
First Baptist Church

of Palmer, Inc.

Palmer, Texas


Rev. Oct. 20, 2013

Rev. May 4, 2014

Rev. Aug. 24, 2014

Rev. Nov 18, 21014

Rev. May 5, 2015

Rev. June 15, 2015,



The First Baptist Church, Palmer, Texas,

Purpose of existence is to carry the Gospel Message

to the lost world; teach and preach the full council of the

Word of God; to provide a place of Christian fellowship

for believers and benevolence for those who stand

in need of spiritual and physical help.

This manual revised and adopted in general conference August, 2013.
























The First Baptist Church of Palmer, Inc. (FBCP) has a rich history and strong heritage which welcomes you to the First Family with pride and purpose


Church documents dated November 17, 1873 record the organization of the church. Elder T. H. Durham preached from the book of Ephesians and six people presented church letters to join in the

organization of this new church.

A presbytery composed as a “licentiate” from the Bristol Baptist Church extended an “arm of fellowship” to the organization. In 1873 the community seems to have had no official name. In 1874 the H. and T. C. Railroad laid tracks through the community which caused them to acquire the name of Palmer. Thereafter, the church was named Palmer Baptist Church. According to records by the end of 1890 the church had in its membership 78.

In the early years the church had no building of it’s own, and met in homes until about 1881 when they began to share a union church building. The union church held services for the Presbyterians one week of the month, the Methodists one week, the Christians one week, and the Baptist one week. There was a union Sunday School which included all denominations that met each week. On March 28, 1900, the church purchased 3 lots at a cost of ninety dollars on which to build a church building. The building begun in 1900 was designed and constructed by Jake and Frank Schwartz from Illinois at a cost of four thousand dollars and was completed in 1901. In the building originally there were two sections of curved pews with a center and outside aisles. The walls were covered by blue wall paper with silver designs. Heating was accomplished with a coal oil stove which was located in the front of the building, Lighting was achieved with kerosene lamps. There were no Sunday School rooms at this time so small classes met scattered throughout the auditorium. In 1904 a concrete baptistery was built under the choir loft with a hinged door. Chairs would be moved and the door raised when a baptismal service took place. Prior to the installation of the baptistery, baptisms were conducted in a small pond across the street on the cotton gin lot as well as other bodies of water.

In the early 1900’s, the church was known as the “Palmer Missionary Baptist Church of Christ”. In 1907, the church voted to buy a parsonage for her pastor to live in. A house was secured and purchased for the sum of $420 and moved in on property adjacent to the church. In 1912, the church added 2 Sunday School rooms (where the Music Office and Homemaker’s classes are today) and carpeted the building. In May of 1914, the church voted to install electric lights at a cost of $20.00 (which it did not have, but a member loaned to the congregation). The church also purchased its first piano in 1914. Some Sunday School classes later met in an old Masonic building which was located about where the brick fellowship hall building is now.

In 1946, a new parsonage for the pastor to live in was purchased at a sum of $4,000 located on Marshall Street. In November of 1951, the church voted to build a building at the cost of $7,500 for additional office and classrooms. The building was dedicated August 17, 1952. At this time the baptistery was moved into the round room directly behind the pulpit. In December 1961, new pews and carpet were installed, and in 1965, cushions for the pews were donated. Lots were purchased at the corner of Sherman and Marshall for a sum of $750, in 1971, and paved in 1985 at a cost of $10,608.

In March 1974 the church voted to build a new brick building for more educational space and a fellowship hall complete with kitchen. This building was dedicated on August 25, 1974. On July 16, 1989 the church voted to construct a balcony which would provide an additional one hundred chairs in the auditorium. Construction was completed at a cost of $25,000. The church at this time also voted to purchase the current parsonage at 205 W. Marshall at a cost of $71,500. The old parsonage was sold for $35,000 and the $61,000 remaining debt from these two projects was retired in five years.

In 1991, the church began to pray for more Sunday School space. The existing buildings were full and classes were being held in the kitchen and choir loft. By the direction of the Holy Spirit, contact was made with The Korean Church of Dallas who offered to give to FBC a 90 x 30 building divided into classrooms which was gratefully accepted. This building cost around $21,000 to have moved to the property and renovated. All of which was done and paid for within ten months of its being moved onto the paved lot at the corner of Marshall and Sherman. This building was named “Heritage Hall” by the church. With the addition of this space the church voted to begin the AWANA club ministry. Wednesday night attendance almost immediately jumped from an average of 31 to 70. Soon that average jumped to over 100.

In 1993, the “Little Folks Day Care” was offered for sale to the church. After a lot of prayer and consideration the church agreed to lease the facility for 1 year with the option to purchase it at the completion of the lease. The name was changed to “Palmer Christian Child Care and Day School” and operation began in September 1993. In September 1994, the church purchased the building, with eight lots, a van, all equipment and business for $100,000. An additional $10,000 had been borrowed to begin the operation.

In 1995, the church had discussed renovating the existing auditorium building.

A bid was secured to put a new roof and wooden shingles on the turrets of $55,000. The church agreed to pray about beginning a fund to get this needed work done on Sunday, and the following Tuesday a hail storm came through town and destroyed every roof in the city. The church’s insurance paid to have a new roof installed on all of the church buildings including the parsonage and child care. They also paid to have 1/2 of the turrets covered. The church had new windows installed and the shutters in the bell tower fixed. In 1996, a new cupola was donated to be placed in the center of the church similar to one which had deteriorated and been removed about 35 years before. Also in 1996, new carpet was installed, the pews were cushioned on the bottoms and backs, new chairs in the choir were purchased, and the baptistery was replaced and relocated some 4 feet higher than the previous one for greater visibility. This was done at a cost of around $20,000. A new sound system was purchased, installed, and paid for during 1996 at a cost of around $5,000.

In 2007, the daycare secured a loan from Citizens National Bank to build a new facility on 2 acres on south Dallas Street. The daycare had purchased the land several years earlier and paid it off. To commence the loan the bank required the current building on Jefferson Street be sold.

In May 2008, the church purchased the Palmer Christian Child Care & Day School (PCCCADS) building on Jefferson Street. PCCCADS was then moved to 510 South Dallas St. in 2008. The building on Jefferson Street was remodeled and used for the children’s church facility. The conversion of the property was completed in August and First Baptist Church named the facility the Good News Travelers (GNT) building. FBCP started a new concept for children’s worship. It was much like a VBS every Sunday in which the children moved from room to room for different activities centered on that day’s lesson.

In September 2008, a vote was taken for the church to become an incorporated entity. The church became incorporated and had its organizational meeting on December 6, 2008, with its legal name being changed to: First Baptist Church of Palmer, Inc.

In April 2010, the church and daycare trustees decided to close Palmer Christian Child Care & Day School. Due to an economic recession, many parents in community have lost their jobs and enrollment has decreased to the point that expenses are exceeding income. PCCCADS closed as of the last day of the 2009-2010 school year.

In July 2010, the church voted to move all services and ministries to the Dallas Street location.

In August 2010, the church opened the First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy and offered before and after school care.

Between 2011 and 2013 the Sherman St. church was leased to a Hispanic outreach organization and the Jefferson street “old day care building” was sold.

On August 17, 2014 a special business meeting was held after morning worship. The deacons brought forth to the congregation a proposal to move back to the old church on Sherman St. It was proposed to sell the new church on Dallas Street and use the profit to refurbish the old church. The deacons requested that the congregation pray for guidence for a week. On August 24, 2014 special business meeting was held after morning worship. The congregation voted unanimously to sell the new church on Dallas Street and move back into the old church on Sherman Street.

Church Membership

The First Baptist Church of Palmer receives members into its fellowship three ways as described in the church constitution:

1. By Baptism. The Bible teaches us that we are saved by God’s grace and we receive His grace by our faith (Eph. 2:8). After that relationship is secured through faith, the born again child of God is commanded to follow Christ’s example and be baptized (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:28,41; 10:46; Rom. 6:3;). Baptism is an act of obedience. It pictures the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It also makes a public statement symbolizing a person was dead in their sin, was buried by faith in the sacrificial blood of Christ, and rose as a new person in Christ.

2. By Letter of transfer of membership from another Baptist Church. of like faith

3. By Statement. A person stating that they have been scripturally baptized after salvation. We recognize scriptural baptism as being immersed (following the example of Christ who was immersed, and by definition of the word baptize which means immersion) into baptismal waters as an act of obedience.

Each member of First Baptist Church has a vote in all business of the church. Business is conducted on the second Sunday evening after worship each quarter (Feb., May, Aug., Nov), unless a conflict of schedule and new time is to be announced in advance). A business meeting can be called with notice given to the membership in advance (by announcement in newsletter or in a service prior to called session or in an emergency at the discretion of the Pastor and Deacons). In conference, each member has the right to ask questions and discuss any matters of the church. A complete financial statement and report of each ministry of the church is to be presented in conference. Each member is encouraged to attend and participate in the business of the church. When problems arise, or needs and concerns are felt about any area of the church, members can present their needs to the appropriate ministry. If the problems are not resolved, it will be carried to the Finance and Personnel Committee. If the problem still exists, then it will be taken to the Deacon Body who in turn will bring recommendations for the church’s consideration if needed. The following is a picture of organizational structure of our church:


Church Finances

The First Baptist Church is supported by freewill offerings. We teach that it is the responsibility of, and a privilege for each member to financially support the ministry of their church. The Bible teaches us to bring our tithes and offerings into the church [storehouse] (Malachi 3:8-10) for distribution. What is a tithe? Literally it is ten percent of earnings. Because we are not obligated under the righteous law of God, but live under the freedom of His grace we understand that offerings must be given freely from the heart of the giver. There is no mandatory form of giving or dues in order to hold membership in the church, yet we do recognize that love demands giving. If a person truly loves the Lord - they will give to the Lord’s work - of their means, and of their time. We recognize the example of giving as the tithe. Records of contributions are recorded and acknowledged to the donor through a yearly statement. ALL records of an individual’s offerings are held strictly confidential by the treasurer and are available ONLY to the donor.

