PDF IB Business & Management - SL

IB Business & Management ¨C HL

Current Events Assignment

Mr. Plechner

In order to keep up to date with what is going on in the world of business, a current event

assignment is due every Monday.

You need to develop an expertise about a couple of companies this year. One will be the

subject of your IA. The other one or two should be companies that you essentially follow

all year in terms of news and developments. So in other words, every one of these current

event assignments should involve only one or two companies.

You can find an article or story from any source that has anything to do with business.

You are to read the article and then type up a summary of the article. I want a summary

that is your own work, not just random copying and pasting of sections of the article, or

better yet, a copy and paste job of the first two paragraphs. Trust me, those that have

come before you have trained me well and I can sniff out a bogus summary unlike any

teacher you have ever had before! In the event you still decide to test those skills, you

will receive a zero for the assignment.

The second paragraph should consist of your discussion of the article as it relates to at

least one of the six IB themes we are focusing on all year ¨C Change, Culture, Ethics,

Globalization, Innovation, & Strategy. How does the article address these themes? How

do the issues raised in the article impact the future of the company? What do you think

about what you read?

On occasion, we will do a round table discussion of each of your articles but there might

be times where such a discussion is not possible but you will still be responsible for the

assignment. These assignments will make up a large part of your homework grade ¨C it¡¯s a

lay-up ¨C don¡¯t blow it!!!

The articles you select to summarize can be on any facet of business you would like,

however there are some restrictions that you must consider:




Articles that cover the daily fluctuations in the markets are not allowed.

Articles that cover quarterly or annual earnings releases are not allowed.

And obviously articles that have nothing to do with business are to be


As the year unfolds you will find that your reading will reinforce the topics that we have

covered in class and you will build your knowledge and understanding of the companies

that you decide to follow.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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