

Course Description: Students in grade ten study major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars. They trace the rise of democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots of current world issues, especially as they pertain to international relations. They extrapolate from the American experience that democratic ideals are often achieved at a high price, remain vulnerable, and are not practiced everywhere in the world. Students develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographic, political, economic, and cultural contexts. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives.

Class Materials:

Text Book: Contemporary’s World History, The Modern World. Mathew T. Downey


Pen/ Pencil/ Colored Pencils/ highlighters

Course Requirements:

1. Students will complete ALL assignments on time. Final Exams will be based on information from completed class work/homework, discussions, and projects.

2. Students will participate in all classroom discussions, activities, projects, quizzes, and exams.

3. Students will bring to class everyday their textbooks, notebook, lined paper, and writing utensils/colored pencils.


1. Students will be graded on quizzes, exams, maps

2. Grading will be on a points system. Points will be accumulated throughout the semester.

3. Amount of homework will vary per week.

4. Grading scale is as follows: A/90-100%, B/80-89%, C/70-79%, D/60-69%, F/0-59%

5. Weekly totals will be posted online for the students to track their own progress in class activities.

6. Finals will be held at the at the end of each three week semester

Make Up Work/ Late Work:

1. Students are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher to obtain all assignments/ make up work during class or by appointment after school. You are encouraged to ask for missed work prior to the students returning to school.


1. Students will be in their seats before the tardy bell rings with their homework ready to turn in.

2. The school Student Behavior Code, Ethics Policy, Computer/Internet, and Cell Phone Policies will be observed in all classes—refer to the school wide policies and consequences.

3. Students are expected to be responsible, respectful, and courteous.

4. Students will raise their hand to be acknowledged in order to maintain an orderly exchange of ideas.

5. There is no gum or eating in the classroom.

6. The classroom is a no headphone, Ipod, MP3 player zone.

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Cut this portion off and return to the teacher

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Parent signature Student signature

_________________________________ ___________________________________ Parent name printed Student name printed


Class Expectations Summer

World History

Mr. Keach

Email: morgan.keach@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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