Western New England University

Western New England University School of LawLaw & Social Change: A Public Interest Law SeminarSpring 2019Professor Ariel ClemmerAssignment for first class: Course Text:Public Interest Lawyering: A Contemporary Perspective, Alan Chen and Scott Cummings (Wolters Kluwer 2013) (hereafter “PIL”)Readings:Chen & Cummings, PIL, Ch. 1: Defining Public Interest Lawyering (pp. 3-40) Sarat & Scheingold, Cause Lawyers and Social Movements, What Cause Lawyers Do For, and To, Social Movements: An Introduction (pp. 1-12) (TWEN)Quigley, Letter to a Law Student Interested in Social Justice (TWEN)Writing Assignment:Write a very short essay finishing the following sentence: For me, the notion of public interest law or lawyering brings to mind. . . . You can choose to discuss a particular lawyer or legal organization (current or historical) that in your view embodies an important aspect of public interest lawyering as discussed in Chapter 1 of PIL. You may also select a person, an area of public interest law you are interested in, a disadvantaged or oppressed group, a social movement, a law school experience you’ve had, your own involvement in a legal dispute or social movement, a government agency, etc. The essay should include: a description of the person, entity, topic or situation you chose, a justification of why your selection brings to mind public interest law or lawyering, as well as an explanation of what compelled you to write about them. You are encouraged to make use of concepts presented in the assigned introductory readings. Keep in mind that the definition of who “counts” as a public interest lawyer remains contested; i.e., there is no “right” answer. Be prepared to discuss your perspective and paper in class. Your essay should be at least one and no more than two pages (single-spaced, double spaced between paragraphs). The assignment is due by 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. Please make sure to put your name on your essay and in the filename. A dropbox is available on TWEN. ................

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