Quiz 2: The Geography of North America, (Hardwick)

Chapters 4-5-6

1) The economic activities that a community relies on to generate income from elsewhere is called the

A) Prime economy

B) Economic base

C) Pecuniary center

D) Monetary focus

2) Which of the following is an example of employment in the primary sector?

A) Car salesman

B) Miner

C) College professor

D) Carpenter

3) In North America the majority of workers are employed in which sector(s) of the economy?

A) Primary

B) Primary and Secondary

C) Tertiary

D) Tertiary and Quaternary

4) In general, agricultural production (the production of crops) in North America has ________ over the last 100 years.

A) Increased

B) Decreased

C) Stayed at about the same level

D) Fluctuated

5) The primary cause of increased productivity of individual farmers in North America over the course of the 20th century is ________.

A) Low-wage migrant labor

B) A natural decrease in pest populations

C) Farmers 100 years ago were ignorant and lazy

D) Technological innovation

6) Which types of farms benefit from a location close to urban areas?

A) Dairies

B) Truck farms

C) Ranches

D) Both A and B

E) Both B and C

7) North American manufacturing has traditionally been centered in what part of North America?

A) The Southwest

B) New England and the Great Lakes

C) The Pacific Northwest and Western Canada

D) The Inland South

8) Why have manufacturing jobs moved from their traditional center in the Rust Belt to other regions in North America and regions outside of North America?

A) There was a lack of skilled labor in the Rust Belt.

B) Manufacturing jobs have moved in order to lower labor costs.

C) Costs of transportation to and from the Rust Belt became too high.

D) Energy costs became too high because of the cold climate.

9) Which factors contributed to the growth of tourism in North America?

A) The mass production and distribution of the automobile.

B) Increasing numbers of Americans holding nonfarm jobs and had paid vacations.

C) Increasing stress levels caused more Americans to need vacations.

D) Both A and B

E) All of the above

10) What factors are more important in determining where tertiary and quaternary sector firms choose to locate?

A) Locating near needed raw materials

B) Locating near markets for their products

C) Locating in cities where they can have access to cheap labor

D) Locating in areas with lots of amenities and relatively low cost of living

11) Economic activities whose location does not rely on factors such as the location of raw materials, transportation costs, and large labor forces are called what?

A) Movers

B) Footloose activities

C) Free agents

D) Untethered

12) The main difference between edge cities and suburbs is what?

A) Suburbs are located further from the central city than edge cities

B) Edge cities are located further from the central city than suburbs

C) Suburbs are less reliant than edge cities on the central city for employment, shopping, recreation, and cultural activities

D) Edge cities are less reliant than suburbs on the central city for employment, shopping, recreation, and cultural activities

13) In recent decades, in contrast to early immigration patterns, many new immigrants to North America live in

A) Downtowns/the central city.

B) Ethnic neighborhoods.

C) Rural areas.

D) The suburbs.

14) Which of the following was an advantage that helped the United States develop a strong, industrialized national economy during the 20th century?

A) A well educated, growing population

B) A culture that was traditional and discouraged novel thinking

C) An large land base and abundant natural resources

D) Both A and B

E) Both A and C

15) The word that describes the relationship between geography and international relations is ________.

A) Geopolitics

B) International geography

C) Globalization

D) Geo-foreign policy

16) Globalization, and the growth of large multinational corporations has resulted in ________ of secondary sector jobs in North America.

A) The growth

B) The decline

C) Stagnation

D) Growth in most areas but decline in some regions

17) NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is an agreement that does what?

A) Allows the free migration of people between countries in North America

B) Limits tariffs and trade restrictions

C) Ensures that all countries have strong environmental and workers rights regulations

D) All of the above

18) A federal state indicates a country in which ________.

A) Power is shared formally between federal and state level

B) Power is concentrated at the federal level and states have little power

C) Power is concentrated at the state level and there is a weak federal presence

D) Power is completely at the federal level, and the state's leadership are all federal employees

19) Which of the following includes only states and provinces located in the Atlantic Periphery?

A) Quebec, New Brunswick, Maine

B) Nova Scotia, Vermont, Connecticut

C) Maine, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia

D) Massachusetts, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec

20) Which of the following describes the coastline of the Atlantic Periphery?

