KZN Upcoming Events

5250180-437515KZN Upcoming Events18 May 2019: ASC MEETING & CONVENTION MEETING – Manning Rd Methodist Church13 July 2019: FOOD FAIR – Frere Rd Church , Umbilo 10 August 2019 – WOMENS DAY – Arena Park Regional HallAl-Anon … There is No Standing StillLet It Begin With Me.When anyone, anywhere,reaches out for help – let the hand of?Al-Anon?and Alateen always be there, and?Let It Begin With MeIt would be wonderful to have an interactive Loners letter and I look forward to receiving your share (it can be anonymous). Kindly email any suggestions, stories, queries and feedback to angelbechoo@Featured book of the month ONE DAY AT A TIMEOne Day at a Time in Al-Anon is a book of daily meditations, reminders, and prayers. It contains quotes from Greek philosophers, great poets and religious leaders of many faiths. Inspirational daily readings relate Al-Anon philosophy to everyday situations.It’s spiritually uplifting to know that living in the present moment makes life easier and less stressful.DID YOU KNOW? One Day at a Time in Al-Anon commonly referred to as ODAT is Al-Anon’s first daily reader and was first published in September 1968. Our wide range of Conference approved literature is available from local area office or contact our Literature coordinator: Premi (084?706 0074) 00KZN Upcoming Events18 May 2019: ASC MEETING & CONVENTION MEETING – Manning Rd Methodist Church13 July 2019: FOOD FAIR – Frere Rd Church , Umbilo 10 August 2019 – WOMENS DAY – Arena Park Regional HallAl-Anon … There is No Standing StillLet It Begin With Me.When anyone, anywhere,reaches out for help – let the hand of?Al-Anon?and Alateen always be there, and?Let It Begin With MeIt would be wonderful to have an interactive Loners letter and I look forward to receiving your share (it can be anonymous). Kindly email any suggestions, stories, queries and feedback to angelbechoo@Featured book of the month ONE DAY AT A TIMEOne Day at a Time in Al-Anon is a book of daily meditations, reminders, and prayers. It contains quotes from Greek philosophers, great poets and religious leaders of many faiths. Inspirational daily readings relate Al-Anon philosophy to everyday situations.It’s spiritually uplifting to know that living in the present moment makes life easier and less stressful.DID YOU KNOW? One Day at a Time in Al-Anon commonly referred to as ODAT is Al-Anon’s first daily reader and was first published in September 1968. Our wide range of Conference approved literature is available from local area office or contact our Literature coordinator: Premi (084?706 0074) 5118100-513715May 201900May 2019Dear Loners,The month of May is very important in the history of our fellowship as it is recognized as Al-Anon’s anniversary month. Upon the founding of AA in 1935, family members waited in cars and kitchens while their husbands attended meetings. By 1940, Lois W began organizing meetings called 'family groups’ in Westchester, NY. Through the 1940's, the number of alcoholic family groups and 'AA Auxiliaries' increased. In May 1951, Lois W and Anne B formed a Clearing House Committee to contact these groups and to coordinate, unify and serve them. 56 groups responded and 'Al-Anon Family Groups' was born. In 2019, we rejoice 68 years of Al-Anon’s existence.In celebration of our 68th anniversary, Al-Anon KZN held a Rally on 05 May 2019. This exciting event was well attended by Al-Anon, AA, Alateen members and visitors. Our Literature Coordinator used the event to launch the latest addition of our CAL, “Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships” while our Convention 2020 committee used it to introduce and sell Convention T-shirts. The experience, strength and hope shared by members was really heart-warming and so inspiring.In the month of May, we also celebrate Mother’s Day. Mothers are the foundation of any family and similarly Lois Wilson is the mother of our Al-Anon family. Lois’s compassion, love and dedication has helped and continues to help millions of struggling families effected by alcoholism. Our KZN Al-Anon family were so blessed to have longtime member, Evelyn attend the Al-Anon Rally. Evelyn has been an Al-Anon member for the past 47 years and is loving referred to as “Mum” by many members. She is privileged to have met Lois Wilson on three occasions. Evelyn’s impromptu share and profound words of wisdom left everyone in awe and reiterated how fortunate we are to be part of this amazing fellowship. This Mother’s Day, lets honor and show our love to all the wonderful women in our life, be it mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, friends and fellow Al-Anon members and to let them know how special you think they are. So today I'm wishing each one of you lots of love, light and laughter. I hope that you enjoy your special day, do something good for yourself and realize that you are beautiful, you are strong, you are loved and you are enough.This will be my first Mother’s Day without my precious Mum. Although I miss her each and every day, the sadness seems to hit me even more as this special day approaches… a day full of sweet memories and memorable moments that we shared throughout the years. In life I loved and appreciated my mum dearly, in death I still do. Daily she warms my heart with gratitude and fills my every thought. The special years will not return but with love in my heart my mum is missed, my mum is remembered and my mum walks with me forever....