Quote Format Practice: A hourPick one of the quotes you formatted using the “tag + quote + cite + explanation” equationType your sample and put your name after it. (Names have been removed for quote assessment activity for 10/06.)According to one Harvard study,?“75% of all high school students have cheated more than once in order to get higher grades”?(Newberger 34).??The predominant view is that students cheat because they don’t know the answers or haven’t studied properly.? However, current research seems to indicate that most cheaters are actually “good” kids trying to get ahead. BorgerIn the High School article about homework “More is not better” (Miller 2) More homework is not better for students. It can hurt them more than help them. Students will get overworked and not do their homework as well. Diette Courrege said ‘Ninth grade is a make or break year.’ It is a gateway to life, college, and a career. (Courrege 2). According to the article,” the single biggest predictor of kids dropping out … is whether they’re overage for their grade,” (courrege1) According to the author, “a student who receives excessive homework will miss out on playtime, school activities, proper brain development and child obesity” (Miller 4). According to Lauren Miller “most teachers assign homework as a drill to improve memorization of the material” (Miller 2). Although to much homework is overwhelming for both the teacher and the student, no homework at all is bad for each of them as well. Therefore homework is helpful as a tool to memorize the material being taught by a teacher. According to Harris Cooper PhD, “students who receive excessive homework will miss out on active playtime, essential for learning skills, proper brain development, and warding off child obesity.”(Miller 1). Harris Cooper PhD is saying that if kids receive exccesive homework then it is bad for their health. According to Diette Courrege, “Ninth grade is a make or break year.” (Courrege 2). If you do badly in ninth grade you most likely will do badly in the other 3 years, and if you do good in ninth grade you will do good the other 3 years.According to the article, “ninth grade is a make or break year” (Miller 2). {students can either pass or fail this year} Lauren Miller said “Some Teachers believe that assigning more homework will help improve standardized test scores.”(Miller 2). Teachers think that assigning more homework will benefit the students learning ability and make them do better. According to the author, “Some students lack the maturity to handle the larger and more complex high school environment” (Courrege 2). The author is saying that maturity is an important tool for high school and without it many kids will not succeed like they should. According to “A Difficult Transition,” “ninth grade is a make or break year” (Courrege 1). Ninth grade is an opening gateway to life. If students don’t make it in ninth grade, students will probably fail or drop out. According to researchers, “If you don’t fit in you’re not accepted” (Courrege 1). Studies have shown that if you aren’t popular or new to a school then students don’t like you. Students judge on your appearance. If you your appearance isn’t cute than your not accepted. According to the article, “students in the United States get much homework” (Miller 2). Students in 9th – 12th are suppose to have between 1 ? -2 hours of homework each night, but most students are getting more than that. According to “Will Johnny get A’s”. “Getting by is good enough” (Leslie 1). High school kids along with middle school kids. Think just getting by is going to get them thru school. Kids these days are lazy to realize they have potential in life. But do not want succeed above average to obtain that goal in life. According to the article “High School Homework: Are American Students Overworked?” “Some people argue that homework toughens kids up for high school, college, and the work field”. (Miller 2)Meaning some people think that homework will better prepare some young people for more working situations. ................

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