
 There was a sound of wet, shredding paper. “Oops! Looks like you’ll have to tell your teacher your imaginary dog girlfriend ate your homework, Tim!” “S-stop it Harry!” Tim stammered, the tall, lanky boy desperately grasped for the papers in his quicker, more nimble tormenter’s hands. “I spent all week working on that essay!”“Why don’t you take it from me, then?” Harry turned around, holding the paper behind his back. He was a few inches shorter than Tim but he had a surprisingly strong build for his age. “I’m sure the teachers will tolerate you hitting a smaller student.” There were two more tearing sounds.Tim clenched a fist. “Why are you doing this? Haven’t I already been miserable enough this week?”“I wouldn’t have to do this if you could just act normal.” Another wet tearing sound.“Yeah, man,” Harry’s cohort, Benjamin, chuckled. “Could you imagine if anyone outside of school found out you were into animals? We’re being merciful compared to that!”Harry laughed. “Bet that’s why Cindy left you, huh? Assuming you didn’t leave her ‘cause she wasn’t hairy enough!” He tossed the remains of Tim’s homework onto the floor, too tattered and drenched to ever piece back together.Tim futilely bent down to grab at the pieces as his tormentors walked off.“That was great!” Benjamin slapped Harry on the back. “Yeah, his face was priceless!” Harry laughed. “You really showed that loser!”“Yep,” Harry paused, his eyes lighting up. “And I’ve got an even better idea to show that freak his stupid fantasies won’t get him anywhere. You know that VR chatroom stuff?”“I’ve seen some videos from it, yeah.”“Dave was trolling people there with a voice changer to sound like a girl, and recognized Tim’s voice while he was browsing local servers. He found Tim’s personal server, too!”“Oh, it’d be fun to mess with him in the one place he thinks he’s safe from us! But...” Harry’s grin faded as he realized, “I don’t have a VR headset.”“Doesn’t matter!” Benjamin was beaming. “You can use it without VR, VR just adds some extra stuff. The whole gang could get in on this!” He leaned in closer, whispering. “Even better, I saw a bunch of free avatars that would be just PERFECT for us when we go visit Tim.”Harry raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? What are they?”“The stuff of his pervy fantasies! Dave can get the rest of us the voice changing program, then we go in and act like we’re all girls that go to the school, and love his character like crazy, and want to meet him in person. Butter him up real nice so he doesn’t suspect a thing! Then when we’ve got him lured to a spot where nobody’ll see us, we can all really lay down the hurt!”Harry let out a hearty laugh. “I like the way you think, Ben! Let’s do it!”+++That friday evening, Harry, Benjamin, Dave, and the two remaining members of their gang, Fred and Vince, had all logged onto the virtual chatroom, meeting in a common server to discuss their plan and make last-minute changes edits to the avatars they’d selected.“Okay,” a nasally voice, belonging to Dave, came through the voice-chat as the muzzle of a pink and white fox-like creature moved. It wore baby-blue “sleeves” over its forearms, with ying-yang-like patterns on its thighs in the same color. “Everybody’s screen-names are either girly or generic, good. None of them scream ‘obviously overselling the sex’ either. If you wanna troll people successfully, you gotta be convincing. So, any questions?”A busty blue-jay’s beak opened and shut without much movement from the rest of the body, as Harry’s voice spoke. “Yeah, what the hell is that thing you’re going as?”The pink fox-like thing rolled its eyes. “I meant about editing your avatars, but since you asked, this thing is Renamon. It’s one of those Digimon things from back in the nineties and furries go crazy over it for some reason. I changed the color from yellow to pink to make things seem like I put more effort in than just snatching some freebie avatar. And speaking of…”The clawed hand pointed toward a navy-blue vixen model with white tribal tattoos wearing an bikini-top and loincloth. “Ben, you can’t get by with just a default Krystal avatar, you’ve gotta DO something with it.”“Like what?”“Change the colors around, get some other accessories, something!”A floating menu appeared next to the blue fox, with a couple sliders, which adjusted as its fur color shifted from blue to yellow. “That better?” Came Benjamin’s voice. “Ugh, no, now you look like a discount Renamon! Try again.”The fur went from yellow to red, while the tattoos were given a yellow glow. “How about this?”“Now that’s just a normal fox, tattoos aside…” The Renamon avatar facepalmed. “Ugh, nevermind, it’s different enough for us.”He looked over to a short, brown, red-eyed mouse-girl avatar, with a pair of large, round glasses and a bowl cut. “Okay, Vince, right? Yours is good. The ‘nerdy-but-cute’ look works wonders on most losers here.”Dave’s avatar turned to the avatar belonging to Fred, the last member of the group. Dave looked up and down the red-scaled, busty lizard woman. “Okay, the spine mohawk compliments the punk look on the outfit, but that chest size screams ‘I’m actually a guy.’ Tone it down. I’d be worried about whether a punk and a geek hanging out is something he’d buy, but at this point, I don’t want us to have to fish for another avatar.”A menu appeared next to the lizard as her chest shrank slightly.