School-wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) 2015-16

To be implemented in pre-planning 2017

Elements have changed in the SPBP. Before completing, go to for:

A NEW Brainshark with specific directions to complete the SPBP2016. Watch this Brainshark with all members of the Team. (Principals, please sign into the Brainshark Guest Book for verification.)

A suggested Timeline for completing your SPBP throughout the year to avoid the end of year rush

A Feedback Rubric to ensure your team will correctly complete the SPBP and develop a meaningful plan.

The School-wide Positive Behavior Plan is a compilation of the 10 Critical Elements of RtI:B. Please download it, complete each section in the template, and then upload it back into the SIP. Expectation Lesson Plans and Rule Lesson Plans are located in two separate downloads. To provide consistency across District, only plans entered in the District template will be accepted.

ACTION: Download, complete, and upload 3 separate files from OSPA Central in SIP Plan, BP # 2:

1. SPBP Plan: Critical Elements 1-10

2. Expectation Lesson Plans

3. Rules Lesson Plans

|School Name: Crystal Lake Community Middle School |

|School Number: 1871 |

|SPBP/RtI:B Contact Person: Ben Reeves/Shaante Collie |

|Direct Phone Number: 754-322-3100 |

|CRITICAL ELEMENT # 1: Functioning RtI:B / Discipline Team |

Current Team Member (SY 2014/15) List:

Each name on this list verifies attendance in ongoing team meetings and full participation in developing this SPBP. Each member is responsible for representing stakeholders and sharing SPBP information with them.

*mandatory member

|Full Name |Position |Stakeholder |

| | |Representation |

|Sabine Phillips |Principal* |Administration |

|Ben Reeves |RtI:B Point of Contact* |RtI:B Team |

|Cindi Ancona |BTU Representative* |BTU |

|Bonnie Delgado |Parent/Community* Representation |Community |

|Grace Laurant |ESOL Support |Para Professionals |

|Carolyn Cooper |Teacher |6th grade teacher |

|Monefa Furlongue |Teacher |7th grade teacher |

|Michele Matias |Teacher |8th grade teacher |

|Michael Walker |ESE Support Facilitator |Support Staff |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Since this is a public document, please do not enter any P numbers.

Schedule and Document RtI:B Team Meetings for 2016/17 School year: (minimum of 4) Also enter in Master Schedule.

|Meeting Date |Time |Responsible Person |

|The second and fourth Wednesday of each month: |9:45 am – 11:00 am |Stuart Lenoff |

|9/14, 9/28, 10/12, 10/26,11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8,| | |

|2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24 | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|CRITICAL ELEMENT # 2: Faculty & Stakeholder Commitment: |

Indicate the activities completed 2015/16 school year to increase faculty and stakeholder understanding and knowledge of the SPBP:

|Action: |Date(s) |Outcome |

| | |(3-5 sentences) |

|Staff Presentation of SPBP |8/21/15, 5/6/16 |Discussed SPBP and Cougar Code of Conduct at faculty meeting. During |

| | |faculty meetings the Discipline Committee presented school wide behavior |

| | |data. This data was shown in comparison before implementing HERO (school |

| | |wide positive behavior online tracking), implementing HERO for half a year |

| | |and implementing HERO for a full year from 2012-2013 school year to |

| | |2015-2016 school year. Teachers were able to see a trend in the behavior |

| | |data over the course of these school years. Behavior infractions have |

| | |decreased on campus while implementing HERO along with positive incentives |

| | |offered to students who received a specific number of points within HERO. |

|Faculty Vote |8/21/15 |Voted on implementing Cougar Code of Conduct and Cougar Power Points during |

| | |Homeroom. |

|Stakeholders’ (parents and community) Presentation of |9/29/15 |HERO was discussed at the Student Advisory Counsel meeting. This discussion|

|SPBP | |focused on the fact that HERO has been updated and parents/students are now |

| | |able to track their points within the HERO system through the Parent/Student|

| | |Portal. |

Plan the activities for 2016/17 school year to increase faculty and stakeholder understanding and knowledge of RtI:B:

|Action: |Date(s) |Details |

| | |(3-5 sentences) |

|Staff Professional Development on RtI:B |Pre-planning: |Teachers and support staff will be trained/reviewed on how to use Broward |

| | |County’s online system in BASIS on creating a RtI report. |

| |Week of 8/15-8/19 | |

|Staff Presentation of Behavior Data |1. 9/2 |The Discipline Committee will give a Power Point Presentation on the overall|

|(minimum of 4) | |behavioral data for the 2015-2016 school year. Discuss the direction that |

| | |is being taken in regards to the School Wide Positive Behavior Plan for the |

| | |2016-2017 school year. Discuss HERO positive behavior tracking online tool.|

| |2. 11/4 |The Discipline Committee will present a Power Point Presentation on the |

| | |behavior data for the 1st quarter of the 2016-2017 school year. |

| | |Stakeholders involved in a successful positive behavior plan will be |

| | |reviewed. Student incentives for positive behavior tracking points will be |

| | |reviewed. |

| |3. 2/3 |The Discipline Committee will present a Power Point Presentation on the |

