
The following is additional information regarding Invitation to Bid # CL0 5210 titled Bill Print released on 12/03/2020. The due date and time for responses is 12/23/2020 1:30PM PT. This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers and revisions to the ITB. This addendum is hereby made part of the ITB and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a bid. Item #Date ReceivedDate AnsweredVendor’s QuestionCity’s AnswerITB Revisions112/08/202012/11/20Pricing for Printing, Folding, Inserting, Bundling. and delivery to Post Office -?Please provide the desired format for production pricing.?Refer to Bid Offer Sheet; Page 2; Item #2212/08/202012/11/20How will postage funds be handled? ?Vendor is responsible for postage and will invoice the City as part of the contract.312/08/2012/11/20Will the files be print-ready and in Zip Code order???Or will there need to be some additional data processing involved on a daily basis??The files are print-ready and sorted by 5 and 3 digit zip codes. 412/08/202012/11/20Will the bills that do not require return envelopes (zero balance and autopay) be in separate files??No, this is controlled by the 2D barcode processing logic.512/08/202012/11/20Define “Intercept Code”.? Will these, and the Large Type bills also be in separate files??Intercept code is terminology used to identify special files to remove them from the normal print\mail stream to allow for routing for special handling and sent back to the City via courier. These are segregated into separate files.612/08/202012/11/20Braille bills – please expand on the specs and requirements for these.?These are “special handling” files to be returned to the City for processing. That is the extent of the vendor’s responsibility.712/08/202012/11/20The back of the bill masters – simply CMYK with no additional black??Yes812/08/202012/11/20Please correct the information on Light Reading and At Your Service Newsletters.?Both are produced 6 x per year and additional ‘buck slip’ inserts occur sporadically.?Please follow the Specifications II requirements embedded in the ITB page 7, Section 3.912/08/202012/11/20Please confirm approximate daily volume:????????????????????????????????????????????????????Seattle Public Utilities: 3,400 per business day.?Seattle City Light: 7,000 per business daySCL bills (2018/19 avg): 6989/day SPU bills (2018/19 avg): 3613/day1012/08/202012/11/20Letters, Important Notices and Urgent Notices – is there a schedule for these, or are they sporadic??They do not follow a regular schedule.1112/08/202012/11/20If we bid on this ITB and agree to the 3% rebate will this affect any of our other contract’s we have with the City?No. The rebate is strictly for this solicitation only.1212/08/202012/11/20What if we do not choose to use the Interlocal. Will this eliminate us from bidding? No.1312/08/202012/11/20Does the City require the vendor and production of the bills be located in Seattle or the State of Washington?No.1412/08/202012/11/20Must the mailed pieces drop from the Seattle Post Office?No1512/08/202012/11/20Does the City require or give a bid preference for WMBE vendors?Please refer to section 4.30 in the Invitation to Bid and the terms and conditions on page 22.1612/08/202012/11/20Is the Contract being awarded on low price only? Vendor must first comply to all requirements stated in the solicitation to be moved forward with low price evaluation.1712/08/202012/11/20If it is not “lowest price bidder”, then what are the other factors or what is the scoring for awarding the businessSee #161812/08/202012/11/20Is Postage to be included in the price on the Bid Offer Sheet?See item #2.1912/09/202012/11/203.1 Rebate – I believe it was indicated that the rebate “does not” apply to postage.? This would make sense, as postage is a pass-through expense.? Is this correct?Yes.2012/09/202012/11/204.11 Do Not Submit Extra Comments, Explanations, Information or Changes – The entire billing, notice and letter application lends itself for color inkjet manufacturing, no pre-print of base stocks, working from a completely “white paper” environment.? As this would be a “change” to the specifications outlined within the scope of work (how it’s currently being executed today), would presenting a color inkjet manufacturing solution be rejected?No. The City would be open to this approach and can be discussed with the Project Manager after award of contract.2112/09/202012/11/20Does the 3% rebate apply to production costs only or production and postage?Production only.2212/09/202012/11/20Does the city intended to market the selected vendor to increase the opportunity for additional kick