Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education


Teacher’s Guide


(Unit 3 - Week 29)


Department of Education

Republic of the Philippines

Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 1

Teacher’s Guide: Maguindanaon

First Edition, 2013

ISBN: 978-971-9981-74-9


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I. Objectives:

1. Tell stories, legends, fables, jokes, advertisement, etc. with correct rate, accuracy and prosody (phrasing, pausing and emphasis).

2. Read by sight words listed in Appendix __

3. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency words and words studied

4. Read with automatically, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade high - frequency/sight words (Appendix)

5. Read grade one level text in three-to-four words phrases, and sentences

6. appropriate intonation, expressions, and punctuation cues.

7. Correctly Spelled previously learned words.

8. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the sentences

9. Write simple sentences, phases, paragraph, and stories observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format

10. Write using phonic knowledge for different purposes – sentences, lists, jokes, poems, songs, riddles, short stories, etc.)

11. Use the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in different forms

12. Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple-meaning words correctly

13. Identify some words that comprise contractions (e.g. Can't - can not, isn't - is not)

14. Infer the character's feelings based on their actions or on what they say.

15. Listen and respond to the story, legends, fables, etc. through discussions, illustrations, songs, dramatization and art.

16. Listen and respond to the story, legends, fables, etc. through discussions, illustrations, songs, dramatization and art.

17. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and asking to be read more stories

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topics:

1. Oral Language

a. Tell stories, legends, fables, jokes, advertisement, etc. with correct rate, accuracy and prosody (phrasing, pausing and emphasis).

2. Word Recognition

a. Read by sight words listed in Appendix __

b. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency words and words studied

3. Fluency

a. Read with automatically, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade high - frequency/sight words (Appendix)

b. Read grade one level text in three-to-four words phrases, and sentences

c. appropriate intonation, expressions, and punctuation cues.

4. Spelling

a. Correctly Spelled previously learned words.

b. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the sentences

5. Handwriting

Write simple sentences, phases, paragraph, and stories observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format

6. Composing Primer Lesson

Write using phonic knowledge for different purposes – sentences, lists, jokes, poems, songs, riddles, short stories, etc.)

7. Grammar Awareness

Use the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in different forms

8. Vocabulary

a. Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple-meaning words correctly

b. Identify some words that comprise contractions (e.g. Can't - can not, isn't - is not)

9. Activating schema and prior knowledge

c. Infer the character's feelings based on their actions or on what they say.

10. Comprehension of literary text

Listen and respond to the story, legends, fables, etc. through discussions, illustrations, songs, dramatization and art.

11. Comprehension of informational text

Listen and respond to the story, legends, fables, etc. through discussions, illustrations, songs, dramatization and art.

12. Attitude toward language, literacy and literature

Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and asking to be read more stories

B. References:

- K to 12Curriculum

- Two-Track Approach to Teaching Children to Read and Write Their First Language (L1): A Guidebook for Trainers (Susan and Dennis Malone, 2010)

- Activities for Early Grades of MTBMLE Program (Susan Malone, 2010)

- Language Curriculum Guide by SIL International and SIL Philippines MTBMLE Consultants

C. Materials: pictures of means of communication

D. Theme: Communication (cell phone, telephone, radio, television, warning signal, word of mouth)

III. Learning Activities:


A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Greetings and prayer

2. Listening Activities:

a. Ask about appliances they have at home.(Ngin i aden a gamit sia kanu walay nu?)

b. Ask the importance of that appliances at home. (Ngin i katagan nu nia a manga gamit?)

c. TV, radio, laptop, computer, cellphone

Means of communication at school. [school report card]

B. Unlocking of difficulties:

Tuntayan su nia a manga kadtalu.

1. Kapedtuntaya-kapedsasabuta

2. kapapedtagebel-smoke signal

3. Cellphone

4. internet

5. TV

6. adio

7. Card-138 school report card

C. Motivation:

Show pictures of different things used for communication like


1. Amaika pegkiug ka pedtuntay sa egkanggula sia sa dalepa na endaw ka pakakineg endu endaw nengka egkailay?

2. Amaika pedtawag ka na ngin i penggamiten nengka?

3. Amaika pegkiug ka ebpagilay sa manga mapia a dalepa, manga manisan a artista, endaw ka ebpagilay?

4. Amaika egkalinian pedtuntay nu manga lukes su grade

5. Nu wata nilan endaw nilan mailay i entu ba?

D. Pre-reading:

Teacher guide the pupils in reading the selection.( Matia tanu.)

“Ukit a kapedtutuntaya”

Kanu paganay a entu na su manga taw na paidu bu i katawan nilan a ukit a kapedtutuntaya. Kapembitiala sa kanu tagapeda, papebpait bu silan sa katigan sa ukit a kapapedtagebel, papait sa Sulat a mauget gaid pakasampay. Guna makaiseg-iseg na pegkakategel den su manga Taw. pegkakategel den silan ebpagumbal sa ukit a kapedtuntaya ka aden den katudtulan a sia pakasulat sa kaletas. [newspaper]

Ya paganay a kinagkaulad nu kapedtuntaya na su kinaaden nu radio endu television. Nia ika-dua a kinagkaulad nin gaid na kanu lagun na 1960s kanu kinaumbal sa satilite san sa kawang-kawangan.