| | |behavior data for the 2nd quarter of the 2016-2017 school year. |

| | |Stakeholders involved in a successful positive behavior plan will be |

| | |reviewed. Student incentives for positive behavior tracking points will be |

| | |reviewed. |

| |4. 4/7, 6/2 |The Discipline Committee will present a Power Point Presentation on the |

| | |behavior data for the 3rd and 4th quarter of the 2016-2017 school year. |

| | |Stakeholders involved in a successful positive behavior plan will be |

| | |reviewed. Student incentives for positive behavior tracking points will be |

| | |reviewed. |

|Stakeholders’ (parents and community) Presentations of |9/27, 11/29, 2/28, 4/25 |The Discipline Committee will present a Power Point Presentation on behavior|

|RtI:B | |data to the School Advisory Counsel. This data will consist of the overall |

| | |data for the 2015-2016 school year and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, quarter |

| | |behavior data. Also, included in the presentation will be updates on the |

| | |usage of HERO (positive behavior online tracking) and the incentives the |

| | |students will be acquiring by accumulating over each quarter. |

|CRITICAL ELEMENT # 3: School-wide Expectations |

Collect Behavior Data:

|Top 10 Incidents of Behavior |

|(BASIS Behavior Dashboard) |

| |

|1. SB: Unruly/Disruptive Behavior |

|2. ZW: Defiance of AUTH/HAB 01 VIO |

|3. ZL: Class Cut (Skipping) |

|4. 01: Disobedience/Insubordination |

|5. ZX: Profanity to Staff Member |

|6. UP: Disruptive/Unruly Play |

|7. ZI: Fight-Minor/Altercation/CONF |

|8. ZU: Out of Assigned Area |

|9. F2: Fighting-Medium |

|10. ZM: Tardiness Habitual |

Develop School-wide Expectations:

|3-5 Common Negative Themes |3 – 5 Positive Replacement Expectations |

|EXAMPLE: Disrespect |EXAMPLE: Be respectful to others |

|Disruptive in class. |Work cooperatively and be responsible. |

|Not adhering to Cougar Code of Conduct. |Display citizenship at school. |

|Profanity towards teacher and peers. |Show kindness and respect. |

|Lying |Be honest. |

|Fighting/Arguing/Name Calling |Exhibit self-control and tolerance. |

**Download the Expectation Lesson Plans Template and complete 3 – 5 Lesson Plans, 1 for each of the above listed Expectations**

|CRITICAL ELEMENT #4: Location-based Rules |

Determine Top 3 Locations for Event Problems: (BASIS Behavior Dashboard)

|Top 3 Locations |

|(BASIS Behavior Dashboard) |

|School Location |# Incidents |

|EXAMPLE: Cafeteria |12 |

| Classroom |Not included |

|1. Restrooms |30 |

|2. Hallways |33 |

|3. Bus Loop |34 |

Create an Expectation / Rules Chart

|Expectations and Rules Chart |

|Expectations |Rules |

|(copy and paste from Expectations |(copy and paste Locations from above chart) |

|List) | |

| |Location #1: |Location #2: |Location #3: |

| |Restroom |Hallways |Bus Loop |


|Be Respectful to others |Pick up trash from table and floor |Keep hands and feet to self |Use a Level 2 Conversation Level |

| | |Walk on right side | |

|Expectation #1: | | | |

|Work cooperatively and be |Have the correct building restroom pass |Walk promptly to class. |Wait quietly using a voice level 1 with |

|responsible. |when utilizing the restroom. | |peers until bus arrives for pick up or |

| | | |report directly to grade level morning |

| | | |waiting area. |

|Expectation #2: | | | |

|Display citizenship at school |Only use the restroom 10 minutes after |Walk on the right side of the hallway |Report to the bus loop immediately when |

|(follow school rules). |the bell rings or 10 minutes before the |during classroom transitions. |the bell rings at 4pm. When your bus |

| |bell rings. During sixth hour restroom | |arrives in the morning walk orderly to |

| |passes will not be utilized 20 minutes | |grade level waiting area. |

| |before the bell rings. | | |

|Expectation #3: | | | |

|Show kindness and respect. |Keep the restroom clean by utilizing |Refrain from using profanity while |Avoid pushing or shoving peers while |

| |trashcans and proper hygiene habits. |walking in the hallways. |entering or exiting the bus loop. |

|Expectation #4: | | | |

|Be honest. |Restroom passes are for emergency usage |When in the hallways between during |Only board a bus that you are authorized |

| |only. |instructional time you should have a pass|to be on. |

| | |for being in the hallway. | |

|Expectation #5: | | | |

|Exhibit self-control and tolerance.|Avoid skipping class by hiding in a |When utilizing hallways do not name call |When in the bus loop refrain from |

| |restroom. |peers/staff members. Refrain from |running, hitting, kicking, name calling |

| | |running/hitting/kicking peers. |and using profanity. |

**Download the Rules Lesson Plans Template and complete 3 Lesson Plans, 1 for each of the above listed Locations, each containing all of the rules indicated under it**

