Society for Dental Ethics






A Special Section of the

American College of Dentists

Mission Statement

The American Society for Dental Ethics exists to support ethics as an integral value for the dental health care professions. The members of the Society are dedicated to the ongoing study of ethical issues and education to promote professional responsibility and conduct, thereby enhancing oral health care for those we serve.

Core Values of ASDE

• Leadership

• Community

• Education

• Collegiality

• Scholarship

• Service

• Professional integrity


President: Phyllis Beemsterboer

President Elect: Al Rosenblum

Treasurer: Larry Jenson

Past President: Marilyn Lantz

Members at Large: Toni Roucka,

William Leffler and Pam Zarkowski

ACD Liaison: Larry Garetto

Editors for Issues in Dental Ethics: Jim Rule and Dave Ozar

Executive Director: Anika Ball

The ASDE officers are inviting all members to go to our website at

November 2010

It is official! ASDE’s Integration into ACD is complete.

The American College of Dentists and American Society for Dental Ethics are pleased to announce that both boards and respective memberships have approved the integration. ADSE is now a non-geographically based Section of ACD. Your dues renewal request will come from the ACD office in Gaithersburg, Maryland.


ASDE Summer Board Meeting 2010

The annual summer board meeting was held in Portland, OR at Oregon Health & Science University, School of Dentistry. The meeting was focused on the integration into ACD but there was time for enjoying the views from the OHSU tram and the sights of downtown Portland.


The view of Mt. St. Helens from the tram ride up to the campus.


The famous VooDoo Donut Shop which was the source of breakfast one morning.


Serious work was accomplished along with great fellowship and fantastic northwest cuisine.



The Bulletin of the International Dental Ethics and Law Society (IDEALS) is available to non-members, at the website.

ASDE Annual Business Meeting at ADEA

The annual session for the American Dental Education Association will be held Mar 11-16, 2011 in San Diego. The ASDE business meeting will be held on Sunday or Monday and will be announced as soon as possible. The ASDE Workshop at the ADEA meeting will most likely be held on Sunday, March 12, 2011.

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Meeting

A Report from Laura Bishop Ph D

Billed as an opportunity for “Ethical Discussion with a ‘Bite’,” the 2010 meeting of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities’ Dental Ethics Affinity Group took place on Friday, October 22, 2010 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel during the ASBH annual meeting. Due to airline delays, our scheduled speaker, David W. Chambers, EdM, MBA, PhD, was stuck in LA and unable to present. He had planned to speak on “How Can Game Theory Help Guide Moral Behavior in Dentistry and Medicine? Contrasting Principles and Equilibrium Approaches to Dental Ethics.” He is willing to share his paper and thoughts by email with interested persons.

Despite our disappointment that Dr. Chambers was not able to be present, we had a lively and interesting meeting with an impromptu, but expert, panel of presenters who briefly addressed a range of ethical issues in oral health care. Part of the fun came from the fact that Dr. Irvin Silverstein, DDS, MS. Ed and almost 30 of his pre-dental undergraduate students from the University of San Diego attended the meeting. Dr. Silverstein is the Director and Advisor to the UCSD Pre-Dental Society and Student Run Free-Dental Clinic at the UCSD School of Medicine. Our expert panel consisted of Martin Weinstein, a member of the UCSD Pre-Dental Society, who spoke about the Society and their amazing student run free dental clinics. Gerald Winslow, PhD spoke about issues of justice, including access to oral health care. Dr. Winslow is the Vice-President for Spiritual Life and Professor of Religion-Ethical Studies at Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences. He has taught dental ethics for many years. Anika Ball, Executive Director of ASDE spoke about ASDE’s new integration into ACD as a special section. Donald E. Patthoff, Jr., DDS, spoke about the American College of Dentists’ (ACD) Professional Ethics Initiative (PEI), a joint effort involving several dental groups that are focused on creating opportunities and resources for ethics education and promotion at the individual, practice, institution, and profession level. Dr. Patthoff, a general dentist in practice in Martinsburg, WV, has long-time and wide-ranging involvement in bioethics. Irvin Silverstein spoke about some common ethical issues that arise in dental education. Ana Buendia-Wannarka, DDS answered questions from the audience about the Student Professionalism and Ethics Club (SPEC) formed by dental students at the USC School of Dentistry in 2007. I, Laura Bishop, PhD, coordinator of the affinity group, filled in around the edges and invited continued participation in the affinity group and ASBH with the goal of raising awareness of issues in dental ethics within bioethics and in society.