backs?No.2312/09/202012/11/20Does the city intend to use their own postal indicia, or use the vendors?if using vendors postal indicia, will the city pay a postage deposit or establish an escrow account to cover postage?See item #22412/09/202012/11/20Are the volumes listed in the scope of work monthly or yearly volumes?Annually2512/09/202012/11/20Seattle Public Utilities – At Your Service Insert:8.5 x 11 pageIs it single sidedDouble sidedColor?Does the artwork bleed?Is there a recycled content requirement to the paper used?Supplied by the City, printed, folded and ready for insert.2612/09/202012/11/20Seattle City Light – Light Reading Insert:8.5 x 11 pageIs it single sidedDouble sidedColor?Does the artwork bleed?Is there a recycled content requirement to the paper used?See #252712/09/202012/11/20Seattle City Light – USM Buckslip Insert:3.66 x 8.5 page (buckslip)Is it single sidedDouble sidedColor?Does the artwork bleed?Is there a recycled content requirement to the paper used?See #252812/09/202012/11/20Seattle Public Utilities Reading Insert:What is the size of the insert?Is it single sidedDouble sidedColor?Does the artwork bleed?Is there a recycled content requirement to the paper used?See #252912/09/202012/11/20Does the city require a certain amount of each form and envelope style shipped to the City for in house use?Estimated frequency of these shipments?Yes, the City would like to have 5000 ea on-hand of all forms and envelopes.These should be replenished every 3 months.3012/09/202012/11/20Is there a local vendor preference? If so, what is the weight of this preference?See item #13.3112/09/202012/11/20What is the max number of "Z" fold pages your business rules use for inserting into the #10 envelope before changing to a "flat" envelope?For example are there 3 or 5 or 8 sheets into the #10 size? ? B)?There appear to be close to 30 different "types" Bills / Notices / Letters between SCL and SPU.?How many of these different types are normally produced each day?? (?I assume there are always bills for both SCL and SPU, but are there also normally or on average 5 or 15 or 25 other types of documents done each day )2 “Z” fold pages maximum. >2 pages go into a flat envelope.On average there are 12 different types produced each day. However, there is an average of 40 separate different AFP files produced because the customer documents are presorted and grouped to support postal discounts and other business requirements.3212/09/202012/11/20Regarding?the AFP print-files?and Sorting and Mailing ProcessWill the City be sending a separate file for each "type" of Bill / Notice / Letter or does the City consolidate the notice types?into similar production groups same pre-printed paper stocks for example)? Do the AFP files contain ASCII or EBCDIC data for the IMB, address, zip codes, etc. that the Vendor will use to perform the sorting and arranging needed to prepare the 3-digit (PSI) and 5-digit (deliery to USPS) steps? Does PSI pickup the 3-digit items from the Vendor site in Seattle or are we required to delivery these to PSI each day?There is a separate AFP file for each type and multiple files within a given type because the customer documents are presorted and grouped to support postal discounts and other business requirements.The customer documents already have the IMB printed on them where appropriate. Currently PSI picks up from the City of Seattle. The vendor’s arrangement with PSI will be up to them.3312/09/202012/11/20Can the vendor, if located in Seattle, use their couriers for the Special handling documents (Intercept/Large Font/Brailee) and deliver by 11 a.m. the next day rather than use "overnight mail"?Yes3412/09/202012/11/20Does the City pay the postage directly via a permit account at Seattle USPS ?? Thus can the vendor apply postage to the envelope via imprint indicia or must the postage be metered?Refer to item #23512/10/202012/11/20How are "Flats" handled now? Are there special 9x12 envelopes? Does PSI handle these "flats" also? How many "flats" are typically created in an average day?We handle all flat (three plus page bills) after we process manually, PSI picks up daily, because we put postage on 3-digit rate and PSI processes that flat mail. Each day is different, however the average is 15 to 30. 3612/10/202012/11/20How do we receive the print stream files each day?? Is it by document type for SPU and SCL?The AFP files will be transferred via SFTP connection to the vendor. Each type for each utility will be in a separate file and there are multiple files for certain types to support other business requirements.3712/10/202012/11/20Can the window specifications for all window envelopes ( # 10’s and 9’s ) be confirmed?? Size of window ( Length, Width, Height).? Window placement (from left edge and from bottom).