
Chapter 16Faye stretched the crick in her neck and rolled over. The other side of the bed was empty. Jake was gone from the bed. She took her time soaking in a bath, brushing the tangles from her wet hair, and lightly applied makeup to her face. She slipped over her head a blue day dress with puffy sleeves and secured the belt around her waist. Satisfied with her morning so far, she made her way downstairs. In the kitchen, Nora put a kettle on the stove. She tied a red apron over her casual housedress. “May I be of help?” Faye stood at the counter beside a carton of eggs.Nora turned and offered a pleasant smile. “Aren’t you a dear?. No, no, you’re the guest.” Faye stepped out of Nora’s way. Jake probably warned his stepmother not to let her near the stove. Nora gestured at a seat at the kitchen table. “I’ll pour you some coffee and us girls will chat a bit. Get to know each other.”Sarah. You’ll get to know the woman pretending to be your daughter-in-law. Not me.Nora brought over two cups of steaming coffee. “Maxwell House. Good to the last drop, they say. Gus got me in the habit. Now I cannot start my morning without it. One cube, right?”“Correct.” Faye stirred her coffee to dissolve the sugar faster. “Where’s Jake?”Nora sat next to her and added cream to her own coffee. “He went with his father to meet Boss Tom this morning.”Faye’s chest tightened. How could he leave without her? He knew how important it was for her to be there. Not wanting Nora to know how upset she was, Faye composed herself. “Did he say how long he’d be gone?” How long I have to Maxwell brew before I can let him have it—with both barrels?Nora took a sip. “He’d said you might be disappointed, but women aren’t permitted in their meetings, so we thought you’d be more comfortable here. But you’ll get your chance to meet his new employer tonight. Boss Tom is throwing a dinner party in Jake’s honor. A welcome- back- to- the- fold soirée.”That didn’t sound good for Jake, but excellent for her goal. This may be her only chance to get the names of the upper-ring-wearing members of the Philadelphia Mafia. Find those responsible for her father’s death and the identity of the dark coat man. To do that, she needed to be at her best—to look her best. “I didn’t bring anything suitable to wear.” Nora smiled. “Well, it just happens that I am friends with Ellen O’Connel, owner of the best garment company in the Midwest. I’ll give her a call and see if she can fit us into her busy schedule.”Faye had heard that name beforeknew the name. She thought about it, and then it dawned on her. “You know ELOC? I simply adore her designs and collections. I’ve worn them back in Phil—” She almost said Philadelphia but caught herself. “I remember reading about her in the paper. Something that happened last year…”Nora scooted her chair closer and gave a crisp nod. “Oh my, yes. It was all anyone talked about—still do. I’m not one to gossip, but you should know before we meet with her. Ellen and her chauffeur were abducted and held for ransom last Thanksgiving. They were there for almost two days, held against their will by three men that demanded seventy-five-thousand dollars for their release.”Faye sipped her coffee, remembering what she’d heard of the story before. “Yes, I recall it well. It made radio news and was in all the papers. There was something about her lawyer finding her.”“Don Deed. He lived next door to Ellen and her husband at the time. The ransom note said not to involve the police, so her husband asked Deed to reach out to his connections, mainly Lucky Leo Chiappetta. Deed and Lucky Leo’s men found her and stormed the house where she was held. And now she and Deed are to marry. It is all so very romantic.”“But I thought she was married?”“Oh, yes. Another terrible tragedy. He had an unfortunate accident soon after Ellen was found. And the poor dear, just finding out she was pregnant at the time. How much misfortune can a woman bear? But she’s stronger for it and now happier than I’ve seen her in years.”And living my dream job. Faye hoped to pick the woman’s brain about her business success. ***The fence surrounding Ellen O’Connel’s mansion looked as secure as Fort Knox. Who could blame her? Faye couldn’t blame her. imagine how terrified Mrs. O’Connel must have been—hHeld against her will, —not knowing if she’d live or die. That would change anyone. A shiver ran up her Faye’s spine.Nora gave the gateman her name and was allowed to drivedrove in after a cursory inspection of her automobile. The mansion looked well maintained but a century old, a Victorian Gothic design of red brick with white stone-lined large windows. White scroll-sawn trim and balistersbalusters gave the front picket porch warmth and charm. Nora opened the front vestibule doors that led to another door inside a small entryway chamber. There she ran the bell and adjusted her floppy hat and floral -print dress. Several locks were clicked on the other side, and then the door opened. The butler guided them to a beautiful sitting