“Armed Forces and Institutional Chaplaincy Department” of the BMA of America. This department supervises and directs mission efforts through the placement of chaplains in the military, in hospitals, in police, fire fighting units, in civil patrol units, and in businesses.

“Department of Camp Ministries” of the BMA of America.

The camp ministry provides and maintains camp ground facilities in Gary, TX, which is located in East Texas 10 miles south of Carthage. The camp offers organized camps for localized and individualized groups throughout the year. As a result of this mission effort many people of all ages are saved, lives are changed, and men profess the call to preach.

“Missions Department” of the BMA of America. The Missions Department is responsible for some 17 Missionary families in America, 29 American Missionary families in foreign countries, and some 384 National

Department supervises and pays the salary for some 17 missionary families in America, some 29 American foreign missionary families, and some 393 foreign missionary families in 30 countries.

“LifeWord Broadcast Ministries Department” of the BMA of America. Life Word is the radio and television ministry of the BMA. Through its missionary efforts the gospel is heard throughout the world and many decisions for Christ are made each week.

Mission work of Sumitra Borde. Though Bro. Borde has gone home to be with the Lord, the work in India that God established through him continues.

Baptist Progress, Publishers of the State paper.

“Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary” Department of the BMA of America. The seminary teaches advanced studies of the Bible to prepare and enhance the ministries of individuals.

“Department of Church Ministries” of the BMA of Texas. This mission departments ministry is to provide resources to churches and pastors.

“Jacksonville College” Department of the BMA of Texas. This mission point reaches young men and women by providing a liberal arts junior college education with Christian teachers and environment

“Aged Ministers Fund” of the BMA of Texas. This fund is to help in emergency situations for retired ministers

“State Missions Geberals” of the BMA of Texas which helps to establish churches around the state of Texas.

“Texas Baptist Home of Children” Department of the BMA of Texas. The Home ministers to families in need. They offer counseling services, campus homes for children from troubled homes, and foster children placement.

Ellis Hill local association for local mission efforts.

(Amounts are based upon departmental need as projected in budgets and are to be set yearly as recommended by the Budget Committee through the Deacons.)


Ten percent of all tithes are used for mission work. The following passage shows a list of work that is provided for first. Any amounts over and above this list become an undesignated amount of tithe which will be used for mission work outside of the church (community festivals, community Easter-egg hunt, etc,). The Excess tithes Committee will bring recommendations to the Deacon Body for approval.

If 10% of our undesignated offerings are greater than this fixed amount, each month we decide where the remainder of the church tithe will be sent. The Deacons bring a recommendation monthly but the decision is made by the church. This amount above the fixed amount is called “excess tithe”. The excess tithe is figured this way: 10% of undesignated offerings minus the designated amount equals excess tithe. For example if the monthly offerings were $13,409 the tithe would be $1341 -the designated amount -67.00 (5%) Bldg. Fund Donation= the excess tithe.

From the 90% remaining of undesignated offerings, all salaries (Pastor, Youth & Music ministers, Treasurer/Secretary, Nursery Director and Housekeeper) are paid. Utilities, office expenses, building upkeep, and insurance come from this 90%. Each month a set amount goes into the Youth Fund, the GMA Fund, the Kids for Christ Fund and the Children’s Ministry. Also, all teaching materials including Sunday School books, Family Worship Week supplies, Special Day emphasis, pulpit supply and revival expenses, and flowers sent come from this 90%. A transfer is made to the Benevolence/Outreach Fund to be used to help people in need, (see duties of deacons).

Church Officers & Committees

PASTOR The Pastor is to be a full time Pastor with no second job. The Pastor is to be the moderator of church business meetings unless otherwise directed by the church. He is to have a general knowledge of the workings and directions of all ministries and ministry committees of the church, though he is not expected to have personal involvement in them. The Pastor will set the direction, tone of services, and vision in the ministry of the church within the scope of its mission statement. The Pastor shall be the Superintendent of the First Baptist Church of Palmer, Christian Academy (FBCPCA). He reports to the church body as a whole through the Finance and Personnel Committee. He is to seek council, advice, and help in ministry needs from the Deacons in monthly meetings or as needed and from the church staff with regular staff meetings. The Pastor will write a weekly article for the church newsletter. The Pastor will schedule special days and special services as needed and as authorized within pastoral office budget or with church approval. The Pastor is expected to spend much time in prayer and in the study of God’s Word to effectively preach, teach and spiritually lead the congregation. He is expected to be available when possible to visit hospitals when members have surgery or sickness that involves a hospital stay. When not available, a Deacon, staff member, or other church member is to be contacted to be of assistance, if possible. The membership is responsible to make known to the pastor of surgeries and sickness that involve a hospital stay. The Pastor will perform weddings for members of the church and others based upon the Biblical definition of marriage as defined as one man and one woman and within the scope of his convictions and availability. The Pastor will conduct funerals.

The Pastor will establish regular office hours as much as is possible and still be available for the child care ministry and members needs throughout the day. The Pastor will represent the church as a messenger along with other messengers, as they are approved, in national, state and local associational meetings. He will serve as Missionary Committeeman for FBC unless otherwise directed by the church. The Pastor will have 1 week paid vacation after 1 year of service and 2 weeks after 2 yrs of service. After 5 years of service he will have 3 weeks paid vacation. After 10 years of service he will have 4 weeks a year paid vacation time. He will be allowed to schedule no more than 2 Sundays and 3 weeks per year to hold revival meetings. He will be allowed to keep the honorariums of each. The Pastor is expected to get someone to fill the pulpit in times of absence for vacation or revivals. The church will pay pulpit supply for vacations and sickness but the Pastor is expected to pay for supply when he is away for revivals or personal reasons. The Pastor will schedule in advance his vacations and revivals and present them to the Deacons for date approval. The Pastor’s expenses to all associational meetings where he is representing the church will be paid for. The church will pay for 1 ministry conference per year for the pastor and the cost of

tuition and expenses are to be approved by the church. His life is to be an example of Christian living to the church and community.

The Pastoral total salary package (including insurance and all allowances) is set by the church. The pastor is furnished a home.and/or a housing allowance as set by the church. The Pastor pays all of his utility bills. (Allowance amount for taxes change according to actual need but will not exceed total salary package). Refer to specific amounts in the monthly Financial Statement.


Support the community and school activities as a tool to reach the lost people in Palmer. He is to be at all business meetings and be the moderator, and if necessary he may vote only to break a tie. He is expected to be available in case of problems with the children or parents and counsel when necessary within his scope of knowledge. He is recommended to meet the parents at the FBPCA several times a month so they will get to know him and be available for their needs.

MINISTER OF MUSIC The music director will be expected to lead in the music worship of our church by prayerfully selecting and directing the music each Sunday morning and evening. The director will arrange to have special music for the Sunday morning service and in the Sunday evening service when possible. The director will coordinate Talent Worship services and supervise (though the director is not expected to have a personal part in) children’s and youth choirs. The director is expected to schedule regular choir practices. The music director will have special choir presentations such as cantatas, as is authorized in music budget, or with church approval.

As a part time staff member, the Music Minister has 1 paid vacation Sunday per year after 1 year of ministry. After 2 years of ministry the director will have 2 paid Sunday’s per year, and after 10 years of ministry 3 Sundays per year. Sundays missed for actual sickness will be paid. Any Sunday missed for personal days will not be paid (unless vacation is taken). The Minister is expected to get someone to direct the music in his absence and the church will pay for expenses, if any occur. Salary for the Music Minister is periodically reviewed. The church will pay for 1 ministry conference per year not to exceed $75 for tuition and expenses. If the Minister of Music and Minister of Youth are the same individual only one benefit will be applied. Salary for Music Minister is listed on the monthly Financial Statement.

MINISTER OF YOUTH The Minister of Youth will plan, organize and lead in activities (both physical and spiritual) for 7th graders through 12th graders as authorized within the church budget or as approved by the church. The Youth Minister will set the direction of the youth ministry within the guidelines of the church’s mission statement and the pastor’s supervision. The Youth Minister is to seek council, advice, and help in ministry needs from the pastor. If not satisfied after meeting with the pastor, or if differences arise that cannot be worked out, the Minister of Youth can meet with the Finance & Personnel Committee which will council, investigate, and bring a report to the Deacons for further action if needed. The Youth Minister is to submit a Youth Budget to the finance committee on or before the second Sunday in July. Life and actions are to be an example of Christian living before those within his charge. The Youth Minister is expected to be faithful in attendance to church and be supportive of all church ministries.

As a part time staff member, the Minister of Youth has 1 paid vacation Sunday per year after 1 year of ministry, 2 Sundays after 2 year of ministry, and 3 Sundays after 10 years of ministry. Any Sunday missed for actual sickness is paid. Any Sunday missed for personal days will not be paid. They will be expected to get someone to fill places of responsibilities in their absence and the church will pay for expenses, if any occur, for fill in. Salary for the Minister of Youth will be reviewed periodically. The church will pay for 1 ministry conference per year not to exceed $75 for tuition and expenses.

Salary for the Minister of Youth is listed in the monthly Financial Statement.

