
[pic] |[pic] | |

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|Common names: Star of Bethlehem |[pic] |

|Latin name: Ornithogalum umbellatum L. | |

|Family: Liliaceae. | |

|Botany: prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils | |

|Habitat: native to South Africa. Found along roadsides, fields, woods, and | |

|meadows; and also cultivated. | |

|Description: bulbous perennial growing up to 12 inches long with semi-erect, | |

|white-veined grass-like basal leaves. Star-shaped flowers with 6 tepals (white | |

|on top and green-striped underneath) open in early summer. | |

|Cultivation: from seeds, or separating the bulbs; it prefers moist, light to | |

|heavy soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. | |

|[RD, LK-1, LK-3] | |

| |History & Folklore: |

| |No reports found. |

|Parts used: | |

|Bulb [BT]. | |

|Medicinal properties: | |

|Anti-tumor (unproven) [BT]. | |

|Uses: |Constituents & Pharmacology: |

|Herbal medicine: |Alkaloids (poisonous) [LK-1]. |

|Practitioner used only. Gastric and duodenal ulcers; stomach cancer (refer to |Glycosides (similar to those of digitalis) [LK-2]. |

|toxicity) [BT]. | |

|Homeopathic Remedy: | |

|For some type of cancer [RBC, LK-1]. | |

|For severe states of “intrusions” such as ulceration or cancer [RBC]. | |

|Flower Essence: | |

|For the effects of kind of shock, serious news, accidents, frights, traumas | |

|from conception to the present. | |

|It is also one of the ingredients of the Rescue Remedy. | |

|Pharmacy: |Cautions, contraindications and toxicity: |

|Infusion: no reports found. |Pregnancy & lactation: no reports found. |

|Liquid extract: no reports found. |Cautions/warnings: contact with the bulb can cause contact dermatitis in |

|Poultice/liniment: no reports found. |sensitive people [LK-1]. |

|Homeopathy: prepared using the bulb [LK-1]. |Contraindications: Practitioner used only. |

|Flower Essences: prepared by the boiling method [BJ, RBC]. Dose: 2 drops under |Toxicity. There exist death reports with the ingestion of the flowers or bulb |

|the tongue, or in glass water/juice. |[LK-2]. The bulb is considered poisonous to grazing animals, and causing |

| |blindness [LK-1, LK-2]. |

Bach Flower Essence Information

|Personality Traits and Plant Characteristics |

|[BJ] |The flowers shine with light, lying like a carpet of stars among the grass. They |

|Flowers: |are particularly sensitive to sunshine and only open on warm, clear days. The |

|The white flowers of Star of Bethlehem were chosen by Bach as a remedy for |flowers may last up to three weeks before the petals tire of this daily movement |

|shock and distress. Its action is to bring about calm and balance to those |and collapse. On the back of the petals is a broad green stripe which camouflages |

|caught up in a whirlpool of life trauma. Each flower has six pointed petals |the flower when closed. Opening in the sunshine, they bring a sudden sparkle of |

|that have a perfect geometry. These petals surround six stamens, which form |light to the meadows. Looking more closely in to the flowers reveals six points of|

|around the coronet around the six-celled ovary with its single style |yellow pollen as the stamens surround a golden jewel in the heart of the star, |

|(interesting that 6+6+6+1=19-it came in the second batch of 19 Bach |warming and strengthening the white light. |

|remedies).The geometry of the flowers helps to reassemble the structure of life| |

|when it has been tumbled and broken by life. |Leaves |

| |When young the leaves are straight like small spears, by the time the flowers |

|The six pointed star of the plant is unique among Bach’s flowers. Most are |open, the leaves have begun to die back and collapse. The dynamic movement of the |

|either five-petalled (Crab Apple/ Wild Rose) or four-petalled (Mustard/ Holly).|leaves could represent the turbulent experience of life, which supports the pure, |

|In this it epitomizes either a six-pointed Star of David, with all the |crystalline form of the flowers-spirit born into the material world. |

|connotations of balance between heaven and earth in the flower’s delicate | |

|shape. The Star of David is composed of two triangles: one pointing down for |Stem |

|the spiritual world, and one pointing up for the physical world. It is the |As it is a bulb there is only one stem, though it branches to form an umbel, a |

|balances of forces represented by the triangles, which leads to harmony and |flat topped head flowering head, hence the Latin name for it (Ornithogalum |

