Assignment: find a news article/clip related to your topic. The article or news clip needs to be CURRENT - within the last week (1 week before assessment is assigned). Write a 1-page response of the news you reviewed (summarize the article and write your response/reflection/reaction about what you learned + 1 QUESTION to ask the class about the topic ? emailed to me). You will share the news and your thoughts with the class via a group poster of related articles. BE SURE TO COLLABORATE WITH YOUR GROUP ABOUT THE SOURCE EACH PERSON IS USING ? THEY SHOULD BE DIFFERENT! Create a detailed poster with peers about your topic, using what you learned. You will submit the article and response prior to taking the "Quiz."

Good news sources: NBC, CNN-Health, MSNBC, USA Today, Fox News, CBS, or Google search CURRENT NEWS

Assignment Tasks Checklist


1. PRINT an article at home, in the Media Center, or email me the link to the news clip video from within the week of the assignment (should be within 7 days of the date assigned) to use during the next class day. a. If you find the article on the laptop ? you may need to email to yourself to print on your own. b. If you cannot find a current event on the topic, find a research article about the topic.

2. HANDWRITE a summary (1 paragraph) ? 5 sentences minimum 3. HANDWRITE a reflection/reaction/thoughts/your reaction to the article. ? 5 sentences minimum 4. WRITE a question to ask the class

**TURN IN ARTICLE, SUMMARY, & RESPONSE on ____________________________________.

Day 2

5. Collaborate with others that have the same topic to create a poster with the trending information.

Day 3

6. Wander around the room to find the answers related to various drug topics that are presented visually.

RUBRIC for GRADING (40 points)

Article or news clip (within the week) or linked to topic Summary Response Question to ask class ? EMAILED to cflorenc@ Collaboration with peers to create a poster on the topic Poster displays detailed evidence from the article

Yes = 5 pts

5+ sent. = 5 pts 5+ sent. = 5 pts Yes = 5

Yes = 10

Fully = 10

Class "Quiz" points TBD

3-4 sent = 2 3-4 sent = 2

Mostly = 7 Mostly = 7

No = 0

2 or < = 1 2 or < = 1

No = 0 No = 0 No = 0

Somewhat = 3 No = 0

Somewhat = 3 No = 0

1. Vaping ? THC A. _______________________ B. _______________________ C. _______________________

2. Vaping ? in general D. _______________________ E. _______________________ F. _______________________ G. _______________________

3. CBD oil H. _______________________ I. _______________________ J. _______________________

4. Legalization of marijuana K. _______________________ L. _______________________ M. _______________________ N. _______________________

5. Tobacco O. _______________________ P. _______________________ Q. _______________________ R. _______________________

6. Alcohol S. _______________________ T. _______________________ U. _______________________ V. _______________________ 7. Drug Testing in school W. _______________________ X. _______________________ Z. _______________________

9. Drugs ? in general CC. _______________________ DD. _______________________ EE. _______________________ FF. _______________________ GG. _______________________

8. Medical Marijuana Z. _______________________ AA. _______________________ BB. _______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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