CHURCH TREASURER The church treasurer is to carefully receive, record and disburse all funds (except special accounts such as KFC, GMA, Youth, Children’s Ministry and Child Care) received by the church accordingly as authorized within the church budget, or as directed by the church body in conference. The treasurer will present a full financial report to the Deacon body and finance and personnel committee by their monthly meeting time and to the church in (THE QUARTERLY) conference. As funds get dangerously low the treasurer should call attention to financial needs and seek council from the Finance and Personnel Committee who will investigate the situation and bring a report to the Deacon Body who will in turn bring a recommendation to the church body of necessary steps to meet needs. This is to be done as quickly as possible in order to avert financial problems. The treasurer is expected to be faithful in attendance to church and be supportive of all church ministries.

Salary for the Church Treasurer will be determined periodically by the church body.

CHURCH SECRETARY The Church Secretary is to prepare and mail all church correspondence and newsletters as authorized by the pastor or church body. The secretary will organize and file all necessary church papers and documents. The secretary will file Sunday School records, and will keep individual class and general reports for 1 year, or as directed by the pastor or church body. The secretary will keep an updated church roll and update members manual as needed. The secretary will send out letters to visitors as visits are recorded, to new members, and on members birthdays. If any problem or need arises the church secretary is to seek council from the Finance and Personnel Committee.

Church Secretary pay will be reviewed periodically. Any additional hours requires approval by the Finance and Personnel Committee.

Refer to specific amounts in the monthly Financial Statement.

CHURCH HOUSEKEEPER (when position filled) The Church Housekeeper is to clean the entire church building once a week after Wednesday evening. Cleaning includes sweeping all floors, mop tile floors, vacuum carpeted areas, dust all tables, piano, and organ; clean up the kitchen and periodically clean out the refrigerator. All air conditioning and heating filters are to be changed monthly. Light bulbs will be changed as needed. They are not responsible to clean up after weddings, class parties or any special use of the church unless arrangement have been made in advance by those using church and any cost to special clean ups will be paid by responsible parties using church. If any problem arises the housekeeper is to seek council from the Finance and Personnel Committee. Salary is to be reviewed periodically. Refer to specific amounts in the monthly Financial Statement.

DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN ACADAMY, FIRST BAPTIST CURCH OF PALMER, INC. The director of Child Care ministries function is to oversee all aspects of FBCP. The director’s primary concern is the safety and nurturing of each child. The director must maintain a staff that realizes the importance of child care and the responsibilities placed upon them. It is the director’s duty to ensure that everything from child enrollment and parent communication to business practices and daily operations run smoothly and efficiently. The Director’s salary is reviewed and recommended by the Finance and Personal Committee. The salary is recommended to the Deacon Body to be brought before the church for approval. Refer to specific amounts in the monthly Financial Statement.


DEACON BODY The Board of Deacons serves the church in an advisory and service capacity. They meet monthly to discuss needs within the church in order to investigate and bring recommendations to the church body for action. The Board of Deacons serves along with the long-range planning committee looking to the future in order to accomplish the vision and ministry the Lord has given the church. A Deacon serves on the Ministry of Building and Grounds, Finance and Personnel Committee, and the Ministry of Music. The serving Deacon will bring recommendations from the ministries to the board who in turn will bring recommendations to the church if needed.

The duties of the Deacons are to assist the pastor and church staff in performing the task of leading the church towards its’ mission. Additional duties shall include; proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers alike, as well as for all, as stated below:

A. To assist and care for the needy and the sick.

B. To direct and care for the benevolence of the church such as:

1. the widows’ and orphans

2. the Benevolence/Outreach Fund has a maximum of $500 monthly. (Any amount above this requires the approval of the church body).

3. provide food and clothes for the needy when requested, if obtainable.

4. to approve and designate funds recommended by the Excess Tithes Committee.

C. To assist the Pastor with the Lord’s Supper.

Deacons are selected by the church body and serve as long as they remain qualified or health permits. The number of Deacons serving is determined by need and size of the congregation. As need arises for more Deacons the Board will bring recommendations to the church and the floor is opened for nominations from the church body. Each nominee is investigated for his qualifications. Qualifications for becoming a Deacon are those found in I Timothy 3:8 - 13 “Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given too much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless. Likewise their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things. Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.” After a period of being “set aside” usually 6 months, or as an Apprentice or Junior Deacon for a set time, an ordination service will be set for the purpose of ordaining the candidates as Deacon Servants of the Church. The Ordination service is a ceremony which publicly declares that the church has found these men are spiritually mature and meet the Biblical qualifications to serve as Deacons. The service also publicly declares the individual candidate’s commitment to serve the church as a Deacon, declaring a “calling” of the Lord to serve in this capacity. When men join who have served as Deacons in other churches, they will be set aside for a period of 6 months for observation. During this period of time the previous church served will be contacted for a recommendation. After the 6 month period, if he is found to be qualified, the Deacon will be recognized as a member of the Board.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS The president of the Board of Directors of FBCP will sign all legal documents as approved by the church. Review FBCP articles of incorporation in the State of Texas (part B).

If there are loans from a bank the board will submit to the bank the yearly board minutes of changes to personnel that are authorized to sign or be informed of church banking activities.

CHURCH CLERK The Church Clerk will carefully record all business recorded by the church. The clerk will keep a current church roll and will send letters of transferred membership and request for transfer of membership to other church. This is a volunteer position.

LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE The Long Range Planning Committee will be aware of and plan for the future physical building and property needs of the Church. When they become aware of these needs, they will evaluate the needs, secure a plan of action and submit this plan to the Deacon body who will review and bring recommendations to the Church body. This committee shall consist of five church members with one being a Deacon. A chairman will be elected by the group.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee will contact each person in the volunteer ministry by July 1st of each year to determine if they want to continue in their present position or desire to make a change. This committee will attempt to fill and/or make any necessary changes in these positions. They will also be aware of any changes or additional needs in volunteer ministry during the year. Any recommendations from this committee will be brought to the Finance and Personnel Committee who will review and bring recommendations to the Church body. All teachers nominated by this committee will be members of the Church. These positions must be filled annually by September 1st. This committee will consist of six Church members. A chairman will be elected by the group.

JUNIOR DIRECTOR (WHEN POSITION FILLED) The Junior director will organize parents of 3rd - 6th grade children for the purpose of planning activities for the children. The Junior Director works under the supervision of the Youth Minister.

KIDS 4 CHRIST (K4C) DIRECTOR The K4C director oversees the operation of the K4C. The director manages the K4C financial account. The Director enlists workers needed and promotes the ministry of K4C to the church. The director is to provide a financial and ministry report to the church monthly.

SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR The Sunday School Director oversees the operation of the Sunday School. The director sees that each class has a teacher and each teacher has supplies needed each week. The director rings the bell at 9:30 and at 10:35 to remind classes of time to begin and to close.

SUNDAY SCHOOL SECRETARY The Sunday School Secretary records the attendance and offerings of the Sunday School. The secretary works under the direction of the Sunday School Director.

GMA DIRECTOR The GMA Director oversees the operation of the GMA. The director manages the GMA financial account. The Director enlists workers needed and promotes the ministry of GMA’s to the church. The director is to provide a financial and ministry report to the church monthly.

NURSERY DIRECTOR The Nursery Director is to enlist volunteers to help in the nursery. The director is to report all needs to the Finance and Personnel Committee. The director is to see that the nursery rules are enforced. Hours will be 9:15 A. M. until 12:30 P.M and 4:45 P. M. until 6:15 P. M. and Wednesday evening services when needed.

TODDLER DIRECTOR - The Toddler Director will direct and enlists needed help to lead the 2 - 4 yr. old children in a time of worship during the A.M. Worship Hour. The director will lead in Bible Stories, worship songs, and teaching activities to teach the toddlers about our Lord and Savior. She will report all needs to the Sunday School Director.

SOUND TECHNICIAN The Sound Technician will see that the sound system is attended at all services. The technician is responsible to train assistants and schedule them to serve in his absence. The technician will tape the AM and PM worship services. The Sound Technician will present all needs to the Minister of Music.

INSTRUMENTALISTS The Instrumentalists will play in the worship services as needed. They will present all needs to the Minister of Music.

LIBRARIAN The Librarian will keep order and direction in the library. The librarian will purchase new books as funds are available. The librarian is to promote the library to the church and establish regular hours. The librarian is to appropriately mark all books given in memory or in honor of anyone and acknowledge receipt to donor. All needs should be reported to the Finance and Personnel Committee.

EXCESS TITHES COMMITTEE Make recommendations to the Deacon Body for the monthly excess tithes. The committee will consist of four members plus the pastor.

FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE It is the duty of the Finance and Personnel Committee to draft a budget to be presented to the Deacon body by July 15th each year. The department heads will provide to this committee all estimated financial needs by June 30th each year. The Deacon Board will approve and submit the final form to the Church Body for approval by August’s conference. This committee is to review finances monthly and make the Deacon Body aware of needs as they arise. This committee is to review the performance and needs of the paid personnel of the church (except for the Child Care Director). Any complaints against personnel are to be brought to this committee who will investigate and bring any needed recommendations to the Deacon Body. The Deacon Body will discuss and bring recommendations to the church if needed. In addition, salary review and approval for church and academy staff will be their responsibility.

BUILDING & GROUNDS COMMITTEE The Building and Grounds Committee will watch for needs to all of the church property. They will secure a plan of action to repair buildings and upkeep grounds and submit plan to the Deacon Body who will review and bring recommendations to the Church Body. This committee will schedule and promote work days around the church as needed. The Building and Grounds Committee has the authority to make necessary repairs on the building and grounds under $250 without the churches approval and in case of emergencies to respond immediately if necessary, and then at the next church service make the church aware of the emergency and action taken to correct it.