|health. This is the positive state of the Star of Bethlehem: order and balance.|umbellatum). Individual flowers are thus linked back to the central stem: a |

| |miniature tree form. The strength and clarity of this structure is quite |

|All of this geometry can be seen in the star form of the flowers. |pronounced. |

| | |

|Quality and gesture of the flower: |Preparation method |

|For those who experience trauma there is dislocation between the physical and |Star of Bethlehem is prepared by the boiling method. One would think that this |

|the subtle bodies-the geometry is distorted. This may happen as a result of |remedy should be made by the more gentle sun method. But it is not for a gentle |

|physical accidents (broken bones, bruising, wounds, a fall) or as a result of |condition. Fire transforms. It brings about a change in state. This can also be |

|some psychological trauma (‘serious news’, loss of a loved one, the fright |said of accidents, shock and trauma. They break up patterns of the past and |

|following an accident). In both cases there is disruption of the normal flow |interrupt the established order of life experience. At times this may be necessary|

|of energy and information. The remedy acts to repair this by realigning the |to allow for new growth. When people experience the fire of change they may react |

|matrix of the subtle and physical links in the living forms. |with symptoms of distress and grief. Star of Bethlehem helps to reform a stable |

| |patterning in the emotional life. |

| | |

|The Positive State |

|[BFE1] | [SM1] |

|Conceded by Dr. Bach the comforter and soother of pain. It neutralizes the |Relates to the soul potential to awakening and re-orientation. |

|effects of trauma. |Vitalizes, energizes. |

| |Promotes an integrated personality at all levels, allowing coping with normal |

|[SM2] Positive effects and uses: |energy demands full of vitality, mental clarity, and inner strength. |

|Star of Bethlehem rouses the personality from its mental numbness, reconnecting|A remedy to include in our daily live to promote fast recovery of any un-expected |

|it with its higher self. |challenging event that may occur as part of life. |

|The personality reintegrates on all levels, becomes livelier, and regains the |The most important ingredient of the Rescue Remedy – synthesizes the action of the|

|ability to cope with normal external energies, sensing great vitality, mental |other 4 remedies, neutralizing the form of energetic trauma, and promoting a fast |

|clarity, and inner strength. |recovery. |

|With psychosomatic conditions that prove to be resistant to treatment, Star of |Positive affirmations: |

|Bethlehem may yield great results, especially when taken for a few months. |“I am letting all energy blocks”. |

|It has been shown to have relaxing effects on tension in the throat or nervous |“My whole system is breathing”. |

|problems with swallowing. |“My head is bright and clear”. |

|Those who have been on narcotics in their life may benefit from a combination |“Within me there is total communication”. |

|of Star of Bethlehem and Crab Apple | |

|It may be given to newborns to counteract the trauma of cutting the umbilical |[BG] |

|cord, together with Walnut; it helps ease the change to a new form of |In the positive state, these people are sensitive, open, and happy with life, and |

|existence. |have a good instinct for avoiding anything that may bring pain/sorrow. |

|It may ease women’s heavy menstrual periods….every menstruation might be seen |They have a good memory that serve to avoid circumstances, conditions, or |

|as a ‘little birth’ and is thus seen as a kind of mini shock. |behavioral patterns that tend to be unpleasant have unpleasant results. |

|It may be useful in treatments designed to help people work through psychic |They have an incessant caution regarding anything that may bring sadness, which is|

|traumas such as rebirthing. |unavoidable due to the extreme sensitivity; otherwise, it would bring suffering |

|Positive Potential: |with any negative experience. |

|You take things in deeply and can sense their subtle differences: you are able |In addition to this outer protection, they also have an inner security that allows|

|to relate to other people’s feelings |them to accept their fate. |

|You’ve learned to deal appropriately with your emotional experiences, using |They posses an instinctive sensibility that allows them to notice what is right or|

|them for personal development |good in everything that happens to avoid suffering. |

|You give comfort to others |They calmly feel joy from their life by carefully putting all difficulties aside, |

|Positive Statements for Practice: |and keeping a positive attitude; they can take the sting out of misery. |