“Okay,” Dave continued, “We’ve all got our backstories memorized right? No internal contradictions, or contradictions with each other’s stories, right?”“Dude, the loser is so desperate for attention, he won’t care! Let’s get going already! I want to get to the good part where we beat him down in reality!”“We’re not gonna get to if-” Dave sighed. “Okay, fine, we don’t have time to argue, I’m loading up his personal server, activate the voice-changing program, we should be able to get there before he’d normally log in.”+++Tim’s personal server was set up to look like a tropical island beach, with large wooden tree-houses sitting a short distance from the shoreline. The five bullies’ avatars appeared by the world’s entry portal without fanfare, and began glancing around.“So, where is he?” Benjamin asked, his voice sounding like a high-school-aged girl’s. There didn’t seem to be anyone else logged on here, save for one avatar standing on a distant balcony in one of the tree-houses, looking like a stereotypical fairy if not for it being the size of an average woman. “Is THAT him? Man, what a freak, pretending to be a girl in his free time!”“Shut it!” Dave’s avatar made a zipped-lip motion. “I don’t know how close this server’s audible voice chat range is set! Keep in character until we log off!” The avatar shook its head, and Dave continued speaking, the filter keeping his voice feminine, too. “But since you asked, no, that’s just some random. Tim allows his server to be open, so you’ll see some occasional visitors, but it’s not a big deal. Most people who’d try to ruin our fun would normally stick to the more populated or gimmicky servers. I’ll let you know when I see him.”They didn’t have to wait long. After just a few short minutes, a gray-furred male rabbit anthro avatar popped up by the portal.“Oh, there he is, girls!” Dave said. “Nice to meet you again, Tim! I hope you don’t mind, but I brought along some friends.”“Uh, hi…” Vince said, in a nervous tone, as his mouse girl avatar waved.“Sup?” came Fred’s altered voice from the lizard girl.“Hey there, cutie,” came Benjamin’s voice from the fox-girl avatar.“Nice to meet ya!” Harry’s poor impression of a southern accent was saved by the voice filter as it came from the beak of the blue jay avatar.“Oh, uh, hi there!” The rabbit scratched the back of his head nervously. “I’m Tim, what are your names?”“Harley,” said Harry.“Betty,” said Benjamin.“I’m Veronica,” whispered Vince.“You can call me Fred,” Said Fred.“What?” Dave hissed.“It’s short for Whinniefred!” Fred quickly clarified.A smile appeared on Dave’s avatar again. “And of course, you remember ol’ Dee from last time, right?”“Yeah,” the rabbit avatar nodded. “It’s nice to meet you all. Welcome to my little island.”“Hey,” ‘Harely’ said, stepping closer to Tim, “Your voice sounds kinda familiar. Do you go to Sumner High?”“Yeah…” Tim mumbled.‘Harley’ gasped. “Oh cool! We thought we were the only furries there!”“You go there too?” Tim asked, sounding surprised.“Yeah, all of us do,” Fred said. “It’s our own little secret furry club. We have a little hangout spot and everything.”“Hey, um, you said your name was Tim, right?” ‘Veronica’ asked.“Yeah…”“Are you the guy Cindy broke up with?”“Vi-Veronica!” ‘Dee’ hissedTim sighed. “Yes…”“Oh, she was just acting so mean lately,” ‘Veronica’ said.“Yeah,” Fred added, “So selfish. Thought you were ‘cheating’ on her by looking at pictures of furry girls.”“I don’t know about you, Tim,” said ‘Dee’ “but I think you’re better off without her. Find someone who’s fine sharing love.”“Like us!” said ‘Betty’, maneuvering ‘her’ avatar’s chest closer to Tim’s. “We’re all fine being in a relationship with each other… Though we’ve been thinking about adding a guy to the mix, but we didn’t think we had any other furries at school.”“Oh, y’all’d be perfect!” ‘Harley’ said, crowding in closer. “With a bunny face this cute, you gotta be a star in real life!” With his mic off, Harry laughed to himself.Tim laughed nervously. “Well, I don’t know about THAT, but…”“Oh, you’ve got to join us, Tim!” ‘Veronica’ said, getting closer. “Um… That is… if you want… I get so tired of feeling lonely, and I find it so hard to talk to guys when I’m not online as my ‘real self.’” The avatar gestured over itself.“I’d be down to have a guy we could hang out with,” said Fred, “And maybe get into some… fun times, with.”The five bullies could clearly picture Tim blushing in his lonely chair in his room as he stammered at their offer.‘Dee’ spoke up. “What do you say, Tim? Care to meet up with us this weekend? A chance like this doesn’t come up too often… Make your choice fast, we’re gonna have to sign out soon!”+++The user of the fairy avatar looked down on the group of furry avatars on the beach below. She loved this little virtual world humanity had created; a place where any desire could become almost real. Which gave her such wonderful opportunities.Normally the powers that be would object to her practicing reality-shifting spells on any human she wished but here, she wasn’t indulging her own desires. No, she was simply giving humanity a taste of what they thought they wanted, and demonstrating valuable life lessons while doing so. So what if it also happened to give her a chance to experiment with her most potent spells.She could see through all six of the avatars to the humans using them back in their homes. She was a little surprised to see so many males wishing to be female at once, and to see all of them showing such interest in the sole male that actually chose to be male in this virtual world. It seemed highly improbable, given her knowledge of human demographics, but she wasn’t about to complain about having so many nice subjects to test her powers on.With a little incantation, the virtual sky gained a pink-ish hue, and her magic set to work, reshaping their bodies, minds, and their very world itself.