room fit for a Victorian queen. Nora introduced her to Mrs. O’Connel—soon to be Mrs. Deed—and another woman, Lucy Chiappetta. Black and gray hair coiffed and fashionably dressed, if one was attending a funeral, Mrs. Chiappetta held out her thin gloved hand. Faye offered her own, but instead of taking it, Lucy flipped Faye’s hand and stared down at her palm. Mrs. Chiappetta let go and looked her up and down as if appraising her worth. “Who are you, girl? Why do you look so familiar to me?”Mrs. O’Connel interceded on Faye’s behalf. “Lucy, this is Jake Boyd’s wife, Sarah. I told you, they are farmers from western Kansas.” Mrs. Chiappetta scrutinized her with a shrewd eye. “If this is a farmer’s wife, then I’m Italy’s Donna Rachele Mussolini.” She waved them off, took a seat, and continued at Fayeleveled a hard, determined stare at Faye.A knot formed in Faye’s stomach. She looked away from the older woman’s gaze, focusing on Mrs. O’Connel instead. Younger than she assumed, the woman didn’t look as intimidating as Faye thought she would be. Pretty and about Faye’s height, O’Connel had short curly brown hair, big hazel eyes, and looked like half of the women back home that belonged to the League. Faye caught herself staring and blinked. “I am so thankful you could fit us into your day, Mrs.—”“Call me Ellen. Turn, please.” Ellen stood a step back. Her hands settled on her stomach in the last stage of pregnancy. Faye slowly turned.Ellen clapped her hands together. “Eureka. I know just the thing. I’m bigger boned than you, so I’ll have to take it in. Come with me.”Faye followed, relieved to get away from Mrs. Chiappetta’s prying eyes. ***Rose colored lipstick filled her lipsdecorated her mouth. Faye rubbed them together and then blotted with a tissue. In the mirror’s reflection, she pulled loose a few tendrils to soften her upswept hair. She took a few steps back and surveyed her work from the waist up. Shem and lightly ran her fingers along the forest green velvet and beaded bodice with a wide v-neckline. Sheer sleeves wisped her shoulders. She turned her hips with a swish from the taffeta long flowing skirt. It felt so good to dress up again.“Eat your heart out, Kate Hepburn,” she said to the mirror. She left the bath to the top of the stairs. Step by careful step, she walked down in Ellen’s high-heeled strapped sandals to the Boyd’s sitting room. The men stood. Nora gushed forward. “Oh, Ellen was right. It’s perfect. You look so beautiful, my dear.”“Thank you.” Faye moistened her lips and looked past Nora at Jake.Staring, Jake took a step back , lifted his chin, and ran a finger under his collar. At some time today, he’d received a haircut and shave. Tapered on the sides, he’d left his dark hair longer on top in tousled waves. New clothes too. He stood dressed in a dark gray dinner suit with a white starched shirt and bow tie. Faye’s breath hitched in her throat. A tingling heat spread up the back of her neck and across her face. She forced herself to look away from him and smiled at Nora instead. “Shall we go?”Nora shook her head. “Give me a sec. I have the perfect necklace that will go withfor that dress.” Nora’s The other woman’s heels clicked up the stairs. Jake’s dad plopped back down in his chair. He rattled a newspaper open.Jake walked over to herstepped closer as if [add some sort of metaphor here to show his reluctance (or whatever he’s feeling)]. The heady mix of citrus and spice from his cologne tickled her nose. He cleared his throat. “We need to go over a few things.”Really? Not a gee, you look lovely. Just straight back to business. “I know what my role is tonight. But my agenda is just as important as your own.”He rubbed his hand over his eyes and down his face. “I know I’m asking a lot, but I need you to trust me and let me handle this.” Nora clicked down the stairsreappeared. “Here we are. Jake, will you do the honors?” Nora handed him a delicate emerald necklace.Faye beamed a smile. “Oh, Nora. It’s beautiful.” She turned her back to Jake.His warm hands brushed over, tingling her skin, then settled against her shoulders as he worked the clasp. Faye looked down. The gleaming gem settled just above her cleavage. She turned back with the woosh of her skirt and beamed at Nora. “Thank you, Nora.”Jake’s hooded gaze didn’t waver from her face. His eyes softened, and his lips parted., tThen closed,. tThen parted again. “You look—” “Gus.” Nora batted his newspaper with her hand. “Don’t you light that,” she said of his pipe. “We’ll be late.”Gus stood and pecked his wife on her cheek. Jake didn’t finish what he was about to say. He offered Faye his arm instead.She settled her hand in the crook, and the tingle moved down into her chest. Did he truly have feelings for her, or was this just for show? She protruded her bottom lip. And why did it matter to her if he did or not? She needed to keep her head straight for tonight. Not preen her self-esteem with stupid girlish thoughts. ................

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