Mrs. Klein

Grading Rubric – Excel 2013Excel Chapter 4Description Solution Filename:FCU At Home Financial Tools.xlsxPtsScoreThe section title, row titles, and system date are entered and formatted3The sheet tab name and document properties are changed2Cell names are added and formatted2A number format is applied to applicable fields2The loan data is entered3Cell names are added based on row titles/formulas 3The Loan Amount formula is entered correctly2The PMT function is used to determine the monthly payment in cell F63Formulas are entered to determine the total interest and total cost using names3The data table shown in Figure 4–19 is created and formatted3Conditional formatting is applied to column C in the data table2The Amortization Schedule section is created and formatted4Custom borders are added to the worksheet2A pointer is added with conditional formatting1The worksheet is protected 2The worksheet is printed1TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS:38Description Solution Filename:Apply 4-1 Loan Payment Calculator Complete.xlsxPtsScoreNames are created for cells in the range C4:C9 using the row titles in the range B4:B9.3The formulas shown in Table 4-5 are entered into the worksheet.3The range E4:H19 is defined as a one-input data table and the cell C7 (interest rate) is used as the column input cell.3The data table is formatted so that it appears as shown in Figure 4–66.4The worksheet is printed.1The range C3:C7 is unlocked and the worksheet is protected so that the user can select only unlocked cells.2The worksheet is protected.2The monthly payment is determined for two data sets and copied to new tabs.4TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: =SUM(ABOVE) 22Description Solution Filename:Lab 4-1 Education Savings Calculator.xlsxPtsScoreThe Parallax theme is applied, the entire worksheet is bold, and column widths are changed.4The worksheet title and subtitle are entered and formatted.3Row titles and data are entered as shown in Table 4-69 and dollar and percent signs are used format the numbers in the range D6:D8.5Formulas are assigned in range D10:D11 and results are formatted as instructed.3Background and font colors are modified.3Data table in Figure 4-69 is added to the range F5:H24 as instructed.4The colors, borders, and sheet tab name and color are modified as shown in Figure 4–69.4Gridlines are removed.2The cells in the ranges D5:D9 are unlocked and the worksheet is protected.2TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS:30 ................

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