#10 Envelope window dimensions:7/8” left\1-1/8” bottom4-1/4” wide\1-1/2” tall#9 Envelope window dimensions:4-3/4” left\1-1/9” bottom3-3/8” wide\1-1/4” tall3812/10/202012/11/2020What stock is used for additional pages on all document types, particularly bills and notices, if more than one page is required?The same paper stock is used for the first page and all subsequent pages in the case of multipage documents. Please refer to the Bid Offer/Specifications Form.3912/15/202012/18/2020What is your CIS system?Not relevant to printing, mailing, and inserting of customer documents. However, our CIS system is Oracle Customer Care and Billing4012/15/202012/18/2020Does the City require both electronic and hard copy submission?The City prefers electronic bid submission but both options are acceptable.4112/15/202012/18/2020Bid offer sheet (Follow up to Addendum #1 #1) – The response to #1 in Addendum #1 suggests that we are to include the costs for printing, folding etc…. as part of the pricing, we provide for paper and envelopes. Can you please confirm this approach or if we should add additional line items?Unit pricing should include all aspects of printing, folding and inserting each item delivered ready for mailing.4212/15/202012/18/2020Bid offer sheet (Follow up to Addendum #1 #6) – Is it a requirement to print the braille and large font bills OR will the City be facilitating?this and we are simply returning documents to the City??Addendum #1 #6 states that we are to return to the City and if you can please confirm are we returning electronic files or printed bills? If the bills are to be printed with large fonts and braille, can you provide the annual volumes for braille bills and large font bills?Refer to item #64312/15/202012/18/2020Bid offer sheet (Follow up to Addendum #1 #20)? -??Addendum #1 #20 stated regarding color print that “No. The City would be??open to this approach and can be discussed after awarding of contract”. Where would the City like optional pricing for color print on plain paper to be included? ???This is considered an option. If the City determines that this process is effective for their project, the Project manager will contact the vendor for more information and pricing.4412/15/202012/18/2020Bid offer sheet – Can we add additional line items to this sheet?Refer to items #1 and #414512/15/202012/18/2020Bid offer sheet – for each of the paper stocks listed bid-offer sheet (Items #1 - #10) can you confirm if they are printed (excluding what is pre-printed) simplex (1-sided) and duplex (2-sided). We understand from the Statement of Work that Seattle City Light is Simplex print only and that Seattle Public Utilities is Duplex, however, we need to confirm if?the other documents are printed simplex or duplex?SCL Bills – SimplexSPU Bills – DuplexSCL Letters – Duplex SPU Letters – Duplex SCL Notices – SimplexSPU Notices - Simplex4612/15/202012/18/2020Section 3 (SOW) – Next day 3:00 pm; do you have any flexibility on the delivery time as long as the mail is delivered “same day” or “next day” to USPS? We deliver mail typically at 4:00 p.m. daily and no later than 6:00 p.m? ?The USPS delivery time is flexible as long as it doesn’t impact the final delivery time to our customers.4712/15/202012/18/2020Section 3 (SOW) - LARGE Braille and large font physical bills to be delivered to various SCL AND SPU groups for special handling – Who prints these today for the City? Refer to item #64812/15/202012/18/2020Section 3 (SOW) - PSI – Can you elaborate on the process with the “3 digit zip code” and what will be handled by PSI or is it the intent that your chosen vendor will have a relationship with PSI or another presort vendor??It is our intent that our chosen vendor will have a relationship with a presort vendor to maximize postal discounts.All printed documents are currently handled by PSI as our presort vendor with the exception of the SCL and SPU Customer Bills that have sufficient volumes within a given 5 digit zip code on a particular processing/print date4912/15/202012/18/2020Section 4.11 states “Do not attach your boilerplate.” and 4.10 says in part ”….attaching additional pages if needed.” So wondering how we are to view the “Mandatory Requirements” document – do we merely answer each question fully (without being a boilerplate) and attach a separate document to support (in the same format as outlined) on the Mandatory Requirements” document?Vendors are required to reply to the Mandatory Requirements on the