|‘I feel’ | |

|‘I breathe’ | |

|‘I am alive’ | |

| | |

|[MB] Positive affirmations: | |

|“I have recovered from the traumas of the past”. | |

|“I am tranquil and calm”. | |

|“I have inner peace”. | |

|“My energy flows smoothly”. | |

| | |

|The Negative State |

|[BFE1, BF2, BG, BS, HJ1, KD1, SM1, SM2] |[KD1] |

|For all kind of physical, mental, and emotional shocks/trauma at any time in the |For physical injuries (concussion, fractures, head injuries, etc.). |

|person’s life (from conception/birth to the present) such as: |Unpleasant events that cannot be forgotten. |

|Deep grief, emotional despair, deep unhappiness. |When thinking about the past brings sorrow. |

|Deep disappointments. |Events from the past that seem to haunt the person. |

|Serious bad news. |Any disciplinary action received from a parent or guardian that cannot be |

|Frights, scares. |forgotten. |

|Accidents, disasters. | |

|Bereavement. |[BS] |

|Severe loss. |For sexual issues when they are first noticed. |

|Death event (death in the family, seen someone die, possibility of death). |Falling in-love: when the ego has been bruised by a rejection. |

|etc. |A bad experience of first-sexual encounter (i.e. humiliation, inadequacy). |

| |After the shock of any medical diagnoses (esp. serious conditions such as |

|[BFE1, HJ1] |cancer). |

|It works well taken right after the shock, but also works for delayed effects |Drug addiction: to neutralize the shock to the withdrawal. |

|(including physical symptoms) that may appear even years after the event. |To neutralize the buried effects of any domestic violence that may has happened|

|For people that are numbed or withdrawn with a sense of loss or grief. |growing up (esp. when the person, as an adult, is manifesting violent |

| |behaviors). |

|[BFE2] |Any shock associated with being or feeling stress and overworked. |

|For those in great distress and under circumstances that produce great |For loosing a job, or fear of being lay off. |

|unhappiness. |For financial difficulties where creditors are closing in. |

|For the after effects of a shock (i.e. crying, tension, trembles, feeling scare, | |

|feeling rejected, numbness, feeling mentally stunned, sorrow, emptiness, |[RBC] |

|withdrawn, longing for death, mind fill with memory of the past, guilt, |A trauma or shock imprints on all cells of the person; Star of Bethlehem |

|self-reproach, self-pity, resentment, distrust, feeling shattered). |releases this memory. |

|For those that refuse to be consoled (Star of Bethlehem brings comfort). |For despondency and despair. |

|For those in some kind of agony, including concealed agony or inner torture. |For any negative experience that being hard to overcome causing despair. |

|Feeling of despondency from bad news. |Former happiness seems irretrievable. |

|Feeling devastated. |Sense of abandonment, feeling having lost all support or possibility for help. |

|Nightmares. |Depression. |

|Feeling of loneliness from a broken heart. |Lack of rational acknowledgement to limitations, or unable to recognized |

|Lack of peace of mind due to bad news. |opportunities or new possibilities rising from the grief. |

|Ghastly memories associated with bad experiences (i.e. rape). | |

|Grief/sadness as a result of a rebirthing. | |

|Reminders that provoke sadness or grief. | |

|Feeling of repulsion through horror. | |

|Isolation after bad experiences, bad news. | |

|Unable to cry after a bad news or experience. | |

|The Negative State |

|[BG] |[SM1] |

|For those who do not have the strength to bear unhappy situations or |For any energetic trauma that live on in the energetic system that may bring |

|devastating experiences. |different degrees of paralysis in the area under its influence. |

|For unprocessed or unresolved psychic or physical trauma. |A person lives in a half-dreamed mental and spiritual state, a type of inner |

|Excessive need for comfort. |numbness. |

|A tendency to be easily influenced a good memory, and a strong need for |In the negative Star of Bethlehem state, a person may not appear as a chronic |

|happiness and a perfect world that cannot be fulfilled. |trait. When this is the case, the person often seems slightly drugged or subdued; |

|Their good memory can cause them torment. |may speak in a low voice, and even, hard to hear at the end of the sentences; move|

|Common symptoms: |slowly, sometimes attracted to magic and mysticism, and may even include drug |

|Inconsolable grief. |abuse. |

|Nightmares. |The person seems withdrawn and disconnected from everything s/he does, avoid |

|Depressive moods. |having feelings about problems, playing dead. |

|Fears or behavioral disorders related to unhappy circumstance traumatic events.|Awaken the personality from half-sleep state and takes it back to its higher self.|