Aden embalangan na kadtuntaya: Tudtulan a sia nakasulat sa kaletas newspaper, Television, Radio, endu Internet, telephone, cellphone, sia menem sa iskwila na aden card na manga wata

Saguna na ya kapegkagedam nu manga taw na mana pagisu bu, di nilan katawan na u dala i nia ba na di tanu mauyag sa mapia.Kadtuntaya na nasisita tanu ka san ba egkakua/ egkakineg sa langun na pakinegan a magamit nengka sa kapendisisiun. Nia ba na aden bun lakit lambay nin kanu kapangagi.

Su dungia na maulad a benal endu su kapedtuntaya kanu paganay a entu na malegen endu mauget. Saguna makadtuntaya ka den sa malemu endu malengkas. Su TV, endu su computer na egkailay nengka Su langun taman sia sa dungia. Egkailay nengka su kaadatan, galebekan nu embala-bala a maginged Su lalan nu kapedtuntaya saguna a timpu a mana su internet na dikena langun na egkailay lu na mapia. aden bun dikena mapia. Nasisita na kaingatan ta bun sa mapia su manga nakadalem sa internet labi den i mamba sa lekanu a manga wata. Amaika sia ka menem sa iskwila na nan su Card a pedsulatan na ebpamandu sa grade. Isa bun i namba a ukit a kapedtuntaya ka samba egkatuntayan nu manga lukes u ngin i egkatamanan nu kabpangagi nu wata nilan.

E. Comprehension Check-up

1. Ngin i ukit a kapedtuntaya nu manga kalukesan tanu ?

2. Guna su pegkauget den, ngin i nakabagu a ukit a kapedtuntaya?

3. Saguna a timpu, ngin den i egkanggiginawa nu manga taw sa kapedtuntaya?

4. Ngin i kapegkailay nengka lun aden bun pakagkapia nin sa lekanu su manga ukit a Kapedtuntaya saguna ?

5. Mataw ka bun musal sa internet?

6. San sa iskwila nu anan ngin i ukit a kapedtuntaya nu manga lukes endu su ebpamamandu?

7. Edtalu ka ngin i palangayan nu taw a nakaumbal sa embalangan na ukit sa Kapedtuntaya.

F. Exercises:

Reading short story: Matia tanu sa mababa a tudtulan

Su kinapangagi na napasad sa timpu a alas 12:00 sa maudtu. Si Rasul na nalidu Gaid i ginawa nin kanu kinatalima nin sa kanu card nin ka san ba egkasabutan Nu manga lukes u ngintu mapia bun i kabpangagi nu manga wata nilan. Namba card Anan i ukit a kapedtuntay nu manga lukes sa kanu manga wata nilan. Na ulian nu lidu na ginawa ni Rasul na pidsugay sekanin nu lukes nin. Edsukul pan si Rasul ka aden lukes nin a malimu endu pakatuntay sa egkagedam na wata nin.

Ngin i palangayan nu lukes ni Rasul?

1. Malimu endu makasabut su lukes ni Rasul.

2. Matangel silan.

3. Di pedsabut sa egkatamanan na wata nin.

Si Laila endu si Akrima na edsuled. Nailay ni Laila si ina nilan a madakel gaid i galebek nin sa walay. Nia nin pidtalu kani Akrima na “Akrima tabangan ta si ina”. Su palas ni Akrima na Pendemu-demu .” tabang ka den amaika egkalilini ka , saki a pendadalemet aku pan”.

Idsa: Ngin i palangayan nu manga wata?

Si Laila endu si Akarima. [compare]


A. Read phrases ,sentences and short stories containing high frequency words and words studied.

B. Read grade one level text in three-to-four word phrases with appropriate intonation, expression and punctuation cues.

C. Review:

Show pictures of things used for communication.

D. Reading of phrases, sentences formed base on the selection read.

Batian tanu: (Sample sentences)

1. Si Rasul na nalidu i ginawa nin kanu grade a nakasulat sia kanu card nin.

2. Su grade na ebpangagi na sia pakasulat sa card.

3. Malimu su manga lukes ni Rasul

4. Sia sa television egkailay su egkanggula sia sa embala-bala a inged.

5. Su Radio na san ba egkakineg su embalangan na pakinegan.

6. Mabatia nengka su manga embalangan na pakinegan sia sa Newspaper.

Sample phrases:

a. Batian tanu su mababa a kadtalu.

b. Nalidu i ginawa

c. San ba pakasulat

d. Su radio

e. Embalangan na pakinegan

E. Read the selection again in unison , by group , the individually.


A. Handwriting

Write simple sentences observing correct punctuation marks and capitalization.

B. Composing Primer

Write using phonic knowledge for different purposes – sentences, short stories, lists, etc.)