+++Back in his room, Vince started to feel a little itchy. He scratched at his shoulder, trying to figure out what was bothering him. He could feel fur growing under his clothes, but a little voice in the back of his head assured him that wasn’t the problem. So what could it be? He tried to take his mind off it and focus on the VR world. As he looked over the crystal clear water, it became so much easier to ignore the feeling of more and more brown fur growing over his skin, sprouting up all over his chest and back, down his arms and legs, and over his face, though leaving his hands and feet bare. His clothing and VR headset both started to feel a little loose as his body lost a few inches in hight, while his figure slimmed down. He shuffled around in his seat as a slight cracking sound came from her hips, and beneath her clothing, her body began to take a modest female form. Little claws formed on her fingers and toes, and behind her, a long, thin tail, covered in black fur, slipped through a newly-formed hole in the back of her pants, then again, through a hole in the back of her chair. The VR headset moved up slightly as her nose and mouth stretched forward into a short snout, her two front teeth growing subtly larger, and her ears swelled up into larger, rounded shapes.Her vision blurred slightly, as her eyes turned red. A pair of big glasses appeared out of nothing in front of her eyes, the VR set reshaping to accommodate both them, and her new face. Her hair grew long frizzy, and black, as all memories of her replaced Vince the human with Veronica the mouse, in her mind, and the minds of all her family and friends.Her room itself shifted around as her clothes altered to better fit her. Sci-fi and fantasy books began to pile up around her room as she became the nerd she’d once feigned being.+++Fred’s skin began to feel dry, but he kept his eyes on the monitor in front of him. As red scales spread over his body, his hair bunched up into a mohawk, then hardened into a crest. Her jaws stretched out into a triangular snout, with little fangs, and her nose flattened into a little pair of nostrils at the end of it. His ears shrank back, becoming little more than holes in the sides of his head.As claws grew from his fingers and toes, rips began to appear in his jeans and shirt, and a thick tail grew out behind him, trailing down around his chair. Posters of punk rock groups, and stickers with catchy slogans about sticking it to the man appeared on his wall as his life, history, and mind began to alter. Finally, her body grew slimmer, and her chest swelled up slightly, marking her transformation sex and species complete.+++Dave thought he saw some strange flickering in his VR headset, but he brushed it off as it seemed to dissipate quickly.He had no idea that it had been his own eyes digitally flickering as his body started to change. His skin seemed to pixelate, before dissipating to reveal a green wireframe below. The frame twisted and bent, taking a feminine, but sexless, shape, with claws, paws, and a tail mimicking the shape of a fox’s bushy tail. The head stretched into a triangular shape, with two long, pointed ears.Skin covered in pink and white fur wrapped over the wireframe, and two baby-blue sleeves appeared over her arms.As memories of Dave the human were replaced with those of Dee the Renamon, Dave’s VR equipment all faded out of existence, completely redundant to her new form. Her body digitized again as she became data and transported herself into the virtual world. It didn’t quite feel the same as the physical; the sand was mostly a flat texture, the water only barely affected her movement, but she knew from experience making realistic chatrooms on a high-schooler’s budget was incredibly difficult.+++Benjamin’s body began to shrink as red fur grew in all over his skin. His waist pinched in as his hips swelled wider, his thighs getting a hint of a feminine curve. Her chest grew out into a c-cup bust, while her clothing re-wove itself into a brown bikini. Yellow tattoos glowed through her fur, in a spiral pattern on her thighs, and in bands around her arms. Her hair grew a little longer as her ears moved up the sides of her head and turned triangular, while her nose and mouth pulled out to a point, the nose turning black and wet as her teeth sharpened.Gemstones appeared in her room as the budding young fox mage Betty’s history replaced Benjamin’s completely.