Review for Final Exam

A Year in Review

Identify the Simple Subject, Simple predicate (and name type) and complements (name type) of each independent clauses.

1. Jack’s blanket and bear fell from the bed and landed on the floor.

2. Most of the cookies were quickly eaten by Jack.

3. Will Jack ever stop begging me for my breakfast food?

4. Jilly and Jane will continue to lie in the sun until they are as tan as I.

5. When we went on the dinner cruise, Jack wore his tuxedo.

6. Jilly gave John and Jack an invitation to her party, but they did not show.

7. Jilly wanted to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but Jack insisted on watching Bugs Bunny.

8. Jilly looks intelligent, but it is a fallacy.

9. Jilly became infuriated with Jack and threw his desk in the hall.

10. Jack’s favorite sport is figure skating.

11. Jack is finally riding his scooter without fear.

12. Jack and Jilly are in the hall again.

13. John and Jack were the first members of the Jonas’ Brother’s Fan Club.

14. After the fire drill, Jack and John quickly helped to secure the building.

Correct the errors.

15. The reason Jilly asks so many questions is because she don’t listen good.

16. Jack can’t hardly write a complete sentence by hisself.

17. Jack could of received the Principal’s award if his grades were better.

18. Everyone needs to do like Jilly does and buy me expensive presents.

19. Jack is real tired of Jilly talking all the time, and he has all ready complained to the office.

20. Jilly she read in Mother’s Day Out magazine where carrots can cause choking.

21. Jilly drug Jane down the hall by her hair but don’t know how come she is in trouble.

22. Jilly use to tolerate Jane but her patience with her have decreased some.

Choose the correct word form.

23. Jack nor John knows with (who/whom) (he/they) (is/are) riding.

24. My last pencil was shared (among/between) John, Jack, and James.

25. Jack went to the Grammar Museum with Joey and (I/me).

26. Will you see the play Clifford the Big Red Dog with John, Jack and (I/me)?

27. After the argument (between, among) John and Jack, I gave up teaching.

28. The best writer on team 8-2 is (she / her).

29. Does Jilly know by (who/whom) the secret admirer letter was written?

30. After Jilly accused the entire bus of stealing her glasses, she realized it was (she/her) who left them in her bag of pretzels.

31. Few (sit/sits) with (their/ his or her) pencils anticipating the start of class (like/as) Jilly does.

32. None of the novels (were/ was) read by John this year.

33. Jack and Jilly always (sit/set) (their/ his) stuff on my desk.

34. Jack nor John (want/wants) to leave my class without (his/their) DGP notes.

35. Every one of my classroom rules (was / were) broken by Jilly.

36. John and Jack (want / wants) to know if (his/their) answers (is/are) correct.

37. None of Jack’s day (was / were) spent wisely.

Identify the part of speech of the underlined words.

38. Jilly will never understand how to write a complete sentence.

39. Seeing a tornado, Jack ran inside and hid under his bed crying like a baby.

40. Drooling at the table is not recommended, but Jack does it anyway.

41. While Jilly was eating lunch, she sat by the boy whose hobby is snorkeling.

42. Jilly likes her pony, and she plans on taking riding lessons this fall.

*Which sentence above contains a misplaced modifier?

Name the comma rule(s).

43. Before the game, Jack was selling peanuts, and Jilly sold fruit punch.

44. Jack always loves to show me his creative, talented writing.

45. Jack, a brilliant student, always makes A’s.

46. Jack, be sure to sit next to someone who keeps up with your stuff next year.

47. Since Jack enjoys Checkers, he will join the Checker Club next year.

Identify the type of clause.

48. When Jilly sings in the halls, everyone covers their ears.

49. Jilly always wants to get water after class has started.

50. Jack told Jilly that he wanted to make peace.

51. Jack, who is Jilly’s boyfriend, is an avid Tech fan.

52. The number of comments from Jack is what annoys me most.

53. I want to see an improvement in Jack’s performance before he leaves class.

Identify the sentence as simple, compound, or complex.

