Form 5 SOW Term 2Texts:A Comprehensive English Course: CXC, English A.English for All: Examination Level (CSEC).New Mastering CSEC English A.Past English CSEC papers (1 & 2)WeeksTopics/skillsObjectives Activities Resources/Texts Assessment and homework1-2Written ExpressionSummary Writing (Revision)Reading Comprehension Main Idea Writer’s IntentionGrammar Construction Shift Equivalent sentences Summarize various types of texts. Identify main ideas in given texts.Understand the writer’s intention on a given subject/topic. Construct grammatically correct sentences.Identify sentences with equal meanings. Class discussionsGroup/oral presentationsIdentifying main ideas Completing exercises A Comprehensive English Course, CXC, English A.Pages 319-332Page 231, 334-335, 22-23. Pages 276-278Page 182-183, 240Page 215-216, 228-229 Home-workNew Mastering CSEC English A.Unit 2Assessment 13-5Written ExpressionNotice & MemoAgenda & Minutes Grammar: UsageErrors in speech and writing Vocabulary buildingSynonyms & AntonymsWords often misspelt Analyze the structure of each writing.Create notices for given events and various situations, Write an agenda and minutes for class meetings.Construct grammatically correct sentences Use words appropriately in context.Class discussionsClass meetings and debatesRole playingSpeaking and writing exercises Spelling exercisePages 235-237English for All: Examination Level (CSEC). Page 232-234Pages 229-230, 251 Pages 113, 174, 18.Home-workNew Mastering CSEC English A.Unit 3Assessment 26-7Written Expression Narrative Writing (Picture Prompts)Literary devices (Review) andPoetry Comprehension Vocabulary & Grammar Sentence CompletionThe Comma (review) Create stories from picture prompts. Analyze the elements and language of short stories. Define specific literary devices.Identify literary devices in texts.Examine the effectiveness of the use of devices in texts. create imagery using literary devicesDefine words in context.Use words appropriately in sentences.Examine the uses of the commaPunctuate given texts with the comma. Telling stories orallyReading storiesReviewing the stories of peers. Create images to depict the various sections of the story. Identify/examine elements of the storyCompare plot designs of stories. Class DiscussionsCreating poems using literary devicesDrawing scenes/imagesCompleting poetry exercises Completing written exercisesA Comprehensive English Course, CXC, English A.Page 49-52, 61-65,75-78, 88-91,97-101, 107-109Pages 137-140, 53, 79, 92, and 111.Page 3, 232Pages 102-103 and 115-116Page 71Home-workNew Mastering CSEC English A.Unit 4Assessment 3 8-9Written ExpressionArgumentative Writing (Review)Reading ComprehensionComparing and contrastingCause and Effect Grammar The colon and semi colonConstruct Thesis statements for given topics.Write arguments giving your views on a topic/issue. Examine the techniques and language used in comparison and contrast.Analyze the cause and effect relation in given texts. Examine the uses of the colon and semi-plete sentences using these same. Class DebatesBrainstorming ideas on an issueWriting argumentative essays. Constructing Venn-diagrams Answering questions based on given written texts and situations. Role playingCompleting written exercises A Comprehensive English Course, CXC, English A. Pages 304-318Current and relevant societal and global issues. E.g:-Covid-19 pandemic-domestic violence-equal access to educationrespect for migrants/humanity Page 168-170Page 188-190Page 93 and 83Home-workNew Mastering CSEC English A.Unit 5Assessment 4 10-11Written Expression: Letter Writing The Letter to the editorThe Letter of Complaint The Email(REVIEW)Application for Employment &Curriculum Vitae Reading ComprehensionProblem SolvingTone and mood Examine the format/structure, Language and purpose of the Formal Letter and Email. Write an application for employment and a CV. Explore the relationship between problem and solutions in texts. Define the terms tone and moodExamine the difference between tone and mood. Discuss the structure/ format of the formal letter and EmailWrite Formal letters and EmailsCreating CVsPeer ReviewInterviewsRole PlayingCompleting exercises Role playingIdentifying words and phrases in texts that may suggests a writer’s tone. A Comprehensive English Course, CXC, English A.Page 243,336-337.Page 257-263 English for All: Examination Level (CSEC). Page 360.Pages 179-180Pages 130, 146,276, 11-12Home-workNew Mastering CSEC English A.Unit 612Past Paper DrillsPast Paper DrillsPast Paper DrillsNew Mastering CSEC English A.Unit 7 & 8Past Paper Drills ................

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