Relationship Contract


I. THE COUPLE. This Relationship Contract ("Agreement") is dated __________________, 20____, and is written for the mutual benefit of the Couple. Furthermore, this Agreement is solely meant to establish rules and boundaries for a loving and fulfilling relationship.

Boyfriend: __________________, with a mailing address of ___________________________________, and

Girlfriend: __________________, with a mailing address of ___________________________________.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend are each referred to herein as a "Partner" and, collectively, as the "Couple."

II. EXCLUSIVITY. The Couple agrees to be in an: (check one)

- Exclusive Relationship. This means each Partner agrees to be faithful sexually and emotionally. No other sexual partners are allowed.

- Open Relationship. This means each Partner is not obligated to be faithful to the other sexually or emotionally. When participating in sexual acts outside of the relationship, the sexually active Partner is: (check one)

- Required to use sexual protection in the form of condoms. - Not Required to use sexual protection.

- Other. _______________________________________________________.

III. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS. The Couple agrees to live: (check one)

- Separately. Each Partner agrees to live in their own residence and be responsible for their own living expenses.

- Together. The Couple agrees to live together and share the same residence. In addition, each Partner is responsible for the following living expenses:

Boyfriend: __________________________________________________ Girlfriend: __________________________________________________

IV. INCOME. The Couple agrees that each Partner's income is: (check one)

- Their Own. During the term of this Agreement, any income earned by each Partner shall be their own.

- Shared. During the term of this Agreement, all income generated by each Partner shall be the Couple's property.

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V. BANK ACCOUNTS. The Couple agrees to have: (check one)

- Their own SEPARATE Bank Accounts. Each Partner is not required to share access of their bank accounts with the other.

- SEPARATE and SHARED Bank Accounts. Each Partner may have their own separate bank accounts. In addition, the Couple is required to create a shared bank account that must be funded equally by the Partners.

- MERGE ALL into a Shared Bank Account. The Couple is required to merge all their cash (located in checking and savings accounts only) into a shared bank account.

VI. PERSONAL NEEDS. The Couple agrees to meet the following needs:

a.) Date Nights. The Couple agrees to have ____ night(s) per month "distraction-free" with all attention given to the other person.

b.) Romantic Activity. The Couple shall engage in intimate and romantic acts at least ____ time(s) per month.

VII. TERMINATION. This Agreement shall continue until a(n):

- Breakup. This Agreement shall continue until one Partner gives notice to the other of breaking up and, therefore, this Agreement's termination. In the event of a breakup, if there are any financial obligations under this Agreement, each Partner shall remain liable to such commitments for an additional ____ days after the breakup date.

- End Date. This Agreement shall continue until the end date of __________________, 20____ ("End Date"). No commitments shall be obligated to either Partner after the End Date.

VIII. LIABILITY. The Couple agrees that each shall be legally liable: (check one)

- To ALL Terms. The Couple agrees that each Partner shall be legally liable to all terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, financial commitments and emotional distress.

- To FINANCIAL Obligations Only. Each Partner acknowledges being legally liable for the financial obligations under this Agreement only. Despite the emotional harm given by a Partner, they shall not be responsible for their behavior.

- For NOTHING in this Agreement. No Partner shall be liable, financially or emotionally, to the other in this Agreement.

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IX. MUTUAL RESPECT. To maintain a fair and transparent relationship, the Couple agrees to the following: (Initial where applicable)

a.) Honesty. The Couple agrees to maintain a radically honest relationship and always to say what is on their mind. Each Partner agrees to listen to such honesty and not judge the other person for their views.

b.) Political Views. The Couple agrees to listen and respect each other's political views. If either Partner does not want to engage in political conversation, they can make this declaration at any time and must be respected by the other Partner.

c.) Judgment-Free. Each Partner agrees always to listen and give advice that is in the best interest of the other Partner. Especially in public settings, each Partner agrees to make comments that present the other in a good and positive manner and free of embarrassment or negativity.

d.) Family. The Couple agrees to spend time with each Partner's respective family. This is mainly around holidays and times of the year where each Partner does not have other commitments.

e.) Disputes. Each Partner promises always to make a good-faith effort to resolve any dispute or issue in an amicable manner. Either Partner has the option to take a "time out" and remove themselves from the situation. If a "time out" occurs, each Partner agrees to be quiet and give the other their personal space.

X. ADDITIONAL TERMS. _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

XI. EXECUTION. Each Partner agrees they have read and understood this Agreement in its entirety and have executed on the undersigned date.

Boyfriend Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________

Print Name: ______________________________

Girlfriend Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________

Print Name: ______________________________

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