“But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin.” ― Mitch Albom Warm regardsAngelKindly inform me should you have an email address, and future copies of the Loners letters will be emailed to you.Please visit our national website .za. It is updated regularly with various Newsletters, Loners letters and other information.The opinions expressed in this letter were strictly those of the person who gave them. Take what you like and leave the rest.PARENT OF AN ALCOHOLICAl-Anon members are people whose lives are affected by someone else’s alcoholism, this could be a spouse, a parent, a child or a friend. As mothers, we all strive to be good parents, nurturing and taking care of our children. We learn the ‘do and don’ts’ about nutrition, clothing, etc. We also learn about all childhood diseases and are guided by doctors who give our children excellent treatment. But very rarely are we told about the one disease that is more silent than others. The one that can snatch a child’s life from you without you even knowing it, the disease which creeps into one’s life and destroys an entire family — the disease of alcoholism.Being a parent of an alcoholic is like being on a rollercoaster ride with unimaginable hurt, pain, blame, anger and despair. Parents are often left with so many unanswered questions: “I was a good parent, what went wrong?” “I prayed and did all the right things, why did this happen to my child?”Thanks to Al-Anon’s 12 Step recovery program, we know that alcoholism is a disease and that we are not responsible for someone else's drinking. The 3 C’s, the slogan that captures this is "I didn't cause it, I can't control it, and I can't cure it". The first part of the Three C's is that “I didn't cause” my loved one's alcoholism. It is not our fault that the other person drinks, it is their own battle. Nothing we did caused the alcoholic, to drink. It's an illness/disease that caused the problem, not us. Learning that “I can't control” your loved one's behavior, is another crucial part of recovery. We have no power over the other person's desire to drink. You can share your thoughts and feelings with an alcoholic. You can even impose certain conditions and consequences should the alcoholic continue to drink, but the decision to seek treatment is one that the alcoholic must make not you.The final part is that “I can't cure” your loved one's alcoholism. It is an illness that cannot be cured through any known medical remedies. Alcoholics will always be recovering but not cured. Inside the core of every child, there is a bond with the one who gave them life, no matter what the actions or words of the child may be. Alcoholics do deserve a chance at recovery and parents can help by providing love, support and understanding to their alcoholic child whilst working the Al-Anon program for themselves. In recovery we’re all like infants, first we crawl into Al-Anon then by working the program we can stand. We take steps and learn to walk away from anger, resentment and hurt before we can run free towards hope, happiness and serenity. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************MY DEAR SONI love you very much and have always said ‘’my precious son.’’ But to see you destroying your life, it causes me a lot of pain. Every pain you suffer, I as a mother also feel the very pain. My son, this disease of alcohol and drugs; everyone around you can see what happens as the person who uses these substances is going down, only the person whose using it will not see it because they are intoxicated. This is killing me, of all the things that happened to you. Don’t throw your life away, we have a beautiful world out there.My dear, I think you made a very good decision in your life by going to these meetings where you will learn the real dangers of this disease. You will be bored, lonely, resentful and full of self-pity. But don’t worry, you will overcome all these things. You will be a new man, all bad habits will fade away.It’s a very honest program. Treat it seriously, pray, keep repeating the serenity prayer, a miracle will happen. I will be with you all the way. Have courage. Don’t quit. Don’t forget I love you …Yours Mum { (Written in 1989 by the Late Kogie N, Merebank AFG), Submitted by Solosh N, Clairwood AFG } ................

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