A) Gently sloping, with wide flat sandy beaches

B) Glaciation as left thin soils and rocky, rugged coastline

C) Many harbors where cities and towns have been established

D) Both A and C

E) Both B and C

21) The frequent fogs that contribute to shipping hazards along the coast of the Atlantic Periphery are most often caused by

A) The interaction of a warm ocean current with cold air masses.

B) The cooling of land after sunset which causes condensation in the air.

C) Winds blowing up a slope causing cooling and condensation.

D) Cold air settling into valleys while warmer air passes over.

22) The term Nor'easter refers to

A) The residents of the most Northeastern part of Canada, Newfoundland.

B) Winter storms that move in from the northeast and bring heavy snowfall.

C) Heavy fogs the move in from the northeast along with the cold Labrador Current.

D) Tropical storms that bring high winds and heavy rains to the Atlantic Periphery in late summer and early fall.

23) The climate of the Atlantic Periphery could be described in what way?

A) Warm and mild with most precipitation taking place in the winter

B) Cool and mild with most precipitation taking place in summer

C) Cool summers and cold winters with most precipitation taking place in the winter

D) Cool summers and cold winters with significant precipitation year round

24) Based on Norse folklore and archeological evidence, which of the following was most likely cause of the abandonment of the settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows?

A) Conflict with local Native Americans

B) Settlers were starving

C) Disease

D) Conflict with British settlers

25) What type of abundant nature resource attracted Europeans to the Atlantic Periphery?

A) Rich soils for farming

B) Gold and other minerals

C) Forests and logging

D) The fishing grounds

26) The Great Expulsion or Great Upheaval refers to what?

A) The forced migration of First Nation people from their homelands in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

B) The removal of French speaking children from schools in New Brunswick

C) The forced migration of French settlers out of Acadia during the French and Indian War

D) The removal of English speaking children from schools in New Brunswick

27) Why did Acadian leadership attempt to maintain neutrality in the struggle between France and Great Britain for control of the Atlantic Periphery? (choose the best answer)

A) Although they spoke French and retained many French customs, they believed in the British cause

B) King George promised them free land if they stated out of the disagreement

C) They wanted to retain control over lands they had settled no matter who was governing the region

D) Although they spoken English and were Protestants, they believed in the French cause

28) Many French settlers left the Atlantic Periphery during the Great Upheaval and settled in what part of North America?

A) The Pacific Northwest

B) The Coastal South

C) The Great Plains

D) The Corn belt

29) Which of the following factors contributes to lack of urbanization in the Atlantic Periphery?

A) Cool climate and rocky soils

B) Rich fisheries

C) Lack of nature resources

D) Both A and C

E) All of the above contribute to lack of urbanization

30) Why is the economy of the Atlantic Periphery considered dependent?

A) The economy of the region is mostly dependent on natural resources and primary economic activity

B) The economy of the region is relatively weaker than those of nearby regions

C) The economy of the region is dependent on migrant labor from nearby regions

D) Both A and B

31) Why have fisheries in the region declined since the 1950s?

A) U.S. and Canadian governments have imposed onerous laws on fishermen, causing them to abandon their traditional ways of life

B) Technological improvements have allowed fishing to take place a much faster rates than ever before

C) Fishermen from the region can't compete with cheap fish from China

D) Pesticides from agricultural runoff are poisoning fish in the north Atlantic

32) What factor has contributed to growing lobster populations in the region despite large harvests?

A) Declining lobster prices

B) Technological improvements in lobster fishing techniques

C) Overfishing of cod, which eats lobsters

D) Most people in the region are tired of eating lobster

33) How might increasing tourism and migration from wealthier nearby regions impact the economy of the Atlantic Periphery?

A) Local businesses will benefit from the increased numbers of customers

B) Real estate prices will rise

C) Businesses might be attracted by the increasing population and low cost of living for their workers

D) Both A and B

E) All of the above

34) As changes have come to the fishing economy of the region, the Canadian government has attempted to deal with the declines by

A) Subsidizing education and health care for isolated fishing towns.

B) Providing incentives for people to move to larger communities.

C) Provided retraining and payments for lost wages to fishermen.