|CRITICAL ELEMENT #5 Effective Discipline Procedures |

Operationalize incidents into behavior examples: (Include a minimum of 3 examples of each type)

|District Incident |Classroom Managed Behavior |Office Managed (Office Discipline Referral) Behaviors |

|EXAMPLE: |Not answering teacher’s question |Using profanity directed at teacher |

|Disrespect | | |

|1. Unruly / Disruptive |1. Student up and walking around classroom. |1. Fighting in class. |

|Behavior | | |

| |2. Student talking when teacher is talking. |2. Arguing with the teacher. |

| |3. Student is disruptive to the rest of the class. |3. Arguing with other students. |

|2. Insubordination |1. Refusing to do classwork. |1. Out of unified dress code. |

| |2. Not turning in Homework. |2. Not following Cougar Code of Conduct. |

| |3. Not following classroom rules. |3. Refusing to put electronics away. |

|3.Out of Assigned Area |1. Habitual tardiness to class without a pass. |1. Skipping Class. |

| |2. Out of classroom seat without permission. |2. Walking out of the classroom without permission. |

| |3. Always with another teacher finishing work during class |3. Leaving the room to go to the bathroom/another teacher and not |

| |time. |returning to class/returning in a timely manner/not going to the |

| | |other teacher’s room. |

Categorize Classroom Managed Behaviors into “Minor” and “Moderate”.

Create a consequence list that teachers can choose from for each category.

|Minor Classroom Managed Behaviors |Moderate Classroom Managed Behaviors |

|Student up and walking around classroom. |Refusing to do classwork. |

|Student talking when teacher is talking. |Student is disruptive to the rest of the class. |

|Not following classroom rules. |Not turning in Homework. |

|Out of classroom seat without permission. |Habitual tardiness to class without a pass. |

|Always with another teacher finishing work during class time. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Consequence Menu for Minor Misbehaviors |Consequence Menu for Moderate Misbehaviors |

|(Teacher’s choice): |(Teacher’s choice): |

|Verbal Warning |Verbal Warning |

|Gestural Warning |Call Home to Parent |

|Call Home to Parent |Parent/Teacher/Student Conference |

|Behavior Practice |Teacher Detention |

|Behavior Form |Grade level detention |

|Time out in another classroom |Confer with administrator for support |

|Repeated behaviors refer to moderate misbehaviors consequence menu. |Confer with colleague for support |

| |Behavior Sheet |

|No entries needed for CRITICAL ELEMENTS 6 – 9 this year |

|CRITICAL ELEMENT # 10: Monitoring Plans |

1. How and what data will you use to monitor the implementation (frequency, consistency, documentation, etc.) of the Lesson Plans? Include a minimum of 2 Action Steps.

|Fidelity Plan |

|WHO |WHAT: Data Analyzed |WHAT: Criteria for “Success” of |WHEN: Dates of Analysis |HOW: Shared with Stakeholders |

|Responsible person | |Implementation | | |

|EXAMPLE: |Lesson Plan Review |100 % teachers will have |Nov 14 |Staff meetings on: |

|Principal | |behavior lesson plan in teacher |Jan 21 |Nov16 |

| | |log |Mar 28 |Jan 23 |

| | | | |Apr 1 |

|1. Principal/Assistant |Lesson Plan Review |100% teachers will have behavior|10/28 |Staff meetings on: |

|Principals | |lesson plans documented in their|03/24 |11/4 |

| | |lesson plans. | |4/7 |

|2. Assistant Principal |HERO | A trend in data that shows 10% |10/28 |11/4 |

| | |increase in teacher usage. |1/13 |2/3 |

| | | |3/24 |4/7 |

| | | |5/26 |6/2 |

2. How and what data will you use to determine the success of the plan (by Student outcome) or need for modifications? Include a minimum of 2 Action Steps.

|Student Outcome Plan |

|WHO |WHAT: Data Analyzed |WHAT: Criteria for “Success” of |WHEN: Dates of Analysis |HOW: Shared with Stakeholders |

|Responsible Person | |Student Outcome | | |

|EXAMPLE: |ODRS |80% students will have 1 or less|Monthly – First Tuesday of each |Monthly behavior newsletter |

|Assistant Principal | |ODR |month to review previous month | |

|1. Assistant Principal |HERO |80% of students will participate|Hero Points are reviewed |Students, parents and teachers |

| | |in quarterly positive behavior |quarterly for positive incentive|are able to log onto HERO in |

| | |incentives based on HERO points.|points. |order to monitor students |

| | | |10/28 |positive behavior points. |

| | | |1/13 | |

| | | |3/24 | |

| | | |5/26 | |

|2. Assistant Principal |BASIS |A trend in data that shows a 10%|BASIS (behavior referrals) is |Data is shared at faculty and |

| |(behavior referrals) |decrease in the top 10 |reviewed quarterly to evaluate a|School Advisory Counsel |

| | |infractions. |trend in regards to the top 10 |meetings. |

| | | |infractions. | |

| | | |10/28 | |

| | | |1/13 | |

| | | |3/24 | |

| | | |5/26 | |








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