|Inability to have a positive attitude or focus on the future, they can only |Dissolves any traumatic residues. |

|focus on their misfortune. |For the after affects of any type of frightening experiences that happened at any |

|Cannot overcome a serious loss, or a disappointment in love. |period of their lives. |

|Cannot overcome a life that has taken a sudden turn for the worse. |To sooth any pain and sorrow. |

|Cannot overcome their chattered dreams that they life depended on. |For those unhappy, sad, grieving. |

|They give the impression that they have reached a low point in their life and |Those needing comforting, but unable to accept it. |

|their mind is fixated on the negative. | |

|When recovery seems blocked for unknown reason. | |

|Egotism, egocentrism, self-denial (due to unresolved trauma). | |

|The negative state is to some degree due to a “spiritual digestion problem” – | |

|unable to digest shocks, terror, loss, pain, sorrow, etc. | |

|The “spiritual digestion problems” possibly happen to those that have not | |

|experienced enough conflicts in life, have ignored the learning of life events,| |

|and/or neglected the ability of the intellect and quality of the spirit. | |

|They may not be able to recognize that the life events are actually signs that | |

|the spirit is trying to shake things up and find a new way of living, and when | |

|unable to recognize the lessons, spiritual development may be retarded. | |

| | |

| | |

|The Negative State |

|[SM2] From Shock to reorientation – ‘The comforter and soother of pains and |Children: |

|sorrows’ |[BF1, BS, BG, HJ1, MB, SM1] |

|Key symptoms: |For mother and child after childbirth, it neutralizes any traumatic experience |

|Often it is needed early on in therapy, or when there has been no response to |associated with it. |

|treatment. |[SM1] combined with Walnut to ease the change of existence. |

|It can act as a catalyst when there is an unconscious shock lodged in the |[MB] if hard to give to the baby, then the mother may take internally, or she may |

|system that is blocking movement forward. |place two drops o the nipple before breastfeeding. |

|Behavior Pattern in the blocked state: | |

|The rudeness of people leaves you speechless |[BS] |

|You are unable to accept comfort |For any accident during potty-training period (i.e. not making it to the potty, or|

|Unpleasant emotional experiences reverberate inside you for a long time |if happens during the night).. |

|You are shocked and then sad because of an unpleasant experience | |

|A piece of bad news leaves you knocked out |[MB] |

|You can’t get over a fight that was hurtful and unfriendly |To neutralize any kind of physical or emotional shock such as arguments with |

|There is an old wound in your life that you dare not remember |friends or love ones, separations, divorces; in children, events such as the death|

|Following surgery or an accident you don’t feel like yourself anymore |of their goldfish or other pet, seen a dead pigeon outdoor. |

|You react slowly as if sedated |Children in need of Star of Bethlehem may lack energy, courage, or willpower. |

|You let things get too close for comfort, then are unable to cope with them |Bright students feeling stuck on grasping a new concept at school. |

|You repeatedly suffer from the same nightmare | |

|You are easily bruised both physically and mentally. | |

|Those in a negative Star of Bethlehem state have been shocked and remain in | |

|inner numbness. The word shock here constitutes any impact of energy on our | |

|bodies or minds that is too strong for our energetic system to handle so that | |

|distortions result. This does not have to be registered consciously by the | |

|personality, as shock will live on in the energetic system and will manifest as| |

|a certain degree of paralysis or frozen tension. | |

|Star of Bethlehem relates to the soul’s potential for resurrection: | |

|The error in the negative state stems from an inner refusal on the part of the | |

|personality to allow itself to fully experience emotional impressions and to | |

|take a more active role in life. It withdraws from everything that the Higher | |

|Self has assigned it to feel. It battens down the hatches and plays dead, with | |

|the result that many impressions that have not been integrated collect and clog| |

|the more subtle pathways of the psyche. Over time, even the smallest energy | |

|requirement will prove too much for the system to handle, paralyzing it and | |

|eventually causing more and more parts of the system to cease proper | |

|functioning. | |

|Psychological and Physical complains/conditions |

|[BFE2, BG, KD1, SM2] |[SM1] |

|Nightmares. |With psychosomatic conditions where there exist a resistance (i.e. can bring |

| |relaxation when there exist tension of nervous origin affecting the body such as |