LIBRARY AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE - The Library and Memorial Committee will decide if not designated where memorials will be used in the ministry of the church. This committee is responsible to acknowledge receipts to donor and family of memorial and to see that the object of the memorial is purchased and put into place. The Library and Memorial committee will have memorial plaques made and put into place when needed. This committee will assist the Librarian in the purchase of books and the setting of rules for use of the Library. Refer to the Church staff chart page 6.


BENEVOLENCE COMMITTEE - The Benevolence Committee will contact any member of our church at the death of an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent, or sibling) and determine need of meals. The Chairperson will call the team leaders who will in turn contact members of committee in their charge. The Benevolence chairperson will notify the Treasurer when flowers for services are to be sent to the family.

Memorials are made in lieu of flowers at the family’s request. Cost will not exceed $35 plus FTD charges for out of town funerals.

PULPIT COMMITTEE – The pulpit committee shall be comprised of 6 members consisting of one deacon, one Board member, and four members of the congregation. The deacon in the pulpit committee will chair the committee. The church will hold nominations for the four church members after worship service. Selection of the four nominees will be held in private by the deacons. The chair may involve the assistant pastor to be available for his input. After selection of the pulpit committee, the chair will then address the congregation of their decision and vote for their approval.

If a member of the pulpit committee cannot serve or is needed to be replaced by the committee, it will be by consensus of the board and deacons. The committee will convene as directed by the deacon of the committee. The board and deacons will determine if a sixth member will be required to preserve the six member qualification for the pulpit committee.

YOUTH COMMITTEE - The Youth Committee will assist the Youth Minister in planning, organizing and helping with fund raisers.

CHILDRENS COMMITTEE - The Junior Committee will assist the Junior Director in planning, organizing and helping with functions for the Junior Department (grades 3rd - 6th). Junior Committee Personnel - Parents of Junior Department age children and interested adults.


Quarterly Business Meeting. Will be held on third Sunday of month by the congregation. After meeting will be after morning service and serving lunch. Meetings will be in November, February, May, and April.

Leadership Meeting. Second Sunday of each month. The meeting is comprised of (1) Finance and Personnel Committee, (2) Deacons, (3) Board of Directors, and any member that wishes to attend.

Annual Board Meeting. This meeting is to elect new board members with alternating two year terms. Three members will be elected one year , two members the next. They will meet in December and will take office on January 1. In 2014 there were two members voted to office. In 2015 there will be three members voted to office.

Church Ministries

SUNDAY SERVICES: Services begin at 9:30 a.m. We offer an age related Bible study and fellowship through our Sunday School. Morning worship

service beginning at 10:45 a.m. Evening worship services begin at 5:00 pm.

Children’s Minister – Will coordinate, assist and oversee all Children’s activities including but not limited to;

1. Nursery – to have a director who works through the children’s director to oversee the nursery ages of new born through 2 years of age.

2. Kids For Christ Program – We desire director(s) who work through the childrens director and over see our Wednesday night program for ages 5 through the 6th grade.

3. Childrens Sunday School – As class size needs are met those teachers work through the director for ages 2 years through 12 yrs.

4. Childrens Church – coordinate volunteers to teach and have activities for ages 3 years through 2 nd grade during the Sunday morning worship hours

5. Childrens activities – oversee the activities outside of the church including summer camps and fundraising.

6. GMA’s – Help the director with any needs to assist the GMA program.

7. Children’s committee – will utilize parents and interested adults to form a committee to assist in planning and implementing the Children’s department church year.

There will be two adults in the nursery and children’s church and Youth Ministry Leader. All volunteers and staff will have background checks.

KIDS FOR CHRIST CLUB (K4C)- meets Wednesday Evening at 6:30 P.M. K4C is for boys and girls age 3 - grade 6. This club teaches the Bible and scripture memorization through a system of rewards and merit. This is a time of fun for all.

GMA - meets as determined by GMA director. GMA is for girl’s grades 4 - 12. These girls learn scripture, Bible principles, and how the church is structured. It also incorporates rewards and merits.

Youth Group meets as determined by director.

First Baptist Church Palmer Christian Academy –The academy is a licensed Day Care facility. We teach the Bible to children in our care as well as the Christian curriculum.

Library - First Baptist has a well stocked Library filled with books, video and audio study material which is available to be check out by individuals.


Worship Music - Congregational singing, a blend of traditional hymns and worship choruses, in the Sunday morning and evening worship hour.

Adult Choir - Our Adult Choir sings special music periodically in the worship service. Each year the Adult Choir presents Christmas, Easter and Patriotic musicals.


Food Pantry - Housed within our building is a food pantry well stocked with can goods and non-perishable items available for people who find themselves in immediate need for food. Many people in our community and outlying area have

been helped by this ministry.

Christmas Baskets - Each year FBC sends out around 30 food baskets at Christmas to help folks in need. The baskets are very well stocked with a turkey or a ham, canned vegetables, eggs, butter, milk, and bread - enough food to accommodate for a week.

North Texas Food Bank - Every two weeks the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) delivers food to the church on Friday morning. The food is separated and prepared for distribution to the community the following Saturday.


Fellowship Committee will organize and prepare for church-wide fellowships. This committee will bring needs in the kitchen and fellowship hall area to the church’s attention. Regular fellowship times are: Adult Valentines Banquet, the week before Valentines Day, First Family Back To School Fellowship, (usually around the first of September); First Family Thanksgiving and Christmas Fellowship are to be decided annually.

FOOD PANTRY, BENEVOLENCE OUTREACH, and North Texas Food Bank MINISTRY DIRECTOR The Food Pantry and Benevolence Ministry Director will keep the Food Pantry clean, easy to use and will make needs known to the church. The Director will organize and direct Christmas Baskets collection and distribution.

SON SHINE MINISTRY - The Son Shine Minister will lead the Senior Adults in our community in activities and bible study. They will meet once a month and have lunch together. Trips will be planned from time to time. The minister will report needs to the Finance and Personnel Committee.


Collective Worship - We assemble each Sunday at 10:45 A.M. and again at 5:00 p.m. for a time of worship. The worship services consist of congregational singing a blended collection of traditional, contemporary, and worship choruses, along with the preaching of God’s Word. It is the purpose of each worship service to bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to center our focus upon Him. Also, worship is to instruct us in His Word. It is a time of spiritual fellowship. The scriptures instruct us “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25 NKJV).

Toddler Worship - Each Sunday morning toddlers (18 mos - 2yrs.) meet for a time of special Bible Study, songs, activities, and making take home sheets.

Children’s Worship - Each Sunday morning children ages 3 through the 2nd grade assemble for a special time at the altar. A short Bible story will be discussed by an adult. To close, one of the children will lead in prayer. Following this time, the children will assemble in another part of our building for an age related time of worship.

TEACHING MINISTRY - The Teaching Ministry Team are responsible to study, prepare to teach, and to promote their class to prospective students.

Sunday School Classes are as follows: Nursery; Beginners; Primary K-2nd grade; Middle Girls 3rd-6th grade; Young Texans (boys) 3rd-6th grade; Girls Youth; Boys Youth; Young Adult/College/Career; Adult Co-ed 30+; Love One Another Ladies 30+; Homemakers Ladies 66+; Men’s 30+. Each class has a teacher and an assistant.


The church allows use of the fellowship hall and church building for funerals, weddings, and special events under these guidelines:

Church Policies

WEDDINGS - In order to establish a uniform and regular practice with regard to weddings at First Baptist Church Palmer, and to make available to all interested parties the accepted custom of this church, the following procedures have be instituted. For definition of marriage see Part. 1V Policy and Relationships, By Laws Constitution, section three of the church manual.


Those who desire to use the facilities of the church, shall be interviewed by the pastor, and may use the building, subject to his approval. In the event the church does not have a pastor, the Chairman of the Board of Deacons and one other Deacon of his choosing shall assume this responsibility. It is understood that those using the facilities will abide by existing policies.



The family of the Bride is responsible for seeing that the Floral Decoration Policies listed below are followed:

1. Only drip less candles may be used and must be placed in candelabrum to prevent dripping on the floor or carpet.

2. All candelabrums must have a piece of plastic under them to prevent the soiled places on the carpet.

3. Any wax on the carpet caused by candles will be removed by a professional carpet cleaning firm at the expense of the Bride’s family.

4. No decorations may be attached in any way to the building or furniture in a manner that will cause damage to the surface.

a. Florists shall be responsible for the protection of carpet and furniture in connection with the use of candles.

5. All floral decorations shall be removed immediately following the ceremony, unless contrary to prior arrangements with the Church Staff.

6. The Church reserves the right to restrict florists who violate the floral regulations of FBC.

7. Seasonal wall decorations will remain in place.


The Pastor of FBC requests that any couple desiring his ministry in a wedding must contact him for a consultation prior to setting the wedding date. The Pastor also requires at least two pre-marital counseling sessions involving the couple and the Pastor. Please schedule these two appointments with the Pastor as soon as possible in planning your wedding.

In the event that one or both of the parties desiring to be joined in marriage have been divorced, the Pastor will discuss this subject in the consultation. The availability of the Pastor to marry a couple may depend on this discussion. If this will cause any unpleasantness at the time, please discuss it among yourselves and possibly with the Pastor.


Music used in connection with the ceremony should be in keeping with the sacredness and dignity of the wedding service. Music arrangements must be approved by the Music Director and/or the Pastor.