The UCLA chapter of the Student Professionalism and Ethics Club (SPEC) was founded in the summer of 2009 by a group of students who were excited at the prospect of increasing the dialog concerning professional and ethical issues. The founders heard about SPEC while attending ASDA's annual session in and decided to start the chapter upon returning. During our first year we held four very successful meetings that were attended by many students and faculty.  During our inaugural meeting we hosted Judge Hjelt, an administrative law judge for the California Office of Administrative Hearings. For another meeting we held a panel discussion with a representative from a dental lab, a hygienist, and a dental assistant concerning ethical issues they have faced. The goal during the coming year is to bring in engaging and informative speakers and to partner with USC SPEC for a combined meeting. Faculty advisors are Drs. Ronald Mito and Carol Bibb.

Intensive Bioethics Course June 7-11, 2011 at Kennedy Institute of Ethics

The annual Intensive Bioethics Course at the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics will be held June 7-11, 2010. Specific aims and objectives for the course are to introduce participants to the philosophical underpinnings of bioethics and current major topics in the field, and to provide them with the skills to define and describe various principles and approaches to bioethics in medical practice, law and public policy.

Passing of Mark Brennan

Dr. Mark Brennan, UK ethicist and clinical educationalist died in September 2010 following a short illness. Mark was active in the Association for Dental Education in Europe AADE and lead author on the textbook “Ethics and Law for the Dental Team”.

ASDE Professionalism Survey

ASDE would like to request your participation in a very brief survey on the concept of professionalism.  This is a word and concept much invoked, but used differently by different people and organizations.  We are interested in your thoughts about what this concept is and how you define it.  The Professionalism Survey can be reached by going to the ASDE website: .  A link on the homepage will take you to the survey.  The a summary of the survey results will be reported as an item in an upcoming ACD News and our goal is to develop this topic into an article or articles themed around the topic of professionalism to be published in Issues in Dental Ethics.  Your participation in the survey, while completely voluntary, would be greatly appreciated. 

The Calendar Corner [pic]

Meetings and Events of Note to ASDE Membership:

▪ February 24-27, 2011 American College of Legal Medicine

2011 Annual Conference

Medicine and Law for Health Care Professionals - Dental Symposium on Feb 25th, Las Vegas, NV

▪ Mar.11-16, 2011 ADEA Annual Session, San Diego, CA

▪ June 7-11, 2011 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Intensive Bioethics Course, Wash. DC

▪ August 12-14, 2011 Annual Board meeting in San Francisco, CA

[pic] President’s Letter

Dear ASDE Members,

After our two year trial period, we are now officially a section of the American College of Dentists. This is truly one of those win-win situations and it will help both of our organizations move forward around our mutual goals. There are many people to thank from the College and our Board for their efforts in this process but from the ASDE side of the effort, Larry Garetto is the hero in this accomplishment. Larry worked consistently through each possible barrier, carefully listening to the concerns and acknowledging the culture specific issues raised by each group. Thank you, Larry for all of your efforts on our behalf!

Recently I had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Mark Siegler (MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago) speak about the future of bioethics. He reminded a group of health care providers that we have and will continue to deal with the fundamental aspects of human life – healing those who seek our services. Dr. Siegler made a compelling prediction about the great need for ethics as we will face unknown challenges but also an unchanging human need. Part of his message was that people in need of healing seek a healer in a

face-to -face relationship. Even with the wide array of technology available today, a person who is ill or in pain will desire a health care provider who is there caring for him/her – not a screen or robotic device.

Dr. Siegler’s message reminded me how fortunate we are in dentistry as we get to establish and maintain that primary care relationship with our patients. How often do we hear that it is the family dentist and dental hygienist who truly know the patient? The once or twice a year dental visit often develops into an ongoing, often life-long association that our medical colleagues do not always enjoy. I feel the same way about the relationship those of us in dental education develop with our students. So as we approach the holiday season, join me in giving thanks that we get to be healers for people who need our services.

Phyllis Beemsterboer



ASDE has decided to meet the demands of most of our members and transmit our newsletter electronically via email. If you would prefer to receive this mailing in paper form or have a problem in receiving it, please let Anika Ball know at


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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