Cultural Exploration Presentations

Your cultural heritage:

Contact the oldest person on your dad’s side of the family still living. Find out what country your family came from. Get all the family names they know.

List names:

List origins:

Contact the oldest person on your mom’s side of the family still living. Find out what country your family came from. If they do not know, then get the family names.

List names:

List origins:

Note: if you are not able to access one side or your family or both, see me for alternative


Choose a culture that you think would be interesting to research. This should be a minority or at least non-western culture. Cultures may be religious groups that Americans are unfamiliar with.

Culture: Approval (Required):

You will create a 5 minute presentation for class composed of the following elements:

I. History of American immigration for this group (or for slaves or Native Americans – a history of how they came to America)

II. Overview of culture with presentation of artifact (may include food, clothing, or other item)

III. Cultural issues you should be aware of when interacting with persons from this culture

IV. Cultural stereotypes

Be aware:

← Presentations must be respectful and not offensive in any way.

← Only one person will present on a particular culture per period.

← If you use PowerPoint – it MUST be burned to a CDROM or on thumb/jump drive. Failure for file to open will result in a late grade.

← Not presenting when called is a 25 point deduction.

← Note research requirements on rubric.

|Cultural Exploration Presentation Rubric |

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