Members and Non – members of the Church family desiring to have a reception following the ceremony may do so. Arrangements must be made with the Church Office.

Costs for;

Use of building for weddings is as follows:

Rental fee for building

Members Non-Members

$0 $500

Cleanup (a deposit for cleanup must be made of $300. If you clean up satisfactorily, this will be refunded.

$0 $300

Sound technician (must use our sound tech.)

$0 $50

Ministers Services

As you feel led $100

Facilities Coordinator

$0 $50

All rental and deposit fees shall be paid upon scheduling.

Kitchen - You must provide for your own utensils and paper products/china. You must clean kitchen and clear out kitchen of all usage on day of use. Nothing is to be put in or left in the church refrigerators or freezers.

No alcoholic beverages are allowed on any of the church properties.

No dancing except for a father/daughter dance and a groom/bride dance is allowed.

All trash from event is to be taken out of building to dumpster.

All cleaning of facility is to be completed the day of the event.

Funerals - The church is available for Funerals to all church members and their close family members without any charge. Non-members may use the church with approval of the pastor and upon availability of the building. Anyone conducting the funeral must be approved by the pastor. The pastor stands ready to conduct funerals for any church member as his schedule will allow and to non-members as his schedule will allow and according to his personal convictions. The Funeral director will be responsible to clean up after service and make sure that everything is left as it was found.

MARRIAGE RENEWAL - The church is available to church members for marriage renewal at no charge upon approval by the Pastor. The Pastor will be available to conduct renewal service according to his personal convictions and availability. Anyone who conducts renewal service must be approved by the pastor. Same conditions as given for weddings are used for marriage renewal. The same fees for non-members are in place for building use and pastor as recorded for marriages.

BABY OR CHILD DEDICATION SERVICE A service to dedicate a child to the Lord is encouraged and available upon the request of the parents and the approval of the Pastor according to availability of time requested. Pastor will conduct dedication service during an evening worship service, or at a special service as requested according to availability and his personal convictions. Because baptism is an act of obedience after salvation, and there is no evidence, mention of, or example of any baby’s baptism given in the Bible, First Baptist Church will not baptize infants as a part of a dedication service.

GENERAL USE OF THE CHURCH BUILDING (EXCLUDING THE ABOVE) - Church building can be used upon approval of the Deacon Body. These rules apply for anyone using church building:

1. Absolutely no alcohol is to be consumed or served anywhere on church property.

2. No profane language is to be used.

3. No music with lyrics that are contrary to the teaching of the church (profane language, sex, or drinking of alcohol mentioned in them) is to be played in the church.

4. No food or drinks are to be carried into the sanctuary at any time for any reason.

5. For members of the church a fee of $0 and non-members a fee of $100/hr will be charged.

USE OF CHURCH EQUIPMENT- All church furniture and equipment shall remain in the building.

USE OF CHURCH VAN OR BUS - The van and bus are used primarily by the Christian Academy. They are available for use by the church when not in use by Child Care. The Christian Academy pays for minor repairs and upkeep. Any major expenses may be shared by the church. For church use the Christian Academy must be contacted in advance to schedule. Use of van and bus are restricted to child care and church related activities. When a group from the church uses the van they will fill the gas tank as they leave, if needed and turn receipt into the child care to be reimbursed. They will also fill the tank upon return and turn that gas ticket into the church to be reimbursed.

COPIER AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT - The church copier and equipment are available for the preparation of material for church use. Personal use of the copier is available at the cost of 10c per copy (limited to a few copies per occurrence). No equipment is to be taken out of church office without approval of pastor or church secretary. Equipment taken MUST be returned immediately after use.

SPONSORS FEES FOR YOUTH ACTIVITIES - The church will pay for the Youth Ministers fee and the fee for one sponsor for every ten young people (or as needed for boys and girls under the same ratio), to youth related activities not to exceed 3 events per year.

PAYING EVANGELIST, PULPIT FILL IN, AND SPEAKERS - It is the policy of the church to pay for pulpit supply $50 per service and plus IRS approved mileage rate for miles traveled over 50. Revival Speakers will be paid as determined by the annual budget.




It is the mission of FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY to provide a safe, loving, educational environment for your child. Your child is cared for by state approved workers in highly structured and supervised classes. The teachers are here to provide the best in care and education for your child. The teachers attend workshops and training seminars regularly, so they can provide the very best for your child.

Snacks are served daily. We serve breakfast and an afternoon snack, there is no additional charge for the meals. We strive to teach good table manners, prayers, and good nutritional eating habits at our Academy.

FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY provides transportation to and from Palmer Schools.

FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY in accordance with federal law and United States Dept of Agriculture is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, or disability and provides equal opportunity for all students. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Civil Rights Office, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington D.C 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY provides care for school age students. FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY proudly teaches from the Bible. Your child will be taught scriptures, stories from the Bible, Bible verses and songs about God. No child will be emotionally pushed into joining any church or accepting any denominational doctrine, but each child will be expected to participate in the Bible lessons and songs.

FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY is owned and operated as a ministry of The First Baptist Church of Palmer, Inc..

Board of Directors: Chairman Tommy Clark

Paul Burns

Stephen Pierce

Robert Trojacek

Blake Wisdom

Director: JoAnn Wisdom

Teacher: Brenda Colston

Nora Jaramillo


A complete application for enrollment along with a medical history, immunization record and emergency medical authorization from must be completed and kept on file for each child enrolled. FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY will notify parents in writing prior to any changes in enrollment policies. No child will be admitted without being signed in by the parent of person bringing them into the center. No child will be released from the center unless signed out by the parent or authorized person picking them up. Sign In and Out sheets are located in the front entrance table. All children must enter and exit the Academy through the front door. Parents are to sign sheet with first and last name. (No Initials)

The FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY release policy is that only authorized persons will be allowed to pick up children. All authorized persons should be listed on the child’s enrollment form. Any authorized person picking up your child should be ready to provide picture identification upon request. Children will not be released to an unauthorized person or someone without proper identification. If parents are divorced or separated and one parent is not allowed to see or pick up a child, a certified copy of the court order of Final Judgment must be on file in the child care office.

If the Academy provides transportation to or from school, please contact the Academy center as early as possible when child is absent from school or not riding the Academy transportation. If you have made other arrangements for your child, please have in writing and signed. We will file written arrangements, and if arrangements are consecutive days this will be the procedure.


Parents are welcome to visit the Academy at anytime during our operating hours. We would encourage parents to always feel free to come by, call or email us with questions, concerns, problems, compliments or suggestions or just to check on your child. General information for parents will be given through letters or by having it posted at the classroom doors or in the front hallway. Parents are also encouraged to participate in any of the Academy activities or field trips.

Parents, please have all your child’s personal belongings marked with their name on them, especially jackets, sweaters, backpacks/bags. Each child will have his/ her own personal storage place; Please, always have a change of clothes at the Academy for your child. Toys and games are allowed on breaks and summer. First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy is not responsible for any loss or stolen items. If FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY should have an animal in the classroom, parents will be notified in advance.

All children at First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy are expected to be courteous, respectful, kind, and to obey the day care rules. The teachers at the daycare are trained to handle disciplinary problems in a positive way. Discipline is to teach a child proper behavior not to punish or embarrass them. If a teacher cannot handle the situation, a time out of the classroom may be used. It may also mean losing certain privileges, such as recess. If their discipline problems continue a referral will be written and the parent will be notified, and we will work together with the parent to help resolve discipline problems.

A copy of the most recent Licensing inspection report is located in the director’s office along with a copy of the minimum standards for childcare. If a parent needs to notify state licensing they may contact the local licensing office at, or by calling 972-937-0892. The PRS Child Abuse Hotline is 1-800-252-5400.

Under the Texas Penal Code, any area within 1000 feet of a child-care center is a gang-free zone, where criminal offenses related to organized criminal activity are subject to harsher penalty.


Children who have a contagious, communicable disease or a child with an abnormal temperature MUST NOT be brought to the day care, until the child has been fever free for 24 hours. Since there are not facilities to care for sick children, anyone who becomes ill will be isolated, and the parents will be notified immediately to pick up their child. A certificate of approval must accompany readmission from, a child that has recovered from a communicable disease by the child’s physician. Please do not bring your sick child into the daycare. Bringing a sick child to daycare causes others to become ill, possible missed work and additional medical bills and puts our staff at risk. We appreciate you helping keep First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy a safe and healthy place for all of our children.

If a child is sick and is going to be absent, please notify the Director.

A written statement from the physician or parent must authorize any medication given to a child while in care at FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY. All types of medication must remain in the original container indicating the child’s name, type of medication; date prescribed and amounts and times of dosage. This statement must be renewed each day that medication is brought for administration to the child.


The staff of FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY, has been trained in Basic First Aid and CPR for children and adults, in accordance with state regulatory rules. Our facility is equipped with First Aid Kits that meet state requirements.

In the event of a medical emergency, I give my permission to FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY to take whatever emergency measures are judged necessary for the care and protection of my child while under the supervision of the program. I understand that I will be contacted at the earliest possible time.

In case of medical emergency, I understand that my child will be transported to Ennis Regional Hospital by local emergency unit for treatment at my expense, if the local emergency resource (Police Rescue Squad) deems it necessary.


Parents MUST bring the student into the building, to an employee. Students may not be sent inside the Academy unattended. Employees may not send students out to the parents. This policy is for the safety of your child.

TUITION AND RATE SCHEDULE –effective 8/23/2010

Before School Only $ 50.00 per week

After School Care $ 63.00 per week

Before and After School Care $ 73.00 per week

Drop In $ 30.00 per day

Summer Care $ 95.00 per week

A 10% discount is given to second child and a 15% discount is given to the third or more children.

