Curriculum Mapping Template.docx

Continuing Education Curriculum Mapping TemplateName of Certificate Program Description/ OverviewOverview/description of the intended learning outcomes Broad learning objectives (knowledge, skills and attitudes)Intended AudienceProgram Level Learning OutcomesWhat are program level learning outcomes?These are program objectives extrapolated from the course objectives, rewritten to reflect a higher level (the program)These program level outcomes should measure competenciesknowledge, skills, attitudesknow, do, feel, actionsStudents completing this program should be able to:Outcomes should be measurable and specificThe number of outcomes should reflect the length of the program. For example:60-150 hour program should have 4-7 outcomes150-250 hour program should have 6-10 outcomes250-350 hour program should have 9-15 outcomesProgram Outcome Map / MatrixCreate a chart with program level outcomes along one axisList core or required courses and then optional courses along the other axisMap each course to relevant program level learning outcome(s) and identify the depth of learning as well.I – Introduced: Introduced in the course but not assessed.C – Competence: Students receive instruction and are assessed on the outcome. A – Advanced: Students achieve an advanced level of understanding and are assessed on their learning.Note: Course objectives/outcomes need to be completed before the mapping process can begin so you can readily identify how each course relates to program learning outcomes. Sample:Course No.and NameProgramOutcomesP1P2P3P4P5P6P7Core CoursesOptional CoursesProgram Progression/SequencingThis is for programs that require students to follow a particular sequence of courses in order to complete the program. Notes / ConsiderationsThe Curriculum Mapping Template (CMT) has many purposes with distinct audiences:Academic - APPC, ProvostMarketing - web certificate landing page and individual course descriptionsStudents - prospective and returning studentsThis multi-purpose CMT will need a ContEd wide content strategy to help ensure unity between and within programming areas.What content is specifically required for APPC?What content is specifically needed for the certificate landing pages?How should the content be written for the web?How should the content be written so that search engines (like Google) are more likely to give the certificate landing pages a higher page rank than the competition?How should the content be written to take into account that people don’t initially read web pages, they first browse and skim through content looking for key words and phrases, only when they find something that is of interest to them, will they take the time to read?Who will oversee the content strategy for ContEd to ensure consistency of messaging?What resources are available to help the business units complete this project successfully?How will the success of this project be measured?Rewriting the documentation required for APPC should decrease the amount of time required to complete the documentation, and decrease the amount of repetition of contentA decrease in the number of phone calls received by student services and a corresponding increase in the number of online registrations would indicate that prospective and returning students are finding enough program and course detail to make a registration decision without having to speak with a student services representative.The amount of time a student services representative spends on the phone with a prospective or returning student should decrease as it should be easier for the student advisor to discuss the program/courses as all the necessary content will be available on the webWhere will this documentation ‘live’?Is it possible to have one single repository (like the web)? ................

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