G-CON 2020-21

Current Event FridayStandard of the weekSummary of articleConnection to the key concepts of the standardSSEF1 Explain why limited productive resources and unlimited wants result in scarcity, opportunity costs, and tradeoffs for individuals, businesses, and governments(This column is for the standard that you are associating with the article you have chosen to read. You will be graded on your full connection in the connection of your standard to the article.)1 full point – Include all key vocabulary. (ex. Productive resources, Wants, Scarcity, Opportunity Cost, Trade off)Include relationships of the vocabulary to standard concepts (ex. Vocabulary and article connect To how individuals, businesses, and Governments)Name of the article: 4 signs you retired too earlyPublication: The Motley FoolDate of article: 8-29-18Summary:This article discusses four different situations in which people can be identified as retiring earlier than they needed to. The first indicator was not being able to collect social security because your too young and not yet eligible, which is age 62. The next reason was that some people retiring early can not keep up with medical bills because they do not qualify for Medicare or it does not cover all the expense. The third reason is that they realize they have not saved enough and their “nest egg” is depleting faster than they expected. Finally, a simple sign is if you are just bored and restless you probably retired too young. The article suggested to those who retired early to go back to work at a low stress part time position. Lowering stress levels and staying active keeps people happy and young.1 full point – Include Name of the articlePublication of the articleDate of the articleComplete summary of the article in no less than 6 complete sentencesThis article connects to the standard because through time human resource productivity becomes more limited due to aging and lack of motivation. Since time is so scarce people want to use there time wisely. The trade-off between working and retirement is difficult and can impact people in many ways. The article identifies the opportunity costs associated with retirement which are, a better standard of living and potentially longer life due to less stress. Early retirement can also affect business because they are losing the abilities and knowledge of the older generation, and could put a strain on governments because the older generation is now more reliant on government assistance for financial support.1 full point – All key concepts are identified and distinguishedAll concepts are support with specific details from your articleComplete connection of the article and the standard in no less than 5 complete sentences ................

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