
Greetings in the name of our crucified and risen Savior, Jesus Christ! ? Meditations Daily Devotional stands among the most popular tools churches use to reach their people with the saving message of Jesus. ?If your church subscribes to? Meditations ?for your members to pick up on Sundays, you may be having trouble getting them distributed during this time. We can help! Northwestern Publishing House is making available at no charge digital copies of the Meditations Daily Devotional that you just received at your church. Your church members will be able to view the digital copy on their home computer, tablet, or smartphone. The link in the message below allows them to download a free digital copy of the issue of Meditations that begins at the end of May . To share this information with your members, copy and paste the following text and link in an email to them: Dear member of ___________, While for the time being you have not been able to receive your Meditations Daily Devotional in print form, I would like to encourage you to download a free digital copy that can be viewed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Click on this?link to download?your complimentary copy of Meditations Daily Devotional from Northwestern Publishing House. Your church doesn’t currently subscribe to Meditations ? Feel free to share this opportunity with your members too. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support your ministry. Contact us at nphperiodicals@nph. or call 800-662-6093, extension 5613. ?The mission of Northwestern Publishing House is to deliver biblically sound, Christ-centered resources within the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and beyond. Look to Northwestern Publishing House online at for: Trustworthy books and materials from NPHChristian books from other publishersChurch supplies and ministry support itemsSheet music and worship resourcesApparel, jewelry, and other Christian giftsABOUT US | CONTACT US ? ? ? ? ................

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