
2nd Grade Classwork Cover Letter

Mrs. Bustamante

Week: March 30th-April 3rd


| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|ELA |We will continue Reading the|We will re-read the entire |We will begin a new text: |We will continue Reading the|We will continue Reading the|

| |text “Pioneers to the West.”|text “Pioneers to the West.”|“Going West.” |text: “Going West.” Pages |text: “Going West.” Pages |

| | | |Pages 70-85 |86-99 |100-117 |

| |Pages 26-29 | | | | |

| | |Complete Reader’s Writer’s | | | |

| |Complete Reader’s Writer’s |Journal pages |Complete Reader’s Writer’s |Complete Reader’s Writer’s |Complete Reader’s Writer’s |

| |Journal pages 359-360 |362-363 |Journal pages |Journal page 368 |Journal pages 372 |

| | | |365-366 | | |

| |We will review this weeks | |TURN IT IN ON FRIDAY ONLY |TURN IT IN ON FRIDAY ONLY |Spelling Quiz |


| | | | | |VIA EMAIL! |

| | | | |Optional: if you want a | |

| | | | |challenge complete pages |Optional: if you want a |

| | | | |369-371 |challenge complete pages |

| | | | | |373-374 |

|Math |We will be completing topic |We will be completing topic |We will be completing topic |We will be complete topic 13|We will be reviewing all of |

| |13 Lesson 5 |13 Lesson 6 |13 Lesson 7 Pages 585-588 |Lesson 8 |topic 13 |

| |Pages 577-580 |Pages 581-584 | |Pages 589-592 |Pages 594-598 |


| | | |VIA EMAIL! |TURN IT IN ON FRIDAY ONLY |Online test will take place |

| | | | |VIA EMAIL! |on Monday. |

|Science |Log into Science weekly: |Log into Science weekly: |Log into Science weekly: |Log into Science weekly: |Log into Science weekly: |

| |Week 3 |Week 3 |Week 3 |Week 3 |Week 3 |

| |“Energy” |“Energy” |“Energy” |“Energy” |“Energy” |

| |We will be completing |We will complete the entire |We will complete the |We will complete the |We will complete science |

| |topics 1-3 |science weekly |worksheet “source of energy”|worksheet: “Weekly literacy |weekly Quiz! |

| | | |Turn it in! |connection” |“Turn it in!” |

|Social Studies |Log in to Studies Weekly: |Log in to Studies Weekly: |Log in to Studies Weekly: |Log in to Studies Weekly: |Log in to Studies Weekly: |

| |Week 20: “Florida Cultures” |Week 20: “Florida Cultures” |Week 20: “Florida Cultures” |Week 20: “Florida Cultures” |Week 20: “Florida Cultures” |

| |We will review topics 1-4 |We will be completing |Worksheet- |Worksheet- |We will be completing |

| | |studies weekly |“Flags of Americans” |“Multicultural Food in |studies weekly quiz. |

| | |Turn it in! | |Florida” |Turn it in! |

|Spelling Words |Boldly, carefully, childish, colorful, eventful, editor, finally, foolish, gently, peaceful, peacefully, reader, sailor selfish and waiter. |

|Suffixes -ly, -ful, -er, | |

|-or, -ish | |

|Homework |Choose one way to write your spelling words. Please refer to the spelling Menu. |

| |Students are to complete 20 minutes of Iready reading and math daily |

| |(Yes, this is counted as a grade. I will be checking it online.) |

| | |

| |Please turn in spelling menu work by the end of Friday each week. |

| | |

Please turn in all assignments on Friday ONLY. Make sure to include the students First and Last name on the subject area. Make sure to provide the title of the assignment your child is turning in.

Classwork will open for students daily on Pearson and will close that Friday if you need the assignment to be extended please contact me. This helps students stay on task daily.

Math: While you will be able to access all lessons taught for the day,

you will also find videos and additional practice that your child may complete according to the lesson taught for that day. These do not have to be turned in. Feel free to navigate in order to become familiar with all additional resources. This includes the following:

Videos: “Visual Learning” & “Another Look”

Additional practice:

-Daily Review

-Today’s Challenge

-Interactive Additional Practice



Games: “powerhouse”

Studies Weekly: Log in with your child’s username and password (it is the same as Iready) scroll down to the week number and name of the article. You will have access to all resources.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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