
left000COURSE PLAN: Religion Grade Level: 3 THEME/MASTER QUESTION:To teach students to know what is meant by living our religion. To teach students that we are willing to own that anyone who really lives up to all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches is a saint. To teach students that if we are living our religion, we are well and good, if not, we can plan accordingly. To teach students that the interior life of the soul lies open to the eye of God alone and the exterior actions are all that we study. COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course is intended to strengthen the student’s knowledge of the Ten Commandments, sin and redemption, worship of God by prayer and obedience, the Church, the Mass and Sacraments, Angels and the Precepts of the Church, liturgy and the liturgical year.TEXTS AND MATERIALS:Main: Living in God’s Grace, Book 3 Latin-English Booklet Missal Student provides 2 spiral bound notebooksSupplemental: God’s Truths Help Us LiveThe Vine and the Branches100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Ignatius)CD’s of Traditional Latin ChantsLatin Cursive Copybook, Latin Hymns and Prayers (Memoria Press)PRIMARY ENDS OF COURSE:STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: Recite basic prayers in addition; morning offering, new yearly prayers to class patron saint, prayer to the Holy Spirit (St. Augustine), prayer for priests, basic Latin prayers to include short Mass responses and The Confiteor, Gloria, Agnus Dei, The Centurian’s prayer.Gain knowledge about the saint of the day.Gain knowledge and importance of knowing short ejaculations to know and practice in daily life.Gain expanded knowledge of the Books of the Bible and expanded instruction from weekly Bible Verse from Sunday’s Epistle or Gospel.Gain instruction on the Mass and it’s parts to emphasize the obligation to assist at Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation.Gain an introduction into teacher directed note taking from the daily reading assignment.Understand that God is the supreme being.Study more thoroughly creation and the chief creatures of God.Understand what prayer is, why it is important, and why it is easy.Understand the proper use of actual grace.PRIMARY TEACHING METHODS:Class should be conducted around the following parameters:Class is begun by writing and reading the weekly Bible Verse with a detailed explanation of the meaning every Monday. A weekly short ejaculation is both written and read each day.Each day the story of the saint of the day is read.Teaching is primarily teacher-led lessons to include reading text, lecture, note taking, and discussion.Each unit has vocabulary and written assignments as well as a review assignment and test. Supplemental material as it applies to the unit comes from Bible stories, 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Traditional Latin Chants, coloring sheets.ASSESSMENTS USED:Student work should be evaluated according to the following guidelines:Written assignments from textbook and supplemental worksheets.Oral reciting of prayers and Bible Verses.Unit tests.Reverence during prayer time, Rosary, Mass, and school assemblies. Participation in class, Mass, Rosary, and school assemblies.Course grade is written assignments 25%, tests 40 %, Reverence 10%, Participation 10%, Oral Reciting 15%.SUGGESTED QUARTERLY SCHEDULEQUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 The Mass Pages 62-144 Pages 145-207 Pages 208-303Pages 4-61SUGGESTED DAILY LESSON PLANMonday-FridayClass begins with students writing the Bible Verse and short prayer in a spiral notebook. Every Monday the teacher starts a discussion and explanation of the Bible Verse. Students rotate reading both daily. The teacher reads the saint of the day and invites discussion or questions as needed.Quarter 1 will begin with an explanation of the Latin-English Booklet Missal, to include time for students to memorize Mass responses and The Confiteor, Gloria, Agnus Dei, The Centurian’s prayer. Teacher goes page by page going over all information including the margins to give students an understanding of the Mass. Once the missal has been completed students must recite the necessary prayers and responses.Proceeding to Living in God’s Grace. Each unit should be read orally in class and assigned for self-directed rereading. The number of pages covered is to be determined by the teacher. The next class day is teacher directed note taking, teacher writes on the chalkboard and students learn to copy notes into a student Religion Notebook (spiral bound). Students are encouraged to follow along in the textbook to pull the important information from the text, thus the information they must know. Many units contain vocabulary words which are defined in the student’s Religion Notebook. Each unit contains written assignments from the book and some worksheets from the above supplemental books. Once the unit is completed, students get a written Unit Review to complete before the Unit Test.COURSE PATRON: See prayer sheetCOURSE PRAYER: See prayer sheet ................

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