Specifications Form by marking each requirement with Standard = STDNot Available = N/A No Charge = NCComply = CPL. If further information is required, the project manager will request further information after award of contract.5012/15/202012/18/2020The “bid offer sheet” seems to suggest only one version for all envelopes – what if multiple versions for either SPU or SCL are currently in use – or anticipated?SCL Bills have a specific envelope.SPU Bills have a specific envelopeSCL Letters have a specific envelope.SPU Letters have a specific envelope.SCL Notices have a specific envelope.SPU Notices have a specific envelope.5112/15/202012/18/2020Current utility software generates a “AFP” file, which is based on older software technology – does the utility expect to upgrade this software platform and if yes, when?Our current AFP files are created out of the most current version of the Precisely EngageOne Generate Software. The files meet the current AFP specification and there are no plans to change from the AFP print formatting technology.5212/15/202012/18/2020Pg. 5 – Minimum requirements, bullet #3 re: ”…utilizing supplied audit reports” – are these automated reports and can you provide a sample? Note: wondering if these are in a data file format or physical QC checks or bothThe reports are automated and created as part of the final document formatting process. The reports are a combination of rich text format files (rtf) and comma separated value files (csv).5312/15/202012/18/2020Special handling / Braille – is this processing only? Braille fonts required?Refer to #475412/15/202012/18/2020Anticipated “Go live” date?It is our goal to have our printing, inserting, and mailing process in production with our new vendor by the end of the first quarter of 2021 if possible. The schedule is conditioned on passing all required quality assurance and user acceptance testing as defined by the City5512/16/202012/18/2020In section 4.11, the City states that we must not include material exceptions, and that we must not add information, explanations, exceptions, changes, or alternatives on the Offer Form. In 4.23 the City states that we must not attach additional materials to the bid. In Section 5 the City includes a checklist of items that must be included. To clarify, should vendors include a full, detailed response to the City’s Specifications, or should we strictly adhere to the forms on the checklist? Refer to # 495612/16/202012/18/2020Does the City want us to include information about Quality Control, Data Transmission, Production & Mail Tracking, and Customer Service details, as mentioned in the Specifications?Refer to ITB page 16, Section 4.23 . Please include this information.5712/16/202012/18/2020Are the print volumes listed by the City in the Specifications document daily, weekly, monthly, or annually? Volumes as listed in the Specifications document for 2019 include: SLC Bills: 1,745,368SLC Letters: 72,398SLC Notices: 258,188 (total), 153,697 (Important), 104,491 (Urgent)SPU Bills: 848,513SPU Letters: 2,758SPU Notices: 127,455 (Total), 87,138 (Important), 104,491 (Urgent)These are annual print volumes. It should be noted that these print volumes are at a document level not at a page level. Some SCL Bills and SPU Bills are multiple page documents.5812/16/202012/18/2020In the Specification document, the City lists items for special handling including Intercept Code, Large Font, and Braille. Will the City define what you mean by Intercept Code? Refer to item #55912/16/202012/18/2020Does the City require the vendor to produce document with Braille, Large Font, and Intercept Code? If so, we intend to use a subcontractor for these products. If our subcontractor is not a WMBE firm, should we still attach the Inclusion plan?Refer to items #5 & #6Yes.6012/16/202012/18/2020On the Specifications document, page 2 bullet 2, the location of the inserter machine control 2D barcode is set at 67mm from the left edge and 17mm from the top edge. However, bullet four on the following page lists 67mm and 12mm. Will you clarify? The 2D barcode is in the same position on both the SCL Bill and the SPU Bill. The inserter camera configuration will be the same for both document types. 