
Office of Academic Affairs

Request for Proposals, 2016-2017


The Office of Academic Affairs provides support and technical assistance to CUNY schools that offer degree and certificate programs in health and human services disciplines, including nursing and allied health fields. As part of our annual Request for Proposals (RFP) we are inviting applications for funding in the following priority areas:

1. Develop new academic programs in response to high-demand workforce areas.

2. Develop or redesign health professions programs to align with federal healthcare reform, recommendations of the NYS Medicaid Redesign Team, the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report, and other professional trends especially those associated with the implementation of the NYS Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DS-RIP) Program.

3. Enhance the capacity and quality of CUNY programs that prepare personnel to work in the area of mental health, aligning with Thrive NYC and other initiatives on behavioral health.

4. Increase the use of distance learning, clinical simulations, NYSIM and other technologies that enhance instruction or student support in nurse education and other health professions programs.

5. Increase opportunities for students to participate in field based learning experiences including transition-to-practice and residency programs, and paid internships.

6. Align with relevant P-16 partners in strengthening the health careers pipeline.

7. Enhance student supports and outcomes in high-stake areas such as testing, licensure and employment.

8. Expand clinical affiliations with community-based providers.

9. Design and implement projects that promote inter-professional education and collaborative practice (such as team-based care and care coordination) among the health professions.

10. Strengthen programs that support CUNY students with disabilities.

11. Recruit veterans with health-related military training into health professions programs.

12. Conduct workforce research in the health and human services professions.

13. Support global initiatives in the areas of health and social justice.

14. Offer faculty development activities in the health professions.

15. Implement collaborative programs with health and human services providers and their unions to support the training, education and career advancement of incumbent workers.

Office of Academic Affairs

Request for Proposals, 2016-2017

Proposal Guidelines

A complete proposal consists of three parts:

1. Application cover sheet (p.3 of this document)

2. Narrative proposal

3. Project budget (p.4 of this document)

The narrative proposal should not exceed 1,500 words and should address the following:

• Opportunity or Need. What opportunity or need does the proposed project address? What evidence base supports this claim?

• Goal. Briefly state the overall goal of the project.

• Activities. What specific activities will be undertaken, and who will be responsible for carrying out each planned activity? Please explain how these activities will be beneficial to your college, providing data and evidence, if possible. Especially if participating faculty is a Department Chair, please address how this project falls within the scope of a faculty member’s role.

• Timetable. Indicate the months during which the listed activities will take place, with any important milestones. The timeline for the project should align with the funding period (FY17). All activities must be completed by June 30, 2017.

• Outcomes. What will the project’s impact be, in terms of specific results? What is the direct benefit for students or faculty?

• Partners. Identify any employers, professional associations, government agencies, community-based organizations, unions, or others involved in the project. Describe roles and responsibilities.

• Evaluation. How will progress toward the short- and long-term goals be assessed? What metrics will be adopted to measure impacts and outcomes? How will project results be shared?

• Future Plans. Is this a discrete or ongoing project? What might future plans entail?

• Previous Funding. Have you been funded during a previous RFP cycle? If yes, please list the year and title(s) of the funded project(s).

Questions about the application process can be directed to

Please email completed applications by Friday, 11/11/16 in PDF format to with “Funding Proposal” in the subject line.

Colleges may submit multiple applications. Once an application is received, it will be reviewed by an advisory committee. The committee evaluates how well the applicant addressed the required components of the narrative as well as the cost-effectiveness of the budget request. Additionally, project need, activities, outcome and evaluation should be well aligned. Applicants may be asked to participate in a phone interview so that the committee can ask clarifying questions.

Final Reports will be due to OAA from funded projects no later than July 15, 2017.

Office of Academic Affairs

Request for Proposals, 2016-2017

Application Cover Sheet

Project Name: ______________________________________________________

$ Amount Requested: __________________ Priority Area #(s): ______________

Principal Investigator

CUNY College: ______________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________

Applicant Name: ______________________________________________________

Applicant Title: ______________________________________________________

Work Address: ______________________________________________________

Work Phone: _______________________ Cell Phone: ____________________

Email: ______________________________________________________


Signature Date

Co-Investigator (if applicable)

CUNY College: ______________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________

Applicant Name: ______________________________________________________

Applicant Title: ______________________________________________________

Work Address: ______________________________________________________

Work Phone: _______________________ Cell Phone: ____________________

Email: ______________________________________________________


Signature Date

Office of Academic Affairs

Request for Proposals, 2016-2017


|A. Personnel (Titles) |(A) Annual |(B) |(C=AxB) |(D) Other Funding Sources (Cite amount|Total |

| |Salary |% Dedicated Time |Amount |and source) |Cost (C+D) |

| | | |Requested | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Subtotal, Personnel: |$ |$ |$ |

|B. Non-Personnel Costs (Itemize) |(A) |(B) Other Sources |Total |

| |Amount |(Cite amount and source) |Cost (A+B) |

| |Requested | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Subtotal, Non-Personnel Costs: |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|TOTAL COSTS: |$ |$ |$ |

• Available funds are “tax levy” and do not include indirect costs.

• Faculty released time is calculated on the basis of adjunct replacement costs.

• If budget items are not described in the proposal, please include a line item budget narrative.

• Provide detail for any price quotes for software, technology, etc.

• OTPS should not include computer equipment.

• Do not include fringe benefit costs, which will be paid through the Central Office.

• Funds can be budgeted for summer salaries through June 30, 2017.

• Most allocations will be between $10,000 and $20,000; the maximum is $50,000.

• For multi-campus projects, a separate budget must be submitted for each college.

• All funds must be spent by June 30, 2017.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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