Our annual enrollment date is August 1st. All enrollment forms must be updated and the annual enrollment fee is due on August 15th. This enrollment fee secures an opening for your child. The enrollment fee is $40.00 for one child or $60.00 for two or more children enrolled from the same household. Tuition is due in ADVANCE on Monday of each week. Weekly accounts are delinquent on Monday afternoon of each week and a $5.00 late fee will be assessed and the child/children will not be admitted for care on Tuesday. Tuition is due for the entire week regardless of attendance. EXCEPTION: If school is notified daily of child’s absence and a doctors statement of child’s illness accompanies child’s return to school, then $10.00 per day will be deducted from the next weeks tuition.

FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY is open from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. & 2:00 pm-6:30 pm, Monday-Friday through the entire year, except for the posted holidays listed below. FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY closes at 6:30 p.m. daily. Late fees will be assessed and due on late day as follows: 6:35-6:45- $5.00 per child, $1.00 per minute after 6:45 will be charged, unless the center is notified of an emergency by 6:45 then charges will be $5.00 per every 15 minutes after notification. Authorities will be contacted at 7:00 p.m., if the parents have not contacted the center. First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy has the right to change tuition rates at the time of the school breaks and summer months. A student is given a weeks vacation after a full year of enrollment. The vacation week entitles the student to be out without tuition being owed for that week. The parent may use this week during any school break or summer if desired. If any student drops for a week or weeks during a school break or during the summer there will be an enrollment fee upon return. When a student drops the enrollment date starts over when re-enrolling.

First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy is a before and after school program and operates according to the Palmer ISD schedule. In the case of a closing due to bad weather, First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy will be closed. If there is a delay due to weather the Academy will operate and transport the children the schools. In the case of a late closing due to weather the director will notify each parent and the child will need to be picked up from the Academy in a timely manner. Additional fees will be due otherwise. Pick up because of late school closing is due to the Academy not serving lunch during the school year. Early release due to bad weather, the Academy will pick up according to early release time. The Academy will be closed in the stated Holidays and when Palmer ISD is closed due to bad weather. If the Christmas Holiday falls on a Sunday the Academy will be closed the following Monday. Please watch the news channels available for closings in the Palmer School district.


New Years Eve

New Year’s Day Thanksgiving

Good Friday Day after Thanksgiving

Memorial Day Christmas Eve

Independence Day Christmas Day

Labor Day

First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy Policy Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I have been given a copy of the FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY Parent’s Guide, which contains the policies of the daycare center. I understand these policies and agree to adhere to these policies. I understand that my will be taught a well-rounded curriculum, which includes study of the Bible. I agree to abide by the time schedule of the center. I accept the policies and regulations of the FIRST BAPTIST PALMER CHRSTIAN ACADEMY and release it from liabilities for injuries or illnesses resulting from conditions or circumstances beyond its control.

______________________________ ___________________________

Parent Signature Date Parent Signature Date




1. By profession of faith and for baptism according to the policies of this Church,

2. By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist Church,

3. By “statement” of prior conversion experience and scriptural baptism (immersion as an act of obedience after a. salvation experience.) in a New Testament Church, when no letter is obtainable.

4. Candidates for membership (as in 1—3) will be confirmed by “simple” majority vote of members present and voting. Should there be any dissent as to any candidate, such dissent shall be referred to the Pastor, and/or Deacons for investigation and a recommendation shall be made to the Church within thirty (30) days. Furthermore, the Pastor shall have the “final” authority as to such decision. A “simple’ three-fourths vote of those members present and voting shall be required to elect such candidates for membership.

C. New Member Orientation

New members of this Church are encouraged to participate in a new member orientation when offered.

D. Rights of Members

These are rights that all members of this Church body possess, unless, otherwise revoked; they are as follows:

1. Every member of this Church is entitled to vote all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the member is present.

2. Every member of this Church is eligible for consideration by the membership as a candidate for elective offices in this church body (within the realm of Biblical qualifications where applicable).

F. Termination of Membership

Membership shall be terminated “only” in the following ways;

1. Death of member;

2. Dismissal to another Baptist or church of like faith;

3. Exclusion by action of this Church;

4. Removal upon proof of membership in a church of — like faith and order.

G. Marriages

The church will abide by two rules. The Texas Pastor Protection Act Bill 2065 emplaced in May,2015 and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) guidelines.

Marriages will be performed according to the ADFguidelines as follows:

“We believe that the term ‘marriage’ has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. who are married to each other.

“We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.

“We believe that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or any attempt to change one’s sex, is sinful and offence to God.

“We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of the church as the local Body of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to the church and community, it is imperative that all persons employed by the church in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, should abide by and agree to this Statement on Marriage and Sexuality and conduct themselves accordingly.

“We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

“We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with scripture nor the doctrines of the church.”

H. Discipline

Let it be known to all persons, should some serious condition exist in this Church, which would cause a member to become a liability to the general welfare of this Church; the Pastor, and or Deacons will take every reasonable measure to resolve the problem(s), in accordance with Matthew, chapter 18, verses 15—1.9, with much prayer. These proceedings shall be pervaded with a spirit of Christian kindness, and forbearance. However, should it become necessary for this Church to take further action, the following would apply:

1. A recommendation for exclusion shall be made by the Pastor and or Deacons to this Church body with full reasons at a regularly stated church conference.

2. A three—fourths, 75% (seventy—five percent) vote from the members present will be required. The Church may then proceed to declare such person to be no longer in the membership of this Church. Should the vote not be the required vote necessary to revoke such persons membership, then such process reverts back to Matthew, chapter, verse 15—19, with much prayer. Should the problem(s) still not be resolved then the Pastor and or Deacons may then proceed to declare such person to no longer retain membership in this Church without further adieu.


Any and all who serve as officers, in this Church and those who serve on church committees shall be

members of this church.


A. The Pastor

The qualifications of the Pastor will be those enumerated in I Timothy 3:1—7, 4:12; and Titus 2:15.

1. The Pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a “New Testament” church. The pastor will lead the congregation, and will assist the church staff to ensure

proficiency in performing their task.

2. The Pastor is the leader of the pastoral ministries in the church. As such, he works with the Deacons and the church staff to:

( a) lead the church in the achievement of its’ mission

(b) proclaim the gospel - “good news” to believers and non—believer’s alike;

(c) care for the members of this Church body and other people of the community.

3. A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. The election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, of which at least one week’s public notice has been given.

4. The Pastor Search Committee shall be elected by the church according to these Bylaws’; under article II; Church Officers; A. Pastor; section 3.

Furthermore, this committee shall seek out a suitable pastor and its recommendations will constitute a nomination however, the following shall apply as well:

(a) any member has the privilege of. submitting a written nomination to the Pastor Search Committee providing the nominee meets the requirements as set forth in these Bylaws; under article II; A. Pastor.

(b) the Pastor Search Committee shall bring to the consideration of the church, one name at a time.

(c) the election shall be by secret ballot, and by members with a three—fourths, 75% (seventy—five percent) of those present being necessary for a confirmation.

(d) the Pastor elected shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his request, or misconduct which would be .a breach of the requirement to serve as Pastor; as set forth in these Bylaws under article II; Church Officers; A. Pastor; section 4, paragraph d; sub-paragraph 2; would be invoked; causing such vacancy. Moreover, the need to fill such vacancy for the position of pastor would be as follows:

1. The Pastor may relinquish the office by giving at least two weeks notice, thus, the Church may declare, the office of pastor vacant. .

2. If the Pastor has been wrought in misconduct, and or false doctrine in accordance with John 7:24; and it has been proven that such claims are true; then 1 Timothy 5:19,20, and Matthew 18:15-19; shall be invoked. However, due to the severity and nature of such infraction, if not resolved after much prayer; then Deacons shall declare the office of pastor vacant. Such termination or vacancy would be directed as follows:

(a) Such action shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, of which at least one week’s public notice has been given,

(b) such a meeting would be called upon the recommendation of a majority of the Deacons, at least two—thirds (required), an or by written petition of the members signed by, not less than three—fourths, 75% (seventy—five percent) of the members of this Church body, if there are less than three, (3) active Deacons in this Church.

(c) The moderator of this meeting shall be the chairman of the Deacons if he is not available, then an active member “present” shall be designated by majority vote.

(d) The vote to declare the office of pastor vacant shall be by “secret” ballot, an. affirmative vote of three-fourth, 75% (seventy—five percent) of members present shall

be necessary to declare the office vacant.

(e) an interim pastor ( a temporary position), shall serve as pastor of this Church, as long as he is chosen according to these Bylaws; under article II; Church Officers;

A. Pastor; paragraphs 1-3 and 4; sub—paragraphs a, b, and c. However, upon the completion of the choosing and calling of a “permanent” pastor according to

these Bylaws; under article II Church Officers; A. Pastor; section 3, the interim—pastor must vacate the office of Pastor immediately.

B. The Ministerial Staff

The ministerial staff shall be called and employed by the Church body as the growth/regression of the church determines the need for such offices. All staff members shall be elected by simple majority note of the members present and voting. Furthermore, all job descriptions shall be approved by the Church body. At the time of resignation, at least two weeks notice should be given to the church staff. If the church votes to vacate such positions upon recommendation from the Deacons, such termination would be effective immediately.

1. The Office of Youth Minister.

(a) The Youth. Minister is to be responsible for organizing and developing a comprehensive educational and fellowship program for the Youth Department of this Church. He is to oversee planning and activities of this department. He is to see that all activities are kept in good taste and in keeping with good testimony for our Church.

