Choose a country (Not United States). Research the following issues for that country. Create booklet with 6 sections OR create a power point (7 slides, minimum—six information slides and one introduction slide. On the front, write Foreign Policy Issues for_________________. Include photos or maps as appropriate.Economics1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th world? Economic System (Capitalist? Communist? Barter Economy?)Economic issuesPrimary resourcesEconomic Engine (resource, product, or service driven)Name of currencyEnvironmentDescription of terrain and climate (include a map)Current threatsSecurityCurrent threats or major eventsAllies or Union member?Politics Style of government (Democracy? Dictatorship? Something else?)Name and title of current leaderSocialPredominant ReligionReligious tension?Originally a colony? Of which other country?Which language is spoken primarily?U.S. Foreign PolicyCurrent issues and tensions with this countryPast issues affecting the presentChoose a country (Not United States). Research the following issues for that country. Create booklet with 6 sections OR create a power point (7 slides, minimum—six information slides and one introduction slide. On the front, write Foreign Policy Issues for_________________. Include photos or maps as appropriate.Economics1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th world? Economic System (Capitalist? Communist? Barter Economy?)Economic issuesPrimary resourcesEconomic Engine (resource, product, or service driven)Name of currencyEnvironmentDescription of terrain and climate (include a map)Current threatsSecurityCurrent threats or major eventsAllies or Union member?Politics Style of government (Democracy? Dictatorship? Something else?)Name and title of current leaderSocialPredominant ReligionReligious tension?Originally a colony? Of which other country?Which language is spoken primarily?U.S. Foreign PolicyCurrent issues and tensions with this countryPast issues affecting the present ................

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