Instructions for Current Event Assignments - Weebly

Instructions for Current Event Assignments

(Keep this in your notebook/folder all year)

All students will complete one Current Events assignment per week, to be handed in on the last day of the week (usually Friday) unless Mrs. Dahlgren tells you otherwise. The purpose is to have a better understanding of what is happening in the world around you. Current Events assignments are worth 10 points each week and must be turned in on time and done correctly to receive full credit. Current Events turned in late, without a valid excuse, will receive a grade no higher than half credit (5 pts). Your assignment must be typed. You do not turn in the article used for your assignment.

Below is the proper format to be used each week. Remember to use the heading below and that each section must be numbered, labeled, and complete. Proper formatting is worth 3 points (double spaced, size 12 font, GUMS)

Your Name My Name World Studies: Current Events #1 8/3/2004

"Article Title"

Link to article, Date retrieved


1 point

Title - (Title of article)

{ Publication - (Name of newspaper, news magazine, website you found article. Do not use TV), date retrieved

Type - (International, National, Local, Health Science, Sports,

Entertainment, etc.)

Summary - 4 points (Summarize, in your own words, the article in at least

three to five complete sentences)

Relevance - 2 points (Relevant to you? How will/can/does this article impact

you or kids your age? Explain in at least three complete sentences)

Instructions for Current Event Assignments

(Keep this in your notebook/folder all year)

Current Events Written Product Example Your Name My Name World Studies: Current Events #1 8/3/2004

"Spacewalking Astronauts Repair Station" , 8/3/04 International

The two astronauts on the international space station left the station

Tuesday to do some outside repairs. The two astronauts, Russian Gennady Padalka

and American Mike Fincke left the space station empty while they were outside.

Usually a third person is on the station, but since the Columbia disaster there has

been only two people on the space station. The men installed laser reflectors and

antennas to get ready for a cargo ship that will be coming next year. They also

changed some science experiments and disconnected a TV camera's electrical

cable. At one point, communication was lost between the men and Earth. A NASA

official said a main U.S. radio link had been turned off by flight controllers, but

communication was soon restored through Russian ground stations.

I think it is interesting to hear what astronauts are doing out in space. I

think that a third person should be at the I.S.S. I do not think it is safe for the two

men to be out in space with no one to help them. I like to see that the United

States and Russia are working together. If all the countries of the world worked

together, the space station would be better and we could advance the technologies



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