|[BG] (the theme: due or associated to shocks/traumas, including unresolved |problem with swallowing, , hearing, walking, touching, unable to see. |

|ones) |People that use (or has used) narcotics in their life. |

|For all pathological conditions involving injuries and/or psychological | |

|traumas. Star of Bethlehem helps process any related unresolved trauma/shock, |[SM2] |

|or any new ones that the conditions may bring (such as cancer). |Symptoms such as not being able to see, hear, walk, or feel something when touched|

|Pain (esp. after injuries). |may indicate a need for Star of Bethlehem. |

|For cancer (since cancer is often associated with intense psychological |The experience of physical side effects including a loss of feeling, an uncertain |

|trauma). |gait, a change in voice, and water retention. |

|Anorexia. |Depression. |

|Development difficulties in children. | |

|Drug abuse (to make life bearable). |[RBC] |

|Epilepsy (for related psychic and physical trauma). |Head injuries (for the mental and physical trauma associated with it). |

|Chronic cough. |Headaches after a grief. |

|Pulmonary embolism (to help with unprocessed shock). |For subdued organisms, loss of healthy body functions. |

|Rheumatism, spinal problems, sciatica. |Tendency to circulatory collapse. |

|Lack of concentration. |Fainting. |

|Menopausal issues. |Loss of appetite. |

|Sexual dysfunctions. |Gastrointestinal disturbances and conditions: |

|Neurotic behavioral disorders (esp. when over-sensitive, easily insulted; |Peptic ulcers. |

|inability to be warm or friendly with other people instead they are cold, |Colitis. |

|isolated; family and/or partner problems; fears). |Crohn’s disease. |

|Schizophrenia. |Weight loss. |

|Depression. |Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath: |

|Nervousness, shame, stage fright. |Sighing. |

|Weak personality. |Bronchial asthma. |

| |Impair diaphragm. |

|[KD1] |Hyperventilation Syndrome |

|Star of Bethlehem is best to include in the first Bach flower treatment |Alopecia (hair loss). |

|formulas to eliminate/neutralize any trauma relating blocks that may be |Insomnia. |

|present. |Moaning and crying during sleep. |

|For physical injuries (concussion, fractures, head injuries, etc.). | |

|Any therapy-resistant condition. |[BS] Men issues: |

|For psychosomatic conditions including neurosis, hysterical symptoms, thyroid |After the shock of any medical diagnoses (esp. serious conditions such as cancer).|

|issues, dysphagia, functional heart conditions, bronchial asthma, sexual |Drug addiction: to neutralize the shock to the withdrawal. |

|dysfunctional, nervous bladder. |Alopecia: for sudden hair loss, especially if occurs at a young age. Also, for |

| |anyone affected when they loose their hair. |

|[VD] | |

|For chronic depression. | |

Star of Bethlehem compared with Others Essences:

|Beech |[RBC] for criticism of the grievous event to avoid experiencing the severity of the impact; grief over loss of a former state of|

| |perfection that now has been displaced by a less perfect reality. |

|Gorse |[RBC] for deep hopelessness, no more incentive to live. |

|Clematis |[RBC] for grieves over present lack of happiness, yet dreams of a fulfilled future. |

|Honeysuckle |[RBC] for sadness and reminiscences in regard to irretrievable past. |

|Mustard |[RBC] for depression. |

|Rock Rose |[KD1] for panic, mortal fear causing a fear displacement that leads to an Agrimony state. |

|Rock Water |[RBC] for inner sadness/depression from forgoing playful/pleasurable pursuits, from ruling oneself with an iron fist. |

|Sweet Chestnut |[RBC] for utter despair over meaninglessness of life, faithlessness. |

|Wild Rose |[RBC] for apathetic withdrawal after grief, emotional standstill. |

|Willow |[RBC] for grief from being treated unfairly |

Combination with other essences:

|Agrimony |[BG] spiritual wounds behind a happy face. |

| |[RBC] denial of the severity of the shock. |

|Aspen |[BG] spiritual injury due to fears. |

|Beech |[RBC] criticizing. |

|Cerato |[BG] insecurity caused by a chocking experience. |

|Cherry Plum |[BG] psychosis due to spiritual injury. |

|Clematis |[BG] unconsciousness prompted by shocking experiences. |

| |[RBC] longing for death. |

|Crab Apple |[BG] pathological loathing. |

| |[SM1] beneficial for people that have used narcotic in their life. |

|Elm |[BG] breakdown caused b spiritual shock. |

|Gentian |[BG] weak will as the result of psychic trauma. |

|Holly |[BG] aggression due to spiritual distress. |

| |[SM1] when there is not real response to treatments (there may be an unconscious shock blocking the system), Star of Bethlehem |