6112/16/202012/18/2020Under “Mail Prep” in the Specifications, the City states that addresses are processed, DPBC are generated, and CASS reports are produced in house through the PSI system. Bullet 2 states that the in-house PSI will handle grouping to 3-digit zip codes for optimal mail piece discounts. To clarify, the City is asking the vendor to take over these services, correct?Yes. The print files will be produced using our current upstream sorting processes. Any additional sorting or grouping to achieve additional postal discounts would be after the printing process are the responsibility of the vendor.6212/16/202012/18/2020What necessitated going to RFP for these services?This solicitation is an Invitation to Bid not an RFP. Please refer to the ITB page 5, Section 1; 1.1 Purpose6312/16/202012/18/2020The specifications document references AFP files. Is the utility able to export files in a PDF format instead?No.6412/16/202012/18/2020We do not require clients to supply IMB information and will use our mailing process to add the IMB and presort mail to the lowest available first-class rate.? Is this acceptable?We currently add the IMB information to our print streams. We could explore removing our current presort process and allow the vendor to add the IMB in the future. However, given the current aggressive implementation schedule this would likely be a post Go-Live activity. 6512/16/202012/18/2020Is the City performing address updates, using either the USPS NCOA or ACS?We use Finalist to perform zip code and zip+4 validation.6612/16/202012/18/2020We do not require presorting or grouping of your data prior to processing. Is it possible for SCL/SPU to send one data file set that we can then process with our normal setup?We could explore this in the future. However, given the current aggressive implementation schedule this would likely be a post Go-Live activity.6712/16/202012/18/2020Can you please provide sample data for review?Please refer to Exhibit A and Exhibit B posted with the ITB.6812/16/202012/18/2020Are archives of printed bills needed/currently utilized? If so, what archive retention period should we quote?Our Customer Information System (CIS) has reprint capabilities and we retain all documents in our internal document archival system. No archiving of printed bills is required.Currently AFP print files are retained in the print queue for 7 days for possible reprint.6912/16/202012/18/2020Who is SPU’s online bill pay (EBPP) vendor?Not relevant to the requested bid.7012/16/202012/18/2020Section 3.7.6 of the ITB requirements describes a prohibition on advance payments. It is industry standard to collect a postage deposit prior to printing/mailing to guarantee USPS funds. Will the City consider a postage deposit as part of this contract?Refer to item #27112/16/202012/18/2020From the Seattle Specifications pdf:? Vendor must have in-house “offset Printing” operations in order to provide preprinted forms, envelopes, inserts.? This sub-requirement is part of SCL and SPU’s overall strategy - to work with a single vendor that is able to provide a “One Stop” shop for ALL print to mail services”.? Does this disqualify vendors that order custom envelope materials from a third party? Does this disqualify vendors utilizing inkjet printing technology?Vendors that can produce finished customer documents that meet SCL and SPU document standards within the Defined SLAs will be considered.7212/16/202012/18/2020Insurance - we’d like to strike the words “any and all errors” from the Technology Errors & Omissions requirement as our insurance carrier suggested that this language is too broad.Please refer to ITB Page 15, Section 4.16. 7312/16/202012/18/2020Please provide current pricing for all paper materials related to this contract (30% PCW 24lb Bond, 60lb offset white, all envelopes).Not relevant to the requested bid.7412/16/202012/18/2020Can you please provide a volume and frequency of City provided inserts?Newsletter insert; approximately 1,716,000 total newsletter inserts during a calendar year. We send out six issues a year (on a bi-monthly basis). City Light bill inserts; (buck slips) two bill inserts in 2020 for a total of 600,000.7512/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; please provide samples of all statements and notices described in items 1 - 10.Refer to item #677612/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; We use roll-fed inkjet printing equipment. Is it acceptable to print items 2 and 7 on 30% PCW 24lb bond paper?Yes7712/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; How often do graphics change on SCL and SPU’s envelopes?SPU & SCL envelopes graphics are rotated (usually 3 or 4 designs in rotation) but those designs rarely change – maybe once every couple of years. 