Current Social Issues in British Education

Current Social Issues in British Education

APA Review - Direct Quotation.


• Use the author's words exactly.

• Use quotation marks only for short quotations.

• If your quotation has more than 40 words do not use quotation marks. Indent quotations of more than 40 words.

• Give the year of publication in parentheses after the writer’s name and the page number at the end of the quotation, OR the writer's name, year of publication, page number in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Don’t forget to put a period AFTER the parentheses not before.

Quotations from books.

Example 1:

Olweus (1999) says that "Many studies have shown that both children and adults behave more aggressively after having observed someone else, a ‘model’ acting aggressively" (p. 43).

Example 2:

"Many studies have shown that both children and adults behave more aggressively after having observed someone else, a ‘model’ acting aggressively" (Olweus, 1999, p. 43).

Internet newspaper/journal quotations.

Example 1:

"More flexibility in primary teaching may also see many great names and important events dropped from the National Curriculum" (Cassidy, 2000).

Example 2:

Cassidy (2000) says that "Historians fear the move will lower standards and stop the development of innovative courses".

An article with no writer's name. (Write the first 2 words of the title)

"The country's top comprehensive with its 98% rating for top grade GCSEs is a rather unusual one" (Top of, 1998).

An article by a government agency. (Write the first 2 words of the title. If there is no title, write the name of the agency. Example: (DirectGov, 2008))

Two thirds of all bullying is verbal, and increasingly this happens in un-moderated chat rooms or by instant messaging, or via text messages on mobile phones. Bullying can be subtle but most of the time, if your child is being bullied, they know who is doing it to them. (Dealing With, 2008)


Remember the useful ways to start off a quotation

…says that, states, that, comments that, reports that,

Can you think of any more?

Current Social Issues in British Education

APA Review - Direct Quotation Exercise

NOTE: Do this exercise using a computer. Do not write by hand. Make a printout and hand it in. Don’t forget to write your name and student number correctly.

A. Write these as quotations using correct punctuation and style. Use a computer to write. Do not write by hand.


Children should be encouraged to reject drugs because they believe that's the right thing to do, not just because they have been told to say no.

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco. (2008). Parents Centre. [Online] Available from

drugalcoholandtobacco/. 18 May, 2008.


According to parentscentre, “children should be encouraged to reject drugs because they believe that's the right thing to do, not just because they have been told to say no” (Drugs, Alcohol, 2008).

Bullying forms a large part of domestic abuse and can lead to violence and extremely serious psychological damage.

Duin, N. (1997). Bullying: A Survival Guide. London: BBC Learning Support.

p. 23.

There are several misconceptions or "myths" about the psychological make-up of the typical bully.

Olweus, D. (1999). Bullying At School. Oxford: Blackwell. p. 53.

The National Curriculum….represents one of the most significant educational reforms this century.

Moon, B. (1996). A Guide to the National Curriculum. Oxford: Oxford University

Press. p.1.

Ethnic monitoring by itself will not solve the problem of 'underachievement', nor will it ….identify all the reasons for it.

Commission for Racial Equality. (1992). Ethnic Monitoring in Education. London:

College Hill Press Ltd.

The information needs of the parent and the head teacher are not....the same.

"Subliminal Messages". (1998). The Times Educational Supplement. Retrieved 13 May 2000, from

B Now, it’s your turn. Look at the internet, go to the library etc. Find FIVE quotations and write them correctly. Use a computer to write. Do not write by hand.


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