D) Both B and C

E) Both A and C

35) Most cities in the Atlantic Periphery are located

A) On the Atlantic coast or in river valleys.

B) Close to other nearby regions.

C) In the interior.

D) In the south-western portion of the region.

36) Which of the following names refers specifically to French speaking residents of Quebec?

A) Anglophones

B) Francophones

C) Allophones

D) Quebecois

37) Upper Canada refers to what part of the country?

A) Quebec

B) Ontario

C) Newfoundland and Labrador

D) New Brunswick

38) Which of the following is an important part of the primary sector in Quebec?

A) Farming

B) Automobile manufacturing

C) Tourism

D) Logging

39) The Algonquins are to the French as the ________ are to the British?

A) Hurons

B) Iroquois

C) Inuit

D) Ojibwe

40) What situation left the British government with a huge debt that resulted in higher taxes in the 13 colonies?

A) The Crimean War

B) The French-Indian War

C) The Revolutionary War

D) The Seven Years' War

41) France lost control of their territories in the New World in 1763. More than two hundred years later the descendants of French settlers still maintain their language and cultural traditions. Which of the following factors contributed to this?

A) Strong ties to the Catholic Church and isolated rural lifestyles.

B) Desire to maintain a strong national identity.

C) Desire to maintain a separate identity from British sympathizers.

D) Descendants had no motivation to change languages.

42) The seigneurial system refers to what?

A) The three elements (Catholic Church, French Language, and the French legal and political traditions) that define Quebec.

B) The integration of Hispanics into Canadian society.

C) The feudal system of landlords that the French government created to control settlement in the new world.

D) The Quebecois practice of only allowing signs in French.

43) About what proportion of Quebec's population speak French as their native language?

A) 20%

B) 40%

C) 60%

D) 80%

44) If there were about 500,000 first nations people living in Quebec when John Cabot, British explorer arrived in 1497, about how many were left 150 years later in 1650?

A) 300,000

B) 100,000

C) 50,000

D) 5000

45) How has the industrialization of Quebec's economy influenced the development of Quebecois nationalism?

A) Most factories where owned by English-speaking corporations leading to resentment by Francophone Quebecois.

B) Most factories where owned by French-speaking corporations leading to resentment by Anglophone Quebecois.

C) Most factories where owned by German-speaking corporations so Francophone and Anglophones were viewed equally.

D) There are few factories in Quebec so industrialization had little impact

46) The Quiet Revolution refers to what?

A) The merging of French and British Canada in 1841

B) The victory of the British over the French in 1763

C) The 1987 accord signed by provincial leaders which assured official protection for Quebec's culture and language

D) The rise of Quebecois nationalism and the Parti Quebecois in the late 1960s

47) For many years the Inuit of northern Quebec struggled for control of their culture, language, and governance. What has been the result of those struggles?

A) In 1975 the Inuit signed a historic agreement with the Canadian government that has led to significant increases in Inuit autonomy

B) Inuit still struggle with the breakdown of their language and culture because they are forced to send their children to residential English language schools

C) The threat to Inuit culture is increasing because Northern Quebec has experienced a major influx of non-native population from Southern Quebec

D) Inuit have maintained government controlled Northern Quebec since the first days of European settlement

Select Three (3) of the following. Answer in a short paragraph of 3-5 sentences.

- Describe the process by which new technologies increase farm yields, which depresses prices leading farmers to adopt new technologies, which further increase yields.

- Describe Ethnoburbs.

- Where were the four out of five cities in the United States that lost population between 2000 and 2010 and why did they this happen?

- Explain the concept of the technological treadmill by giving an example of how this pattern functions.

- How has globalization impacted workers in rural parts of North America in comparison to those in cities?

- Why has there been significant opposition to NAFTA? What negative impacts are opponents concerned about?

- Explain why the Atlantic Periphery is referred to as a peripheral area.

- Discuss the patterns of urban settlement in the Atlantic Periphery. How urbanized is this region? Where are the largest cities located? What are there primary economic and cultural functions?

- Imagine that you are an Anglophone resident of Quebec and a vote for independence from Canada succeeds. Describe what challenges you and your family might face and concerns you might have.

- Explain, using at least three separate reasons, the decreased interest within Quebec in full secession from Canada.


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