was Boris Yeltsin. p. 688

3. As president, Vladimir Putin sought to democratize Russia and loosen the central control of the state. p. 690

4. The reunification of Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall led to the immediate emergence of considerable prosperity in the former Eastern Germany. p. 696

5. In 2004, Yugoslavia officially ceased to exist when it was renamed Serbia and Montenegro. p. 695

6. In the 2000 U.S. presidential elections, George W. Bush won both the popular and the electoral votes. p. 699-700

7. Because of nationalist aspirations and cultural conflicts, in 2004 several members resigned from the EC. p. 698

8. The justifications that Pres. Bush used for invading Iraq in 2003 were agreed upon by most members of the U.N. p. 702

9. During the 1960s and 1970s, church membership in the United States jumped dramatically. p. 705-7

10. Global warming is not a major concern of the environmentalist movement. p. 711


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