C. Grammar Awareness:

Use the correct action words in narrating ones’ experiences

D. Activities:

1. Show picture of happy family.


2. Talk about character traits of the members of the family.

3. Talk about their means of communication at home.

Embitialan tanu su ukit a kapedtuntaya nu pamilia nu.

4. Talk about simple problems of the family.

Embitialan tanu su manga kamutuan sia sa kanu pamilia nu.

5. Talk about their means of communication in solving problem at home.

Embitialan tanu su manga atulan nu kamutuan sia kanu pamilia.

6. Let pupils construct simple sentences.

Isulat sia sa lekanu a kaletas.

7. Let pupils observe correct punctuation marks and capitalization with the guidance of the teacher.


ebpakikineg aku sa bitiala sia sa telephone.

Pembatia si ama sa newspapaer.

8. Ask pupils to compose short and simple stories.

Semulat sa mababa endu malemu a tudtulan.

9. Let pupils narrate their experiences outside about different communications.

[TV, laptop, computer, telephone, cellphone, radio, report card]

10. Guide the pupils in using correct action words.

Sample action words:

ebpakikineg Pembatia Pedsulat Pembitiala


Begin to identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms , and multiple meaning

A. Activities:

1. Talk about parts of the body used for giving and taking instructions for communication.

Embitialan tanu su embadan nu lawas a mausal sa kabpagenggay endu kapedtuntay sa kasuguan.

“Embadan nu lawas”

|Nasisita tanu su |[pic] |sa kapangingilay. |

|Nasisita tanu su |[pic] [pic] |sa kapakikineg. |

|Nasisita tanu su |[pic] |sa kapendadalakaw. |

|Nasisita tanu su |[pic] |sa kapegkan. |

2. Question: Idsa:

a. Ngin i nasisita sa kapangingilay? [mata] Makabatia ta bun amaika dala i nia ba?

b. Ngin i nasisita sa kapakikineg? [tangila] makapakikineg ta bun amaika dala i nia ba?

c. Ngin i nasisita sa kapendadalakaw?. [ay] Makalakaw ta bun amaika dala i nia ba?

d. Ngin i nasisita sa kapedtalu endu kapegkan? [ ngali] Makakan ta bun endu makadtalu amaika dala i nia ba?

e. Ngin i enggulan tanu a mapia ka endu ka ulaman su nia ba a embadan nu lawas tanu?

f. Ask what are other words for the following action words:[synonyms]

• Ebpakikineg [ pedtuntay] sa egkambetad nu maginged sia sa TV.

• Pembitiala [ pedsebung] sia sa cellphone.

• Ebpelakaw [pedsugud, ebpagangay sa, pebpawang sa] ebpawang sa iskwila. Pegkan [embagel, keman, kilaw, suak] sa pastil


A. Post assessment:

Tell What the story is all about based on the illustration, title or important events in the story.

B. Unlocking of difficult words:

1. Gunung-gunung- bagyo ataw ka ulan a pedtapik sa mabagel a sambel.

2. Say: Pakikineg ka kanu pembatian nu ebpamandu a tudtul.

“Ula-ula nu Gay“

Ebpagulan endu pegkalibuteng su gay. Si Naida endu si Raihana na ebpagistadi. Ebpamakikineg bun silan sa radio. Da gaid matana na nakineg nilan su pasabut sia sa radio “Su bagyo [gunung-gunung]na ya nin den kabagel na ika-dua [signal number 2] na sia den ebpelalap sa Mindanao . Su manga taw a sia pegkaleben sa kababan tampal na pedtutuman sa malat pan silan gagalu sa pegkalebenan sia tampal sa kapuluan. Su manga taw na makagedam sa mabagel a ulan endu sambel.Langun na taw na pedtutuman sa lemenek pan sa walay. Endu dala edtangen-tangen sa atag na manga masela a kayu endumanga masela a walay.

Ipedtengkad sa kinatuntay:

1. Ngin a gamit sa pakinegan sa egkanggula i san sa tudtulan?

1. Ngin i nakineg ni Naida endu si Raihana a egkanggula nu gay?

2. Ngin i tutuma a enggulan nu manga taw?

3. Amaika aden bagyo na ngin i egkabpalas nu

4. pegkalebenan nengka? Ngin i penggulan nengka?

5. Mamba sa leka a wata ngin i mapakay a enggulan nengka a makadtabang ka sa taw?


ISBN: 978-971-9981-74-9



Development Team of the Teacher’s Guide

Coordinator: Rosalina J. Villaneza

Mga manunulat: Armela I. Bansil

Rahima A. Salik

Tagasuri: Abdulmaguid S. Mohamad

Gumuhit ng mga larawan: Amphy B. Ampong

Kiram T. Altawan

Jayson O. Villena

Naglayout: Aro R. Rara

Mother Tongue-Based

Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)

Teacher’s Guide

Maguindanaon: Unit 3 – Week 29

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

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Lesson Guide in Grade 1 - Maguindanaon: Week 29


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