Susick Elementary Second GradeAt-Home Learning Plan for the Week of May 18thReadingA character trait is the way a person or a character in a book act. It describes a person’s behaviors and attitudes that make up his or her personality. Adjectives are often used to describe character traits.Examples: honest, thoughtful, polite, responsible, lazy, sneaky, cheerful, selfish, etc.Day 1: Character Traits/FluencyRead task card #1-8. Decide which character trait best describes the main character in the paragraph. Record your answer on the recording sheet or on a separate piece of paper.Fluency: Read I See a Rainbow. Time your student for one minute and record the number of words they read. Day 2: Character TraitsListen to Otis by Loren Long the character trait evidence worksheet. Choose two character traits that best describe Otis and provide evidence from the text.Day 3: Character Traits/FluencyRead task card #9-16. Decide which character trait best describes the main character in the paragraph. Record your answer on the recording sheet or on a separate piece of paper.Fluency: Read I See a Rainbow! Time your student for one minute and record the number of words they read.Day 4: Character TraitsListen to Odd Velvet by Mary E. Whitcomb the character trait evidence worksheet. Choose two character traits that best describe Velvet and provide evidence from the text. Day 5: Character Traits/FluencyRead task card #17-24. Decide which character trait best describes the main character in the paragraph. Record your answer on the recording sheet or on a separate piece of paper.Fluency: Read I See a Rainbow! Time your student for one minute and record the number of words they read. Answer the comprehension questions on the following page.Writing Writing Topic: Write a personal narrative about something fun you have done with your family.Step One – Prewrite/Brainstorm Write down what you remember about the event. You can print the “Narrative Prewrite” document from the media tab or just use a blank piece of paper. You do not need to write in sentences at this point. This is a great place for parents to help with creating a word bank for spelling key words. Step Two – Organize On a second day, look back at the brainstorming sheet. On this day, begin organizing your thoughts using the “Narrative Organizer” document from the media tab or use a blank piece of paper. How will you interest readers? What happened first, next, and last? Step Three – Final Draft On a third day, use the organizer to write and revise a draft. Use the “Narrative Final Draft” document from the media tab or a lined piece of paper. Use the checklist on the “Narrative Final Draft” to check your work. The final draft is not just rewriting the sentences from the organizer. Details and transition words should be added. The final draft should include the topic sentence, events, thoughts, feelings, and a closing sentence.For help with writing a good topic sentence and closing sentence, watch these Narrative writing videos:. You will find on the Media Tab-Second Grade May and June’s Math Morning Work. Please print pgs. 6-10 for the week or complete on a separate sheet of paper/in a notebook. Please complete pgs. 6-10 this week (one page daily). 2. You will find on the Media Tab-Second Grade Math-April and May. Please print Week 6 or complete the problems on a separate sheet of paper/in a notebook. Please complete ONE (half page) page daily. Each page is labeled with the day of the week. There is not a Friday page, so feel free to work on the Family Fun Math Activity on Friday.**For Wednesday’s Lesson----Line Plot Review:Watch to how to make a line plot.**For Thursday’s Lesson----Fraction Review:Watch to review fractions. 3. Weekly Family Fun Math Activity: Help cook a meal with a parent. First, choose a meal that you and your family would like to enjoy. Get the materials and ingredients ready. Next, practice using measuring cups and spoons to make your meal. You are using your math skills to measure how much of a substance is needed. Then with your parent, try to use words: first, next, then, last when making your meal. You can always write down the steps too. ? Lastly, have fun and enjoy your homemade meal! Take a picture if you would like and send it to your teacher. ? 4. You will find Math Ninja on the Media Tab. Feel free to practice your addition and math facts daily. 5. Make sure you are logging onto Zearn daily to practice your Zearn math lessons. Science/Social StudiesLife Long Ago for Children:Watch both of these videos comparing life for children in the past to a child today.Life as a Colonial boy: as a Colonial girl: Life Long Ago Book:You will find the “Colonial Days Life Long Ago” Book under the Media Tab. You are welcome to print or read on the computer. This book tells about life in the past and then you may write about life in the present. This will help you compare life in the past with your life. Please complete one page a day or all 5 throughout the week. Talk with your parents about how different your life is to how a colonial child’s life was.Positivity Project (P2)The Positivity Project focus this week is fairness. It means you believe all people have value. You treat everyone with respect. “Fairness doesn’t mean everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need.” - Rick RiordanWatch the video: the animals all get the same amount of food? Why not?What did the zookeeper mean when she said that fair doesn’t mean everyone gets the same thing?Have an excellent week! Enjoy some outside time with your family! ? ................

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