
W/B 20/4/2009:30-10:3010:45- 11:4511:45-12:1513:00- 13:3013:00- 14.0014:00-15:00Monday1. Active Literacy -Consolidation Week – Check Weekly Information Sheet.2. Write your ‘Daily Blog’. Focus on correctly using capital letters and full stops. (All daily blogs must begin with ‘Today is ………….. The weather is…………’ and must be at least 50 words in length.)1. Numeracy- Revise all of your tables.Use the website ‘Hit the Button’. Build up speed and accuracy.HWB- Choose a few ‘Wiggle Break’ cards.If the weather is dry, ask an adult if you can go outside to follow the instructions on the cards. Reading- silently read a book alone or look at the illustrations.RE- Can you draw a picture to show what happened at The Last Supper?Art and Design Choose from the “Under the Sea” Homework Grid.Tuesday1. Active Literacy -Consolidation Week – Check Weekly Information Sheet.2. Write your ‘Daily Blog’. Focus on correctly using capital letters and full stops. (All daily blogs must begin with ‘Today is ………….. The weather is…………’ and must be at least 50 words in length.)Numeracy- Revise all of your tables.Use the website ‘Hit the Button’. Build up speed and accuracy.TechnologyChoose from the “Under the Sea” Homework Grid.Reading- ask a helpful adult to read something to you. They should use your ‘Active Reading’ bookmark to help them think of tricky questions to ask you about what they read to you. RE- Draw a picture of the tomb on Easter SundayScience- Explore bbc bitesize – The Senses – How does human taste work?Wednesday. Active Literacy -Consolidation Week – Check Weekly Information Sheet.2. Write your ‘Daily Blog’. Focus on correctly using capital letters and full stops. (All daily blogs must begin with ‘Today is ………….. The weather is…………’ and must be at least 50 words in length.)(All daily blogs must begin with ‘Today is ………….. The weather is…………’ and must be at least 50 words in length.)Numeracy- Revise all of your tables.Use the website ‘Hit the Button’. Build up speed and accuracy.Writing -A Bright Summer MorningLook at the picture and read the place and setting. It is BURSTING with description! Use the picture to write your own description of the scene. Try to include some WOW words, connectives, different openers and full stopsRE- Can you say a decade of the Rosary?Topic – Under the SeaWatch the Under the Sea Habitats Video.Thursday. Active Literacy -Consolidation Week – Check Weekly Information Sheet.2. Write your ‘Daily Blog’. Focus on correctly using capital letters and full stops. (All daily blogs must begin with ‘Today is ………….. The weather is…………’ and must be at least 50 words in length.)Numeracy- Revise all of your tables.Use the website ‘Hit the Button’. Build up speed and accuracy.TechnologyChoose from the “Under the Sea” Homework Grid.Reading- think about what was read to you by a helpful adult on Tuesday. Summarise- tell the same adult what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. RE- Can you say a decade of the Rosary?HWB- Choose an activity from the Health & Wellbeing Homework grid.Friday1. Ask a helpful family member to revise all phonemes and spelling from our Consolidation week.2. Write a ‘Daily Blog’ entry. Illustrate your blog and label it.Revise all of your tables.Use the website ‘Hit the Button’. Build up speed and accuracy.Technology across the curriculum- Explore one of the free education websites listed on the front of your home learning pack.Reading- ask a helpful adult to test you using the ‘Fry’s List’ words. How many can you read correctly?RE- Can you say a decade of the Rosary?Golden time- this should be special, quality time with a family member, without interruption. You should choose a play activity and they should follow your lead. ................

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