7812/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; Is it acceptable to price courier fees as a pass-through cost?Refer to item # 417912/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; Where should courier fees be pricedRefer to item #418012/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; Where should Intercept Bills be priced?Refer to item #418112/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; Where should address update services (ACS/NCOA)? be priced?We handle address updates internally within our Customer Information System (CIS).8212/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; Where should we price the fee to insert City-provided inserts? Insertion fees can vary depending on number of inserts, and since the City runs inserts sporadically we assume you want to see a separate insertion fee line item.Refer to item #418312/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; Would the City be amenable to a mutual limitation of liability clause confirming that neither party is liable to the other for indirect, special, damages. Otherwise, indemnification language is reasonable?Refer to item #72.8412/16/202012/18/2020Bid Offer Sheet; The sample contract language mentions Keeney’s Offices Supplies as its preferred paper vendor.? Please confirm that the type of paper required for this scope of contract is exempt from this preference.Yes, this is exempt. Please refer to Section 4, Bid Instructions and Information, 4.8.5 Preferred Paper and Binding.Delete; Such paper is available at City contract prices from Keeney’s Office Supplies at 425-285-0541 from Terms & Conditions, Page 22 of ITB, Page 12 of Terms & Conditions.8512/16/202012/18/2020We believe an April go-live was mentioned in the bidders conference.? How long will the successful vendor have from award/receipt of sample data to implement this project?It is our goal to have our printing, inserting, and mailing process in production with our new vendor by the end of the first quarter of 2021 if possible. The schedule is conditioned on passing all required quality assurance and user acceptance testing as defined by the City.8612/16/202012/18/2020Can the Seattle ITD confirm that DOC1 is the composition software that is being used by the City to create the AFP file??Our current AFP files are created out of the most current version of the Precisely EngageOne Generate Software (Doc1). The files meet the current AFP specification and there are no plans to change from the AFP print formatting technology.8712/16/202012/18/2020What is the latest time that a file can be transmitted that requires same day SLA? (The scope of work defines Same day if print file is received after 12:01 am)?SLA can be negotiated with project manager after award of contract.8812/16/202012/18/2020How will the Seattle ITD provide print file page count and mail piece count details for matching criteria and authorization to proceed with productionVerification audit reports will be transmitted with the data. File verification process will be mutually developed with the successful bidder.8912/16/202012/18/2020Will the Seattle ITD provide and USPS services prior to print file creation??We use Finalist to perform zip code and zip+4 validation9012/16/202012/18/2020Does the Seattle ITD require mail processing on their USPS permit??No.9112/16/202012/18/2020Can the Seattle ITD confirm that Large font and Braille bills are a requirement??Refer to item #69212/16/202012/18/2020What CIS system do you use??Not relevant to printing, mailing, and inserting of customer documents9312/16/202012/18/2020Who is your current vendor?Refer to item #629412/16/202012/18/2020What is your current pricing??Refer to item #629512/16/202012/18/2020We are assuming that our quoted prices will not include postage.Postage is a separate item that will be invoiced at USPS prevailing rates.Is this correct?Refer to item #29612/16/202012/18/2020We would normally include a one-page cover letter with a brief overview?of our response and?our qualifications as a vendor.??Our understanding of the current bid specs is that this?is discouraged.Is this correct?Please refer to ITB Page #21 5.4 table. Cover sheets are not mandatory but acceptable.9712/16/202012/18/2020When a bill, letter or notice has a back side being printed will they be static or variable?? After reviewing the art I'd say it's always static, but can you please confirm?SPU Bills have variable back side data.SCL Letters have variable back side data.SPU Letters have variable back side data.All others will have static back side data.9812/16/202012/18/2020What are the specifications for the envelopes in regard to the window size and placement on the envelopes (outgoing envelope & remittance envelope).? I did review the art but having the window size and placement specifications would be helpful.Refer to item #37 ................

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