
World Geography Current Issue AssignmentThis assignment will last the entire semester (unless otherwise directed). This assignment will be due AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH BLOCK PERIOD. The purpose of the assignment is three-fold. First, to learn about what is happening in your community, your state, your country, and even the world. Being aware and informed of current issues is a critical component of being a US citizen. Perhaps, the most important component. The second purpose of this assignment is to practice the skill of summarizing an article. For this assignment you will be required to write a one-paragraph summary of an article. This is an important academic skill. Finally, the third purpose is to apply the content of the course, specifically, the five themes of geography. Your summary must explain how your article addresses one or more of the five themes. Article Requirements: Firsts the article must be from a recognized and reputable news source, such as: The Denver Post, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, etc… (you can access these on line) or from the online sites of news channels such as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Al-Jazeera USA, BBC. I will not accept articles from unknown, online news sources. Next the article must address an issue that is current (for example, immigration, terrorism, race relations, politics, the economy, etc.). The article must address an issue and not simply be the reporting of an event. With that said, it must be an article and not an opinion piece or an editorial. The article should inform you about an issue. You will then draw your own conclusions or opinions, rather than present someone else’s opinion. Finally, the article must be a minimum of four paragraphs in length.Summary Requirements: Your summary must be typed, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman In the upper left corner must be your name, class period, and the due dateIn the first sentence of your paragraph you must include the date of the article, the title of the article and the source of the article. In your paragraph, you must provide an accurate and concise summary of the issue as presented in the article. In your paragraph you must correctly apply the issue contained in the article to one of the five themes of geography (location, place, human environment interaction, movement, and region) Finally, in your paragraph you must provide a thought or opinion on the issue that is being discussed in the article. This assignment is worth 25 points each week. To earn full credit: The assignment must be turned in at the beginning of class, if you are late to class your assignment is also late. It must be typedA copy of the article must be stapled to your summary Your summary must be well written – spelling, grammar, usage and sentence structure will be graded Your summary of the issue must be clear and conciseYour summary must include all required elements Tips:Proofread your work If you are not sure if an article is appropriate or you are having a hard time finding an article, please come see Mrs. Hueser.This must be your own work, not a friends or your parents. ................

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