Healthcare SafetyZone® Optional Features

Initial Event

Event Print Buttons – This allows you to turn on or off the print button on the initial submission of the event

Event Question Help – To assist the end user with the initial submission

Attachments on Submission – Can have the end user attach documents to the events upon submission

Verbiage after Submission – Once the event is submitted you can have verbiage for the end user – per form

Partial Saves on Submission – Allows submitter to submit a partial event when a few (but not all) required questions are answered – per form

Submitter Email after Submission – Once the event is submitted you can monitor and send emails to that email address

Countdown timer – visually shows the submitter the remaining time to complete the event

Follow-up Section

Event Review Grid Record Count – We default it to 50 – This can be changed

Additional Notify – The ability to notify additional users in the follow-up area can be turned off

Additional Users to Notify

Default –

Reviewer can see the following:

• Live Event tab – no ability to edit

• Follow-up tab

• Change Log tab

• Original Event tab

• Attachment tab

Optional setting –

Reviewer can see the following:

• Live Event tab – ability to edit

• Follow-up tab

• Change Log tab

• Original Event tab

• Attachment tab

Optional Setting –

Reviewer can see the following:

• Live Event tab – no ability to edit

• Follow-up tab

• Attachment tab

View Event Add Sorting – This allows you to determine whether you want the Add notify drop down to sort by last name or by department and then last name.

No editing – This allows you to not allow editing for users after a certain number of days. You determine those days. After that number of days, only Admin level users can make changes. You can also add a customized message for your end users.

Notification Grid Columns –

User Review Complete – used to check off when a user’s review is complete –

On review grid you will see the ability to search with this feature

Protected Tab – This is an optional tab in the follow-up section that gives you a place to attach documents and add questions to an area that only certain users can see. On a rule level you would decide what users have access to that area. Traditionally this is used as a Risk Management area.

Summary Tab – This is an optional tab in the follow-up section that allows you to take questions from the review tab and initial event tab and put them on this tab.

Library Tab – This is an optional tab in the follow-up section that shows any articles in the library that are linked to that specific event type.

RCA Tab – This is an optional tab in the follow-up section which gives you a place to conduct your RCA’s. You can incorporate specific questions in this area and rules on who specifically is assigned to view this tab.

Generic Tab – This is an optional tab in the follow-up section which gives you an area to add additional question/answer options and is assigned on a per user basis.


Time Format – You can determine whether your time options show up in am/pm format or 24 hr clock

Password Expiration – This option allows for the expiration of passwords. When this option is turned on you set the number of days that passwords will expire. Users are then given the option when logging in to change their passwords.

Admin Email Address – Who will be responsible for answering questions in regards to the “Help” link within the system

Task Reminder – if your organization is using the Assign Task feature, you can determine how long you will give an end user before the system starts to remind them – based on a number of days


Email Notification – can customize the subject line

Current defaults:

Email Notification - Healthcare SafetyZone® Portal Event

Email Reminder - This requires your immediate attention

Task Notification - Tasks assigned from HSZP

Overdue Task Reminder - Overdue tasks assigned from HSZP

Task Completed Notification - Task has been completed from HSZP

Partial Saves Email Reminder - Partial Saves Email Reminder from HSZP

Submitter Email Notification - Submitter Email Notification from HSZP

Attachment Categories – Correspondence is the default. As an organization you can add XXX amount of options. This lets the user define the type of attachment they are adding.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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