
Theme for the Month of October:Complaining and Contentment Devotional for Oct.14, 2019The Voice of TriumphPsalm 68: 8-19; A Father to the fatherlessPsalm 68: 19; Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits; even the God of our salvation. Our verse declares God has done us good; and not only good presently, but as we deplete the previous day’s blessings, He will give us more blessings for the next day. That’s incredible, but that’s God. But there is more yet; the NIV translation says this; Praise be to the Lord; to God our Savior; who daily bears our burdens. Are you burdened, a heavy load maybe, responsibilities piling up, the load of life getting you down, well get ready to get blessed, role it on the Lord, let Him handle it. It’s time to activate the promises of God in your life; He says He is the great burden bearer. There is another part to the blessings; the part about blessing the Lord. This is a huge piece to the blessing. The grateful heart, the one who; stops and turns back and says thanks Lord, I needed that. They are the ones that seem to get blessed the most. Have you felt extremely blessed when you have every reason to be anything but blessed. That is one way the Lord lifts us up. Another way is, things happen for your good, unexpected blessings come your way, wow; where did that come from? God isn’t limited on ways to bless His people, so let’s not limit Him either. Here’s one; car payment equals money out of my pocket right? My car has well over 250 thousand miles, runs like new, thank you Lord. I got a million miles on me, ha, ha, still running good. Why? He loads me daily with His blessings, God is as good as His Word; it’s time activate those blessings He has provided. Blessings to you for a great day, Pastor TomDevotional for Oct.15, 2019Bless Thy BreadExodus 23; 20-33; Regulations for conquest.Exodus 23: 25; And ye shall serve the Lord your God; and He shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. The children of Israel would learn many lessons as they trod across the desert on the way to the Promise Land. One of the biggest lessons to learn was obedience; actually, I believe it to be the biggest lesson that needs to be learned. God had given directives in obtaining His promises to the Israelites. The record shows they were slow in learning this great truth. When they were obedient, all manner of blessings flowed freely, when they got disobedient, it was just like you turned off the water faucet, the blessing stopped. These were to be object lessons to the Israelites, but don’t think they aren’t object lessons for the Church as well. The early Church of the Old Testament was just starting out in their walk with God, like we were getting saved in our day and time. Take note of the words used by the Lord while they were on their journey; don’t bow down to their gods or serve them, nor do after their works. Why, because you/me/us are no longer part of this world, so ye shall not act like them (anymore, verse 24). A solid walk with God is an uncontaminated walk with God. This follows that verse; ye shall serve the Lord, (Verse 25); and when we do that we get blessed immeasurably. Notice the word “serve”, for many/most, we used to serve the devil, but now we serve the Lord, prepare to be blessed as you do, and say goodbye to sickness while you are at it. Blessings to you for a great day, Pastor TomDevotional for Oct.16, 2019The O-bed Blessing II Samuel 6; 1-11; Transportation issuesII Samuel 6: 11; and the Ark of the Lord continued in the house of O-bed-e-dom; the Git-tite three months; and the Lord blessed O-bed-e-dom, and all his household. You may remember the disaster David and his inner circle had in trying to transport, what was most likely the Holiest object of the Lord; to a prepared location. Poor Uzza tried to steady the wagon carrying the Ark, lest it fall on the ground and get damaged. Lessons as always are to be learned, first lesson. They should have not leaned to their own understanding on how to transport the Ark (Prov. 3:5). The second lesson was; read the first lesson which is the instruction manual for life; The Bible. The part I want us to see is the part about O-bed’s house being blessed. Why should his house be blessed like that for just offering a temporary storage for the Ark? It just so happens, the Ark represents a whole lot more than a gold lined box with some Angels for a lid atop of it. When this Ark went in battle with Israel, the Israelites were invincible, so it signified the Presence and Power of God. This is another object lesson, so who/what does the Ark represent? None other than the Lord Jesus, and where His presence is, there is blessings to follow and power to overcome. So who wouldn’t want the Ark to be dropped off at their house for a few months? In truth; if you know the Lord and have a redemptive covenant with Him, guess what, the Ark; the Presence of God dwells in your abode as well already. The blessings are available to you as well, the promises, the deliverance, the provision. The Ark was a foreshadow of Christ which was to come. The great news is; He came, walk in His great blessings, and don’t wait for the box to show up. Blessings to you for a great day, Pastor Tom Devotional for Oct.17, 2019Jehovah JirehPsalm 65; God’s Divine provision from the earthPsalm 65: 9; Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it; Thou greatly enrichest it with the rivers of God, which is full of water, Thou preparest them corn, when Thou hast so provided for it.It is hard to imagine the amount of food consumed upon the planet every day. With almost 8 billion hungry people, plus animals, birds, fish and don’t forget the bugs, its mind boggling. But God does provide through His infinite resources more than enough every day, and has been doing so for thousands of years. It just goes to show, God provides food for every soul, not just Christians. Before I came to the Lord, I never really thought much about Divine Providence, but since that time, I am much more attuned to not taking my blessings for granted. There is much talk nowadays about making provision for the days ahead. The idea is; what would happen if the monetary system of the world would collapse, the banks close the doors, the stores run out of food like during a hurricane etc, we have seen this often. I believe it’s prudent to keep a couple of can goods on hand, as you never know. People put their faith in a lot of things to offer protection and providence. Many think “mother earth” will continue to provide for their needs, I think I’ll put my faith in the Lord. The child of God knows where his meal comes from, ultimately it is from God. I believe that whatever happens in the world, God will continue to provide for His own. We can rest easy in this life knowing that God is our Jehovah Jireh; our Provider (Gen. 22:14). The Christians have it right; Thanks be unto God for His great provision. Blessings to you for a great day, Pastor TomDevotional for Oct.18, 2019Less is BestI Timothy 6: 1-11; Exhortation to Godly contentmentI Timothy 6: 8; And having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. Was the Apostle Paul a wealthy Pharisee in his early years of life, I’m not sure. But one thing I am sure of, his life’s perspective changed on the road to Damascus one day when the Lord appeared to him (Acts 9). It’s like that for just about everyone who has ever had an encounter with the Lord. All of a sudden we see life from a different lens; even the world looks different now, priorities change. People no longer look like strangers passing by, but perspective souls that need the Lord like I did. Paul was sharing with his young Pastor son in the faith some personal thoughts that needed to be said before he passed on. Like; you brought nothing in this world, you will take nothing out (verse 7). On a personal note; do we feel like we are being detached from the world or still strongly attached? Are we still trying to accumulate more worldly stuff or divesting and sending spiritual wealth ahead to Heaven to await our arrival? Paul said one more thing to young Timothy of note; which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith (Verse 10). In the end, our Heavenly investments reveal where our heart really is. Make an assessment, what do we really need, probably not near as much as you think. We can thank the Lord for not only changing our heart, but our direction as a result. Blessings to you for a great day, Pastor Tom ................

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