The purpose of this assignment is to be able to demonstrate knowledge of the relevance of world history (not US) to current events and to increase awareness of world events. Next year you will take a US history course and you will be able to focus on concerns related to the US. Students will choose a recent (30 days) article from a newspaper, magazine, or the internet and complete a one full page assignment consisting of three paragraphs. The first paragraph (at least five relevant sentences) will be a brief but complete summary/explanation of the article in your own words. The first line of the second paragraph must state which World History theme (choose one theme) the article relates to and explain why the article relates to that particular theme. If the article relates to more than one theme, please choose one (you will lose points for discussing more than one). The second paragraph must also explain why the article is important today and show the relationship of the past to present (connect to a similar event in history-to get the full points here you must show (how/why/effects) these events are similar not just a mere they are both floods). In the third paragraph you will explain why you selected this article, how you feel about the article and what you find interesting about the article. Dig deep and be critical here. A simple I like the topic will not be sufficient to attain the full points here.

Current Events will be due on the last Friday of each month. CE must be typed in font 12 and single spaced. The margin will be one inch on both sides and top and bottom. You have at least a month to prepare for these assignments, so please do not wait until the last minute. Poor planning results in poor grades. You must include a link to the actual article that you are writing about. You may choose to print/cut the article and attach it to a sheet of construction paper instead of the link. Please double check that your link is accurate and working. Failure to do so will result in you losing 10 points of the CE grade. Please reread each paragraph of the assignment and make sure that it makes sense. If I am left with questions you will lose points.

Students will turn in four world history current events assignments. Each current event assignment will be worth 100 points for a total of 400 points for the semester. The current events will be due on the following dates:

JANUARY 31, 2020 FEBRUARY 28, 2020

MARCH 27, 2020 APRIL 24, 2020

Current events that are not ready on the due date will lose 10% of the grade for each day that the assignment is late. After 5 days late the assignment will not be accepted (per late policy see syllabus). If you are absent on the day that the assignment is due, you must turn it in on the first day you return to school (since this assignment is given on the first day of school).


The following is a breakdown of the 100 points for each current event assignment:

1. 20 points per paragraph (60) follow instructions above)

2. 20 points hyper-link is included and valid

3. 20 points: grammar & spelling

The following themes in World History can also be found in your textbook.

Themes in world History:

1. Power and Authority

2. Religious and Ethical Systems

3. Interactions with Environment

4. Economics

5. Cultural Interaction

6. Empire Building

7. Science & Technology


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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