+++Henry’s body began to feel lighter even as he grew taller. Blue feathers grew from his back and arms, white feathers appeared on his chest, and black scales covered his legs from the knees down as his clothing dissipated. Her body gained an exaggerated hourglass figure, her calves and feet thinning to stick-like proportions while her toes elongated into the talons of a bird. Her arms grew into a pair of broad wings with feathery fingers that somehow still had the dexterity to work her mouse. Above her rear, a set of tail feathers fanned out. As feathers covered her head and replaced her hair, a pointed black beak stretched out from her jaws, her nostrils disappearing, then reappearing on the top of the beak.As she came to think of herself as Harley, she gained a southern accent, and a knowledge of music, and a guitar appeared in her room. Yet she continued to focus on the chatroom, oblivious to it all.+++Tim was having such a great time, hanging out with people that actually understood him, that even if the magic changing him wasn’t also keeping him from noticing it, he likely wouldn’t have felt the gray fur growing on his skin even if he could. His feet idly kicked back and forth as he sat in his chair, growing longer as little leathery pads formed under them. His legs gained a hint of muscle as his upper body lost some excess weight. Above his butt, a short, puffy, cotton-tail popped up as his clothing started to vanish. Another set of leathery pink pads swelled up on his hands, without hindering his grip on the controllers he was using. His nose and mouth swelled into a thick, wedge-like snout with chubby cheeks, while his ears grew longer, stretching upwards as they moved toward the side of his head, the VR helmet’s design shifting to accommodate the new head shape.Unlike his five tormentors, who all received major mental and historical rewrites to match their disguises, Tim’s life hardly changed at all. Family photos showed him as a rabbit anthro in a human family, but little else of his life seemed affected.+++That Saturday, Tim showed up at the agreed upon meeting spot.It wasn't the first time Tim had been there, or even the second."Hey, look who showed up late again," Whinniefred teased."Yeah, blame me for that," Betty said. "There was some wild magic on Tim's server I had to clean up, and I didn't get around to it till yesterday and Tim had to do some debugging."Dee's eyes widened. "And you didn't think to tell me? I'm physically there you know!""Don't worry, it looked like harmless background magic mostly-""Mostly?" Dee asked, alarmed."But it's best to clean up these things.""Well that's a relief," Harley said, "We were just talking about how county is better than random screams and noise.""HEY!" Whinniefred growled."Gils, let's not fight over tastes," Tim said, "Shouldn't it be enough that you both love music?"Whinniefred rolled her eyes. "Fine!""Alright, for you Tim," Harley mimed a curtsy."Tim if you really needed help, I could have done the debugging for you," Veronica offered."You're already my tutor Verry, I don't want to mooch more off you.""I don't mind doing it, honest!""So Tim, you remember what it was that had you so down last time?" Dee asked, trying to shake off the idea she'd been in a magical hot zone, at least she hadn't been turned into a Toadmon or something.Tim shrugged. "Honestly, I can't recall.""Well, then it couldn't have been that important," Dee said."Hey Dee, I have that new digital disguise ready for you to use online," Verry offered.Dee said, "Come on Verry, I like the way I look, online and offline."Verry pushed up her glasses. "Yes, but it's nothing but trouble to reveal your real names online, and us using our real appearance for our avatars is just as bad. I know it's a hassle for you, but we don't want any strangers figuring out who we are just by spotting us in real life.""I dunno, people like MyTube performances," Harley defended doing a twirl with her wings."Just don't make mine some stupid hamster!" Whinniefred declared crossing her arms. "Though I wouldn't mind a rabbit.""Uh, thanks," Tim said."No prob, you're worth it!" Whinniefred said hugging Tim with one arm, squishing him against her beasts. Verry never understood why Scalie's had breasts, or why Whinniefred's beat all of them out by a mile. "You're coming to my next concert right?"Harley flapped her wings rising into the air to be higher than 'Fred. "I don't know if you and your brothers count as a band.""The Screaming Mimes are totally a band! We're way better than the Blind Gold fish!"Tim said trying to steer the chat somewhere else, "Dee, while I was debugging I did some upgrades, I hope you enjoy sunbathing on the server.""I know I will!""He just wants to take some screen captures of you I bet," 'Fred chuckled."As if Tim needs my permission for appreciating my beauty," Dee said with a nod. Verry wished she had Dee's confidence."Now that Tim's here," Betty said, "I found a new magic hot spot I wanna check out, anyone want to join me?""As long we don't get turned into kobolds this time, no offense 'Fred," Harley said."None taken, that dragon lady really needs to find better ways to get hired help!""On the bright side, my parents won their case against Bandai, my existence is not part of their copyright!" Dee said with a smile."Congadulations Dee!" Verry gave her a hug followed by Harley, Whinniefred, Betty and Tim, she hugged them back."Thanks gang, it's just what I should have been due from the beginning."Tim had to admit, his life was a total whirlwind with these five girls in his life, and he wouldn't have it any other way! ................

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