| |acts as a catalyst in such cases. |

| |[RBC] when the shock includes anger. |

|Honeysuckle |[BG] unresolved loss. |

|Larch |[BG] loss of self-confidence from spiritual trauma. |

|Mimulus |[BG] anxiety due to psychic trauma. |

|Mustard |[BG] depression caused by psychic trauma. |

| |[RBC] sinking into depression. |

|Olive |[BG] lack of spiritual resistance due to exhaustion. |

|Pine |[BG] unprocessed/unresolved guilty trauma. |

|Red Chestnut |[BG] excessive worries as the result of negative experiences. |

|Rock Rose |[BG] psychic devastation and panic. |

| |[KD1] for those that awake with nightmare (the nightmare may be associated with a past trauma that cannot be remembered). |

|Sweet Chestnut |[BG] despair caused by psychic devastation. |

| |[RBC] giving thoughts to nihilism. |

|Walnut |[BG] lack of resistance against (or caused by) trauma. |

| |[SM1] for newborn to help the transition to the new way of existence. |

|Water Violet |[BG] human contact issues caused by spiritual trauma. |

|White Chestnut |[BG] traumatic compulsive thoughts. |

| |[KD1] when thoughts of an earlier emotional trauma are re-surfacing back into consciousness. |

|Wild Oat |[SM1] when there has not been real response to treatment (there may be an unconscious shock lodged in the person, blocking the |

| |system), Star of Bethlehem acts as a catalyst in such cases. |

|Wild Rose |[RBC] resignation, emotional standstill. |

|Willow |[BG] bitterness caused by unprocessed or unresolved trauma. |

| |[RBC] resentment and blaming. |

|Rescue Remedy |An ingredient of the Rescue Remedy. |

Topical Applications [KD2]

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Herbal References:

|RD |– |“Reader’s Digest A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants” Rider’s Digest, 1997 |

|BT |– |“Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine.” by Thomas Bartram – Marlowe & Company, 1998. |

|LK-1 |– | |

|LK-2 |– | |

|LK-3 |– | |

Bach Flower References:

|BS |– |“Bach Flower Remedies for Men” – by Stephen Ball. The C.W. Daniel Company Lim. 1996 |

|BFE1 |– |“An Introduction & Guide to Flower Essences. The 38 Bach Flower Essences. ” The Dr. Bach Edward Centre – Wigmore Publications Ltd. |

| | |2001. |

|BFE2 |– |“The Bach Flower Remedies” Rev. edition (three books in one); Keats publications, Inc. 1997. |

|BG |– |“Advanced Bach Flower Therapy. A Scientific Approach to diagnosis and treatment” by Gotz Blome. Healing Art Press, 1999. |

|BJ |– |“Bach Flower Remedies, Form and Function” by Julian Banard. Lindisfarne Books 2004. |

|HJ1 |– |“The Bach Flower Remedies. Step by Steps” by Judy Howard. – C. W. Daniel Company Limited, 1990 |

|KD1 |– |“New Bach Flower Therapies. Healing the Emotional and Spiritual causes of Illness” by Dietmar Krämer – Healing Arts Press, 1995. |

|KD2 |– |“New Bach Flower Body Maps. Treatment by Topical Application” by Dietmar Krämer – Healing Arts Press, 1996. |

|MB |– |“Bach Flower Remedies for Children” by Barbara Mazzarella – Healing Art Press, 1994 |

|RBC |– |“Applying Homeopathy and Bach Flower Therapy to Psychosomatic Illness” 2nd Edition. By Cornelia Richardson-Boedler – B Jain |

| | |Publishers Ltd, 2004. |

|SM1 |– |“Bach Flower Therapy, Theory and Practice” by Mechthild Scheffer. |

|SM2 |– |“The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy, Theory and Practice” by Mechthild Scheffer – The Healing Arts Press. 2001. |

|VD |– |“Specifics in Bach Flower Remedies” by D.S. Vohra – B. Jain Publisher PVT. LTD. |


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