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OUTLINING YOUR PERSUASIVE SPEECHThis speech is outlined like the classic speech outline, formatting- Follow outline in your syllabus. All headings are bolded. Follow it exactly.Your topic must advocate for a specific policy change. This could be a law that is currently pending or being suggested by a law-maker, or a policy that you have created on your own. It can not be a personal or value change. Your thesis will likely have a “should” or a “should not” in it.“The FDA should approve the NIH’s current recommendation on setting a daily sugar intake for all U.S. Americans.”You will need to do extensive research on your topic to fully understand the followingHistory of the issueCurrent policiesResearch that suggests current policies are not working or not going far enough. What is a workable solution (this ends up being your thesis)UNDERSTANDING WHAT EACH SECTION OF THE PERSUASIVE OUTLINE DOES:The first section of the Persuasive speech is called “Establishing the Problem”. This crucial step is designed to fire your audience up and show them that there is in fact a BIG issue that they may not be aware of. The audience must be convinced that a problem exists in order to be on board with your solution (thesis).ESTABLISHING THE PROBLEM:History of the issue: depending on your topic, it is sometimes useful to review the history of the issue to show the audience how we got here. Often it is a brief and recent history.If your topic were abolishing the death penalty in the U.S., this would be where you briefly discussed when death penalty became legal, how many we have executed so far, and what court battles it has faced in recent years.Current Policies: this is the section where you discuss the current laws and policies regarding your issueIf your topic were abolishing the death penalty you would discuss how the current California law allows for people to be sentenced to death still, but we aren’t executing anyone currently because it is tied up in the Supreme Court. Our Supreme court has said you can’t give a lethal injection unless you are license to give injections and are a medical professional. Medical professionals can’t do it because of their oath to “do no harm”. We are at a stand still in California.Issues, Problem, Significance: This is a very important step and is the MEAT of this section. This is where you convince your audience that things are bad, the issue is serious.If your topic were abolishing the death penalty you’d cover the followingCost of Death Penalty, bankrupts our state.Racial Inequity in SentencingLack of Success in Preventing CrimeViolates ConstitutionOPPOSING VIEWPOINTS: This is the part of your speech where you bring up what the opposition would say. Every opposing viewpoint should be in opposition to your THESIS, not just your topic in general. Do research to find out what the main opposing viewpoints to your topic are. In general, you will have 3-4 opposing viewpoints. Make sure to hit the main ones or your audience could question your credibility.Bring each opposing viewpoint up, one at a time, and challenge them with research.EXAMPLE: Issue is Abolishing Death PenaltyCOST:Some will argue that the death penality will save us money, after all, it seems like executing someone would be cheaper than housing them for their natural life.HOWEVER: That is simply not true. According to Death Penalty Watch, a non-profit organization and researching firm, it is highly costly to carry out a death penalty (ETC……)Others will also argue that the death penalty is a deterrentThis is an argument that lacks logic and research. If someone is a state where they are going to commit a crime as serious as murder, are we to believe that they would have the logical mindset to stop and think “Hmm…I wonder if I’ll get put to death if I do this…” In addition, studies from The University of Michigan show no difference in crime rates in states that have outlawed the death penalty…ETC.EYE for an EYE / JUSTICE for FamilyETC.CALL TO ACTION / VISUALIZATIONThis is the section that has two parts. It is orally pretty short but requires a lot of outside prep.The first section is the VISUALIZATONThis section tells the audience what your plan would look like. What would happen if we passed your thesisIf California were to abolish the death penalty, we would no longer sentence anyone to death and all 746 current death row inmates would have their sentences changed to life in prison without the possibility of parole. It has the potential to save nearly 1.2 billion dollars in the first 5 years.The Second section is the Call to ActionTHE PREP WORK:You will find an appropriate senator, legislator, or other policy maker. If your topic addresses the FDA you should find the proper person on the FDA in charge of your issue. If your topic is local, find the right local person. If the topic you are proposing is not currently being proposed you should find a person who is “Sympathetic” to your topic, meaning they have spoken out about similar topics or have shown interest and sympathy to the type of issue your are proposing and are in a place of power.You will write a proper business letter to this legislator, senator, or whomever you deem appropriate. Your letter should contain a short summary of the issue and request for what you’d like to see done (we can discuss further in class).You DO NOT SIGN THIS LETTER. You leave it vague. And end with “Sincerely,”You will make a copy for each person in class, attach an addressed envelope to each. The idea here is that you want to make it as realistic as possible for people to really send your letter in and affect change. You might also have a supplemental call to action for the audience, in the meantime. If your topic was labeling GMO’s, in addition to your letter to the FDA, you might also have a guide that tells us which companies to avoid buying from. That would be passed out at the conclusion of your speech.THE SPOKEN PART:Tell your audience who you have written your letter to and why. Do not read the letter word for word to the audience, simply refer to it.Ask your audience to sign it at and make a difference in the future of the issue.I know this is a lot of information. WE WILL REVIEW in class. This guide is designed to help you get started on your speech NOW.BestGina ................

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