54. Jilly always checks in after my class has started.

55. Jilly thought about taking a train to Atlanta during the first part of the summer.

56. Jack went to the mall to buy some rap music, and John met him there.

57. Jack is the one student who is failing my class.

58. Jack talks and disturbs the class, so Jilly is not able to learn.

59. Jilly cried, and Jack held her so that he could ease her pain.

60. No one could believe that Jilly would wear jeans to such a prestigious event.

Underline the mistake(s) in capitalization.

61. During the summer, Jack will travel on a marta train to visit his Italian friends in the north. They will meet at first baptist church in Atlanta. However, he and his friends are all catholic. The checkers championship will be held in the gymnasium. The prime minister will start the event and then drive east in his mustang car to yellowstone national park. He will be rewarded with twenty-five snickers candy bars and a dell computer. At the end of his day, he will eat some western food and then return to the northern part of his country.

Name the type of dependent clauses. (Adjective, Adverb, or Noun)

62. Jack will play with his action figures when he gets home from school.

63. Jack, who was stressed from studying, fell asleep in class.

64. Jilly is looking for whoever took Mrs. Doe’s stamp.

65. Jack’s snacks that she sneaks from lunch look delicious.

66. Jilly and Jane will ride tricycles as long as they have their helmets.

67. Look at the picture of Jack that shows him hugging his Tickle Me Elmo .

68. Jilly’s worst flaw is that she cannot write very well.

Revision techniques

69. Jilly anticipates my class as a flower anticipates a day of rain.

70. Jilly is his sunshine. She makes Jack happy when skies are grey.

71. Without Jilly, Jane would be a lonely goose falling far behind her flock.

72. Jilly hoped Jack was watching her play in the big spine-tingling-hair-raising-breath-taking game of volleyball.

73. In seventh grade, Jack is a shining star in a sky of smaller lights.

74. And on the 8th day, God created Jilly.

75. Jilly is the peanut butter to Jack’s jelly and the fruit to his loop.


The author is Goodrich and Hackett for the following quotes.

76. page 415.

CI: One can tell that Mr. Frank is willing to pay the man from Utrecht when he says, “Twenty Guilders? Very modest blackmail

77. page 394.

CI: Mr. Dussel is obviously worried about Peter’s cat. After mentioning his allergies, shows his concern when he questions, “Here? Does he have it here

Write the words in ( ) correctly.

76. Jilly stood outside (Barney) dressing room waiting for him to come out.

77. Jilly was not allowed on the (child) playground because she was too rough.

78. Jack was not sure who would get the (winner) trophy.

79. Jack believes his (cat) eyes turn red at midnight.

Choose the correct word form.

80. Jack would rather diagram (then/ than) play baseball.

81. Jack didn’t want any of (they’re / their / there) candy, but John and James made him eat it.

82. (It’s / Its) an unusual day when Jilly is quiet.

83. Jilly has never (swam / swum) in the deep end of the pool.

84. Jack has not (write / wrote / written) Jilly any more notes since she dumped him.

85. Jack (new / knew) the pond had already (froze / frozen), but still tried to swim.

86. As a student, Jilly is very (good / well), but he can’t write (good / well).

Name the type of phrase.

87. Jack did not score a point during the season.

88. At the assembly, Jack wore a hat that looked precious on him.

89. The teacher in the gym can’t find his equipment.

90. Jack is thinking about quitting school next year.

91. Jack, frustrated by the test, threw his paper at Mr. Doe.

92. Jack and Jilly, a cute couple, will not admit that they like each other.

93. Floating on a ship, Jilly and Jane enjoyed their spring vacation.

94. Jack will never get tired of working on grammar concepts.

95. Hunting in the woods is Jack’s favorite activity.

96. Jack wants to skate for a living one day.

97. Flapping her hands, Jilly ran from the classroom.

98. Feeling unloved and unappreciated is a sad experience.

99. Jack decided to change his commercial group.

100. Jilly, my favorite student, is going to miss me this year.


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