(b) The Youth Minister will have the authority to set times of fellowship and youth activities. He will have the authority to purchase necessary materials approved within the Youth Department Budget and availability of funds. The Minister of Youth will be responsible and accountable to the church and will be under the direct supervision of the pastor.

(c) salary and benefits of the youth minister to be set by simple majority of those present voting in church conference.

2. The Office of Music Minister

(a) The Music Minster will be responsible for assisting the church in planning, conducting and, evaluating a comprehensive music ministry. He will coordinate the church music ministry with the calendar and emphases of the church. The Music Minister will assist the pastor in planning congregational services of the church and will be responsible for the selection of the music. The Music Minister will organize graded choirs for the purpose of aiding in the congregational singing and special music in each worship service.

(b) The Music Minister will have the authority to establish times of practice and select the music for the Adult Choir and congregational singing in church services appropriate to the direction and general goals of worship as established by the Church under the direction of the pastor. He will be responsible and accountable to the church and will be under the direct supervision of the pastor.

(c) salary benefits of the music minister will be set by simple majority of those present and voting in conference.

*Youth and Music Minister may be combined for one Staff Member.

3. Missions Director

4. Children’s Director

C. The Non-Ministerial Staff

The non-ministerial staff shall be elected by the church in conference by a simple majority of those present and voting. Any salaries or benefits will be decided upon by the church body in conference by a simple majority. The non-ministerial staff will be subject to the church and will be under the direct supervision of the pastor and/or Deacons.

D. The Office of First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy Director

The Director of First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy will be elected by and be responsible to the First Baptist Church Inc. Board of Directors according to the qualifications as set out by the policies and. bylaws of the First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy. The Director’s salary and benefits will be set by the Board Members. All employees of the First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy will be elected or terminated according to the policies and bylaws of the First Baptist Palmer Christian Academy.

E. The Office of Deacon

The qualification for the office of Deacon will be those enumerated in-l Timothy 3:8-13 The office of Deacon is an honorable office in the church, however, a Deacon is a help-mate to the pastor in all aspects of the church to ensure the good welfare of the church and it’s members.

In case of vacancy in the office of pastor, then the Deacons have full responsibility of the direction, leadership, and control of all aspects of the church operation until such time as the vacancy is filled.

Additional qualifications and definitions are as follows:

1. The number of active Deacons shall be at least one Deacon for every 25-40- resident church members when qualified men are available.

2. Classification

a. the inactive Deacon

(1) Deacons who by choice do not desire to serve any longer as an active- Deacon in the church.

(2) Deacons who have been transferred to the inactive list by vote of the members of this church body because of breach of duties as set forth in these Bylaws under article .11; Church Officers; section D. Deacons; paragraph

b. the active Deacon.

The active Deacon shall be elected by the members of this church body at a regular business meeting.

(1) a man who is elected that has never been ordained as a Deacon will be set aside by the church for a term of six months during which time his life will be examined for qua1ifications of Deacon according these Bylaws under article II Church Officers; section D; Deacons; paragraph 1. At which time if the church is satisfied they will duly ordain said candidate,

(2) a man who joins this church from another church of like faith and order who is ordained and has been serving as an active Deacon in the church he transferred his membership from, will be set aside for a period of six months. During, this time a committee from the Deacon body will be elected by the Deacons to investigate the candidate as to his qualifications and usefulness in the church he previously served in. At the end of said time “set aside” the Deacon body will bring recommendation to the church body in conference and they will elect the candidate as an active member by a simple majority of those voting.

3. The Duties

The Deacons duties are to assist the pastor and church staff in performing the task of leading the church towards it’s mission. Additional duties’ shall include; proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers alike, as well as for all, as stated below:

a. to assist and care for the needy and the sick

b. to direct and care for the benevolence of the church such as;

(1) the widows’ and orphans

(2) the benevolence fund

(3) provide food and clothes for the needy when requested if obtainable.

c. to assist the Pastor with the Lord’s Supper

H. Board of Directors. Refer to the Articles of Incorporation.

Five members shall be elected by this Church to serve an indefinite term by three—fourths, 75% (seventy-five percent) vote of present membership are subject of removal only for misconduct, death, or lack of participation.

1. they shall the authority to hold in trust the properties of the church and, shall execute all deeds, debenture, mortgages, liens, transfers and other legal items of concern for and on behalf of this church.

2. they shall NOT have the authority to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, transfer, trade, or encumber any property of this church without a specific vote of the church authorizing such an action.

1. qualifications— trustee must be a member in good standing the First Baptist Church of Palmer.

2. they shall have the authority, to hire, and terminate employees, according to qualifications and duties as found in the Policies and Bylaws of the Palmer Christian Child Care and Day School. They will set policies and tuition for Child Care.

First Baptist Church, Palmer is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, and educational purposes including the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

No part of the net earnings of the church shall inure’ to the benefit of, or be distributive to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons. except that the church shall authorize and empower to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and - distributions in furtherance of the purposes set into. No substantial part of the activities of the church shall be carrying on of propaganda. Not withstanding any other provision of these articles, the church shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a church exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States L) or,” (b) by a Church, contributions which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of. the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Upon the dissolution of the church the board of trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the church, dispose of all assets of the church exclusively for the purpose of the Church in such a manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated ecc1usively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Revenue Law), as the board of trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of Common Pleas of the County in which the principle office of the church is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

I. Child Abuse Prevention Policy & Procedure

The disturbing and traumatic rise of abuse in children in our nation has touched all areas of our society. Unfortunately, churches that have children and student programs are not immune from this alarming trend. As a result of this, ________ Baptist Church has put into effect the following policy which is applicable to all employees of the church, deacons, activity leaders, teachers and any other member working with children/students entrusted to our care. This policy reflects our commitment to provide a positive environment for all children, students, teachers, and volunteers who participate in church-sponsored activities.

Screening Procedures

1. The church's primary screening procedure for new employees and volunteer workers involves the completion of an application form .

• This application must be reviewed by the CAP Committee .

• Refusal to consent to a criminal background check will disqualify an applicant from being utilized in volunteer or paid positions which involve contact with children. Any staff or deacon who refuses to consent to a criminal background check will be removed from his/her position.

• Any applicant with a felony conviction for either child abuse, sexual abuse, or physical abuse cannot be engaged in any capacity that would bring them into contact with children or students.

2. New members to the ___________ Baptist Church congregation will be subject to a six-month waiting period before being utilized in volunteer positions which involve contact with children.

• Exceptions to the six-month waiting period may be permitted on a case-by­ case basis provided a letter of recommendation from the leadership from the worker's former congregation is verified. A copy of the recommendation will be placed in the worker's file.

3. A file will be maintained on each individual who completes a worker's application. All materials in a worker's file including, but not limited to the application, records of any contacts with churches, work or personal references, criminal background checks or interview notes will be held in strict confidence by the church.


1. All workers shall be required to attend training session(s) throughout the year.


These guidelines are designed:

• to reduce the risk of abuse occurring during organized church activities

• to guide the conduct of workers so that even the appearance of our conduct is above reproach and without any hint of suspicious behavior or cause for concern

1. Every attempt will be made to have two (2) workers with children or students at all time

during church activities, on or off church property.

• The "two worker rule" prohibits ONE worker from being in an isolated setting

with a child or group of children without another worker present.

• Observation of this rule serves not only to protect the child, but also to protect

the worker against the possibility of false accusation .

2. When only one worker is available, the door will be left open and the attendance worker will stop by this room at least twice more prior to the end of class.

3. A worker should not visit in seclusion with a child or take a child out on a one-on-one basis . In activities where there is a legitimate reason for being alone with a child or student (for example pastoral counseling), the activity must be conducted in a place where there are other people nearby to observe the activity OR another adult may be asked to be present during the session.

4. Supervision should be maintained after an event until all children are in the custody of

the parent, legal guardian or someone designated by the parent or legal guardian. Two workers should remain until all children are in the custody of the parent or legal guardian.

5. Corporal punishment of any kind by a worker is never appropriate in the church setting.

6. Ministers or deacons may make unannounced visits into classrooms or other programs.

Some children/students have been admonished by their parents to be leery of touching by anyone. Do not force affection on any child/student. If a child/student pulls away, even with several adults present, respect the child's/student's wishes at all time.


1. The Texas Family Code states:

Section 261.101. Persons Required to Report; Time To Report.

a) A person having cause to believe that a child's physical or mental health or welfare has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect by any person shall immediately make a report as provided by subchapter.

b) (first of two) If a professional has cause to believe that a child has been or may be

abused or neglected, the professional shall make a report not later than the 481

hour after the hour the professional first suspects that the child has been or may be abused or neglected. A professional may not delegate to or rely on another person to make the report. In this subsection, "professional" means an individual who is licensed or certified by the state or who is an employee of a facility licensed, certified, or operated by the state and who, in the normal course of official duties or duties for which a license or certification is required , had direct contact with children. The term includes teachers, nurses, doctors, day-care employees, juvenile probation officers, and juvenile detention or correctional officers.

