
right-34290000College Current EventsSelect an article that is college-related from?newspaper or magazine (or print one from the internet).* The article can be no older than a month.*The article can be about anything college related (admissions, events, grades, testing, etc)*Mark the text (highlight, circle words you don't know, write questions in the margin)*Take one page of C-notes based on the article.*Create two trivia cards.? For each trivia card, you must write a higher-level question and provide the answer* Use the Use the college Current Events attachment as a guide for writing your review.You must submit the article, Cornell notes, College Current Events Review, and trivia cards for each article.Title of Article ___________________________________________________________Source of Article _________________________________________________________Date of Article ___________________________________________________________Reporter’s/Author’s Name __________________________________________________In a paragraph (7-8 sentences), summarize this article. Do not retell everything that happened. Select the main points. Be sure to start with a main idea, provide supporting details, and end with a concluding sentence.Explain why you think this even is noteworthy. Be sure to start your explanation with a main idea, providing supporting details, and end with a concluding sentence. College Current Events Trivia CardsWrite two higher-level questions (one on each trivia card) based on the article your read about college current events. Include the answer to your questions.Title of Article ___________________________________________________________Source of Article _________________________________________________________95253289300Date of Article ___________________________________________________________ ................

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