Thirty Days of Love Planning Calendar

Standing on the Side of Love is a community of people compelled to speak out against oppression, united in the common belief that love is the ultimate guiding force of our world. For 2016, our focus will be on racial justice.

Will you commit to join us on this spiritual journey for racial justice?



|Saturday |Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Jan. 16 |Jan. 17 |Jan. 18 |Jan. 19 |Jan. 20 |Jan. 21 |Jan. 22 |

|On this 4th annual 30 Days of Love, |How can we celebrate MLK Day beyond | |Hear from folks who work with youth |Today we will hear from exemplary UU| |There is a moral movement for |

|we will embark together on a |our congregations and into our | |on how to talk about our own |congregations on the work they are | |redemption that is rising in NC, |

|spiritual journey for racial |communities? Make SSL visible at MLK| |experiences of race and racism. We |doing around building multicultural | |with close to 1,000 people arrested.|

|justice. Make a personal commitment,|Day events and show up to help build| |will explore how we can “call upon |congregations. For inspiration, | |Redemption is the belief that |

|share your intention over social |Dr. King’s vision of Beloved | |spiritual practices and virtues to |check out this podcast and learn | |people, and the institutions we |

|media and encourage others to join! |Community. To realize the dream, we | |overcome racial separation and build|from the resources and leaders | |create, can be transformed. Learn |

| |must live the dream. | |authentic relationships.” |involved with Mosaic Makers. | |how you can join this movement! |

|Jan. 23 |Jan. 24 |Jan. 25 |Jan. 26 |Jan. 27 |Jan. 28 |Jan. 29 |

| |Public narrative combines a story of|Exchange stories with someone by |Learn from The Sanctuaries, a |Have you read the Sharing Circles |Our stories, like our lives, are not|Leaders from other faiths will share|

| |self, us, and now and is a great |inviting them to share their story |multicultural spiritual community |report? Almost 1,500 UU’s with 1 or |single-issue sagas but are formed, |with us today on how the power of |

| |organizing tool for congregations |and then share yours. Ideas for this|dedicated to storytelling, spiritual|more historically marginalized |in part, by our complex and |stories helps to shape their faith, |

| |and communities. Begin by sharing |day include: family history stories,|practice, and the arts. Leaders will|identities (LGBTQ, people of color, |overlapping experiences. Our |and will offer ways that we can grow|

| |stories in worship for two minutes |stories we were told about race, |share how this ministry came to be, |and/or people with disabilities) |strivings for justice must be |together. |

| |each and then plan a longer event to|class, sexuality, and stories about |and offer a podcast to help us |have shared their experiences and |equally multifaceted. (Could include| |

| |follow. |our personal spirituality. |better discern our own stories. |their vision for the future of |a personal story here) | |

| | | | |UUism. | | |

|Jan. 30 |Jan. 31 |Feb. 1 |Feb. 2 |Feb. 3 |Feb. 4 |Feb. 5 |

|What are the stories we want to see |Suggested worship service and |Explore how to put love into |The SSL campaign has long focused on| | |While we might be committed to |

|in the future? Journal today about |personal reflection themes include |practice today. Practice kindness |immigration reform, and building | | |learning more about mass |

|what victories you want to be |“where is your radical love?” We |toward strangers. Practice |bridges with immigrant communities. | | |incarceration, are we attempting a |

|celebrating in 5, 10, or 20 years. |encourage you to give out Courageous|compassion and love in the face of |On this day, we will hear from | | |more radical love by also engaging |

|Share your stories with the SSL |Love Awards and focus on the idea of|frustration and anger. Radical love |someone who lives on the US/Mexico | | |with formerly incarcerated people? |

|Campaign! |radical inclusion. |beings in your heart! |border, and will share their story | | |Hear about the importance of this |

| | | |of building bridges. | | |work and how you can get involved. |

|Feb. 6 |Feb. 7 |Feb. 8 |Feb. 9 |Feb. 10 |Feb. 11 |Feb. 12 |

|Today we will lay the foundation for| |Allow today to be a day to pause; |Create a space for art and |Today, we will explore the |The federal minimum wage for tipped | |

|long-term solidarity with people who| |incorporate some meditation into |creativity today as a medium to show|importance of celebration in our |employees is only $2.13 an hour. | |

|face religious discrimination. | |this Monday. Write a mantra or |the world how YOU stand on the side |worship services, in our lives, and |Restaurant workers haven’t had a | |

|You’ll hear from the Shoulder to | |prayer and send it in to the Love HQ|of love. Maybe paint a mural, |in the ways we are called to witness|raise in 22 years. Tomorrow, | |

|Shoulder campaign on how to be good | |at love@. |sidewalk chalk love messages, or |for justice. |celebrate national advocacy day and | |

|interfaith partners. | | |post love photos on Instagram. Get | |show some love to restaurant | |

| | | |creative! | |workers! | |

|Feb. 13 |Feb. 14 | |

|Reflect: As we near the end of the |Celebrate the 7th Annual National |For daily inspirational messages, check our facebook page: sideoflove |

|30 Days of Love, what has really |Standing on the Side of Love Day | |

|stood out to you? We encourage you |TODAY!! | |

|to journal about the experience and | | |

|share with others if you feel | | |

|inspired! | | |


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