Current Controversial IssuesResearch Paper Ideas Does Distance learning offer a competitive edge or is it inferior to traditional forms of education?Do social networking sites provide a healthy way to improve friendships or do they isolate people and put them at the risk of predation?Is youtube a valuable form of personal expression or does it lower the quality of entertainment?Should the U.S. continue to guard its border with Mexico?Is winning the war in Afghanistan essential to U.S. security?Should first amendment rights and civil liberties be taken into consideration when it comes to national security? Are there enough benefits of international adoption or does it encourage the exploitation of children?Should it be illegal to use a cell phone while driving? Should offshore drilling be allowed? Should cell phones be banned in schools? Should a mosque be built at Ground Zero? Did the 9-11 attack justify the war on Iraq? Does public surveillance keep you safer or invade your privacy? Should marijuana be legalized? Should the current BCS system for college football be abolished and a playoff system enacted? Should the words "under God" be in the pledge of allegiance? Is obesity a disease? Should all Americans have the right to health care? Should "Don't ask, don't tell" in the military continue? Do electronic voting machines improve the voting process? Should felons be allowed to vote? Should prostitution be legal? Should insider trading by Congress be allowed? Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels? Should any vaccines be required for children? ................

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