(b) (second of two) If a professional has cause to believe that a child has been

abused or neglected or that a child is a victim of an offense under Section 21.11, Penal Code, and that the professional has cause to believe that the child has been abused as defined by Section 261.001, the professional shall

make a report not later than the 481

hour after the hour the professional

first suspects that the child has been or may be abused or neglected or is a victim of an offense under Section 21.11, Penal Code. A professional may not delegate to or rely on another person to make the report. In this subsection, "professional" means an individual who is licensed or certified by the state or who, in the normal course of official duties or duties for which a license or certification is required, had direct contact with children. The term includes teachers, nurses, doctors, day-care employees, and employees of a clinic or health care facility that provides reproductive services.

c) The requirement to report under this section applies without exception to an

individual whose personal communication may otherwise be privileged , including an attorney, a member of the clergy, a medical practitioner , a social worker, a mental health professional , and an employee of a clinic or health care facility that provides reproductive services.

d) The identity of an individual making a report under this chapter is confidential

and may be disclosed only on the order of a court rendered under Section 261 .2Q 1 or to a law enforcement officer for the purposes of conducting a criminal investigation of the report.

Section 261.102. Persons Required to Report; Time To Report.

A report should reflect the reporter's belief that a child has been or may be abused or neglected or has died of abuse or neglect.

Section 261.103. Report Made to Appropriate Agency.

A report shall be made to :

a) any local or state law enforcement agency;

(b) the department if the alleged or suspected abuse involves a person

responsible for the care, custody, or welfare of the child;

c) the state agency that operates, licenses, certifies, or registers the facility in which the alleged abuse or neglect occurred; or

d) the agency designated by the court to be responsible for the protection of children.

Section 261.106. Immunities

a) A person acting in good faith who reports or assists in the investigation of a report of alleged child abuse or neglect or who testifies or otherwise participates in a judicial proceeding arising from a report, petition, or investigation of alleged child abuse or neglect is immune from civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed .

b) Immunity from civil and criminal liability extends to an authorized volunteer of the department or a law enforcement officer who participates at the request of the department in an investigation of alleged or suspected abuse or neglect or in an action arising from an investigation if the person was acting in good faith and in the scope of the person's responsibilities .

c) A person who reports the person's own abuse or neglect of a child or who

acts in bad faith or with malicious purpose in reporting alleged child abuse or neglect is not immune from civil or criminal liability.

Section 261.107. False Report; Penalty.

(a) (first of two) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly or intentionally makes a report as provided in this chapter that the person knows is false or lacks factual foundation. The first offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor; a subsequent offense under this section is a state jail felony.

a) (second of two) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly or

intentionally makes a report as provided in this chapter that the person knows is false or lacks factual foundation . An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor unless it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person has previously been convicted under this section, in which case the offense is a state jail felony.

b) (first of two) A report under this section which was made prior to or during a suit affecting the parent-child relationship and in which is contained accusations that the court determines the accuser knew to be false or lacking factual foundation, may be grounds for the court to modify the

parent-child relationship to restrict further access to the child by the accuser.

Section 261.109. Failure To Report; Penalty.

1. (a) A person acting in good faith who reports or assists in the investigation of a report of alleged child abuse or neglect or who testifies or otherwise participates in a judicial proceeding arising from a report, petition, or investigation of alleged child abuse or neglect is immune from civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed .

(b) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.

2. All allegations of child abuse will be taken seriously and acted upon . All situations will be handled in accordance with local law, and so far as possible, with due respect for the privacy and confidentiality of all parties concerned. Those persons involved will cooperate fully with civil authorities while at the same time extending genuine care to all.

3. The care and safety of the alleged victim is the first priority. The accused, if confronted, should not be confronted until the safety of the child is secured and the proper governmental entity or agency informed.

4. If an investigation of the worker is conducted by the appropriate governmental entity or

agency and if the accused is a volunteer or a paid employee, that person will be relieved temporarily of duties (with pay, if a paid employee) until the investigation is concluded.

5. Any person found to have engaged in child abuse or inappropriate behavior toward a child/student shall be subject to immediate dismissal.


1. Every minister, deacon and employee assigned in the areas of children and student ministry is responsible for carrying out the provisions set forth in this policy.

2. In addition to all volunteers working with children or students, this policy applies to all

paid church personnel and deacons whether or not they are specifically assigned to a children's or student's area of ministry.

3. All volunteer workers working with children or student and all paid church personnel must familiarize themselves with and abide by the provisions set forth within the policy .


The goal of this policy is the prevention of abuse, molestation and exploitation of children and student, and the protection of our workers. Young victims have little or no power to stop or prevent abuse. Voices other than their own must speak out for them.

Adoption of these provisions will enable our church to provide a more safe and secure environment for each individual of our church family and its guests.


1. Definition of Abuse

According to Chapter 261 of the Texas Family Code:

1) "Abuse" includes the following acts or omissions by a person:

A) mental or emotional injury to a child that results in an observable and material impairment in the child's growth, development, or psychological functioning;

B) causing or permitting the child to be in a situation in which the child

sustains a mental or emotional injury that results in an observable and material impairment in the child's growth, development, or psychological functioning;

C) physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child, or the

genuine threat of substantial harm from physical injury to the child, including an injury that is at variance with the history or explanation given and excluding an accident or reasonable discipline by a parent , guardian, or managing or possessory conservator that does not expose the child to a substantial risk of harm;

D) failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent an action by another

person that results in physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child;

E) sexual conduct harmful to a child's mental, emotional, or physical welfare;

F) failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent sexual contact harmful to a child;

G) compelling or encouraging the child to engage in sexual conduct as defined by Section 43.01, Penal Code;

H) causing, permitting, encouraging, engaging in, or allowing the photographing, filming, or depicting of the child if the person knew or should have known that the resulting photograph, film, or depiction of the child is obscene as defined by Section 43.21, Penal Code, or pornographic;

(I) the current use by a person of a controlled substance as defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, in a manner or to the extent that the use results in physical, mental , or emotional injury to a child; or

(J) causing, expressly permitting, or encouraging a child to use a controlled

substance as defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code.

2) "Department" means the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.

3) "Designated agency" means the agency designated by the court as responsible

for the protection of children.

Neglect, as defined below, might arise in our church environment if:

• proper safety precautions are not taken during activities OR

• adequate and appropriate care is not provided , such as during childcare situations We may also have children come through our doors that are neglected or abused in some other area of their life. In those cases, it is our responsibility to report such cases to the police or child protective services.

2) "Neglect" includes"

A) the leaving of a child in a situation where the child would be exposed to a substantial risk of physical or mental harm, without arranging for necessary care for the child, and the demonstration of an infant not to return by a parent , guarding, or managing or possessory conservator of the child;

B) the following acts or omissions by a person:

1) placing a child in or failing to remove a child from a situation that a reasonable person would realize requires jud gment or actions beyond the child's level of maturity , physical condition, or mental abilities and that results in bodily injury or a substantial risk of immediate harm to the child;

2) failing to seek, obtain, or follow through with medical care for a child, with the failure resulting in or presenting a substantial risk of death, disfigurement , or bodily injury or with the failure resulting in an observable and material impairment to the growth, development, or functioning of the child;

3) the failure to provide a child with food, clothing, or shelter necessary to

sustain the life or health of the child, excluding failure caused primarily by financial inability unless relief services have been offered and refused; or

4) placing a child in or failing to remove the child from a situation in which

the child would be exposed to a substantial risk of sexual conduct

harmful to the child; or

(C) the failure by the person responsible for a child's care, custody, or welfare to permit the child to return to the child's home without arranging for the necessary care for the child after the child has been absent from the home for any reason, including having been in residential placement or having run away.

2. "Children" are here defined as anyone under eighteen (18) years of age.

3. "Student"are defined as anyone in grades 6 through 12.

4. "Adult"is here defined as any individual at least eighteen (18) years of age.

5. "Worker" is here defined as any person who serves as a volunteer and/or paid person and is sixteen (16) years of age or older.

6. The term "CAP Committee" will be used to refer to the standing committee appointed by the leadership to propose, implement, and monitor the Child Abuse Prevention Policy and procedures for __________ Baptist Church.

Evacuation Plan in Case of Fire or Other Emergencies

I. Count the children or students in your care that will be exiting the building with you. If available, take an attendance sheet or check list of those present. Do not allow parents to take children from you while you are in route to the designated evacuation area.

2. If the alarm sounds during classes, parents should NOT go to their children's classrooms to take them outside themselves. This will cause congestion in the hallways, preventing everyone from safely exiting the building. Teachers will have children safely outside before parents can pick them up.

3. Exit the building as shown on the chart near the door of the room you are in.

4. Go to the designated staging area safely located outside of the building and wait for the fire department or church leader to tell you if and when it is safe to enter the building.

5. Parents who wish to pick up their children must do so the designated locations and only after signing the child out from the teacher in charge of that group.


for church year

For current budget refer to the church minutes or contact the church treasurer.

See church secretary for FBCP membership.



Copies of the Articles of Incorporation are available from the church secretary.




Min. of Music

Min. of Youth



FBCP Christian Academy Director



































DESIGNATED OFFERINGS are those given and clearly marked for specific purposes. All designated funds will be used only for intended purpose, unless donor is notified and agrees to other use. Refer to specific amounts as reported in the monthly Financial Statement.

• I have read the attached Wedding Polices and I understand the following and signed:

• My wedding is NOT officially on the calendar UNTIL I have had my consultation with the pastor AND I have paid my deposit.

• Failure to comply with ANY of the Wedding Policies will result in loss of some or all of my deposit.

• I must use the Church arranged custodial service for the required fee

o (Must be paid 2 weeks in advance of the rehearsal)

• I must pay the rental fee of $500 for the services of a Facilities Coordinator

o (Opens/Locks up the building, equipment use, etc)

o (Must be paid 2 weeks in advance of rehearsal)

I have paid my Cleaning Damage Deposit ($0) ($300)

I have paid the rental fee of $500


I have had my Consultation with the pastor


I have returned my completed Marriage Information Record






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